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1942年底,全国抗战局势进一步恶化之际.发生了一桩震动全国的豫东专员失踪案,一时舆论哗然。  相似文献   

杨柳 《法律与生活》2009,(23):37-39
男孩失踪 地处上海东北部的五角场百货大厦林立,整日顾客如云,一片繁华景象。 2009年4月25日下午2点30分,来自江西上饶的郑为华驾驶着黑色桑塔纳轿车,带着妻子和2岁的儿子郑超一起到五角场图书批发市场进货。郑为华到上海做生意已经好几年了,他目前在松江大学城经营着一家书店。  相似文献   

王方 《检察风云》2014,(2):56-58
2013年9月14日,西班牙多家主流媒体披露了北部拉克鲁尼亚省一名12岁中国养女死亡的消息,消息不但在西班牙引起舆论广泛关注,华文媒体以及中国驻西班牙大使馆也极为关注案件的发展。当警方向媒体宣布,这个被列为一级杀人嫌疑犯的不是别人正是被害人的西班牙养母时,舆论再次哗然,媒体纷纷议论,到底是什么仇恨非得将一个年仅12岁的养女置于死地?  相似文献   

王方 《检察风云》2011,(23):33-34
日前笔者接到西班牙法院的一个开庭通知,说是请媒体记者前去旁听—场西班牙人和中国人打官司的案子。  相似文献   

尽管西班牙是一个我们通常不会将其同有组织犯罪联系起来的国家,但是本文将指出有大量的有组织犯罪集团活跃在西班牙,并参与到了所有的非法活动中。在论证了有组织犯罪的规模及其严重性之后,本文将考察、评估和分析其原因和促进因素。最终本文认为:尽管我们应当认识到西班牙具有许多特点而使其有一个有利于诸多有组织犯罪集团及其活动的理想环境,但只要我们对西班牙为何具有如此众多的有组织犯罪的原因作更综合地考察,我们也应当认识到当前西班牙的一些政府机构和体系存在诸多缺陷和失灵。  相似文献   

王方 《政府法制》2012,(26):20-20
西班牙通过了“警察法”修正案.新“警察法”已于6月1日开始实施。 新法规定,在职警察一律禁止文身、留长发、留长胡、戴耳环(包括女性),长发女性警察必须将头发扎起来.不得披散头发。、与市民交流时,警察必须先敬礼,称呼市民必须为“您”或“先生、女士”;遇长官也必须敬礼、故意违反者,会酌情扣除工资。  相似文献   

王方 《检察风云》2014,(6):58-59
2013年年初,戴莉莉来到马德里,与她同到马德里的还有她丈夫陈志伟和女儿,戴的母亲、姥姥.他们到达马德里后迅速在北郊的高级地段买下两套别墅.戴与其丈夫陈志伟以及西班牙的房产商合伙为在西中国侨民推销西班牙楼盘.  相似文献   

王方 《检察风云》2014,(23):57-59
西班牙政府为了急速扭转经济危机带来的困境出台了50万欧元买房得居留的法律。法律规定凡是欧盟以外国家的公民均可享受这一法律的权利。“50+居留”从此成了西班牙对外宣传的响亮口号。尤其是西班牙各大城市的房产开发商和中介公司更是欣喜若狂。“50+居留”的法律能让他们急速走出困境,急速收回投资成本再加利润,西班牙各地的“鬼屋”将重见天日。西班牙媒体对该法律的解读是,西班牙只瞄准两个国家的买房者,一是中国,二是俄罗斯。  相似文献   

1999年10月28日,对青年农民袁志明、钟传秀夫妇来说,是个不平常的日子,在律师的帮助下,他终于向医院讨到了一个说法。法院终审的判决虽然使他感到了一些安慰,但他们还是陷入了深深的自责中。早知医院是那么不安全,即便是自己整夜不闭眼,也要保护好自己的爱子。可是,一切都晚了,尽管公安机关立案侦查已经九个多月,但失踪的爱子至今仍然沓无音讯,夫妻俩还只能过着以泪洗面的日子。天降奇祸引发诉讼 1998年9月28日,地处偏僻农村的袁志明感到无比的兴奋,因为妻子钟传秀为他生了一个健康可爱的男婴。这对基本上属于…  相似文献   

从灰姑娘变为王妃 蕾奥娜小公主睡在妈妈的膝上,索菲娅(为了尊重王后奶奶,孙女亦取同样的名)小公主在爸爸的怀里撒娇和做鬼脸.生活是按照菲利佩和莱蒂西娅的意愿安排的. 作为贤妻良母和具有魅力的王妃,莱蒂西娅刚刚度过40岁的华诞.2004年在他们大婚的时候,一家报纸以《全西班牙人民的婚礼》为题发表文章.  相似文献   

In this Article, Professor Carlos A. Ball explores the philosophical foundations for the types of rights and benefits that our society currently provides to individuals with disabilities. The concept of autonomy places on society a moral obligation to assist individuals with disabilities when their basic human functional capabilities are impaired. The exercise of this obligation entails assisting individuals with crossing a minimum threshold of functional capabilities below which it is not possible to lead autonomous lives. In making this argument, Professor Ball responds to libertarian critics who contend that notions of freedom or liberty proscribe an activist role for government in this arena. He explains how even a libertarian state redistributes wealth in order to provide for some incapacities. Professor Ball also disputes the idea that the meeting of the needs of the disabled is enough to provide moral justification for the rights and benefits provided to individuals with disabilities. The problem with the concept of needs, Professor Ball argues, is that it fails to account sufficiently for the human good of personal autonomy.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a new form of justice, called regenerative justice. Regenerative justice is the coupling of restorative justice with the notion of generative justice, which involves the explicit and intentional discovery and building of life meanings, as well as the consideration of the relationships that those meanings have with wrongdoing and ‘making things right’. This exploration comes about after first considering restorative justice, then providing a critique that uncovers potential blind spots in restorative practice. Logotherapeutic techniques, including: Socratic dialogue, attitude modulation, and dereflection, are used by therapists to help people discover meaning and purpose and have successfully assisted crime victims and offenders. Borrowing from these techniques and specific questioning approaches, restorative dialogue facilitators can enhance restorative practice, particularly in the phases of preparation for restorative dialogue and follow-up after restorative dialogue, by deliberately emphasizing meaning-building discussions (generative justice). Therefore, regenerative justice synthesizes the restoration of people and relationships with the generation of peaceful and healing meanings that can help stakeholders in wrongdoing make sense out of suffering and move forward with a sense of purpose. An example of this process is illustrated in a victim-offender dialogue in a crime of severe violence, where meaning-building can be particularly powerful.  相似文献   

The current research explores six hypotheses derived from the well-known procedural justice-based model of legitimacy in two different religious groups in Israel, and adds to the model the effect of religiosity on the perceived legitimacy of rules and institutions of social control. Our results, based on data from a representative sample of 1,216 Israeli Jews and Arabs, provide general support for the hypotheses. We found that the social order is perceived as less legitimate by the Arab minority compared with the Jewish majority, and by highly religious members of the Jewish majority compared with those who are less religious.  相似文献   

Conclusion In the 1980s, despite the rise of terrorist attacks worldwide, the international community failed to respond cooperatively. When U.S. citizens were the focus of attacks, even friendly countries had little incentive to risk the safety of their citizens or the tenets of their foreign policy to prosecute terrorists. In response, the United States passed statutes providing for extraterritorial jurisdiction over acts committed abroad against U.S. citizens and then engaged in a series of dramatic seizures to enforce these measures. Unfortunately, these abductions were generally not defensible under international law and, in any event, could not be used when a terrorist was located within the territory of a major friendly country. In large part unexpectedly, however, the statutes have rendered such extraordinary measures unnecessary while still remedying what was a visible failure of international criminal cooperation.Even without threatening international abductions, the United States can use the Hostage Taking Act and the Terrorist Prosecution Act to demand extradition and to undertake independent investigations of violations of federal laws. These efforts put pressure on governments that have custody over terrorists. The international and the diplomatic consequences of neither extraditing nor prosecuting have proven sufficient to encourage U.S. allies to prosecute terrorists themselves. Surprisingly, therefore, the statutes have turned out to be effective because they encourage prosecutions of terrorists abroad, thereby remedying a failure in international cooperation and helping to ensure a consistent, strong, international response to acts of terrorism despite the continued inability of the United States to obtain custody of those attacking its citizens.This is a revised version of a paper presented at an international workshop on Principles and Procedures for a New Transnational Criminal Law, organized jointly by the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, May 21–25, 1991.Class of 1993, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two important questions regarding distributive justice. First we ask whether people use standards or principles of distributive justice regarding the allocation of income. The study confirms our expectation that there are at least two principles, viz., the merit and the need principle. Our data show that there is no generally held consensus about the applicability of these two principles. Second, we looked for explanations to explain variations in adherence to these principles. The literature suggests five different theses: 1. self-interest; 2. ideology; 3. enlightenment; 4. historical shift; and 5. gender. Results provide qualified support for the Theses 1, 2 and 4. Class, ideology, and age affect the preferences for the principles of justice. Further elaboration suggests the data point to a specific version of the self-interest thesis, viz., the underdog thesis. Theses 3 and 5 are not confirmed. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which a juvenile court uses legal, substantive, and discriminatory criteria in assessing dispositions. The indicators of legal criteria are the seriousness of offense and the extent of prior arrest record, of substantive criteria, the presence of family and school problems, and of discriminatory criteria, race and social class. An examination of the dispositions accorded to a sample of 464 fourteen and fifteen year old arrestees in one juvenile court shows that, while discrimination in sentencing is minimal, the court is more likely to use substantive than formal criteria of decisionmaking. These findings suggest that studies of the juvenile court should be reoriented away from their traditional focus on legal and extralegal determinants of decision making toward a focus on substantive criteria.This study was supported by Ford Foundation under grant no. 73-96. We are grateful to Jackson Toby, principal investigator, for his aid in all phases of this study. William Smith and Antonia Steegen provided invaluable research assistance. This is a thoroughly revised version of a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November, 1977.  相似文献   

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