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“9.11”事件以来,国际社会更加注重国际反恐怖的合作机制。国际反恐怖的复杂性与艰巨性是人类历史上最严峻的挑战,国际反恐怖的各国实践是建立国际反恐怖合作法律机制的政治、经济和法律基础。只有在国际反恐怖合作的法律原则——包括国家主权平等原则,政治、经济与法律等相结合的原则,在联合国框架下的利益协调一致原则——的基础上,建立国际、区际法律合作途径,加强国际反恐怖的司法协助与技术合作,才能取得国际反恐怖的最终胜利。  相似文献   

我国反恐工作中存在的薄弱环节初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄志刚 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):95-97
面对着国际反恐怖形势日益严峻的现实情况,我国的反恐怖部门针对我国的反恐怖问题做了大量研究,采取了许多卓有成效的措施,对于预防、处置和及时打击在我国发生的恐怖活动必将起到非常重要的作用。但是,我国的反恐怖工作刚刚起步,还不完善,还存在着许多方面的薄弱环节亟待改进和加强。  相似文献   

铁路因自身特点及脆弱的抗风险能力,一直被恐怖分子锁定为首选的袭击目标。反恐怖斗争实践表明,构建铁路反恐怖机制,一是要建立反恐怖组织机构,明确反恐怖工作主体。二是要打造主要包括协作、情报、预警、指挥、防范与打击等铁路反恐怖机制体系。  相似文献   

今年46岁的何挺曾任公安部刑事侦查局局长、反恐怖局局长,现任甘肃省省长助理、甘肃省公安厅厅长。在20多年的刑警生涯中,他被誉为"反恐怖尖兵",参与了新疆乌鲁木齐系列爆炸破坏案、武汉持枪杀人团伙案、广州白云机场劫机案等许多起特大案件的侦破工作,曾被评为中国国家机关十杰青年。  相似文献   

张磊  孔凡学 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):25-29
《关于加强反恐怖工作有关问题的决定》界定了恐怖活动等相关概念的内涵,明确了反恐工作领导机构和组织力量,建立了恐怖活动组织和人员名单的认定和公布制度,完善了涉恐资产的冻结机制。但是《关于加强反恐怖工作有关问题的决定》还只是一个框架性的产物,需要进一步出台实施细则以弥补其不足,同时在适当时机出台专门的《反恐法》,开创反恐立法新格局。  相似文献   

我国是社会主义国家,坚决反对一切形式的恐怖犯罪是我国政府的一贯立场。设立专门组织,应对恐怖犯罪恐怖犯罪对社会的危害十分严重,因此,各国政府都对之高度重视。为了更有效地应对恐怖犯罪,开展反恐怖犯罪的斗争,很多国家都设立了专门的反恐怖犯罪组织。如美国设有反恐怖犯罪联邦委员会,负责制定美国的反恐怖犯罪政策, 协调各有关部门的反恐怖犯罪工作,发生恐怖犯罪时在总统的直接指挥下,处理恐怖犯罪事件。此外,美国联邦调查局设有国内反恐怖犯罪联合行动中心和反恐怖犯罪处,主要负责国内恐怖犯罪的侦查、处置工作。  相似文献   

恐怖主义问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金强  沈洁明 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):17-19
恐怖主义对国际社会的安全与稳定构成了严重的威胁,已经成为影响地区与世界安全局势的顽疾。恐怖主义的核心特性是追求政治目的与利益并实施或威胁使用暴力。恐怖主义常假借宗教名义,或以极端民族主义、极端意识形态为其思想基础。现代社会对恐怖主义的萌生与发展极具影响,为恐怖主义提供存在的客观环境。反恐怖主义必须着眼于事前预防恐怖主义行为的萌生和事后侦查打击恐怖组织和恐怖分子两大方面,确立反恐怖主义的原则与机制,构建反恐怖情报网络,强化反恐怖侦破工作,加强反恐怖队伍建设。  相似文献   

当前,我国边境地区的恐怖活动日益猖獗,恐怖袭击的破坏性和危害性越来越大,对公安边防部队进行反恐怖战斗提出了新的挑战。司令部作为部队组织反恐怖作战的指挥中枢,在反恐怖战斗中面临的问题不断增多,工作日益复杂而繁重。因此,研究反恐怖战斗中司令部工作的难点及对策,对于提高司令部工作效率,保障指挥员快速、稳妥、有效的定下决心和实现决心,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

唐永军  孟杨 《行政与法》2004,(11):100-102
恐怖主义活动被认为是当今人类社会的三大威胁之一。针对越演越烈的恐怖主义活动,我们应当加强国际间合作熏共同打击恐怖主义活动;根据反恐怖斗争的需要,制定和完善法律;正确处理民族、宗教问题,消除不安定因素;建立高效的反恐运行机制等宏观对策,并在具体的侦办过程中充分发挥公安机关的反恐怖主力军作用,从预防做起,加强阵地控制,广开情报来源,健全情报信息预警机制;对情报线索及时进行查证,判断性质,立为专案;强化秘密侦查工作,适时采取技术侦查手段,获取证据紧急处置恐怖主义犯罪案件,快速侦破的侦查方略,予以防范和打击。  相似文献   

翟金鹏 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):89-91
收集反恐怖情报是反恐怖斗争取胜的关键,在反恐怖情报的收集阶段主要包括几个方面:反恐怖情报的概念、反恐怖情 报收集的意义、原则、反恐怖情报的不同分类以及反恐怖情报收集等方面,有效的收集反恐怖情报,可以挫败恐怖主义分子进行恐怖 活动的阴谋,把恐怖主义活动的阴谋扼杀于恐怖活动的预谋阶段。  相似文献   

臧建国 《政法学刊》2011,28(3):45-48
汽车炸弹恐怖犯罪是以车辆为爆炸物载体,为了达成某种政治目标或恐怖效果而经常采取的一种犯罪行为。其表现出制作技术简单、容易隐蔽,难于发现、杀伤力大,破坏性强、袭击目标、地点不确定、爆炸影响面广的特征。目前这类犯罪呈现地域分布全球化、恐怖分子本土化、数量上升、多点连环爆炸态势明显、高科技倾向逐渐显现的新态势。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):59-80
A game theoretic model is developed where a government protects against a terrorist seeking terrorism and criminal objectives. A terrorist can recruit a benefactor providing funds by remaining ideologically pure, or may resort to crime. The model accounts for the players’ resources, unit costs of effort, unit benefit and valuations and contest intensities for terrorist and crime objectives. We determine and quantify how these factors and the government impact a terrorist’s terrorism and crime efforts and relative ideological orientation on a continuum from being highly ideological to being highly criminal. We also consider how the terrorist group is impacted by support of benefactor(s), the central authority’s ability to impose greater sanctions for terrorist activities compared to criminal actions and the ideological orientation of the group’s leadership. We discuss insights from the model and consider a few historical perspectives.  相似文献   

张长在 《河北法学》2008,26(4):194-197
武警部队处置恐怖事件,必须注重运用法律武器,彰显法律的力量。由于恐怖主义活动是一种严重的刑事犯罪,所以在对恐怖分子进行法律战时,刑法是一部必用的法律。在反恐法律战中,如果能够运用好刑法,完全可以为我方赢得战机,以期达到"不战而屈人之兵"的目的。  相似文献   

All cases of death caused by explosions of explosive solids, fluids and gases in Sweden during the 6-year period 1979-1984 were analyzed. Among the total of 61 fatalities 33 (54%) were due to accidents (2/3 of them occupational and 1/3 miscellaneous accidents), 25 (41%) were suicides, and only 3 (5%) were associated with terrorist activity. About one half of the occupational accidents were caused by deficient safety devices or defective equipment, while the other half was due to transgression of regulations. All suicides were males, relatively elderly, the majority of them burdened with somatic and mental diseases, alcoholism, social or economical problems, most of them being familiar with explosives. The anatomical localization of suicidal explosive injuries was regular and symmetric, while the accidental and terrorist injuries showed great variations. The terrorist-associated deaths had common features different from all other death cases, strongly suggesting the same type of bomb and the same terrorist group. Explosives caused only superficial burns or singes. Symmetric hemorrhages of the vocal folds and fracture of the laryngeal skeleton were found, as well as ruptures of trachea and lungs. When not ruptured, the lungs showed to different types of injury: hyperinflation, probably due to the blast-induced barotrauma to the respiratory passages, or lung contusions. In cases of suspected terrorist explosions close collaboration between the forensic pathologists and police investigators is mandatory since the bodies of victims protect parts of the bomb from fire or from being spread over a larger area and thus constitute a part of the crime scene.  相似文献   

如何应对汽车炸弹的恐怖袭击,是当今世界竭力研究的一个重大课题。在当前研究基础上,本文提出了一种综合应对方法——汽车炸弹主动预防系统,并对系统的组成、功用、要求、技术关键及发展方向做了一个系统的分析。通过分析,并结合当前技术实际得出结论,该系统切实可行,能完成对汽车炸弹恐怖袭击的主动预防,是一种很有研究前景的反恐系统。  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that individuals who play different roles in terrorist organizations will have different psychological processes underlying their activities. An innovative examination of the personal construct systems of terrorists explored this. As part of a larger study, three individuals convicted of Islamic‐related terrorist violence in India were interviewed using a semi‐structured life narrative procedure enhanced by a Repertory Grid (Kelly, 1955/1991). One was a senior leader of a terrorist group, one a subordinate, the third a person who planted a bomb without full knowledge of the larger design he was part of. Principal component analyses of these grids informed by comments from the life narratives were used to elaborate each man's conceptual system and how it related to his commitment to violence. Important differences among the three individuals' in their construct systems were found. This demonstrated that the forms of Jihadi commitment is embedded in the individual's personal construct system. So, although these three case studies can only be taken as providing indicative results, they do point to aspects of construct systems that reveal the potential for disengagement, being most likely present in the lower echelons of terrorist organizations. Those who are unable to reconstrue themselves as having a non‐terrorist future are unlikely to disengage. This is probably typical of those who lead these organizations. The results therefore contribute to the growing literature arguing for significant differences in terrorists' understanding of themselves and their roles and provide an original methodology for assessing a person's potential for deradicalization.  相似文献   

高学敏 《行政与法》2014,(7):126-128
面对日趋严峻的恐怖活动威胁,国际社会和世界各国不断地探索通过立法的方式预防和打击恐怖活动.目前,由于我国的反恐立法存在立法格局不科学、缺乏系统性等问题,难以满足预防和打击恐怖活动的需要.为适应我国反恐形势的新变化、推进反恐工作依法开展以及履行我国应尽的反恐国际义务,应当尽快制定一部系统、全面的《反恐怖法》,同时,注重运用政治、经济、外交、法律等手段对社会进行综合治理,以期从根本上消除滋生恐怖活动的根源.  相似文献   

我国当前面临最大的恐怖主义威胁是具有恐怖主义、宗教极端主义及民族分裂主义特征的“三股势力”,影响新疆社会稳定的因素主要是“东突”等恐怖组织策动的以民族分裂为宗旨的暴力恐怖犯罪活动.暴力恐怖犯罪危害极大,反恐防暴斗争形势十分严峻,打击和遏制新疆地区暴力恐怖犯罪活动,是一项长期而艰巨的任务.本文着重阐述“东突”暴力恐怖犯罪的新特点,分析其发展态势,并在此基础上提出防范此类暴力恐怖犯罪的对策.  相似文献   

A bomb attempt in Oberwart, Austria, on February 4, 1995, was the culmination of several pipe and letter bomb attempts mainly in Austria. The pipe bomb had been mounted on a self-made gypsum (plaster of Paris) pedestal and exploded when touched, killing four persons. With a level of 200 tritium units (TU), the water extracted from the gypsum pedestal was unusually enriched in tritium (3H) compared to an environmental level of about 20 TU at that time. Investigation of the 3H content of air moisture in the living room of an arrested suspect showed values of about 1000 TU (normally, 50 TU is not exceeded). Additionally, water used as sealing liquid in a glass with nitroglycerine found in the living room was also significantly enriched in 3H (>400 TU). The living room therefore offered the high 3H level environment necessary to lead to elevated 3H concentrations in the gypsum pedestal.  相似文献   

土匪恐怖活动分析是一个非常复杂的问题,民国时期的土匪是中国社会转型的一个畸形产物,其活动范围之大,地域分布之辽阔,人数规模之多,危害性甚重都是空前绝后的。造成这种情况,因素和条件多种多样,细细的考察对于现代恐怖活动研究有很大的益处。  相似文献   

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