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监狱工作法制化、科学化和社会化(以下简称“三化”),是促进罪犯改造质量不断提高的有效途径,是建设社会主义政治文明中监狱工作的战略性的系统工程,是新形势下监狱工作实现可持续协调发展的根本保障。2003年11月23、24日,司法部在北京召开的全国监狱工作“三化”建设座谈会上明确,下一阶段全国监狱要普遍推进“三化”建设工作。日前,本刊记者就监狱工作法制化、科学化和社会化建设的背景、重要意义、主要内容、与监狱其他工作的关系以及各地“三化”实践等问题走访了司法部副部长范方平。  相似文献   

党的十六届四中会议的召开,对监狱工作提出了新的更高的要求。新时期的监狱工作,必须紧紧围绕加强党的执政能力建设的总体目标和任务,狠抓建立监管安全长效机制、构筑科学的改造机制、强化布局调整项目管理、规范监狱运行、建立“三化”工作机制和考核机制、理顺队伍管理体制等六个着力点,在维护监狱安全稳定、提高罪犯改造质量、推动监狱布局调整、改革监狱体制、推进监狱工作“三化”建设、提高队伍整体素质等六个方面取得新突破。  相似文献   

在党的十六大把全面贯彻依法治国基本方略,推动社会主义政治文明建设作为全面建设小康社会的战略目标后,司法部党组充分认识社会主义政治文明建设的重要性,深刻把握监狱工作在社会主义政治文明建设中的职能作用,在2002年底召开的全国司法厅局长会议上提出,今后一段时期监狱系统要大力推进监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设,切实履行监狱职能,提高改造质量的目标。一、监狱工作法制化建设的概念和目标(一)概念:监狱工作法制化建设是监狱工作适应依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家方略的重要举措。监狱工作法制化,就是要把监狱的全部工作纳入法…  相似文献   

在全党深入开展学习实践科学发展观活动之际,司法部近期在河南省召开了全国监狱教育改造工作会议。会议围绕着正确实施监狱法,认真贯彻落实中共中央政治局常委、中央政法委书记周永康在全国政法系统专题研讨班上提出的“监管场所要把改造人放在第一位”的工作要求和司法部关于监狱工作的部署,总结交流了各地积极探索教育改造工作方式方法,着力提高罪犯改造质量,确保监狱持续安全的新经验新做法.  相似文献   

5月底,司法部在南京召开了全国监狱信息化建设工作会议,对当前和今后一个时期监狱信息化建设工作进行了研究部署。司法部部长吴爱英强调,要认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加快推进信息化发展的指示精神,采取有效措施、加大工作力度,加快推进监狱信息化建设,提高监狱刑罚执行的  相似文献   

沈建生 《中国司法》2003,(12):10-12
监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化,是提高罪犯改造质量的有效手段,也是监狱从传统走向现代的必由之路。去年12月,张福森部长在全国司法厅局长会议上明确提出“推进监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设,努力提高罪犯教育改造质量”的新要求。这对我们今后监狱工作发展定位,推进监狱全面质量建设战略具有重要的指导意义。如何准确把握监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设的内涵,全面推进监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设,不仅需要实践探索,同时也需要理论创  相似文献   

金秋时节,大地气象万新,一派生机勃勃。应山东省监狱局邀请,记者来到山东省监狱局采访。采访的话题是:大力加强监狱工作法制化、科学化、社会化建设(简称“三化”建设)。 记者在采访中了解到,近年来,山东省监狱系统大力推进“三化”建设,给全省监狱带来了一片生机,促进了监狱各项工作全面发展:1997年至今,全省监狱共接待心理咨询罪犯4.1万余人次,建立罪犯心理档案10万余份,组织罪犯心理测试7.3万余人次,参加心理卫生教育26.4万余人次,进行其他矫治1483人次。全省  相似文献   

赵海鸥  张文静 《中国司法》2012,(11):109-110
为认真贯彻中央关于加强和创新社会管理的决策部署,深入推进监狱劳教(戒毒)场所基层基础建设,司法部今年在全国监狱劳教(戒毒)场所部署开展为期一年的基层基础建设年活动。10月18~19日,司法部在河北省石家庄市召开全国监狱劳教(戒毒)场所基层基础建设年活动推进会。会议总结了前一阶段监所基层基础建设年活动和监所安全隐患百日排查整治活动情况,  相似文献   

2004年12月9日,全国人大常委会法工委、司法部、中国法学会和中国监狱学会联合在京召开“纪念《监狱法》施行十周年座谈会”。会议信息:全国监狱系统罪犯现已有170多万人获得文化毕业证书,400万人获结业证书,2000多人获高级职称,6万多人获初级职称。罪犯改好率大幅度提高,绝大多数罪犯改造成了遵纪守法的公民。  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,认真贯彻党的十六大、十六届六中全会和全国“两会”精神,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议和全国政法工作会议精神,贯彻落实党中央、国务院领导同志关于监狱工作的重要指示,总结近年来监狱工作,部署当前和今后一个时期的监狱工作任务,表彰全国监狱工作先进集体和优秀监狱人民警察,进一步推进监狱工作改革发展,为构建社会主义和谐社会和全面建设小康社会作出新贡献。对这次会议,党中央、国务院高度重视。中央政治局常委、中央政法委书记罗干同志,中央政治局…  相似文献   

In the Dutch prison system, motivational treatment is seen as one of the key contributors to a dignified and humane prison climate, stimulating inmates to assume personal responsibility and to change their lives. Staff are seen as the crucial factor to attaining this goal. The assumption is that the staff’s work situation has an impact on how inmates are treated. How inmates are treated in turn influences how they perceive prison conditions. In this study, we will examine the correlations between work situation, treatment styles and perceived prison conditions by means of a multilevel linear regression. The results show that a good work situation for prison staff is a precondition for practicing an active approach to inmates. In addition, inmates are more satisfied with the prison conditions if the various treatment styles are thoroughly applied. A balance between providing support and structure for inmates appears to be very important. Motivational treatment proves to be significantly correlated to the inmates’ satisfaction regarding prison conditions.  相似文献   

刘世恩 《中国司法》2004,3(6):40-43
一、我国监狱生产的历史功绩 监狱组织罪犯参加劳动,是当代大多数国家通行的做法。通过劳动改造罪犯成为守法公民,是我国监狱工作的特色之一。我国监狱把劳动作为改造罪犯的一种基本手段,监狱生产作为组织罪犯参加劳动的载体曾经为新中国监狱的发展作出特殊的贡献。 (一)监狱生产为监狱工作的发展奠定了基础: 新中国诞生之初,在经济上所继承的是一个十分落后的烂摊子。“1949年在工农业总产值中,现代工业产值只占17%,根据联合国亚洲及太平洋社会委员会统计,1949年中  相似文献   

Health care staff are instrumental in prisons given their roles in aiding security and the growing demand for medical services among prisoners. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to this prison staff subpopulation. This study examined perceptions of supervision among 424 prison health care staff in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Participants felt that prison supervisors were most effective in clarifying expectations and least effective in giving feedback for performance, involving staff in planning, and extending job autonomy. Using hierarchical linear models (HLM), some unique findings emerged. Efficacy in dealing with inmates was the strongest predictor variable: health care staff who felt more positive and effective with inmates had more favorable feelings toward supervision. Staff working in high- and medium-security prisons had more positive feelings toward supervision than those in minimum security, and younger staff had more favorable attitudes toward supervisors than older staff. The implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies have described measures associated with assault in the community, but few have identified measures associated with assault in prison or prison psychiatric treatment. In this study, prison assault histories and assaults while in prison psychiatric treatment for 222 randomly selected male inmates were evaluated. Using record reviews, interviews, neuropsychological, Rorschach, and psychopathy measures, risk factors for assault in prison and in prison psychiatric treatment were identified. Youth Authority placement, inhalant use, antisocial lifestyle, neurological injury, neuropsychological impairment, and higher PCL-R Factor II ratings were associated with assault in prison. Absence of major mental disorder, neurological impairment, or psychotic thinking, but presence of psychopathy was associated with assault in prison psychiatric treatment. In identifying risk for violence, the importance of (1) the context in which violence occurs; (2) the need for clear admission criteria for prison psychiatric treatment; and (3) the need to develop risk assessments that are specific to prison environments are emphasized.  相似文献   

Models are developed for the flow of prisoners through a state prison system. These models are used to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative correctional programs. Results based on the Georgia prison system are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender differences in the state of interpersonal needs and psychological health of male and female prison inmates who live in the same prison. The authors conducted in-person interviews with 118 male and 70 female inmates. The results show that women present a better interpersonal state and psychological health than do men. For both genders, the consequences of fulfilling or not fulfilling interpersonal needs-specifically, social loneliness and sexual satisfaction-are associated with psychological health. These findings suggest the importance of the state of prison inmates' interpersonal needs in promoting psychological health in the context of the prison, where these needs are generally difficult to be met. Making contacts possible between male and female inmates who are in the same prison might help them to better fulfill some of their interpersonal needs, especially those related to their sexual lives.  相似文献   

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