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刑事和解作为目前刑事理论界与实务界关注的共同热点,其研究已呈如火如荼之式。然而,地处边远、经济落后、资源匮乏、传统民俗习惯深远的农村民族地区,由于受到历史传统的影响,更具大力推进刑事和解的社会环境。因此,扩大法律的适用范围,在农村民族地区推进刑事和解尤显必要。  相似文献   

Nicholas Thomas 《当代中国》2015,24(95):846-864
This article examines Sino–Australian economic relations, and their impact on the ties between the United States and Australia. First, drawing on power transition theory, it is argued that in a post-Cold War environment, economic ties play as great a role as strategic relations in determining the orientation of third-party states. Second, it is also argued that Australia's deeper economic and commercial ties with China have usurped a role previously held by the United States. This has forced Australia to pursue a bifurcated foreign policy—one split between its economic and national security needs. Third, these deeper ties with China have generated a degree of alliance drift between Australia and the United States. As a result, there is now a significant debate in Australia over the future of both bilateral relations—even as its space for policy innovation remains limited.  相似文献   

港口岸线资源不仅是一种自然资源,其价值受自然条件的影响和制约,同时,港口岸线资源价值更是一种社会范畴的概念。从自然、经济、社会和交通运网四个方面分析影响港口岸线资源价值的凶素,以此建立的港口岸线资源价值评估指标体系较为客观和全面,将为进一步选用恰当的评估方法,实现港口岸线资源价值评估奠定基础。  相似文献   

弹好古筝,关键在于技巧的运用,技巧的基础则又来源于娴熟的指法.不同流派的筝乐表现方式(即风格),决定了不同指法的独特运用.只有深入研究各流派的指法特点,才能认识和把握不同的艺术风格,更好地表现各流派名曲的内蕴和特色.  相似文献   

Zhiyue Bo 《当代中国》2004,13(39):223-256
What was the political landscape of China as a result of the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? The answer is two‐fold. In terms of formal institutions, provincial units emerged as the most powerful institution in Chinese politics. Their power index, as measured by the representation in the Central Committee, was the highest by a large margin. Although their combined power index ranked second, central institutions were fragmented between central party and central government institutions. The military ranked third. Corporate leaders began to assume independent identities in Chinese politics, but their power was still negligible at this stage. In terms of informal factional groups, the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL) Group was the most powerful by a large margin. The Qinghua Clique ranked second. The Shanghai Gang and the Princelings were third and fourth, respectively. The same ranking order also holds in group cohesion indexes. The CCYL Group stood out as the most cohesive because its group cohesion index for inner circle members alone was much larger than those of the other three factional groups combined. The Qinghua Clique came second, and the Shanghai Gang third. The Princelings was hardly a factional group because its group cohesion index was extremely low. These factional groups, nevertheless, were not mutually exclusive. There were significant overlaps among them, especially between the Qinghua Clique and the Shanghai Gang, between the Princelings and the Qinghua Clique, and between the CCYL Group and the Qinghua Clique.  相似文献   


This paper suggests an alternative to the commonly-held “scarcity paradigm” of thinking about valued human resources, which assumes individuals must compete because resources are scarce. The alternative-the “synergy paradigm”-is empitomized in “synergistic community,” where valued human resources are renewable and expanding, and distributed equitably to members, so that what is good for one is good for all and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Three field studies present cross-cultural evidence for the functioning of empowerment within a synergistic paradigm. Empowerment is considered as access to and control of valued resources; the specific valued resource focused upon is community healing. The studies suggest that community healing resources can become renewable and expanding, as can the process of empowerment which accesses them. Community members share these resources, combining conflicting resources into unexpectedly effective treatment packages. Given present inequities in resource distribution, transformative education is offered as one means to support a shift in thinking toward synergy.  相似文献   

随着我国与国际交流日趋紧密,作为警务英语的子范畴,警务口语的重要性不容忽视。文章通过完整的教学案例展示,提出任务型教学法在警务口语教学中的运用,旨在让学员通过完成任务提高警务口语学习的动机和兴趣,进而增强学员的综合素质。  相似文献   

孟祥林 《中国发展》2007,7(3):118-121
提高城市化水平是提升中国经济竞争力的基础,也是实现经济增长的关键。该文首先简要论述了中国城市发展的历史变迁,然后分析了影响城市化进程的几个关键因素:交通运输条件的改善、工业化水平的提高、农业的充分发展和资源布局,最后初步探索了中国特色的城市化道路选择:发展城市要以资源为依托。  相似文献   

文献信息资源建设是建立公安文献信息资源保障体系的基础 ,为此必须树立起载体多样化、馆藏虚拟化、资源共享化这样一些新观念 ,在加强实体资源建设的同时 ,应加大数字资源建设的力度 ,将重点放在公安文献的数字化建设上。文中分析了目前数字化建设中存在的困难与不足 ,提出了公安文献数字化建设的一些思考性意见。  相似文献   

伴随着公安信息化建设的深入,刑事侦查领域的网上作战不断发展、完善,网上摸底排队作为网上作战的其中一项,是近年来新出现的一项侦查措施,而旅馆业作为一项特殊行业,可为侦查工作提供一个巨大的进行网上摸排信息平台。文章通过对旅馆业可利用的网上资源以及利用这些资源进行网上摸排的优势和劣势,就旅馆业的网上摸排的有关问题进行了探究,并提出如何有效利用旅馆资源进行网上摸排的方法,以期能够更为有效的为侦查中的摸排工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

美国是自然文化遗产资源丰富且管理较为成功的国家,其基本管理理念是根据遗产资源的公益性确定遗产资源的使命,然后建立与使命相应的资金机制、管理机制、经营机制、监督机制等,以确保管理能力、管理手段与管理目标相适应。本文以美国国家公园体系为例介绍了这种理念的形成过程和具体体现方式,总结了中国自然文化遗产管理制度与美国的差别,并在剖析中国有关改革的基础上提出了中国遗产管理应该借鉴美国的基本管理理念。  相似文献   

中国公共政策过程的研究:西方学者的视角及其启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1950年后,西方开始兴起中国政策过程研究的热潮。从五六十年代到九十年代,以美国学者为主的西方学者的研究视角从精英、派系逐渐转向官僚组织,其政策过程的模式包括理性决策模型、权力斗争模型、讨价还价模型、各自为政模型、竞争性说服模型等。本文总结了中国政策过程的特点和影响因素,即政策议程设定与政治高度相关、政策目标追求“模糊共识”、政策决策过程“讨价还价”、政策执行呈现出显著的差异性和多样性、政策变动周期不稳定等。  相似文献   

Child welfare administrative data are increasingly used to identify racial/ethnic disproportionality and disparities at various levels of aggregation. However, child welfare agencies typically face challenges in harnessing administrative data to examine racial/ethnic disproportionality and disparities at meaningful levels of analysis due to limited resources and/or tools for reporting. This article describes the process through which a multi-state workgroup designed and developed management reports to monitor racial/ethnic disparities and disproportionality using a web-based child welfare administrative data reporting system. The article provides an overview of the process, outcome, and challenges of the group’s work with the goal of offering a starting point for discussion to others who may be seeking to monitor racial/ethnic disparities and disproportionality, regardless of their reporting system.  相似文献   

海峡两岸经济关系研究30年回顾与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在1979年两岸关系逐渐趋于缓和与恢复的形势下,海内外对两岸经济关系的研究也开始起步,并逐步展开和深入。近30年来,随着两岸经济交流与合作进程,两岸经济关系研究先后经历了三次热潮,逐步建立了较为完整的研究体系和研究基础,并初步形成了较为完备的研究梯队。两岸经济关系研究深受各种经济理论思潮的影响,如经济市场化理论思潮、经济全球化理论思潮、经济区域化理论思潮和民族化思潮等都反映和折射在两岸经济关系研究中。研究两岸经济关系,应从符合两岸同胞根本利益、有利于两岸经济共同发展的角度去思考和解决问题。  相似文献   

This article explores how organizations can prevent workplace accidents through the psychological assessment of employees. We present a model of employee safety consciousness consisting of personality and attitudinal variables associated with a higher risk of accident involvement. A safety conscious employee is described as one who: has an internal locus of control in matters related to workplace safety, has a high tolerance for work‐related stress, and avoids engaging in high‐risk, sensation‐seeking activities. Relevant research is reviewed and applications of the safety consciousness construct to hiring, promotion and training are discussed.  相似文献   

论侦查效益价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在侦查资源稀缺、犯罪形势 日益严重以及保障人权呼声不断高涨 的今天,要求侦查活动利用和科学地 配置有限的侦查资源,最大程度地实 现侦查的社会效益和经济效益。这既 是侦查效益的品性,又是侦查效益价 值的本质追求。因此从价值层面对侦 查效益进行分析,以解决侦查理论和 实践中出现的效益问题,具有重要的 理论和现实意义。  相似文献   


There is a crisis in health care resulting from the scarcity of resources and the inequitable distribution of those resources toward those most able to pay. Two paradigms for the generation and distribution of resources are discussed. The scarcity paradigm, in which individuals must compete for scarce resources, dominates Western care and expresses and supports that crisis. The synergy paradigm, in which individuals share resources which are renewable and expanding, is rare in the West but could help alleviate that crisis. Three case studies of synergy in Western health care are presented, illustrating the nature and functioning of “synergistic community.” Dilemmas remaining in the introduction and maintenance of synergy within Western care are discussed.  相似文献   

Hou Shumei  Ron Keith 《当代中国》2011,20(70):379-395
Western critics are keenly interested in the defense lawyer as an advocate within the human rights movement in China and fear that under the impact of state persecution the defense lawyer is becoming an ‘endangered species’. This article argues that, while there are significant problems, there has also been progress in Chinese lawyering reform that ties together greater professionalism with a new emphasis on due process. The revised Lawyers’ Law of 2007 is an important new benchmark in lawyer reform. This law has challenged the limited dimensions of earlier reform. This law, itself, has been challenged in bureaucratic resistance that is deploying outdated criminal procedural law to negate the reforms supporting the new process and protected lawyer–client relations. The National People's Congress has supported the latter, arguing that it represents the latest in reform and is, therefore, superior to the more restrictive provisions of the 1996 Criminal Procedural Law and supporting public security regulation.  相似文献   

环北部湾滨海旅游产业发展与滨海旅游体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环北部湾地区滨海旅游资源非常丰富,具有巨大的发展潜力。充分挖掘该区域的滨海旅游资源,构建和完善区域滨海旅游体系,是环北部湾地区推进区域经济合作、提升区域经济竞争力的重要手段。文章阐述了环北部湾滨海旅游产业发展现状,分析了环北部湾滨海旅游产业发展中存在的主要问题,并提出了环北部湾滨海旅游体系建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

建立甘肃人才资源开发机制初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人才匮乏是制约甘肃经济发展的关键因素。本文通过对甘肃人才资源开发现状及人才资源开发迟缓原因的分析,就建立健全甘肃人才资源开发机制提出了几点见解。  相似文献   

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