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视频侦查被誉为第四种侦查破案支撑手段。通过NoteExpress和Excel对近年来国内598篇视频侦查相关论文生成知识图谱,分析关键词、论文作者、年度发文、期刊与论文所占版面,对重点期刊收录论文进行个案分析,梳理视频侦查研究的国内进展情况。经分析,视频侦查研究主要方向集中在侦查应用、证据规范性与法律规制、视频监控相关技术、视频侦查课程建设与人才培养等。在此基础上,结合视频侦查在实践中的发展趋势,提出未来视频侦查研究方向可聚焦于法律规制、视频新技术运用规范化、视频侦查与智慧警务关系及融合、视频线索的证据转化等方面。  相似文献   

吴霞  柳宇 《法制与社会》2015,(5):112-113
作为新时期公安机关侦查破案的两大技术支撑,刑事技术与视频图像侦查已成为公安办案的一个重要手段,发挥着不可估量的作用.而现场勘查作为刑事技术的核心,是刑事案件侦查工作的基础,是收集犯罪证据、获取侦查线索的重要手段和途径.如何有效地结合现场勘查与视频图像侦查中的犯罪信息,将二者融会贯通,将成为未来刑侦破案、刑事诉讼的关键.  相似文献   

张红 《江淮法治》2021,(4):42-43
2020年11月 10日下午,芜湖市公安局镜湖分局以民警汤伦虎名字命名的汤伦虎视频侦查工作室挂牌.这不仅是对汤伦虎工作的肯定,也是他成为分局视频侦查领军人物的佐证.作为分局视频侦查中队长,十多年来,汤伦虎带领团队契合科技战、信息战、合成战、证据战的要求,依托精准研判和视频侦查,为侦查破案提供大量信息线索,有效破...  相似文献   

论视频监控的犯罪预防功能及犯罪侦查价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各国的犯罪预防理论发展至今,已经形成了比较完善的犯罪预防体系,主要包括司法预防、社会预防和情景预防三种模式。在我国的犯罪预防体系中,向来重视司法预防和社会预防,而对情景预防关注不够,情景预防措施尚不完善。作为一种对犯罪的干预,视频监控是一种对情境犯罪的干预,研究发掘其在犯罪预防中的作用对完善犯罪预防体系具有重要意义。同时,视频监控系统在犯罪侦查方面也具有重要作用。  相似文献   

在视频侦查工作中时常遇到视频人像质量过低难以辨识的情况,而GFP等人像深度复原方法只适用于单张人像的复原。为此,本文提出一种基于GFP的监控视频人像复原技术,将GFP方法扩展至视频侦查应用,便于及时锁定犯罪嫌疑人,提高破案效率。首先对监控视频进行视频分帧、人像裁剪对齐、倾斜透视校正等预处理操作,然后使用GFP方法对预处理后得到的人像进行深度复原,最后经过逆处理将复原人像整合成高质量人像视频。在大量经过预处理后的模拟退化人像和无参考退化人像测试集上进行对比实验,结果表明,GFP方法在主观视觉效果和FID、PSFR、SSIM、NIQE等客观量化指标上均优于其他人像深度复原方法,相较于其他人像深度复原方法,能够更有效地复原复杂应用场景下的低质量退化人像,更适用于视频侦查应用;通过使用YTF视频人像数据集进行对比测试实验,结果显示,本文所提出的添加预处理与逆处理过程的基于GFP的监控视频人像复原技术,对于低质量视频人像有更加优秀的复原效果。  相似文献   

沈臻懿 《检察风云》2014,(16):36-38
现代社会中,无论身处大街小巷,抑或室内建筑,我们目光所及的范围内,都会发现监控视频探头的身影。诚然,有不少人士指出,监控视频探头的存在,对于社会民众的隐私权带来了一定影响。不过,从公共安全角度出发,这些"城市眼睛"可以实时监控可疑的人或事,并通过视频侦查技术的运用,为警方侦破刑事案件提供更为快捷且高效的专门手段。  相似文献   

陈冰寒  孙兵 《法制与社会》2014,(32):290-291
随着信息技术的日新月异,贪污贿赂犯罪也呈现出日趋复杂化、智能化、隐蔽化、高科技化等特点,检察机关必须以侦查信息化和装备现代化为切入点,牢固树立"信息引导侦查"的理念,提升侦查手段现代化的实战水平。  相似文献   

吴同 《犯罪研究》2011,(3):81-87
随着互联网技术的发展,各类网络犯罪案件日益增多,尤其是网络赌博犯罪日渐猖獗。由于网络赌博犯罪具有空间跨度大、犯罪成本低、隐蔽性强和赌资流动性大等特点,这对侦查机关提出了挑战。笔者从网络赌博犯罪的特点入手、在分析网络赌博犯罪的侦查难点的基础上,提出了针对此类案件的侦查取证模式。基于此模式,侦查人员通过相关性、功能性和时间性等三方面的调查分析,进行网络赌博案件的侦查取证工作。  相似文献   

<正>作为国内知名的视频监控系统平台的厂商,东方网力科技股份有限公司(以下称"东方网力")为行业用户、运营商和企业用户提供全面的视频监控应用解决方案和高品质视频存储产品,并通过领先视频中间件技术,为城市反恐应急、物联网、智慧城市、移动互联网提供视频应用支撑。此次最新推出的视频侦查实战平台(PVI),是东方网力针对当前公安用户在案(事)件视频领域的一款集视频管理、智能分析与易用易看等多种特性的强大平台软件。  相似文献   

蔡卫宁 《法制与社会》2014,(3):290-292,298
侦查取证包括发现证据及其线索和收集证据两个部分。其中,证据及其线索的发现一直游离于立法的边缘,有必要对其加以规制。依据证据表现形态之不同,收集证据包括言词证据和实物证据的收集,2012年刑诉法不仅完善了证据收集的手段,而且构建了遏制非法取证的机制,对侦查取证工作的整体推动具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Techniques of 2D–3D superimposition are widely used in cases of personal identification from video surveillance systems. However, the progressive improvement of 3D image acquisition technology will enable operators to perform also 3D–3D facial superimposition. This study aims at analyzing the possible applications of 3D–3D superimposition to personal identification, although from a theoretical point of view. Twenty subjects underwent a facial 3D scan by stereophotogrammetry twice at different time periods. Scans were superimposed two by two according to nine landmarks, and root‐mean‐square (RMS) value of point‐to‐point distances was calculated. When the two superimposed models belonged to the same individual, RMS value was 2.10 mm, while it was 4.47 mm in mismatches with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.0001). This experiment shows the potential of 3D–3D superimposition: Further studies are needed to ascertain technical limits which may occur in practice and to improve methods useful in the forensic practice.  相似文献   

Abstract: Clavicles from 1289 individuals from cohorts spanning the 20th century were scored with two scoring systems. Transition analysis and Bayesian statistics were used to obtain robust age ranges that are less sensitive to the effects of age mimicry and developmental outliers than age ranges obtained using a percentile approach. Observer error tests showed that a simple three‐phase scoring system proved the least subjective, while retaining accuracy levels. Additionally, significant sexual dimorphism was detected in the onset of fusion, with women commencing fusion at least a year earlier than men (women transition to fusion at approximately 15 years of age and men at 16 years). Significant secular trends were apparent in the onset of skeletal maturation, with modern Americans transitioning to fusion approximately 4 years earlier than early 20th century Americans and 3.5 years earlier than Korean War era Americans. These results underscore the importance of using modern standards to estimate age in modern individuals.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a marker of degeneration within the skeleton, frequently associated with age. This study quantifies the correlation between OA and age‐at‐death and investigates the utility of shoulder OA as a forensic age indicator using a modern North American sample of 206 individuals. Lipping, surface porosity, osteophyte formation, eburnation, and percentage of joint surface affected were recorded on an ordinal scale and summed to create composite scores that were assigned a specific phase. Spearman's correlation indicated a positive relationship between each composite score and age (right shoulder = 0.752; left shoulder = 0.734). Transition analysis revealed a tendency toward earlier degeneration of the right shoulder. Bayesian statistics generated phase‐related age estimates based on highest posterior density regions. Best age estimates were into the seventh decade at the 90th and 50th percentile. The proposed method supplements traditional techniques by providing age estimates beyond a homogenous 50+ age cohort.  相似文献   

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