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依宪治国的核心是"宪法",全面准确理解依宪治国的涵义首要的是正确理解"宪法"的真实涵义。离开了对"宪法"涵义的准确理解,依宪治国不仅无益,而且可能适得其反。依宪治国和加强宪法实施是社会主义法治建设的重要标志。从政治哲学角度理解,宪法的根本价值在于规范、限制国家最高权力以保障公民权利。加强宪法实施尤其是宪法监督是宪法生命力和权威所在,对于促进现代民主政治健康发展具有根本意义。  相似文献   

规范性法律文件清理是由特定主体对相关法律法规进行重新确定其法律效力的专门活动,它具有主体特定性、对象特定性、原因多样性、结果有效性和程序严格性等法律特征。我国进行相关规范性法律文件的清理,是为了适应加入WTO的需要。而由于传统立法体制存在着诸多弊端,因而我们要根据WTO的透明度原则和法治建设的需要,革新立法观念与体制,保持立法的科学性、先进性以及与WTO通行规则相接轨。  相似文献   

裴建军 《理论探索》2005,(4):100-101
WTO协定在国内如何适用和在WTO规则下如何充分行使权利、适当履行义务,是中国"入世"承诺履行中的重大问题.前者应考虑以间接适用为主、直接适用为补充的方式来解决;后者则需要综合考虑中国经贸法制建设的实际情况、中国加入WTO相关法律文件和WTO规则三方面的情况,通过深入研究、灵活运用加以解决.  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会《决定》强调要健全宪法实施和监督制度,将每年12月4日定为国家宪法日,提出建立宪法宣誓制度,"凡经人大及其常委会选举或者决定任命的国家工作人员正式就职时公开向宪法宣誓"。这是依宪治国的一项重要部署,也是宪法实施和监督制度的一个重要举措。宪法宣誓制度是指特定公职人员、尤其是选举产生或者负有特殊使命的公职人员就职时,进行宪法宣誓,宣布遵守宪法和效忠国家的一种重要制度。特定  相似文献   

作为一个具有成文宪法的国家,我国要实行法治(制度化治理),最根本的就是要保证宪法的有效实施,由此引出了"宪法司法化"的话题。从有关争论来看,宪法司法化实际上指的是宪法的司法适用,但这个主张在我国难以成立。相比之下,对于我国宪法的有效实施来说,更应该强调宪法立法化这个途径。宪法立法化是指宪法(成文宪法)需要通过制定一系列更加具体的法律才能具体化,并且通过具体法律的有效实施才能达到全面落实、有效实施的效果。宪法立法化不是保证宪法有效实施的充分条件,但却是首要条件。我国在宪法立法化方面还存在比较严重的立法缺失和立法质量问题,是导致我国宪法难以有效实施的重要原因,因此继续推进我国宪法立法化是建设法治国家的首要任务。  相似文献   

曾勇明  杨锐军 《团结》2002,(2):12-15
WTO是以一整套规则体系为基础、具有法人资格的国际组织,它为其成员处理国际贸易关系提供普遍适用的体制框架即WTO规则。国际贸易壁垒基本上是由政府设立的,因此,WTO规则主要是规范和约束成员的政府行为。加入WTO,要求政府按照WTO规则和法制来管理贸易活  相似文献   

按照宪法和地方组织法的规定,地法性法规是指省、自治区、直辖市的权力机关在不同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下,制定和颁布的适用于本地区的条例、实施细则、施行办法、规定、通则等具有规范性的法律性文件.它具有三个特点,即从属性、地方性和实施性.从属性是讲地方性法规在我国法的体系中的地位.地法性法规不得违犯宪法、法律和行政法规,它服从于国家的法律和行政法规,受制于国家立法机关,是一种从属性法律性文件.地方性是就其内容和效力范围而言的.地方性法规在内  相似文献   

试论目前我国宪法司法化的实现形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宪法是我国的根本大法,是具有最高效力的法,既然宪法是法,而法皆具有可诉性之品格,那么宪法司法化就是理所应然的,从纯理论角度讲,宪法司法化有两种实现形式:违宪审查和宪法的司法适用。在我国目前的宪政体制下,违宪审查意义上的宪法司法化是难以实现的;而以“冒名上学”一案为契机,通过最高人民法院的司法解释赋予法院宪法解释权和适用权,将成为也已成为我国通过宪法的司法适用而实现宪法司法化的模式。  相似文献   

关于农业补贴政策的作用和局限性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业补贴政策有时会成为一些国际谈判争论的焦点。对农业补贴政策实施的必要性和局限性进行理论探讨,结果表明,农业的弱质性、重要性以及世界上提高食品质量和资源环境质量的新趋势表明了实施农业补贴政策的必要性,并且WTO的有关规则也对农业补贴政策的实施有着明确的规定,许多国家在WTO规则的范围内实施了农业补贴政策。但是,农业补贴政策也表现出一定的局限性,对其替代手段进行研究是值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

WTO的约束对象主要是政府,中国加入WTO以后,政府必须遵守其原则和规则,并适时调整自己的行为。统一实施原则要求政府行为三具统一性;公开竞争原则要求政府行为更具科学性;透明度原则和改革发展原则要求政府行为分别具有公开性和创新性。  相似文献   

执法制度的重理是我国改善执法状况、提高执法水平的需要,也是我国加入WT0后政府行为适应调整的需要。根据目前我国执法中存在的问题,我国执法制度的重理主要涉及执法形式重理、执法组织重理、国家公务员管理重理、执法方式重理、执法程序重理等。  相似文献   

Ordeshook  Peter C. 《Public Choice》1997,90(1-4):55-72
Despite the widely held view in newly emerging democracies that constitutions are mere words on paper or that parchment barriers cannot render a state stable or democratic, those who draft such documents commonly act as if words ARE of consequence. The difficulty, however, is that contemporaneous conflicts too easily intervene so as to corrupt the drafting process and to preclude optimal constitutional design. The specific principle of design most likely to be violated is the proposition that we treat all parts of the constitution as an interconnected whole and that we not try to assess the consequences of one part without appreciating the full meaning of all other parts. This essay illustrates this violation by looking at the new Russian constitution, ratified by direct popular vote in December 1993, with special attention paid to that document's treatment of federalism. We offer the additional argument, however, that even contemporary research in political institutional design pays insufficient heed to this principle.  相似文献   

While Japan’s increased use of the WTO dispute settlement system since 1995 is now widely acknowledged, much less clear are the reasons and motivations behind the specific complaints filed by the Japanese government. An examination of Japan’s complaints between 1995 and 2002 reveals that they have been undertaken almost exclusively on behalf of two sectors, namely automobiles and especially steel. What accounts for the concentration of Japan’s complainant activity in these sectors and not others? In drawing a direct link from domestic politics to the heart of the WTO dispute settlement system, this essay stresses the importance of sectoral lobbying and pressures. It shows concretely how politically organized and institutionally privileged sectors such as Japanese steel have become a major driving force in Japan’s WTO strategy overall. These results are important for considering why there may be far more interaction between state, sectoral, and electoral interests than is normally suspected in the WTO dispute settlement processes.  相似文献   

Increasingly, scholars have articulated the challenge of global economic governance in constitutional terms. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is often painted as an incipient global economic constitution. Its legitimacy would be enhanced, some contend, by transforming the WTO treaty system into a federal construct. But the application of the language of constitutionalism to the WTO is likely to exacerbate the fears of the "discontents" of globalization that the international institutions of economic governance are not democratically accountable to anyone. We argue that the legitimacy of the multilateral trading order requires greater democratic contestability. The notion of global subsidiarity would be a more appropriate model for the WTO than that of a "federal" constitution. This notion incorporates three basic principles: institutional sensitivity, political inclusiveness, and top–down empowerment.  相似文献   

John Carroll 《Society》2014,51(5):562-566
This essay is an exercise in what might be called metaphysical sociology. Metaphysical sociology focusses on the meaning questions that confront all humans, questions about origins, about what to do with one's life, and about death. In particular, the essay examines the place of death in the modern secular psyche, given that interpretations of mortality have become clouded in uncertainty.  相似文献   

Many of the debates concerning the existence of economic rights obfuscate the meaning of the possession of a right to an economic good. In order to provide clarification, several theoretical questions must be probed. This essay explores each of these issues in order to demonstrate that greater conceptual clarity repudiates the arguments against the existence of economic rights. It also seeks to attenuate the vexing problem of necessary and painful tradeoffs between competing rights claims. The final portion of this essay heuristically demonstrates how greater conceptual clarity can aid us in dealing with complex policy issues involving competing rights claims. The phase “Nonsense on stilts” is borrowed from Jeremy Bentham’s refutation pf “Natural” rights. Jeremy Bentham, “Anarchical Fallacies” in Human Rights, ed. A.I.Melden (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1970), 30–31.  相似文献   

政府权力来源于人民,是全体公民意志的集中体现。政府权力必须按照法律规定的基本原则和程序进行运作。公正、透明、民主、市场原则是政府权力运作的基本原则,规定了权力运作的目的、方法和过程;权力的运行程序则保证了权力行使的正确性和规范性;而对权力的制约和监督是防止权力腐败的重要环节。  相似文献   

信息技术与行政体制扁平化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类进入信息社会,环境变得更为多样化和复杂化,社会要求政府的管理和服务更加多元化和个性化,科层组织结构日益暴露出自身的弱点。网络与信息技术的发展,大大提高了交易效率和组织效率,促成了沟通高效平台化和决策过程透明化,推动行政组织结构的扁平化,传统行政体制面临着结构性重组。  相似文献   

论我国国家创新系统的文化环境及其塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会文化环境对国家创新系统有两种相反的作用和输入,即积极的、有利的输入和消极的、不利的输入,这两种作用都会在系统的形态、特性、行为、功能等方面打上环境的烙印,这就是所谓环境对系统的塑造作用。因此,笔者认为,完善我国国家创新系统的一个重要方面就在于塑造有利于国家创新系统功能发挥的社会文化环境。  相似文献   

Interest group research is a nascent domain in the literature on the World Trade Organization (WTO). This article seeks to explore the development and the current status of the WTO's advocacy regime. It reviews the role of interest groups in the history of the multilateral trading regime and explores the mechanisms of interest representation at the WTO. The paper shows that the design of the WTO's advocacy regime goes back to international efforts for a new governance of global economy after World War II. It is presented that the system is not static but subject to frequent changes, and it is contended that the recently implemented access badges mechanism is one important step toward a conventional lobbying regime as known from the nation states. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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