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Jie Lu 《当代中国》2004,13(39):323-338
The rise of urban fiction in Chinese literary writings of the 1990s is certainly an important phenomenon, closely related to rapid urbanization as well as changes in the literary zeitgeist. However, what distinguishes the urban fiction of the 1990s is the foregrounding of the city itself, in that the city has come to the central place to become the chief object of representation. This paper examines, through a reading of Qiu Huadong's novel, The City Chariot, the specific ways in which urban fiction and the modern city have come to interact, how the city has created exclusively urban experiences, and how these urban experiences, in their turn, complicate our understanding and representing of the city, and demand a new structure of representation as well as a new relationship to the city. Set against a new metropolitan backdrop, Qiu's novel concentrates on the anxiety and richness of contemporary urban experiences. However, what these new experiences have created are senses of randomness, of terrifying disconnectedness, and of a loss of history. In this perceptive vertigo, the city resists any neat representation; and its images are fragmented to become ‘an untotalizing totality’.  相似文献   

城市公共安全规划编制要点的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
城市公共安全规划是依据风险理论对城市发展趋势进行研究并对人类自身活动的安全作出时间和空间的安排,其研究范围包括城市工业危险源、城市公共场所、城市公共基础设施、城市自然灾害、城市道路交通、恐怖袭击与破坏和城市突发公共卫生事件等七个方面。城市公共安全规划编制要点包括:对可能发生的城市公共安全事故灾害进行风险分析、确定规划目标、实施风险减缓对策措施、建立城市事故应急救援系统、建立公共安全信息管理系统、制定城市公共安全规划的实施办法等。城市公共安全规划研究的理论基础是风险理论。  相似文献   

MY husband and I took a break from our busy schedules in late July 2011 to discover more of our country. Inner Mongolia,the historic and naturally beautiful meeting place of southern agrarian and northern nomadic cultures,had long been on our list of top places to visit. We decided on this occasion to do away with tour groups and headed off in our own four-wheeled transport for a five-day trip to Arxan in Northwest China’s steppe frontier.  相似文献   

当代青年有着强烈的参与闲暇生活的愿望,闲暇生活越来越丰富,闲暇生活的选择日益增多、但是也存在不少问题。要培养当代青年形成科学的闲暇价值观和科学的闲暇价值观,养成对闲暇时间的选择能力和自主品质。  相似文献   

This article, drawing on fieldwork in China, charts the ascendancy of Lian Tong (China Unicom), the first competitor to the incumbent Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Commencing with an historical overview of Chinese telecommunications, it suggests that Lian Tong's formation has been contingent upon support from key constituencies within China's political elite. The company's emergence mirrors technological trends and user pressure evident globally. It embodies the drive towards market liberalisation now evident within the Peoples’ Republic. While the Chinese policy community is sensible of the need to make haste slowly toward the goal of telecommunications competition — ‘touching stones to cross the river’ in the contemporary aphorism — the success of this ‘policy experiment’ depends both on the subtleties of Chinese politics and the construction of bold new regulatory frameworks. Lian Tong's genesis is symbolic of developments in the telecommunications sector, and maybe also more generally in the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

Xinmin Liu 《当代中国》2004,13(39):311-321
Nostalgia, especially imagined nostalgia, thrives in the art works of the 1990s in China as it helps artists ‘fashion’ a dialogic role between commodity and cultural critique. The art works I have sampled here demonstrate how three artists inventively hitch‐hike commodified settings to engage in transitory yet constructive social commentary on China's headlong plunge into a market‐driven society. All three favor the mode of ‘photographic remembering’ which enables them, not to reject or bypass, but to work in and through consumer culture in order that they can give full play to the more emancipatory and enlightening potentialities implied in their humanistic pursuit.  相似文献   

唐宋田园诗在题材范围和艺术风格上存在很大的不同.题材表现上,唐代田园诗主要描写农村生活宁静优美的一面,以表现诗人的闲情雅趣;宋代田园诗的表现范围则有很大的拓展,涉及到乡村生活的方方面面,泥土气息较浓.艺术风格上,唐代田园诗呈现出一种浪漫情调,宋代田园诗则是一种平实自然的现实主义诗风.造成唐宋田园诗巨大差别的主要原因一是唐宋政治经济状况的不同,二是诗人的创作心态不同,三是诗人的审美情趣不同.  相似文献   

2010年6月,中共重庆市委三届七次全委会出台了<关于做好当前民生工作的决定>,提出本届市委任期内,用两年半的时间,在解决全市群众最关心的10大民生问题上取得重大突破.<决定>把创建国家环境保护模范城市(简称"创模")作为10大民生问题的重要内容,体现了市委、市政府对环保工作的高度重视.  相似文献   

创建国家环保模范城市 提升城市品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹光辉 《重庆行政》2011,13(1):19-22
2010年6月,中共重庆市委三届七次全委会出台了《关于做好当前民生工作的决定》,提出本届市委任期内,用两年半的时间,在解决全市群众最关心的10大民生问题上取得重大突破。《决定》把创建国家环境保护模范城市(简称"创模")作为10大民生问题的重要内容,体现了市委、市政府对环保工作的高度重视.  相似文献   

邓小平对当代中国政党制度的形成、发展和完善做出了重要贡献。他是多党合作的奠基人和促进者,他主张充分发挥人民政协的作用,反对在中国实行西方多党制。  相似文献   

在20世纪中国文学中,1949年以后的当代文学,是一个特殊的发展阶段,在这个阶段,出现了统一的作家组织和带有极强的“计划经济”色彩的文学体制,以及“有计划、按比例”的文学生产与消费方式,文学开始接受统一的意识形态规范,遵从统一的理论原则,奉行统一的创作方法,追求统一的时代风格等等。正因为这一阶段的文学存在着这样的特殊性,所以有必要对它发生的思想温床进行一番深入探讨。对20世纪90年代以来中国文学的现代性阐释,给当代文学研究带来了新的变化,这一变化不仅表现为对一些具体的文学对象和文学史现象的现代性阐释,更重要的是,当代文…  相似文献   

第二十九届奥运会在北京的成功举办,让世界与中国有了又一次近距离的接触,北京宽广的道路、葱郁的树木、洁净的蓝天给世界留下了深刻的记忆,美丽的北京成为北京环卫成功打造的"名片".北京市容发生日新月异变化的同时,北京环卫事业伴随着改革开放的步伐同步前进.  相似文献   

Jia Qingguo 《当代中国》2005,14(42):11-21
With the rise of China, the importance of understanding Chinese nationalism increases. Assessing Chinese nationalism, many people claim that it has grown stronger and more intense in recent years. Some believe that this is the case because the Chinese Government deliberately promotes nationalism to serve its own purposes. This paper argues that the reality with Chinese nationalism is much more complicated than many assume. It has grown stronger in some respects but weaker in others. The role of the Chinese Government is at best mixed. In explaining the development of Chinese nationalism, one needs to look at external as well as internal and historical causes. Only by doing so can one gain a fuller and more balanced understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Lei Zhou  Yufang Wei 《当代中国》2014,23(88):715-735
Mass incidents are inevitable in contemporary China and the first thing we should learn is to adopt a correct attitude towards them. Based on the three elements—activity, interaction and sentiment—of collective behaviors in 52 mass incidents in China during 2007–2011, we find that collective behaviors in mass incidents show significant differences in activity, interaction and sentiment. A grade evaluation method is proposed to estimate the evolution of collective behaviors in 52 mass incidents and to classify such behaviors into five grades. Then the influence factors on the three elements are analyzed using multiple linear regression. The regression results demonstrate that the impacts of location, casualties, inner-group relations, group scale and duration on the three elements are very significant. Finally, in the light of the regression results, some implications of collective behavior in mass incidents are proposed for the relevant authorities in responding to mass incidents.  相似文献   

中国远古神话中的崇高美形象的演变,反映了华夏先民的崇高审美心理的发展。这种心理最早来自对高山的巍峨与永恒的赞叹,于是有昆仑山与朴父夫妇的具“时间”与“空间”之崇高的形象;继之,华夏先民认识到人的力量,于是创造出龙伯国人、任公子的具“空间”与“力”之崇高的形象;继之,华夏先民又进一步意识到力之使用须有益于人类的生存,于是又创造出盘古、女娲等新的具“空间”、“力”与“精神”之崇高的形象;其后,华夏先民的崇高审美心理又再次发生质的飞跃,即开始意识到人的本质特征,于是又创造出消退“时间”、“空间”崇高,而以“力”与“精神”崇高为主的羿和禹的形象,以及最为高级的“悲剧性崇高”,如鲧、刑天的形象。至此,华夏先民的崇高审美心理已发展到最高水平。  相似文献   

Political leaders and establishment intellectuals in China often claim that their country is experiencing challenges from the Internet that entail threats to traditional culture, Chinese youth, and existing value orientations and ideology. To meet the challenge, they argue, there is a need to re-think outdated strategies of propaganda. In this article, I coin the term ideotainment, which is helpful for understanding the underlying rationale and concrete outcome of their thinking. Ideotainment is the juxtaposition of images, symbolic representations, and sounds of popular Web and mobile phone culture together with both subtle and overt ideological constructs and nationalistic propaganda. It is argued that strategies of ideotainment are envisioned as an effective means to engage perceived enemies in China's cyberspace, win battles of public opinion, and not least to shore up legitimacy for the Chinese Communist Party in the information age.  相似文献   

Wang Ning 《当代中国》2004,13(38):53-68
In the age of globalization, intellectuals, writers, critics and literary and cultural studies scholars cannot but take pains to conceive or picture the future orientation of elite literature since elite literature is being challenged by popular literature and culture, and literary studies by Cultural Studies. The present essay tries to describe a new orientation of Chinese literature studies, or more specifically, to observe modern Chinese literature in a broad context of world literature and reach a rewriting of contemporary Chinese literary culture from an international and comparative point of view. In reperiodizing modern Chinese literature, the author points out that in the global age, the new framework of world culture in the twenty-first century is characterized by different cultures coming to dialogue and merging to some degree rather than ‘cultural conflict’. With this broad background, twentieth century Chinese literature should be re-examined from an international and comparative perspective. The paper also points out that rewriting literary history must be associated with issues of canon formation and reformation, that is, to offer new interpretations from theoretical perspectives of canonical literary works. The author discusses several considerations involved in canon selection: reception and market success, recognition of critical circles, and inclusion in university curriculum.  相似文献   

科学发展观是中国共产党新一届领导集体在全面建设小康社会和实现现代化的进程中提出的中国特色的发展观,它是马克思主义与中国的发展实践相结合的产物,是与时俱进的马克思主义发展观;科学发展观扬弃了传统发展观,是对发展观的深化和超越;它的提出源于中国现代化实践的现实,是对发展问题的准确把握,是当代中国社会发展道路的必然选择。  相似文献   

北京离奥运越来越近,中国与世界越来越近.在经济全球化和金融国际化日益发展的今天,在"新北京,新奥运"即将到来之际,整合首都金融资源,发挥产业优势,为"新北京,新奥运"助劲添力等越来越成为人们关注的问题.  相似文献   

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