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正Among the country’s first contemporary folk painting towns listed by the Ministry of Culture,Xiuyan is known as"art town."The Manchu in Xiuyan have the tradition called"farmer paintings"and since Reform and Opening-up,Manchu Autonomous County has fostered these artists whose work depicts Manchu folktales,people,lifestyle,customs and natural  相似文献   

<正>A place where small is big.When the China International Electronic Commerce Expo was held last April,1,076 commercial enterprises from 30 countries,including the US,Germany,Canada,Italy,Netherlands and Australia,attended along with businesses from 18 Chinese provinces.This e-commerce festival underscored that Yiwu has become  相似文献   

近年来,我国的网络游戏产业发展迅猛,网络游戏"外挂"也伴随着游戏产业的发展而形成了庞大的地下产业链。借鉴游戏产业发达国家的应对机制可知,我们应完善我国相关立法、司法和执法行为,促进网络游戏产业自身的发展与进步,同时增强全社会对游戏知识产权的保护意识,以彻底杜绝"外挂"行为。  相似文献   

正From the Tibetan language "Xuhu" is transliterated to mean reliable friends, but the word is reserved to refer to friendship or harmony between the Tibetans and the Salar ethnic group in Salar Autonomous County of Xunhua, Qinghai Province. This bit of memory is part of the history of Qinghai. It is a reminder of the ethnic unity that grew between local Tibetans and Salar people.  相似文献   

<正>"For countless years the coral flowers have bloomed in spring;for countless years east tower and west tower have faced each other,across Luoyang Bridge innumerable people have walked,and from Quanzhou Gulf innumerable ships have departed."Taiwan writer Yu Guangzhong wrote this in his Quanzhou dialect to  相似文献   

正The group"In Side Out,"composed of Mark Levine,a Jewish-American,and Fu Han,a Chinese of Tujia nationality,fuses the indigenous and the foreign.For Westerners it represents China and Chinese ethnic groups.Levine,a foreign expert,musician and songwriter,earned a Beijing Friendship Award and permanent  相似文献   

春艳  如申 《半月谈》2005,(1):72-73
近年来,有些地方的农村又短路起了“重金嫁女”之风。有些农民把女儿出嫁当生意做。福建省大田县、尤溪县和永安市等县市个别村镇女孩的聘金高得惊人。据大田县广平镇某村的农民反映.  相似文献   

<正>Taiji ball?What’s that?In Beijing,it’s played by many of the locals.This year China officially included this sport in the National Games of the People’s Republic of China.Taiji Ball incorporates the Taiji movement into a ballgame.Called"taiji rouliqiu(softball),"it is a traditional Chinese sport that received attention in2008 when the Beijing Association for Traditional  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the natureh,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes the early results achieved through BR cooperation.  相似文献   

正Not every flower can blossom between north and south Tianshan Mountain, but ice follies can; not every tree can grow in the Gobi desert, but the poplar tree does. Not everyone can sacrifice their family to serve their country, but cadres aiding Xinjiang's development did. In Turpan, a group of comrades showed true  相似文献   

<正>Work,business,marriage.More than 90,000 residents from 53 nationalities reside in Suzhou.Some are here to work,some are starting a business,and some arrive here to begin married life.Suzhou welcomes newcomers from different minorities,using government programs to help New Suzhounese acclimate to their surroundings in Jiangsu  相似文献   

“我愿意把这个发明专利无偿转让给淮北市,我相信它会在这片创新的沃土上得到转化!”在日前举办的首届中国(淮北)专利技术推介会上,来自四川成都的发明人刘星良激动地向安徽省淮北市市委书记花建慧表示。  相似文献   

正You could make an argument that music defines a culture because it defines human beings.It separates us from other species.Certainly humans are the preeminent musicians.Even while other species have found ways to communicate with each other through sounds,gestures,and even the color of their  相似文献   

正Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made several keynote speeches and given important instructions on the significant issues of ethnic work.These speeches and instructions,especially the keynote on the Central Working Conference  相似文献   

“长江新里程”再踏征程 “长江新里程计划”在前两期丰硕成果的基础上又一次踏上了征程。5月27日,“长江新里程计划“第三期启动仪式在湖北武汉市举行。第三期项目计划投资1亿港元,将实施“假肢服务”、  相似文献   

正"Chinese people have great love and strong national cohesion to their nation,and I want to be a member of them."A baseball cap with the Chinese characters for his name,a large white beard,and a guitar with the pattern of the Five-Starred Red Flag are the signature of an"uncle"from Los Angeles.Mark Levine has traveled and sung songs in China for more than ten years and written lyrics with Chinese characteristics  相似文献   

7月5日召开的海南生态省建设暨海南省环境保护大会提出,海南省将推行领导干部任期环境保护政绩考核,把环保指标和环保基础设施建设作为官员政绩的重要考核标准。此举相当于对领导干部加上“生态审计”这一票。其积极意义在于:通过采取必要的组织措施,强化各级领导干部的生态意识和责任,促使各级领导干部树立正确的政绩观,真正把环境保护工作当回事。海南的生态省建设虽已有7年时间,但我们必须看到,环保基础设施依然严重滞后,领导干部重经济增长、轻环境保护的倾向仍较普遍。而以往在对环境保护违法违纪行为的惩处上,往往存在重经济处罚,轻纪…  相似文献   

人大怎样取得监督实效,是近年来一个热议的话题。增强监督的经常性、针对性和公开性,是老百姓对人大监督的期冀。聘任人大代表为监督员,是对人大监督形式的一种创新呢,还是不妥的做法?需实践检验。然而,人大监督工作有待加强,形式有待改进,制度有待创新,确是不争的事实。  相似文献   

今年,全国省市县乡四级将同时换届,如何选出能够干实事的党政领导班子,更好地推动地方经济的发展和社会的进步?针对以往情况,尤其要注意刹刹“四风”。一刹“突击花钱风”。有的面临换届离岗或换岗的干部认为自己在位的日子不长了,“过了这个村,便没了这个店”,因而千方百计把能用的钱挥霍一空,或滥发钱物,或公款送礼,或大吃大喝,或游山玩水,或出国“考察”,甚至预付透支,搞得单位陷入财政困境。二刹“人心涣散风”。面临换届,不少干部对自己的去向心中无底,因而以等待观望的心态来应付工作。有的干部纪律散漫,对待工作得过且过,能拖则拖,不…  相似文献   

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