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正Shaxi Town along the centuries-old Silk Road forges a new path in restoration Between two of the best known tourist destinations in southwest China's Yunnan Province,Lijiang and Dali,another ancient town has sat,largely overlooked,for much of the past century.Shaxi,an extraordinarily well-preserved small town in Jianchuan County,houses trea-  相似文献   

EVERY place, large or small, has its own customs or cultural quirks that locals feel proud of. This is especially true in the case of Wang Gang, head of Xuanwu District in Beijing. He told me proudly that Xuanwu boasts two of Beijing's three historic private residences that actually house their very own theaters. They are Huguang and Anhui Guild Halls. The third is Prince Gong's Mansion in Xicheng District.  相似文献   

LIJIANG City sits where the Yunnan-Guizhou and Qinghai-Tibet Plateaus converge in southwest China’s Yunnan Province. The Old Town of Lijiang, a listed world cultural heritage site, has 900 years of history preserved along its narrow streets. To me, though this was not my first visit, Lijiang and its environs are shrouded in mystery. More than just an ancient city with winding alleyways and old houses, its unique customs and legends fill outsiders with fascination. The locals still enjoy the old ways of living and thinking. To the north, high hills rise up above the fields towards Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the holy incarnation of the local Naxi people’s patron god. Returning to Lijiang, I found that still holds the same ease and grace, and time here seems frozen.  相似文献   

FOR centuries, Southwest China's Yunnan Province has been known as home of black tea. It was in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) that caravans began to transport bricks of tea from Xi shuangbanna and Simao to India, passing through Yunnan's Dali and Lijiang and Tibet. The route became known as the Ancient Tea-Horse Trail. By the time it had reached India, the tea fermented and turned black. It was then bought by merchants that took it to Europe and other parts of the world.At the southern end of the Chinese  相似文献   

JIN Xin, the young owner of the Pass By Bar, looks calm and detached as he talks, angling his head. The Pass By was the first bar to open on Nanluoguxiang (NLGX), a hutong now packed with bars and cafes in the old part of Beijing. Since 1999, the lane has been transformed from a quiet residential area into a popular place for socializing and buying traditional Beijing cultural products.  相似文献   

As the 2008 Olympic Games draw near, Beijing, a dynamic modern city undergirded by 3,000 years of history, is throwing open its celebrated nine gates to the world.  相似文献   

Pictures of Old Beijing Living Memories of the Ancient Capital Author:Fang Yan Paperback,436 pages Published by New Star Press in Beijing in November 2013HAVE you ever wondered what Beijing might have looked like before it was covered with skyscrapers,overpasses,gigantic concrete structures and eight-lane avenues full of congested traic?How life was in the old hutong when these narrow alleys were the city’s  相似文献   

黑井古镇历史保护与开发   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨庆 《思想战线》2002,28(2):49-52
黑井曾经是“南方丝绸之路”上著名的“盐乡” ,明代设有专司盐务的“提举司” ,官员、灶户、商贾云集 ,马铃声声 ,黑井一度成为滇中繁华的“陆上码头”。明清时期 ,其财政赋税占有举足轻重的地位。数百年过去了 ,黑井文化却得以保存 ,至今仍充满魅力。近年来 ,旅游业的发展和假日经济的兴起 ,给古镇的振兴带来了机遇 ,保护与开发提上了议事日程  相似文献   

TEAHOUSES are almost as old as tea productionin China, and form an integral part of China'sunique tea culture. Teahouses appeared through-out urban and rural China as early as the TangDynasty (618-907). During the Qing Dynasty, going tothe teahouse was very common practice. Some tea-houses were large and luxurious, while others weresmall and simple. Storytellers and folk singers wereoften hired to enliven the atmosphere.With constant warfare during the late Ming(1368-1644) and early Qi…  相似文献   

丽江古城纳西和汉文化的相互影响与整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨福泉 《思想战线》2005,31(2):48-53
自明代以来, 一批又一批的汉族移民定居古城, 陆续接受了纳西人的语言、服饰及生活习俗, 同时也将内地儒家文化、佛教文化、道教文化带入了纳西古城。在历史的进程中,藏、白等民族也有不少人定居古城, 与纳西人通婚。多民族多元文化的和谐共存、互补, 使这座古城不断焕发出勃勃生机与活力, 成为一个突出体现了中华各个民族“你中有我, 我中有你”的多元一体文化格局的典型社区。  相似文献   

悠悠千年大运河之首,煌煌百里长安街东端,这里是通州。通州是久负盛誉的水陆都会和盛极一时的皇家码头,素有"一京、二卫、三通州"之美称。运河文化源远流长,三教庙、燃灯佛塔、大光楼等众多名胜古迹  相似文献   

JIAOZUO in Henan Province, a place known as "Coal City," has been transformed from a drab and foggy convenience to today's civic emerald. The Taihang Mountains anchor and the Yellow River meanders, fusing with Jiaozuo's historic culture and making this city, among all the former resource-based cities in China, an especially good model of successful transition to an information-age economy.  相似文献   

宋一苇 《思想战线》2005,31(2):93-96
在后现代消费空间中, 酒吧与艺术之间构成着一种紧密的关联。酒吧空间中的艺术观念与传统艺术观念迥然不同。酒吧为各种反艺术反美学的艺术实验提供了资源和场地, 艺术从神圣的殿堂坠入到大众消费的空间。酒吧已成为消费的时尚, 艺术的反叛亦成为一种消费时尚。  相似文献   

T HE famous historical and cultural town of Jingsheng, site of the well-known Wang Family Mansion and mil- lennia-old Zishou Temple, is south of Taiyuan, provincial capital of Shanxi Province. Jingsheng is rich in natural resources as well as cultural relics, despite large numbers of historical sites having been destroyed in an earthquake in the early 14th century. The buildings still standing date back to the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Jingsheng was among the fi rst group of Chinese…  相似文献   

THE ancient town of Long-men is 50 kilometers south-west of Zhejiang’s provincial capital of Hangzhou. It is a typical example of the water towns on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, but is rare in having so far eluded overt commercialization.  相似文献   

Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:astudio,conferenceroom,exhibitionspace,acoffeeshopandexhibitzoneforimportedAfricanproducts Address:SongzhuangXiaopuArtistVillage,TongzhouDistrict,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

正Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:a studio,conference room,exhibition space,a coffee shop and exhibit zone for imported African products Address:Songzhuang Xiaopu Artist Village,Tongzhou District,Beijing  相似文献   

Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:a studio,conference room,exhibition space,a coffee shop and exhibit zone for imported African products Address:Songzhuang Xiaopu Artist Village,Tongzhou District,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

IN China's relentlessly beautiful southwest there is a place that stands out for its unbelievable perfection: Tengchong. An American writer called it a "living landscape painting." Seeing it, I felt the same way.  相似文献   

Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:a studio,conference room,exhibition space,a coffee shop and exhibit zone for imported African products Address:Songzhuang Xiaopu Artist Village,Tongzhou District,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

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