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通过对网球选修课的大学生进行分组教学,把运动表象训练法的理论及方法应用在网球的教学中,旨在提高网球教学效果,同时还运用数理统计的方式对实验组与对照组的考核结果进行统计分析.实验表明,结合表象训练进行教学,对学习和掌握动作技术具有明显的促进作用,它可以加速学生形成正确的运动技能;有助于建立和巩固正确动作的动力定型,加深动...  相似文献   

高校网球技术教学中,由于主观和客观原因,学生不可避免地会出现错误技术动作,这是技能习得的规律。因为任何一种运动技能的掌握都要经历不断改进错误、提高、巩固,然后形成正确技术定型这一过程。所以,教师在教学过程中,必须及时发现错误动作,分析产生错误动作的原因,并采取积极有效的措施和方法来预防和纠正错误。  相似文献   

休伊特的韧劲和奔跑2002年,上海人在国际体育赛事上的运作可谓风光无限,大气得很,先是F1落户上海滩,意味着2004-2010年,中国人在家门口就可以欣赏到风驰电掣的F1赛车运动;然后是ATP排名前八位的网球顶尖高手集聚上海,参加男子职业网球年终总决赛——大师杯赛。多年以来,中国男子网球选手在国际上的排名都在数百位以外,在各类大赛中随时充当看客,其中一个原因,有人认为是身高和力量上的缺陷。当然,参加此次大师杯赛的八名选手当中,确有俄罗斯“沙皇”萨芬这样身高马大的“重炮手”,可是网球场上,身高和力量  相似文献   

一湖海蓝 《工友》2014,(3):50-51
正关注李娜完全是因为自己也开始学网球。像很多人一样,我以为运动员就是四肢发达,头脑简单。在自己真正专注运动以后,才彻底改变了这种看法。有一次问网球教练,你说是不是顶级运动员哪怕不做运动员,也会获得别的成功?他看了看我说,当然,不管他们做什么,只要拿出那样年复一年的坚持的毅力,不断学习的心态,不怕吃苦不怕失败,都会获得很大的成功。李娜的自传《独自上场》并不是一本励志书,不过是一  相似文献   

在知识型群体中,大学女生是高校校园内充满青春活力、感情丰富且具有相对独立性的人群。在高职体育教学中,大学女生也是高校体育教学弱势群体的典型代表,她们在体育锻炼的参与过程中,缺乏运动主动性和积极性,运动能力也较差。本人对广州市部分高职院校女生关于课余时间参加体育活动和体育锻炼的情况进行问卷调查,并进行分析研究。  相似文献   

正确的握拍方法是学好网球技术的前提,对于初学网球的学生来说,经常会出现握拍手握拍过紧,导致肌肉紧张,挥拍动作僵硬.有的学生没能很好的去把握握拍手型,比如,拇指过于伸直不与中指接触,产生的原因就是学生一般认为握住拍,能打到球就行,不必那么认真的去学习握拍,学生个人主观随意性太强,以个人习惯握拍为主,这些都是学生认识上误区,要及时予以纠正.  相似文献   

浅议实现快乐体育的有效手段   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
快乐体育使学生积极愉快地进行体育学习 ,是发挥学生主体性、创造性 ,与培养学生终身体育意识、情感及能力的一种教学手段。为此 ,任课教师必须深刻理解其内涵 ,创造一个和谐平等的课堂气氛 ,让学生有选择地进行体育学习 ,注意个性化培养 ,多运用激励性教学评价 ,把运动兴趣变成运动习惯。  相似文献   

全国工会学研究会暨第九次全国工会理论教学研讨会于1993年7月在山西太原召开。参加会议的有工会理论研究和教学人员以及企业工会代表共70余人,会议收到论文63篇。这些论文从不同角度和不同侧面,对于向市场经济过渡中工会运动的趋向、特点及要求等作了探讨和论述。向市场经济过渡中劳动关系的变化及其对工会运动的影响,是这次会议最为主要和突出的命题。大会主要是围绕着这一命题展开研讨的。  相似文献   

笔者认为,工会理论教学结合实际,必须坚持如下基本原则:工会理论教学既要紧密结合实际,又不能以实际代替工会理论,使两者之间既紧密结合又相互区别。工会理论教学是根据工会运动发展的需要,培养工会工作专门人才的社会活动。它不仅受工会社会实践活动的影响,也要受到党的工运路线和政策的制约。我们所讲的工会社会活动实践,是指工会在不同的历史时期,在党的路线和具体政策指导下的实践。工运路线和政策也是建立在这种实践的基础上,随着党的中心任务的转变而发生阶段性的变化。因此,工会理论教学必须坚持以讲授工会学原理为主线,密切联系不断发展变化着的工会运动实际,不断地研究新情况和新问题。我们之所以说工会理论教学是一种社会活动,是因为工会理论教学的过程是促进党的工运路线、政策落实的过程,同时,也是理论付诸实践的过程。所以,工会理论教学必须正确理解、大力宣传党的工运路线、政策的基本精神,坚持理论教学与党的工运路线、政策的统一。但是,必须注意工会理论和工会实际是有区别的,决不能以具体的工运路线和政策来代替工会理论教  相似文献   

“本人儒雅大度,待人诚恳随和,喜好高尔夫和网球,该拥有的都有了,却没有一个温馨的家,空旷的雅宅独缺一位温柔贤惠的爱人。不是我挑剔,而是财富易得知己难求,白天忙于打理生意还感充实,夜晚疲惫的我回到家里连个说话的人都没有……”这是一位“实力儒商”征婚广告中的一段话。  相似文献   

非正规就业问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济转轨过程中,我国非正规就业部门和非就业人员的数量增多.借鉴国际劳工组织的相关解释,对非正规就业概念进行界定,有利于针对目前我国非正规就业存在的问题,从统计方法上和政策层面上给出对策建议.  相似文献   

This article ponders the influences ofthe dichotomous nature of our understanding law andto questions that starting point on different levels oflegal thinking.The purpose of law is to make rules for our socialbehaviour but there are no specific images of humanbeings behind law. When there are no defined images,subconscious cultural images shape our thinkingsometimes even without our realizing it, and withoutserious discussion. The division between family andthe market has to do with gender divisions as well aswith the division between family and contract law. Thelogic and human image behind these two branches of lawis different.Even if we may behave differently in differentsituations we do not become altogether differentkinds of human beings with different values when wechange surroundings. Thus, we might instead develop asa starting point human co-operation law where familyand business partnerships are seen as specialbranches. The starting point of this co-operation lawwould be many-sided and pluralistic human beings, who would be atthe same time loving and egotistic, communal andindividual, feminine and masculine. Such human beingsmay be regarded as multicoloured instead of white orblack.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of structural and technological change on women's employment in the UK television industry. It looks at the challenges faced by women in working in what has become since the mid-1980s a largely freelance industry where short-term contracts, informal recruitment procedures and long, unpredictable work schedules mean that women find it increasingly difficult to combine a career and family. Through case studies of individual careers, of a women's magazine programme for S4C Digital and a survey of women's credits on a selection of the newer channels (Sky One, UK Living and Channel 5), it argues that technological advances in digital transmission and production will not improve working conditions and opportunities for women's participation in all areas of the industry if they continue to replicate existing practice.  相似文献   

为了培养出符合企业文化需求的学生,将企业文化引入高职院校的职业素养教育是当前之需。本文从认识实习、课堂教学、校园活动、定岗实习四个渠道着手,介绍企业文化与高职院校职业素养教育的融合方式,希望将企业文化渗透到高职院校的方方面面,全方位提升学生的职业素养。  相似文献   

This article reviews the family therapy case of an adolescent substance abuser through the lens of multidimensional family therapy (MDFT). Initially, the adolescent presented with suicidal ideation, depression, academic difficulties, and behavior problems. The family experienced chronically high levels of conflict, which related to the mother's depression, the father's harsh discipline, and the adolescent's sister's frequent suicidal threats and outbursts. Family therapeutic interventions helped to decrease family conflict and improve the adolescent's grades and behavior. In particular, conjoint work with the parents had a stabilizing effect on the family system. As predicted by MDFT, this stabilizing effect was shown to place the adolescent on a healthier developmental trajectory. Limitations of the case and implications for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

市场竞争的焦点之一是产品质量。因此 ,企业必须牢固树立质量经营的观念 ,以顾客满意为目标 ,认真对待质量保证问题 ,正确实行全面质量管理。  相似文献   

Stress and anger are inevitable responses on the part of a woman entering the men's sanctuary of the University, and will be aggravated by her not recognizing that the University has been from its beginnings a patriarchal institution and is committed to remaining so. She fails to recognize the pollution sanctions that are levelled against her, interpreting them as personal, and thus struggles with imaginary foes. Hope lies not in confronting these mystifying primitive taboos directly, for she can never be admitted to the secret society and may not really want to be, but in drawing on the larger tradition of learning itself to renew the principles of education in general, and in particular her own work.  相似文献   

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