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<正>It was by no means a coincidence that I encountered these nuns.When I met them for the first time,they had just moved to Qiongmao Temple in Guide County,Qinghai Province,and I was new there too.Living very close to where they stayed,I would often visit them for a chat.Without an intrusive camera on that first visit,I looked closely at their young and vigorous faces,while they  相似文献   

<正>I have been to Tibet a few times in recent years,but I didn't write much about it.There is a lot to remember,but I didn't know where to start and how to put it into words.Maybe something rooted in my heart stopped me from making it a worldly place,or I haven't found the language to describe how I deeply feel.My bag is packed with true and rich feelings on every trip,which are scattered along the road and infused into my blood,then captured into my mind and blended into my soul.  相似文献   

正"In the South China Sea billowing under white clouds,There is a string of pearls shining.Picturesque seaside with green trees and beaches,Treasures in the vast seascape.Ah,Xisha,Ah,Xisha,Xisha,precious island of the motherland,  相似文献   

正"It will be hard to find any other place like Xinjiang.The highest and lowest,coldest and hottest,extremely desolate and thriving parts coexist under the same sky.Xinjiang's geographic and human characteristics are integrated in widely different styles and contrasts between its 13 nationalities.These include Uyghur,  相似文献   

我是患儿麻、父亲又过早去世的残疾青年。1989年中学毕业,为了就业到处奔走,得到的都是一句话:“好人都不好找工作,你这个残疾人……”那时,我多次产生轻生的念头。我总想,残疾人失去了太多的“天赋人权”,要是国家有一个部门专为残疾人办实事那该多好啊! 后来,我到一个福利企业工作了几年,可好景不长,这个企业倒闭了,我的生活又没有了保障,就连住的地方也没有了,真是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。  相似文献   

哈丽旦是伊吾县一名维吾尔族女干部,在环保局任副局长。她有很多的"亲戚",虽然这些"亲戚"和她没有任何血缘关系,但她就像亲女儿一样为他们做饭、洗衣、看病、喂药,像妈妈一样给孩子们买新衣服、新鞋子、交学费。特别是当这些"亲戚"家里遇到困难时.她更是慷慨解囊,无私地帮助他们。十几年来,她在经济上帮助了他们多少,连她自己都记不清了。  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy.Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes the early results achieved through BR cooperation.  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes  相似文献   

正A Review Of the 20 Years Development History of HNA Group Since its successful maiden flight on May 2,1993,HNA Group has been prospering into a giant conglomerate based on the core businesses of aviation,industry,finance,tourism and logistics.During this 20-plus years,the Group's business landscape has expanded from Hainan Island,the pearl of the South China Sea,to the whole nation and the rest of the world,with its total asset value reaching nearly 500 billion Yuan including 11  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and Chino's Contribution(in multi-Language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and pulblished to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes the early results achieved through BR cooperation.  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes  相似文献   

<正>The Uyghur Muqam art of China was listed as an intangible cultural heritage of the world in May 2006.Daolang?Muqam from Maigaiti County,Kashi,Xinjiang,was later included as its subproject.Before that,both the Daolang?Muqam and Daolang?Mexrep had been included in the first batch of state-level intangible cultural heritages.  相似文献   

正China Academy of Space Technology(CAST)is one of the world-class spacecraft manufacturers,providing full range of space-ground system solutions for world-wide customers.CAST's activities include all space and ground segments covering the field of telecommunications,earth observation,human spaceflight,space science and deep space exploration,as well as all spacecraft equipment,subsystems,ground application system and space industry infrastructure.CAST has successfully designed,manufactured and  相似文献   

正China Academy of Space Technology(CAST)is one of the world-class spacecraft manufacturers,providing full range of space ground system solutions for world-wide customers.CASTs activities include all space and ground segments covering the field of telecommunications,earth observation,human spaceflight,space science and deep space exploration,as well as all spacedraft equipment,subsystems,ground application system and space industry infrastructure.  相似文献   

正China Academy of Space Technology(CAST)is one of the world-class spacecraft manufacturers,providing full range of space ground system solutions for world-wide customers.CASTs activities include all space and ground segments covering the field of telecommunications,earth observation,human spaceflight,space science and deep space exploration,as well as all spacedraft  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy, Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophyt Practice and China's Contribution (in multi-language) is a programmatic document produced by the Offlce of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Rood:Philosophy,Practice and Chino's Contribution(in muLti-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the nature,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes  相似文献   

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