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运用"三圈理论"的分析框架,从价值、能力和支持三要素对大学生志愿服务西部计划的运行情况进行深入分析,发现其在政策制定规划、项目管理协调、项目资金供给等能力建设中存在问题,建议从增强政策规划引导、拓宽资金供给渠道、完善组织管理制度、健全沟通表达机制等着手努力,以期推动大学生志愿服务西部计划的长效发展。  相似文献   

随着国内国际交流的不断频繁,活动规模和复杂程度的增加,大型活动的组织越来越依赖于志愿者服务。如何高效管理志愿者队伍、成功发挥其作用,成为大型活动环境下志愿者管理的重要研究课题。系统、科学、规范的志愿者管理可以统计并掌握志愿者的人数,背景,服务时间等情况;确保活动能够顺利开展,保证服务质量及志愿者的持续参与;增加志愿者的责任感和归属感。大型活动环境往往具有规模庞大、跨越区域大、参与者多且杂、社会影响广泛、组织和管理要求高等特点,志愿者管理不得不面临区域分散、志愿者管理人员精力有限、整体的精神面貌呈现等问题与挑战。由于大型活动环境不同于一般的企业或者组织管理,在套用组织人力资源管理理论的同时,需要根据志愿者的特性进行有针对性的操作,以实现更好的管理。这包括:建立有效的管理者团队;明确志愿者的权利,灵活谨慎地授权;做好培训,提升志愿者角色认知与意识,将弘扬志愿精神渗透到每一个环节;有效地运用激励手段,注意“切时”、“切人”、“切境”。  相似文献   

组织职工参与企业民主管理是工会组织的一项重要任务。如何结合单位实际,抓住重点,搞好民主管理,本文介绍了"落实四项制度、开展一个活动"的做法,并对健全民主管理机制、提高民主管理水平提出了新的思路。  相似文献   

西畴县总工会:"云岭职工跨越发展先锋活动"全面启动西畴县总工会全面启动"云岭职工跨越发展先锋活动":一是成立活动领导小组,下设办公室,做到工作职责明确,有人办事、有人管事;二是制定活动方案。4月28日制定了《西畴县关于开展云岭职工跨越发展先锋活动的实施意见》下发到各基层工会;三是加强活动宣传。借五一组织职工多项活动之机,开展"一活动一工程"宣传,同时,下企业、到部门与职工交谈活动方式,且通过电子显示屏发送多条标语,切实把活动内容广泛宣传;四是工作措施可行。要求各基层工会认真组织职工学习,同时对照部门类别,对号入座制定实施方案,并于每年11月底前上报活动情况,县总每年进行一次考核,表彰先进  相似文献   

2014年以来,吉林省白山市浑江区总工会坚持从打造"下沉式"服务型工会入手,把服务基层作为一切活动的出发点和落脚点,努力提高服务能力,健全完善服务机制,全面提升服务水平,收到较好效果。一、着眼长远,建立"下沉式"服务型工会的有效机制一是建立定期下基层机制。区总工会制定了工会领导班子成员及机关干部定期下基层服务和研讨制度。班子成员每年要牵头梳理出一批工作实践中的重点、难点、热点问题,组织参与1-2个专题调查研究,  相似文献   

5月22日上午,阳光和煦,白云轻柔;在高楼林立、人声鼎沸的昆明市南屏步行街广场上,矗立着一座新近搭建起来的鲜红的大型活动仪式台和活动服务板房。灿烂的背景墙上,一行鲜红的"深入推进创先争优,志愿服务人民群众活动"的大字鲜艳夺目;它既说明了这个活动仪式的庄严主题,同时也将这个郑重的心愿,牢牢地铭刻在隆重举行仪式的云南省总工会和昆明市总工会的每一名干部、职工心头。上午10时,仪式台左前方的工人仪仗队,奏响了洪亮的乐曲《咱们工人有力量》,云南省总工会和昆明市  相似文献   

省总工会九届五次全委(扩大)会议确定了“一巩固、两坚持、一加强”的工作部署,全省各级工会领导机关要围绕这一部署采取以下五种方法狠抓落实:一、任务分解抓落实。全省各级工会领导机关要把今年的工作任务分解到各部门,各部门根据自身的职能来制定具体的措施。做到各部门都有责任,人人部有任务。在任务分解后,要充  相似文献   

大型活动志愿服务是广州市青年志愿者行动中最具代表性的服务领域之一。通过志愿服务与赛会活动的相互作用,大型活动志愿服务,直接和间接地为广州的社会经济发展作出了极大的贡献。  相似文献   

河北磁县总工会董步武在来稿中总结了他们在创建劳动关系和谐企业工作中健全四项机制的经验:一是目标考核机制。全县的45个重点创建活动单位的主管书记或局长与县委签订了创建活动责任书,县创建活动办公室将劳动合同、集体合同、厂务公开、职代会、三方协商机制建设等项创建活动重点工作任务目标分解到各乡镇、各企事业主管部门。各企事业单位根据实际情况制定了各自单位的创建目标。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的完善,工会组织的地位和作用越来越重要,特别是在加强社会建设的背景下,从战略背景分析入手,进而确定工会组织的战略目标,分解战略任务,并形成相应保障措施,是实现工会组织长远发展的战略思路。  相似文献   

对于生活困难的弱势群体职工,工会以职工内部慈善互济的形式,发动广大职工进行"一日捐"活动,用捐款筹集的资金给予困难职工救助,成为当前工会工作的一项重要内容。只有认清"一日捐"对于工会工作的意义,掌握好开展这项活动的方法,并对存在的问题加以重视并改进、完善,才能使这一职工互助行动更显价值和活力。  相似文献   

职工经济技术创新活动是工会经济工作的重要组成部分,是激发职工主体意识和创造活力,促进企业科学发展的必然选择.在深化职工经济技术创新活动中,工会需要把握活动内涵,选准活动载体,突出工作重点,完善保障机制,确保活动取得实效.  相似文献   

This study reports the self-reported physical activity level of rural adolescents. Eight hundred and twenty two middle school adolescents (M = 229, F = 593), mean age = 13.9 in three rural Indiana middle schools reported their participation in out-of-school physical activities over a 5 day period. Responses to the activity items were recoded into sedentary, active, and very active exercises and preferred types of exercise. Over one-third (36%) of adolescent males indicated participation in vigorous physical activity less than 2 times per week and almost half (42%) of females reported levels of activity below nationally recommended guidelines. Adolescent males reported more frequent engagement in strength exercises than females (33% and 25% respectively). Over one third of males and females (35%) reported stretching three or more times each week. Significant differences were found between males and females satisfaction with their present body weight such that 21% of males and 44% of females indicated dissatisfaction with their present body weight. Males and females both reported a preference for active team sports such as volleyball, football, softball, and individual activities such as weight training, bicycling, and swimming. The levels of reported activity reflect national survey findings, indicating that many adolescents may not be involved in the recommended levels and that exercise behaviors of rural adolescents may be similar to those in urban areas.  相似文献   

自编辑学创建以来,对于编辑功能由于各自角度的不同,认识存有很大差异。正是这不同的认识深化了编辑学的研究。编辑活动的社会功能具有系统性,若站在人类文化发展的角度来审视、解析编辑的活动,可将其归纳为文化建构、文化传播和文化控制三项基本功能。  相似文献   

非公有制企业工会工作活动方式,目前还没有一种通用的模式。但要遵循如下原则:维护的原则、集体协商的原则、沟通的原则、引导的原则、灵活的原则、敢于碰硬的原则和以人为本的原则。从发展的眼光来看,工会工作活动方式要全面贯彻"劳动三权",充分利用有关标准规范非公有制企业的行为,建立起符合中国国情的、具有一定指导性的"活动方式"模式。  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective study was to examine the relations between organized activity involvement and internalizing and externalizing symptoms across four years of high school. Participants were 240 adolescents who varied in their risk for psychopathology. Information about adolescents’ activity involvement and internalizing and externalizing symptoms were provided by both self- and mother-reports. Structural equation modeling revealed that the prospective models fit the data well. In addition to showing that activity involvement and psychopathology were quite stable over the high school years, we found reciprocal effects for activity involvement and internalizing symptoms at some, although not all, time points. Specifically, controlling for prior symptoms and risk (i.e., maternal depression history), more activity involvement in tenth grade predicted fewer internalizing symptoms in eleventh grade, which then predicted more activity involvement in twelfth grade. No reciprocal relations were found for externalizing problems. These findings highlight the importance of examining internalizing symptoms as both a predictor and outcome of activity involvement during adolescence.
Amy M. BohnertEmail:

Amy M. Bohnert   Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Loyola University Chicago. Her research focuses on predictors and outcomes of involvement in various after-school contexts, especially organized extracurricular activities. Peter Kane   Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. His research interests include developmental sequelae of high-risk offspring of depressed parents and the role of interpersonal conflict in adolescent psychopathology. Judy Garber   Ph.D. is a professor in Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University. Her research focuses on the etiology, course, outcome, treatment, and prevention of depression in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that early pubertal timing is associated with adolescent problem behaviors. However, there has been limited investigation of the mechanisms or developmental relationships. The present study examined longitudinal models incorporating pubertal timing, delinquency, and sexual activity in a sample of 454 adolescents (9–13 years old at enrollment; 47% females). Participants were seen for three assessments approximately 1 year apart. Characteristics of friendship networks (older friends, male friends, older male friends) were examined as mediators. Structural equation modeling was used to test these associations as well as temporal relationships between sexual activity and delinquency. Results showed that early pubertal timing at Time 1 was related to more sexual activity at Time 2, which was related to higher delinquency at Time 3, a trend mediation effect. None of the friendship variables mediated these associations. Gender or maltreatment status did not moderate the meditational pathways. The results also supported the temporal sequence of sexual activity preceding increases in delinquency. These findings reveal that early maturing adolescents may actively seek out opportunities to engage in sexual activity which appears to be risk for subsequent delinquency.  相似文献   

Research on adolescent self-esteem indicates that adolescence is a time in which individuals experience important changes in their physical, cognitive, and social identities. Prior research suggests that there is a positive relationship between an adolescent??s participation in structured extracurricular activities and well-being in a variety of domains, and some research indicates that these relationships may be dependent on the type of activities in which adolescents participate. Building on previous research, a growth-curve analysis was utilized to examine self-esteem trajectories from adolescence (age 14) to young adulthood (age 26). Using 3 waves of data from National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (n = 5,399; 47.8% male), the analysis estimated a hierarchical growth-curve model emphasizing the effects of age and type of school-based extracurricular activity portfolio, including sports and school clubs, on self-esteem. The results indicated that age had a linear relationship with self-esteem over time. Changes in both the initial level of self-esteem and the growth of self-esteem over time were significantly influenced by the type of extracurricular activity portfolio. The findings were consistent across race and sex. The results support the utility of examining the longitudinal impact of portfolio type on well-being outcomes.  相似文献   

Despite the well-established association between adolescent sexual activity and delinquent behavior, little research has examined the potential importance of relationship contexts in moderating this association. The current study used longitudinal, behavioral genetic data on 519 same-sex twin pairs (48.6% female) divided into two age cohorts (13–15 and 16–18 years olds) drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses tested whether adolescent sexual activity that occurred in romantic versus non-romantic relationships was associated with delinquency from adolescence to early adulthood, after controlling for genetic influences. Results indicated that, for both younger and older adolescents, common underlying genes influence both sexual behavior and delinquency. After controlling for these genetic influences, there was no within-twin pair association between sexual activity and delinquency in younger adolescents. In older adolescents, sexual activity that occurred in romantic relationships predicted lower levels of delinquency, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, whereas sexual activity in non-romantic relationships predicted higher levels of delinquency. These results are consistent with emerging research that suggests that the psychological correlates of adolescent sexual activity may be moderated by the social context in which this activity occurs.  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of the relational context of adolescent sexual activity on depressive symptoms. The present study examined trajectories of depressive symptoms among 6,602 adolescents (44% male, 60% White) taken from a nationally representative study (Add Health). Sexually active youth in romantic and casual relationships were first compared to virgins and then to each other by relational context. Longitudinal, multilevel models examined differences in the course of depressive symptoms based on sexual activity separately by gender and age group (ages 12–14 and 15–18). Results indicated that when compared to virgins, any differences in depressive symptoms by relational context of sex were present prior to youth’s sexual debut. The few significant differences found between youth who had sex in romantic relationships verses those who had casual sex were present before sexual initiation and not maintained over time, suggesting that casual sex in adolescence is not associated with long-term risks for depressive symptoms.
Kathryn C. MonahanEmail:

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