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Previous research has provided support for the impact of juror pre-trial bias on judicial decision making, particularly in cases where the evidence presented at trial is of weak or ambiguous probative value. In an effort to identify whether a pre-trial bias for forensic evidence exists, the Forensic Evidence Evaluation Bias Scale (FEEBS) was developed and tested. The results of a principal components analysis suggested that two distinct constructs were being measured, corresponding to a pro-prosecution and pro-defence bias toward forensic evidence. In a second validation study, scores on these two subscales were compared with other existing juror bias measures (Juror Bias Scale and Belief in a Just World) and in a mock juror decision making task only the pro-prosecution subscale of the FEEBS predicted the perceived strength of forensic evidence. A partial mediation model is presented which explains the relationship between this bias and verdict preferences. The implications of this potential juror bias are discussed in the context of real juries, the CSI Effect (which refers to anecdotal claims that jurors are biased by the popularity of fictional representations of forensic science on television) and peremptory challenges, as well as future research directions.  相似文献   

刑事审前法官是世界上主要法治国家均重点建制的法官序列,它对刑事诉讼的公正与效率、保障被追诉人的权利、制约侦查与公诉权力、过滤不当追诉特别是维护司法中立具有重要意义。我国《刑事诉讼法》的再修改近在眼前,趋同全球范围内民主、文明的刑事诉讼趋势,建立我国的刑事审前法官制度十分必要。刑事审前法官的权力构成是刑事审前法官制度的核心,对其进行比较研究,可为我国建构科学、合理的刑事审前法官制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

齐飞 《时代法学》2009,7(5):112-121
自1999年4月英国新民事诉讼规则正式施行起算,沃尔夫勋爵领导的民事司法改革迄今已有十个年头。这十年的实践证明了总体上新的民事诉讼规则是成功的。而其中的审前程序制度别具特色。英国民事审前制度中的诉前议定书制度、审前和解制度、专家证人制度、审前文件披露和诉讼费用制度,可为我国的民事司法改革提供域外经验。  相似文献   

The objectivity of forensic science decision making has received increased attention and scrutiny. However, there are only a few published studies experimentally addressing the potential for contextual bias. Because of the esteem of DNA evidence, it is important to study and assess the impact of subjectivity and bias on DNA mixture interpretation. The study reported here presents empirical data suggesting that DNA mixture interpretation is subjective. When 17 North American expert DNA examiners were asked for their interpretation of data from an adjudicated criminal case in that jurisdiction, they produced inconsistent interpretations. Furthermore, the majority of 'context free' experts disagreed with the laboratory's pre-trial conclusions, suggesting that the extraneous context of the criminal case may have influenced the interpretation of the DNA evidence, thereby showing a biasing effect of contextual information in DNA mixture interpretation.  相似文献   

民事审前准备程序:目标、功能与模式   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国的民事审前准备程序 ,除了需要实现效率的目标外 ,还需要满足公正的目标 ;除了应当具备整理和固定争点、收集和交换证据、促进当事人和解这些一般功能外 ,还应当具备防止先定后审、单方接触、强制调解、先入为主的特殊功能。应当根据合目的性的原则来选择我国的民事审前准备程序模式。我国目前实行的审前准备模式有审判法官型、法官助理型、预审法官型三种。预审法官型是一种相对优越的模式 ,该模式既有利于效率与公正的目标的实现 ,又能够全面发挥审前准备程序的各项功能  相似文献   

我国新《民事诉讼法》第五十五条在立法层面确立了"民事公益诉讼程序",其中包含的环境公益诉讼在我国尚处于起步阶段,诸多配套性的程序规则和单行立法均有待完善。推行诉前鉴定机制,对于推进环境公益诉讼制度的发展具有重要的现实意义,但是,这又需要以诉前鉴定程序的完善和规范为前提。因此,必须着力解决好三个方面的问题:明确诉前鉴定程序启动的决定主体;规范诉前鉴定意见之证据能力和证明力的判断程序;明确诉前鉴定费用的负担规则。  相似文献   

对五个省看守所的调研发现,总体上看守所实施刑事诉讼法的相关文本规定取得了良好的效果,修改后刑事诉讼法赋予看守所相应的职责,比如保障律师会见权、讯问在看守所内进行、对三个月以下的短刑犯执行刑罚等直接与看守所相关的条款,都得到了严格的遵循与适用.另一方面从更为宏观的角度上来看,看守所实施新刑事诉讼法的现有成效只是良好的开端,许多间接相关的条款,比如保障民事权利、法律援助等,甚至是看起来与看守所执法无关的条款,比如录音录像、非法取证的固定取证等,都有必要继续研究,拓展看守所的相关功能,创造条件予以适用,真正、完整地贯彻刑事诉讼法的立法精神与文本规定.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the prevalence, the phenomenology and the course of depressive syndromes in pre-trial confinement. In the course of the first examination, socio-biographic data and information pertaining to subjects' psychiatric and forensic record and their current situation in imprisonment were collected from a random sample of 105 male prisoners in a Berlin pre-trial detention center, with the help of a semi-structured interview. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD), each a self-rating questionnaire, taken together with a clinician rating were successively performed to assess the level of depression. A further examination was conducted approximately three weeks later. The subjects in the follow-up group (n=67) were questioned in a semi-structured follow-up interview regarding their confinement conditions and were requested again to fill in the BDI-II and HAMD questionnaires. The statistical analysis compares the results from administration of the two instruments at two points in time. Individual's symptoms of depression as well as potentially aggravating or protective factors relating to the development of depressive symptoms are taken note of separately. The results of the study reveal the prevalence of mild depressive syndromes in a pre-trial prison population and a tendency to improve within the period of pre-trial confinement.  相似文献   

本文以庭前审查程序在我国的确立、适用及修法缘由为切入点,重点对1996年《刑事诉讼法》关于庭前审查程序的修改及由此导致司法实践中出现的各种问题作出修法检讨,在此基础上对理论界与实务界提出的各种改革建议和措施进行了评述,认为这些改革措施未能从根本上解决问题的原因是未将庭前审查程序设置为独立的诉讼程序。提出我国应遵循司法规律要求,将庭前审查程序设置为独立的诉讼程序,并赋予其多种功能。  相似文献   

在法定顺序主义下,主张已经固定,有完善系统的审前程序,实行证据同时提出主义和逾期失权制度则有其合理基础。在自由顺序主义中,无审前程序固定主张和争点,则只能实行证据随时提出主义,但证据随时提出主义无法集中审理和诉讼拖延的弊端决定着其让位于增设审前程序后的证据适时提出主义。不像美国的证据开示制度,我国民事诉讼法不能随意证据失权,只能实行相对温和的证据适时提出主义,但也需相应完善审前程序。  相似文献   

One of the more important decisions made by judges in the criminal justice system is the bail decision. Factors that judges take into consideration when making a bail decision, such as seriousness of the offense, flight risk, and public safety, are typically seen by researchers as the primary determinants of such a decision. However, one aspect that researchers have not studied extensively—rated jail capacity – could play an important role in a judge’s decision. Overcrowding in jails leads to numerous problems, both for the offender and the system itself, so judges may be more willing to release offenders into the community during the pretrial period if the local jails are overcrowded. The current study examines the effect of rated jail capacity on decisions regarding bail amounts, release on recognizance (ROR), financial release, and conditional release in eight Florida counties. Results indicate that rated jail capacity plays a role in judges’ bail decisions, suggesting that judges are concerned about housing more pretrial offenders in crowded jails.  相似文献   

我国现行刑事诉讼法没有确立审前羁押的司法救济程序,被羁押者不能援用司法救济方式质疑审前羁押的合法性,导致司法实践中审前羁押率居高不下和超期羁押问题较为严重。解决这一问题的根本出路就在于构建我国审前羁押的司法救济途径,将人身保护令制度引入我国刑事诉讼法,赋予被羁押者对羁押的合法性提出质疑的权利,让中立的司法机关对羁押的根据进行司法审查,从而将审前羁押纳入司法控制的范畴,利用司法权来保障被羁押者免受非法或者无根据的羁押。  相似文献   

王彪 《证据科学》2013,(5):592-604
在非法证据排除规则确立后,审前重复供述的排除问题浮出水面.从确保非法证据排除规则有效实施、消极的实证真实发现主义、人权保障以及遏制刑讯的角度看,审前重复供述应该排除.非法取证行为的持续影响效力理论是排除审前重复供述的依据,排除审前重复供述的标准是刑讯逼供等非法行为与重复供述之间存在因果关系.具体来说,排除重复供述,需要有刑讯逼供等非法取供行为,且该行为对被追诉人产生了较大影响,使其供述自由受到了较大限制.排除非法口供后,可反驳地推定重复供述不具有可采性.控方如欲使用重复供述,需要证明不存在因果关系.排除重复供述可能会遇到诸多障碍,需要通过法官独立司法维护司法公正.  相似文献   

从纸上谈兵到水滴石穿——非法口供排除程序的构造反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆而启 《证据科学》2012,20(2):187-203
高举人权保障大旗的刑事诉讼立法淡化了刑事诉讼构造的路径选择,但是,基于一种结构缺陷,我国新近立法所确立和完善的审判前供述排除规则很容易沦为"纸面上的法"而难以转化为"行动中的法"。一方面,因为没有庭前法官和庭审法官的分离与法官和陪审团的分权,一元化的法庭可能会造成非法获取的口供从大门排除又从窗户跳进,而"口供排除"和"宣读口供"的两阶段在质证上存在着叠床架屋,更有为普遍地采纳审判前供述这一传闻证据"背书"的反其道而行之的趋势。另一方面,控辩不平等导致庭审最终落入长于法律辩论而轻视事实调查的旧习,而法官也陷入到底是积极调查还是消极听审的内在职责冲突之中。因此,本文设想以案例指导跳脱立法中心主义的虚无缥缈,以配套程序摆脱实质判断标准的人言人殊。  相似文献   

当事人申请调查取证制度在实践运作上呈现程序异化的特点,导致这种现象出现的根本原因在于民事诉讼"庭审—宣判"的双阶结构,缺少审前准备程序。在程序分化基础上实现审判结构"庭前准备程序—庭审程序—宣判"三阶结构变革,才能强化法官的释明权,完善对当事人申请调查取证权的程序保障。  相似文献   

This study measures the seriousness of domestic violence cases from the population of cases (N = 96) sentenced to a pre-trial domestic violence intensive supervision unit in one county probation office in Florida from April 1, 2006, to April 30, 2007. No significant differences were found in seriousness across sex, self-reported drug use, or attorney type. Furthermore, no relationship was found between the number of special conditions imposed by the court and the seriousness index value for a case. However, non-Whites had a significantly higher mean case seriousness index than Whites. Findings suggest that using the seriousness index presented in this study, some of the cases examined were not serious enough to warrant being sentenced to the pre-trial domestic violence intensive supervision unit. Implications for future research, including the use of lethality assessments, are addressed.  相似文献   

In recent times it has been argued that international criminalproceedings are too costly, too long and no longer politicallyor financially viable. This article proposes several ways inwhich pre-trial proceedings in international criminal trialsmay be fairly expedited. The author argues that more judicialinvolvement in the pre-trial phase could assist in reducingthe length and ineffectiveness of international criminal trials.  相似文献   

Despite a proliferation of actuarial risk assessment instruments, empirical research on the communication of violence risk is scant and there is virtually no research on the consumption of actuarial risk assessment. Using a 2 × 3 Latin Square factorial design, this experiment tested whether decision-makers are sensitive to varying levels of risk expressed probabilistically and whether the framing of actuarial risk probabilities is consequential for commitment decisions. Consistent with research on attribute framing, in which describing an attribute in terms of its complement leads to different conclusions, this experiment found that the way actuarial risk estimates are framed leads to disparate commitment decisions. For example, risk framed as 26% probability of violence generally led decision-makers to authorize commitment, whereas the same risk framed in the complement, a 74% probability of no violence, generally led decision-makers to release. This result was most pronounced for moderate risk levels. Implications for the risk communication format debate, forensic practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the discretion of the police and prosecutors during the pre-trial stage based on six systems of criminal justice: England and Wales, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, and South Korea. In criminal proceedings, discretion plays a significant role in supplementing as statutes cannot provide for every circumstance. In particular, at the pre-trial stage, public prosecutors can conclude their cases by exercising considerable discretion. Such discretion differs depending on the jurisdiction. The differences demonstrate distinctive prosecutorial roles. Based upon these findings, I propose that in general, the public prosecution service plays a filtering role. Unlike other jurisdictions, in Korea the prosecutors act as monopolists. However, justice cannot be achieved by the monopoly of one legal actor in the criminal proceedings.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of race on the pretrial release decision for drug offenders. Although this decision point has not been examined as extensively as the final sentencing decision, it is a critical discretion point which impacts defendants’ future sentencing outcomes. The results found that race had a significant impact on judges’ decisions to release a defendant on recognizance, with black defendants less likely to receive this release status. Race was not significant, however, in the decision of bail amount or in the likelihood to post bail. These results are consistent with the focal concerns perspective which suggests that black defendants are viewed by courts as more dangerous and blameworthy and thereby, less likely to be released on their own recognizance.  相似文献   

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