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玉米含有碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、胡萝卜素,还含有核黄素等。专家对玉米、稻米、小麦等多种主食进行营养价值和保健作用的各项指标对比,发现玉米中的维生素含量是稻米、小麦的5~10倍。尤其甜玉米的营养价值远远高于普通玉米。  相似文献   

大国关系往往决定着国际关系格局的基本形态和国际秩序的基本规则,因而成为国际关系学研究的重要课题。一部国际关系史,在一定意义上讲就是大国关系以及由此决定的国际关系基本格局与国际秩序基本规则的形成、维持、调整与再形成的历史。在世纪之交的关键时期,如何牢牢把握时代的主题,积极推动当今世界不合理国际关系的变革,有力维护国际社会的和平与稳定,是中国国际战略研究的基本课题。  相似文献   

<正>01中国南北差异之"水稻理论"美《科学》5月9日此篇研究报告提出"水稻理论",认为中国南方人种植大米是导致他们与中国北方人之间出现巨大心理和文化差异的一个重要因素。传统上种植水稻的人群会培养出更加强烈的集体意识,因为种水稻付出的劳力非常大,需要邻里间的合作。相比之下,生活在小麦种植区的人更具备独立意识和思辨能力,这在很大程度上是因为种植小麦只需要一半的劳力,也不像种水稻那样需要相互合作。为了排除其他不同文化差异的干扰,研究小组决定把关注点集中于一个同时拥有北方麦作区和南方稻作区的中国,从文化思维、内隐个人主义思想、忠诚、裙带观念的角度测试了来自6个不同地区的1162名汉族学生。  相似文献   

国际战略通道是各国利益的交汇点,是牵动中国未来发展的战略性课题,关系到中国的核心利益。改革开放以来,中国与世界之间的人流、物流、金融流、信息流、文化流等的往来急剧增多,对国际战略通道的利用率也大幅提高,国际战略通道对于中国国家利益和安全的重要性也愈益突出。我们要从战略的高度重视国际战略通道问题,综合运用各种途径和方式,...  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,国际政治发生了持续而深刻的变化。作为现实的一种折射,国际政治研究也有不少新的课题与新的困惑。从全球范围来看,中国无疑是国际关系最新发展的主要动能之一,中国的国际政治研究自然也是国际学术共同体里面特别值得重视的一部分。从本期起,本刊以"专访:21世纪以来中国国际政治的发展"为题设置专栏,由编辑部特约记者以访谈方式,邀请相关学者,就21世纪以来中国国际政治学界不同领域的主要成就和问题,现状与前景进行归纳、梳理和展望,以便从不同角度了解中国国际政治理论的整体画面和最新动向,促进中国国际政治学界的内部沟通并加强与外部的交流。21世纪以来,中国的马克思主义国际关系理论研究取得了一些进展。那么,马克思主义国际关系理论的研究现状如何?后冷战时代的马克思主义国际关系理论有了怎样的发展?马克思主义国际关系理论对中国的外交实践有哪些指导意义?中国马克思主义国际关系理论研究存在哪些问题?其发展前景如何?为此,本刊特约记者、北京大学国际关系学院博士研究生刘毅就上述议题专访天津师范大学政治与行政学院教授、国际关系与全球问题研究所所长王存刚。王教授长期从事马克思主义国际关系理论研究,发表相关论文多篇,目前正在撰写专著《国际关系理论:马克思主义视角》。  相似文献   

一部国际关系史,记载着或大或小的国际冲突和这样那样的国际战争。国际关系理论,其核心和实质,可以说就在于探索国际冲突和国际战争的起因、发展、解决。因此,国际冲突研究一直是国际关系理论中的关键课题,近年来更成为整个国际政治研究的热门课题,但又是一个争议纷杂和对策乏术的领域。现仅就国际冲突以及与之有关的若干问题谈点个人粗浅看法,并希得到同行们的指正。  相似文献   

论国际话语权与中国拓展国际话语权的新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着综合国力的提升,中国作为责任大国走上了国际舞台,争取更多的国际话语权是中国应对当前由西方国家主导的国际体系的一种诉求,也是与中国的国家利益及其在国际事务中所承担的责任相适应的。如何正确定义国际话语权,提出拓展中国国际话语权的新思路,调整和发展中国的国际话语,使得中国的国际话语和其国际地位相一致,是中国目前迫切需要解决的重要问题,也是中国的国家利益之所在。  相似文献   

国际反法西斯统一战线问题已有很多人研究,对于毛泽东的东方各民族反法西斯统一战线的思想与决策却几乎不为人们所关注.第二次世界大战的史实告诉我们,毛泽东的国际反法西斯统一战线理论,是其抗战理论的重要组成部分,国际战略思想的不可或缺的一项内容,也是我们研究当代国际战略问题的一个课题.本文试图就这一课题作些初步探讨.  相似文献   

随着黑社会势力在中国大陆的悄然崛起,黑社会犯罪已经严重扰乱了社会正常的经济和生活秩序,严重影响了一些地方的社会稳定,成为构建社会主义和谐社会的重大隐患。防治黑社会犯罪是一项紧迫而严峻的课题,必须对其进行科学预测,完善相关法律体系,建立打黑除恶长效机制,增强打击力度,坚持打黑除恶与反腐倡廉相结合,加强国际和区域刑事司法协作。  相似文献   

中国国际政治学的中国特色究竟是什么?这是一个十分重要的大课题。准确地、全面地弄清和界定“中国特色”的内容,是建设中国国际政治学的前提和关键。 国际政治学的中国特色,指的是立足中国,面向世界,从中国的角度研究国际政治演变和发展的客观规律。面向世界,研究国际政治演变和发展的客观规律,属于国际政治学研究对象和内容的范畴,它要求以世界为舞台,从宏观入手,综合研究国际全局性问题;立足中国,并不是以中国为国际政治学的研究对象。尽管中国是世界的重要组成部分,同国际政治  相似文献   


Most official analyses of the recent food price crisis have focused on the market fundamentals of supply and demand for food as key explanatory factors. As a result, most of the policy recommendations emanating from the major international institutions include measures to boost supply and temper demand. In this paper I argue that international macroeconomic factors played a key role in fostering both price volatility and vulnerability, and as such they need to be recognised. With respect to the recent price volatility, the weak US dollar and speculation on agricultural commodities futures markets greatly influenced agricultural prices. With respect to price vulnerability, global economic forces played an important role in dampening production incentives in the world's poorest countries over the past 30 years, leading to a situation of food import dependence. Policy responses to the food crisis must consider the role of these broader international macroeconomic forces—both in the immediate context and their longer term impact.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions It has been argued that traditional Third World reliance on commodity export production and trade as a means to accumulate savings for development is increasingly perceived as flawed. Post-World War II investment in light manufacturing by Western firms in the Periphery has also been characterized as an inadequate means of capital accumulation. Nationalist and socialist academics and political leaders in the Third World are voicing interest in food agriculture as a mechanism for economic growth; internal demand for food and other basic goods is considered a potentially more lucrative source of savings than international demand for raw materials and foreign investment have proven to be. Political trends in the Core area, exemplified in Left ideologies, and in church and voluntary organizations' strategies for giving, seem to reinforce Third World fostering of food self-sufficiency as a strategy for development. It is important to recall that intellectual trends, even if broadly based, do not necessarily represent or cause social change. The idea of Third World agricultural self-sufficiency is more pervasive than is its implementation. Nevertheless, current speculation about food self-reliance and its dynamic effect on economic growth in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, is new in development theory, and therefore worthy of note. Further study may reveal the depth of present interest in agricultural self-sufficiency and its likely impact on development planning.  相似文献   

This article reviews proposals regarding the recent food crisis in the context of a broader, threshold debate on the future of agriculture and food security. While the MDGs have focused on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, the food crisis pushed the hungry over the one billion mark. There is thus a renewed focus on agricultural development, which pivots on the salience of industrial agriculture (as a supply source) in addressing food security. The World Bank's new 'agriculture for development' initiative seeks to improve small-farmer productivity with new inputs, and their incorporation into global markets via value-chains originating in industrial agriculture. An alternative claim, originating in 'food sovereignty' politics, demanding small-farmer rights to develop bio-regionally specific agro-ecological methods and provision for local, rather than global, markets, resonates in the IAASTD report, which implies agribusiness as usual 'is no longer an option'. The basic divide is over whether agriculture is a servant of economic growth, or should be developed as a foundational source of social and ecological sustainability. We review and compare these different paradigmatic approaches to food security, and their political and ecological implications.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the negative consequences of the strongest tropical storm ever to strike Guatemala on household welfare. Per capita consumption fell in urban areas, raising poverty substantially. Households cut back on food consumption and basic durables, and attempted to cope by increasing their adult and child labour supply. The mechanisms at play include the intensity of the shock, food prices and the timing of Agatha with respect to local harvest cycles. The results are robust to placebo treatments, migration and measurement error, and partly explain the increase in poverty in the country previously attributed solely to the collateral effects of the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

This article argues that the current protracted and severe financial and economic crisis is only one aspect of a larger multidimensional set of simultaneous and interacting crises on a global scale. The article constructs an overarching framework of analysis of this unique conjecture of global crises. The three principal crisis aspects are: an economic crisis of (over) accumulation of capital; a world systemic crisis (which includes a global centre-shift in the locus of production, growth and capital accumulation), and a hegemonic transition (which implies long term changes in global governance structures and institutions); and a worldwide civilisational crisis, situated in the sociohistorical structure itself, encompassing a comprehensive environmental crisis and the consequences of a lack of correspondence and coherence in the material and ideational structures of world order. In these ways, the global system is now `going south'. All three main aspects of the global crisis provoke and require commensurate radical social and political responses and self-protective measures, not only to restore systemic stability but to transform the world system.  相似文献   

金融危机的政治学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机实质是美国霸权的过度透支和过度消费,而阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争是金融危机的中介和催化剂,美国的自由民主与自由市场的政治经济是金融危机的制度原因。金融危机使美国在短期内再次发动战争可能性降低,同时也削弱了美国模式的国际影响力。但危机对中国和其他发展中国家也造成了伤害,国际经济政治格局其实没有实质变化,美国霸权受到的影响有限。金融危机反衬了中国发展模式的某些优势,但中国要居安思危,在处理中美关系方面保持审慎的态度,同时也要充分地利用这一契机转变经济发展模式。  相似文献   

Global financial crisis is ongoing. The crisis has not only impacted the mode of the world economy that further called for reform of international economic system, but also exerted far-reaching impact on the transformation of the international political system and geopolitics. China, undergoing a critical period of reform anddevelopment, is obliged to probe the essence of the crisis and its prospective impacts, to discern the direction of the transforming international political system and geopolitics, and ...  相似文献   

入世后中国的经济外交步入新的阶段,开始寻求在现行国际经济体系的框架下影响国际经济规则。中国在推动多边经济谈判进程、推行自由贸易区战略、应对国际经济摩擦、能源外交及"走出去"战略等方面大力践行经济外交。全球金融危机对中国外交政策环境带来重大变化,中国经济外交面临进一步提升的机遇,同时也必须经历战略性的调整和转型。在后金融危机时代,中国的经济外交需要兼顾海外直接投资与金融资产的全球配置,从原先侧重于贸易、投资等局部性、领域性问题向体系层面的建构和协调发展,立足东亚贸易自由化以及金融协同化进程,推动多边贸易体系、国际金融体系朝向更为公平、稳定、平衡的方向发展。  相似文献   

Deng's China tried hard to prevent its relations with ASEAN-based communist insurgents from obstructing its relations with local governments. China's efforts were seen mainly in three areas: the People's Daily coverage of the communist insurgencies: Chinese leaders' rhetorical reassurances to their ASEAN counterparts; and China's actions in readjusting its relations with the local communists. In all these areas, China's efforts had become increasingly substantive. Meanwhile, various theoretical elaborations were put forward in China regarding the concepts of revolution, war, and era in order to justify some major foreign policy actions including China's changing approach to foreign communist parties and its efforts to promote friendly relations with ruling regimes in the developing world. In the process Mao's theory of National Democratic Revolution, the ideological justification for China's support for communist revolution in the developing world, was revised and finally discarded. China's approach to regional communist insurgencies since 1978 was a significant reflection of Deng's de-Maoification efforts.  相似文献   

This paper estimates farmers’ investment response to food price spikes using household panel data collected before and after the 2007/08 food price crisis in Indonesia. We found that an increase in farmers’ terms-of-trade allowed relatively large crop-producing farmers to increase their investments at both extensive and intensive margins. Food price spikes had a significant income effect among farmers whose production surplus is large for market sales. During the food price crisis, large farmers particularly increased machine investments, which saved some labour inputs, pointing to the importance of complementarities between land and machine investments.  相似文献   

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