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刑事司法中的犹豫——兼谈我国不起诉制度的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐鹤喃  郭云忠 《法学家》2006,2(6):79-87
犹豫是刑事司法权行使的固有禀赋之一.刑事司法中的犹豫制度可以分为侦查阶段的移送犹豫、检察阶段的起诉犹豫、裁判阶段的宣告犹豫和执行犹豫等.从保障被追诉人享有不脱离社会权和复归社会权、克服刑事司法中的有限理性和非理性、增进社会的总福利与总价值的实现、维护社会的宽容性与多样性等方面思考,犹豫制度有其重要的现实意义.我国不起诉制度的实证分析表明,现行不起诉制度呈现出不良运行的态势,表明我国刑事司法权的行使带有较强的刚性和机械性.刑事司法改革中需要在司法理念、刑事政策、制度构建等方面进行系统的探索,拓展不起诉制度的适用,以改进刑事司法的僵化禀赋,促进司法的社会效果的提高.  相似文献   

董邦俊 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):66-73
和谐社会建设已经成为我国社会发展的时代主题,和谐社会的构建离不开刑事司法的保障.刑事司法功能的全面发挥,必将有利于促进我国和谐社会建设的顺利进行.笔者在考察和谐社会与犯罪关系之后,对我国刑事司法功能进行了创造性解读.并在此基础上,对我国刑事司法功能运行进行了理性反思,分析刑事司法功能发挥之障碍,并提出应对之策,以促进刑事司法功能的全面实现.  相似文献   

法律援助的刑事政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从犯罪的社会因素防范、司法控制、行刑处遇等刑事一体化的视野,对我国方兴未艾的法律援助制度的刑事政策功能作了思考,分析了刑罚进化对法律援助存在基础的影响、法律援助的刑事政策功能、法律援助对于刑事政策的人权保障意义,力图揭示法律援助类似诸制度的设计将促使我国现代刑事政策的规制更具人道性和科学性。  相似文献   

刑事被害人国家司法救助制度,是指国家对因遭受犯罪侵害导致生活陷入困难而又无法从加害人得到及时有效赔偿的刑事被害人给予一定物质救助的一项制度。从本质属性来讲,它具有救助性;从特殊属性来讲,它具有司法性。本文主要从刑事被害人国家司法救助制度名称、理论依据、基本原则、申请人资格及裁决机关等几个容易引发争议的问题进行论述,以促进我国刑事被害人国家司法救助制度的建立和完善。  相似文献   

论犹豫制度的刑事政策功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刑事政策司法化的历史表明,保护社会与保障人权的双重价值目标使得司法程序在贯彻刑事政策中体现出了独立的价值。犹豫制度就是通过赋予刑事司法机关程序上的裁量权,从而使其发挥追求个别正义、促进司法的人性化与谦抑化等刑事政策功能。我国刑事政策的司法化途径应当注重强调法治原则并通过赋予司法机关自由裁量权的方式实现。  相似文献   

正当前,环境污染致使地球从外层空间、大气、土壤到饮用水等每层空间均无一可以幸免,并且呈日益严重的发展态势,其危害已经由传统的对人身和财产的单维度损害向引发公共安全危机方向转化。从法律制度的构建来看,行政执法和刑事司法是阻却污染的两道规制手段,但刑法谦抑性决定了刑事司法的最后手段作用,因此首善之选是发挥行政执法环境保护的第一道防御关口作用,但从现状看这一关口已经全面失守。因此,充分发挥刑事司法在查办环境污染职务犯罪中的作用,督促行政执法人员切实履行保护环境职责已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

刑事和解是西方法学的创举,是刑事司法领域一项方兴未艾的刑事诉讼改革思潮。刑事和解制度创立和推行,为社会矛盾的多元化解决提供了一种更为经济、更有效率的解决机制。文章重点论述刑事和解的概念及渊源、刑事和解的一般功能和在我国的意义体现,旨在对构建我国刑事和解制度提供价值取向上的参考。  相似文献   

逮捕中心化在司法中表现为逮捕率高、逮捕羁押期长、逮捕具有观念上的至上性。逮捕中心化给我国刑事司法带来了严重的内外危机,包括司法压制社会生产力创造性危机,司法过度消耗物质资源危机,司法再生产能力严重受损的危机,群体性扼杀司法公正的危机,人权危机等。其形成有环境、心理和制度效用三大死结,不破解之则难以走出当今的困局。学界提出许多较好的解困措施,但解构逮捕中心化不能仅等待立法,还需根据社会转型的价值内涵重塑人权观、效益观,在司法上用强力控制逮捕率。  相似文献   

刑事司法改革试点是刑事司法领域创新性制度或机制的试验。作为刑事司法改革的方法,试点的目的是通过小规模的制度试验来检验某项刑事司法改革方案的效果和可操作性。表面看,试点改革比一步到位的修律式改革显得更务实和具有策略性,但同时也面临着激烈的争论和隐藏的合法性危机,需要认真面对和加以解决。由于对价值认识的正确程度与对客体事实了解的深度和广度成正比,所以对试点现象的全面认识是研究和评价试点的前提。对刑事司法改革试点现象的认识应包括内涵界定、属性和变量分析、模式区分等方面内容。  相似文献   

以国家起诉为标志的现代刑事司法模式和以监禁刑为中心的现代刑罚结构带来了很多问题,改革当前的刑事司法模武则成为必然。而源于西方恢复性司法运动的刑事和解制度在解决这些问题方面凸显了其独特的价值功能。构建和谐社会和贯彻宽严相济刑事政策,迫切需要建立适应我国司法环境的刑事和解制度。  相似文献   

The traditional distinction between retributive and distributive justice misconstrues the place of the criminal law in modern regulatory states. In the context of the regulatory state, the criminal law is a coercive rule-enforcing institution – regardless of whether it also serves the ends of retributive justice. As a rule-enforcing institution, the criminal law is deeply implicated in stabilizing the institutions and legal rules by means of which a state creates and allocates social advantage. As a coercive institution, the criminal law requires justification as an instance of legitimate state authority. The operation of criminal justice institutions should therefore not be evaluated by reference to a distinct set of criteria, but should be evaluated by the same criteria that apply to coercive public institutions generally.  相似文献   

The United Nations' response to violence against women was to adopt the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women in December, 1993 that recognized indigenous women to be especially vulnerable to violence. Australia's initiatives during the 1990s included criminal justice reform, crisis service provision and community-based mediation programmes that have not proved altogether helpful for indigenous women. Given the intractable nature of violence against indigenous women, this paper holds that community-based programmes cannot work in isolation from criminal justice intervention. An approach to male-to-female violence, that views the criminal justice system not only as a means of punishment, but also as an institution for expressing human rights norms is advocated.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the overrepresentation of foreign nationals in the Greek criminal justice system constitutes a critical issue. By exploring the available statistical data and relevant surveys, this article attempts to examine how, on the one hand, groups of non-Greek nationals fare at different stages of criminal justice within the broader social and political context and whether, on the other hand, the prejudice and stereotyping against the foreign population affects directly or indirectly the attitudes of stakeholders of social control and how this escalates, in extreme cases, into hostility, racism, and xenophobic violence against them during the years of crisis.  相似文献   

The American criminal justice system fails to achieve justice, reduce crime, and provide equal protection to Americans regardless of their social class, race, and gender. But, criminal justice as an academic area of study has become a popular and fast growing liberal arts major in the United States, churning out tens of thousands to work in the criminal justice system. Given the demonstrable harms caused by criminal justice, which are suffered disproportionately by the least powerful people, academic criminologists and criminal justicians have the obligation to promote a reformed discipline. This article briefly summarizes the evidence of bias in the criminal justice system and then turns to how these biases relate to criminal justice as an academic discipline. Using the war on drugs as an example, I argue that the practice of criminal justice as an academic endeavor runs counter to the goal of promoting social justice in America. One of the ironic conclusions of this article is that criminal justice as an academic discipline must get smaller if we are to achieve larger goals of social justice outlined here. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most criminal justice curricula are limited to crime and the criminal justice system. Such programs could profit from evolution into a curriculum covering all means by which behavior is controlled in society. Subject areas of such a social control curriculum would include: sources and nature of behavior; selection of behaviors for social control; criminal justice systems; non-criminal justice, legal, social control systems; and nonlegal, social control systems. Crime and criminal justice would remain major topics, but would be complemented by and blended with the topics of noncriminal behavior and non-criminal justice system controls on behavior. However, the focus would remain on social control of behavior and would not be expanded to include all community interaction.  相似文献   

The prison crowding problem in the United States has been described by the Department of Justice as one of the most critical problems facing the criminal justice system (Gettinger, 1984). During the past several years numerous state and federal, public and private task forces and advisory groups have proposed solutions to the crisis but, as of yet, the proposals advanced by criminal justice policy analysts have done little to ease the crowding crisis. In light of the failure of various planning groups to deal with the problem of crowding, this paper examines how the correctional systems have coped with prison crowding through the use of shortterm ad hoc solutions during the 1980s.  相似文献   

Howard Zinn has been classified in a number of ways for his many social contributions. However, despite the breadth of his work, he has never been considered a criminologist. It is likely that this is the result of the inaccurate perceptions many Americans have about crime being a predominantly street‐level social problem. Zinn maintains that the social harms caused by those in positions of political and economic power are in fact crimes against humanity that are far more destructive and violent than the actions our legal system has historically deemed criminal. He also points to the ways our criminal justice system is unjust and ineffective, and has demonstrated how social inequality ensures that the disadvantaged will be further subordinated by the criminal justice system. Zinn’s critical contributions about the most significant sources of social harm, the unjust nature of the American justice system, and the influence of social inequality offer an unorthodox criminological perspective that deserves special consideration. His unconventional criminology calls for increasing social justice by means of political dissent, social resistance, and civil disobedience.  相似文献   

LAURIN A. WOLLAN  JR. 《犯罪学》1979,16(4):545-560
Criminology will become somewhat more concerned for values in the future hence shifting slightly from the empirical, scientific end of the spectrum toward the normative, philosophical end. This will result from crises in criminal justice. from the “coming crisis in western sociology.” from the effects of “critical criminology” from changes in social science generally. and from broader circumstances of criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

This paper argues for and attempts to demonstrate the case for including materials related to the operation of Third World criminal justice in courses dealing with American criminal justice system. The author argues that an examination of the contexts and processes of criminal justice in Third World nations increases one's ability to understand and critique the history and operations of our criminal justice enterprises. The Third World context offers laboratories for testing assumptions about American criminal justice without the implicitly pervasive ideological overtones we come to accept unquestionably in our own system simply because it is the one in which we operate.

Within the context of poverty, “dual societies,” chronic political instability, the struggle for economic development, and colonialism, the Third World offers an opportunity to study the interaction and impact of law, politics, economics, social control, and social change on the development and operations of criminal justice. Using examples from the literature of anthropology, law and social change, and political and economic development, the author attempts to demonstrate the usefulness of this interdisciplinary approach and the Third World context in teaching about the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

论刑事法的历史分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时延安 《法律科学》2008,26(2):54-59
历史分析,作为法学重要的研究方法之一,对于刑事法研究具有积极意义。对中国当代刑事法进行历史分析,并非去发现所谓的“民族精神”,而是寻找刑事法律制度得以形成的脉络,以及在法制演进中的政治、经济和文化因素。在刑事法学研究中运用这种分析方法,具体表现为历史比较研究、历史的社会研究以及历史的价值研究。对中国刑事法发展作历史研究,应区分不同时代,并有目的性地进行研究,进而挖掘其中可为当代刑事法发展利用的有益因素。  相似文献   

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