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欧盟现有法律对于超链接的侵权管制过于严格,这种做法没有平衡公共利益和著作权人的利益,造成了对著作权的过度保护.虽然最终通过的《数字化单一市场著作权指令》第15条规定新闻出版媒体的邻接权规则不适用于超链接行为,但是这并未从根本上解决对超链接的著作权规制过严问题.为了促进互联网上信息的自由流通以及用户的表达自由,法官应当对超链接提供者与网络平台的侵权责任进行区分,并且仅在超链接导致侵权结果时对链接提供者进行追责.  相似文献   

LEGAL CONTEXT: Within the context of the European Union legal framework ofdesigns, the Community Designs Regulation has been operatingsince March 2002. Since April 2003, the first Registered CommunityDesigns were published by the Alicante-based OHIM. From thespringtime of 2004, the first decisions issued by OHIM relatedto invalidity of designs were published. KEY POINTS: Enforcement of Community Designs is a matter for national courtsto deal with it, since no Community-wide judicial system wasset. National "Community Design Courts", as they are called,were set in each Member State with jurisdiction to hear infringementcases and make decisions with cross-border effect. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: For holders of Community designs, the first cases decided bythe Spanish Community Designs Courts are specially relevantsince holders have a legitimate expectation, on the basis ofthe first decisions adopted since September 2004, to see theirdesigns effectively enforced. The consolidation of the Communitydesign system will very much depend on the effectiveness ofenforcement by courts like the one in Alicante, which has shown,not only a clear readiness to protect CTM owners, but now also,Community design holders.  相似文献   

辛红 《法人》2011,(2):74-75
最高法改判涉外图片纠纷折射著作权维权困境。对著作权纠纷的审理,也不宜对权利人的举证责任过于苛求  相似文献   

论知识产权侵权归责原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙玉红 《河北法学》2006,24(2):102-106
对于知识产权侵权归责原则目前存有三种学说,认为知识产权侵权归责原则应当依据不同的场合确定.对于权利人要求行为人仅承担停止知识产权侵权行为的民事责任,则无须证明行为人有无过错,只有在法律有规定的特定场合,才必须证明行为人具有过错,此乃以无过错责任为原则,以过错责任原则为例外的归责原则;若权利人要求行为人承担损害赔偿责任,则必须证明行为人的过错,只有在法律规定的特定场合,才无须证明行为人的过错,即以过错责任为原则,以无过错责任为例外.  相似文献   

陈健 《法律科学》2012,(2):149-156
信用卡未经授权使用会给客户带来严重的经济损失,在我国信用卡客户追索赔偿时,又可能面临各种不利的局面,这种状况较为严重地制约了我国信用卡业的快速发展。限制信用卡客户责任,同时将增加的成本进行分散,减轻我国信用卡客户责任,有利于保护信用卡消费者权益。同时也有利于我国信用卡业面临日益激烈的国际竞争,促进我国信用卡业真正与国际接轨,促进信用卡业向更大规模化发展。  相似文献   

知识产权信托:知识产权运作机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识产权人对如何获得和利用知识产权十分了解,但对商业和市场知之甚少。而且知识产权的经营管理不同于别的财产权,其利益实现过程中的高风险、高成本以及极大的不确定性,使得缺乏理财能力或无暇管理的知识产权人往往举步维艰。知识产权人通过信托方式委托具有专业理财能力的信托机构经营管理其知识产权,不仅可以享受其智力成果带来的丰厚利益并无须负担管理之责,而且有效地拓宽了知识产权流转的途径,能更好地实现知识产权的保值、增值。  相似文献   

As rights holders, courts, and policy makers worldwide struggle with the question of copyright infringement and the potential liability of internet service providers (ISPs) worldwide, Russia developed – and subsequently abandoned – a proposal for the creation of a global license to be imposed on ISPs which would allow for rights holders to be compensated for copyright-infringing activities carried out through those ISPs.Russia is not the first jurisdiction to look at a global license as solution to the wide spread of copyright infringements online. By analysing the Russian proposal for a global license, this article addresses the sustainability of such a model on a wider scale by analysing the legal implications this may cause. In this context, this article will address the Russian proposal's legislative history before moving into a substantive discussion about the synergies between legal justifications and merits of a global license.  相似文献   

This essay analyses those statements that mention legal norms in negative terms. Specifically, it analyses those statements that define a legal system by mentioning how legal protection does not work and where legal protection ends, and those statements that identify what rights‐holders do not have to with their legally protected free capacities. This essay argues that these statements address a systemic question. It calls such a dynamic as negative governmentality. The argument proceeds in four steps. It introduces the concept of negative governmentality by arguing that the idea of freedom requires both the positive affirmation of moral agency and the constraining of moral agency (Section 2 ). It then explores how rights constitute freedom by limiting rights or making exceptions to them (Section 3 ). Later, it analyses how rights‐based norms prevent abuse of rights by holders of rights (Section 4 ). Finally, it sees how rights‐based norms constrain the legal guarantor of rights, i.e., a state (Section 5 ). The essay concludes by mentioning the importance of negative governmentality (Section 6 ).  相似文献   

耿利航 《法律科学》2013,31(1):170-182
法院主导下的公司对派生诉讼成本的承担和对诉讼实质意义上的司法许可是两个紧密联接的股东派生诉讼核心制度安排:只有公司承担原告股东的派生诉讼成本,诉讼才有可能被股东提起;诉讼司法许可不仅使法院有机会事先甄别、剔除无益诉讼,而且公司承担股东诉讼成本也才具有正当性.这两个制度安排相互配合、相互照应,旨在鼓励有益诉讼、给予股东正当司法救济途径,和抑制无益诉讼、保护公司经营自由防止股东不当干涉之间取得大概的平衡.我国《公司法》第152条的修改方向应该是一方面给予法院阻止股东任意和无理由诉讼的司法许可权力;另一方面,如果派生诉讼案件经法院审查后允许进入诉讼程序,公司就应承担原告股东案件的诉讼费用,无论股东最后胜诉与否.  相似文献   

后TRIPs时代我国知识产权反垄断的立法价值选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
后TRIPs时代,我国知识产权保护水平已与世界先进国家标准接轨;但我国自主创新比例却相当低,知识产权已经成为国外知识产权权利人进人中国后封闭市场、排挤竞争对手的工具。一国的知识产权反垄断立法价值取向应当与其具体的国内外经济政治环境相适应,反映其“本土性”、“时代性”的特点。作为拥有知识霸权的发达国家,已放松了对知识产权反垄断的规制,持有利于知识产权人的立场;他们的立场与技术落后的发展中国家截然不同。我国在知识产权反垄断立法过程中,当务之急不是去寻求国外的立法技术移植;而是从战略高度确定知识产权反垄断的立法价值取向,即以社会公益为本位,强化反垄断规制。  相似文献   

Courts have recently clarified some aspects of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act safe harbor system, yet other aspects remain hazy. In this haze, ISPs are incentivized to over-block content, and copyright holders are allowed to give a narrow, subjective reading of a user’s fair use. Subjectively, copyright holders can, in good faith, hold objectively unreasonable views about fair use. The asymmetry between copyright holders’ rights and remedies and users’ rights and remedies threatens socially valuable speech and creates a chilling effect. And the risk of extra-judicial termination of Internet access under a vague and variable repeat infringers policies threatens fundamental First Amendment interests. Policy changes are proposed to harness fair use considerations to protect First Amendment interests in the digital sphere. The calculus and consequence for sending takedown notices should be recalibrated. By curbing copyright overreach and minimizing the chilling effect, the potential for robust exchanges over new communication technologies can be realized.  相似文献   

在传统知识的保护体系中,道地药材的传统知识特性与地理标志的集体化特征,使得私权保护范式的证明商标制度,于我国的道地药材地理标志保护,有着现实的不适应。肯定和重塑公法性质的保护制度是务实之选。我国的道地药材地理标志保护需要厘清公权与私权保护的界限,其中公权力机关的责任是确立道地药材标准并保障监管的有效性,私权利主体则需实现药材生产的集约化,并保证权利个体利益分享的公平。  相似文献   

Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 limits liability for copyright infringement for online service providers if they remove from their services material posted by users that copyright holders allege infringes on their rights. This article argues that the Title provides too much incentive to OSPs to remove the material, creating an imbalance in the "fair-use" tradition of copyright law and threatening freedom of speech. The article suggests that the law be amended to require that copyright holders prove infringement before OSPs are made liable for infringement.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(44):11174-11177
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend its regulations on notice of certification of invalidity or noninfringement of a patent to provide additional methods for new drug and abbreviated new drug applicants to provide notice to patent owners and new drug application (NDA) holders, without removing the existing means. These proposed amendments reflect current business practices and are intended to ensure that notice is provided to patent owners and NDA holders in a timely manner. FDA is also proposing to require certain applicants to submit to FDA a copy of the notice of certification.  相似文献   

在我国《票据法》和《物权法》中,质押背书对票据出质具有不同的作用,于前者为生效要件,于后者则没有要求。尽管如此,两个法律文件关于票据出质的规则并不存在根本冲突。当事人既可按照《票据法》经质押背书设立票据法上的票据质权,也可以按照普通债权质押设立物权法上的票据质权。只不过,根据不同法律规则设立的票据质权在内容上存在差异,且未经背书的票据质押因为不符合背书这一技术要求而不具备《票据法》上的特别效力。  相似文献   

Identification of unknown bodies is mainly made by dental examination and comparison with accurate dental records. Therefore it is necessary to examine the jaws carefully and to locate every tooth-coloured dental restoration. Overlooking dental fillings can make positive identification impossible. The paper presented here evaluates the usefulness of radiographs to locate tooth coloured dental restorations. RESULTS: 40% of the dental materials tested here could not be detected radiographically with a sensitivity that is demanded. A radiographic examination is not sufficient and must be supplied by other techniques.  相似文献   

An often neglected topic in the field of IP law is IP borderenforcement. To a large extent, the protection and enforcementof IP rights is the burden of right holders and most discussionsinvolving the protection of these rights centre on (or at leastbegin with) obtaining patent, copyright, and trade mark protection.Additionally, much attention is paid to bringing and defendinginfringement suits. As a result, the importance of border enforcementis usually not given the attention  相似文献   

地役权具有从属性,且为固有属性,而非立法政策“强加”的;地役权规范为强制性规范,在建筑物、土地所有权转让的场合,当事人不得约定地役权继续保留在地役权人之手;数个地役权并存于同一宗供役地的场合,先设立且已登记的地役权的效力优先;先设立却无登记的地役权,不能对抗后设立但已登记的地役权;至于先设立却无登记的地役权与后设立亦未登记的地役权之间的效力关系,应按照四项规则处理。  相似文献   

承运人对提单持有人的诉权   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过解释和评价英国1992年海上货物运输法和UNCITRAL运输法草案关于海上货物运输合同下承运人对提单持有人的诉权问题的规定,分析了解决我国司法实践中存在的相关问题的办法,对海商法有关内容的修订提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

物权的本质为何,千百年来吸引许多私法学者尝试提出一家之言。然而,大陆法系多数学者执着干物权乃人与物之关系,走入歧途;普通法主流学者把物权看成一束权利,同样是打迷糊仗。本文主张物权(或本文之名词“财产权”)有三种核心效力:对世、排他、追及。任何与物有关之权利若具备三种核心效力,就是物权。财产是人与人间关于物之法律关系之组合,而非人对物之关系。此种财产关系又可分成四种典型:人对国家、人对定限物权人、人对特定人如邻居、人对所有其他人。除了人面对国家徵收高权时外,财产关系都有或强或弱的排他本质;而此关系乃自动生成,此正是对世效力之本意。追及效力虽然有时隐而未显,但在财产权移转时会当然发挥作用。此外,所有权是财产权,但非后者之同义词。所有权(而非物权)才是一束权能。  相似文献   

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