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The defects of the current international financial system are creating tremendous distortions in the economies of East Asia. For the time being, most of the developing countries in East Asia have no choice but to adopt some sort of a flexible, wider band system (crawling band) while resorting to capital control when necessary, in order to avoid the recurrence of the Asian currency crisis. Japan's approach to building a stable international financial system in East Asia has gone through several stages since the late 1970s. Though the latest approach of setting up the Asian Bond Fund (ABF) is a step in the right direction, the ABF has severe limitations in reducing the risks for the developing countries in Asia. The ABF needs to be replaced by the Asian Bond Corporation (ABC) in order to develop an international capital market in Asia and use the abundant saving in Asia for financing the growth of Asia. In the process of expanding the activities of the ABC, Asia can adopt the notional common currency based on a basket of major currencies. That notional currency will pave the way toward introducing the Asian common currency, which can be the ultimate goal for the economic cooperation and integration in East Asia. In the meantime, while enhancing currency cooperation, East Asia needs a lender of the last resort in order to keep its economy from collapsing from another currency attack. Japan has been trying to play that role and is poised to take that responsibility as the largest and the most developed economy in the region. International capital markets and a truly international currency must be supported by numerous institutions and intellectual frameworks. Asia is yet to build those institutions. To help build those institutions, we in East Asia need to establish a new international research institution which would coordinate the strenuous intellectual efforts needed for building institutions that bolster the international capital market in Asia. The envisaged new institute can be dubbed the "Asian Monetary Institute," or "AMI."  相似文献   

中国同东亚的经济一体化与合作   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于直接投资和自身巨大的市场潜力,中国在东亚新型生产网络中发挥着平衡贸易收支和维持地区资本循环的重要作用。中国和东盟建立自由贸易区既有地缘政治的考虑,又可以为东盟提供更多的机会。中国积极推动东北亚经济合作,倡议在“10 3”框架下开展功能性的合作。东亚多层次合作框架将有助于规则的建立和良好治理能力的培育,未来的东亚自由贸易区将在三个“10 1”自由贸易协定之上按大致的时间表逐步建立。  相似文献   

The nature of the East Asian terrorist threat is obviously most acute in Southeast Asia. In dealing with that threat there are three levels of action to pursue. The first relates to the domestic developments nations can all be expected to take individually within their respective countries. Secondly there's the broader international cooperation that nations undertake through organisations such as the UN, G8, ASEAN and APEC. The third area for action and cooperation is the support given directly to individual countries in Southeast Asia, and in particular, the aid and assistance to develop and enhance their own domestic capabilities to combat terrorism. The bombing of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta emphasises that the priorities for assistance and cooperation are in the field of intelligence, namely to gain a better understanding of the terrorists and their motives and the requirement for the exchange of intelligence between regional countries.  相似文献   

2001年东亚经济复苏面临挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年下半年,美国经济增长速度显著放缓和国际电子信息产品市场再度收缩,导致东亚经济体出口减少,经济增长速度随之下降.进入2001年后,这一趋势仍未好转,东亚地区经济复苏面临严峻挑战,今年增长速度预计将大大低于2000年.  相似文献   

中国在东亚经济合作中的政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马元柱 《当代亚太》2003,(10):10-15
鉴于东亚区域经济合作的现状与特点 ,中国应积极促进“1 0 +1”自由贸易区的建设 ,扩大与东盟的贸易和投资 ,加快政府职能的转变 ,鼓励中国企业“走出去”发展。  相似文献   

东亚区域经济合作七个关键问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚是当代世界人口最多、经济增长最快的区域,但东亚区域经济合作进展缓慢,存在不少障碍并潜伏着一定的危机.本文就其中七个关键问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区与东亚区域经济一体化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以双边自由贸易安排为基础的区域经济一体化在东亚正获得快速的发展,中国与东盟自由贸易区(ACFTA)的形成进一步加强了东亚地区贸易和投资的内部化趋势.然而从国际政策的最优选择来看,东亚区域经济一体化应当进一步整合,以便有效降低过多的重叠优惠贸易安排所带来的贸易转移效应以及调整成本和行政成本.从产业联系来看,日本的生产优势和ACFTA的市场优势为东亚区域经济一体化提供了可能性.  相似文献   

东亚经济区域化:"轴心"的缺失与重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱乃新 《当代亚太》2004,(11):33-36
制度导向型区域经济一体化中,"轴心"意义重大.战后地缘政治在欧洲促成了"法德轴心"的形成,在亚洲则未能形成"轴心",以至欧亚经济区域化的路径和水平差异巨大.目前,东亚经济区域化仍处在合作层面,但已出现整合趋势.本文从"共同体"式的区域经济一体化模式的一般特征出发,探讨了重构东亚区域经济整合"轴心"的难点和可能.  相似文献   

当前东亚经济合作呈现出新的特征,其中有两个明显态势对于地区稳定和发展会带来长远影响,一是美国携TPP重返亚洲,试图主导东亚事务;二是东亚各国与中国的经济相互依存越来越深,然而在政治和军事上对中国的疑虑也越来越深.对中国而言,这两大态势涉及了中国对外关系中最重要的中美关系和与周边国家关系,使中国的周边安全环境更加敏感和复杂,在战略上亦对中国实现和平崛起的总体目标提出了严峻挑战.东亚经济合作中的主导权竞争问题以及区域内部由于利益分歧和战略信任缺失而可能导致的外溢效应给东亚地区的区域稳定带来不确定消极因素.中国必须重新思考其在东亚地区的战略选择.中国在东亚合作事务上的战略选择应当注意,引导中美从“战略竞争”走向“战略协调”;在深化经济领域的功能性合作的同时,注重建立与东亚主要国家的战略对话,提升战略互信.  相似文献   

本文对新古典主义论、文化主义论、国家中心论以及依附论的基本内容及其在解释东亚经济发展方面的观点作了述评.指出:这些理论为丰富东亚研究文献做出了重大贡献,但也存在观点上的片面性、视野上的狭窄性以及方法上的非动态性等诸多缺陷.  相似文献   

邵志勤 《当代亚太》2006,(12):38-44
日本经济在泡沫崩溃之后经历了十年的不景气,2002年走向复苏,近期开始步入上升轨道。随着安倍时代的开启,人们期盼日本能改善外交形象,修复日中、日韩关系。“邻里关系”一旦理顺,日本经济的走强,对提升东亚地区竞争力将具有重要作用,对改善地区融资状况、加强投资力度以及拉动出口也都会产生重大影响。  相似文献   

东亚-北美经济失衡与再平衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从国别结构和产品结构分析了20世纪90年代以来东亚—北美经济失衡的变化,认为美国贸易逆差不断扩大是其对外产业转移的结果,东亚地区贸易顺差与日俱增是其承接产业转移的结果。其中,东亚内部再次产业转移导致中国顺差迅速膨胀。为了实现东亚—北美经济再平衡,美国需要采取一些措施扩大出口,控制过度的信贷消费,并对美元采取更加负责的政策;东亚地区需要努力实现由外需驱动型向内需驱动型增长方式的转变,加快产业调整与升级,并把产业链向其他地区延伸。  相似文献   

区域经济合作的迅猛发展,促使东亚经济走上了一体化的快速发展道路。但是由于历史和现实原因,东亚经济一体化进程面临着多重制约因素。加快推进东亚经济一体化应增强东亚意识,完善发展模式,提倡大国合作和建立有效的运行机制。  相似文献   

东北亚地区经济合作逐步从务虚走向务实.抓住东北亚地区经济合作新态势及向纵深发展的有利时机,切实发挥该地区的地缘战略和经济互补优势,是中国实施经济国际化战略的关键,也是东北亚区域经济繁荣、共同发展的双赢选择.  相似文献   

Hieyeon Keum 《East Asia》2000,18(2):97-114
Globalization has increased the role of a country's capital city as an agent of cross-national cooperation. The arduous task of solving urban problems can no longer be handled by a single city or viewed as the domestic affair of a nation-state that cannot be interfered by others. In Northeast Asia, the three capital city governments of Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo have taken steps to cooperate among themselves through promoting the exchange of capital, labor, information, and technology. This study reviews the BESETO (Beijing-Seoul-Tokyo) cooperative scheme and considers it the beginning of a cooperative model, which can ideally promote regional integration as well. It argues that the idea of BESETO is suited for the era of global and regional cooperation, which demands a higher degree of inter-city interdependency and complementarity among major urban centers in the region. The article also touches on the domestic and international factors that have contributed to the slow development of the BESETO scheme.  相似文献   

论东亚新地区主义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新地区主义随着 2 0世纪 80年代末两极格局的瓦解而诞生。经济全球化背景下的新地区主义表现出全新的特点 ,并孕育着打破旧的国际政治经济格局的趋向和契机。本文阐述了东亚新地区主义产生的背景、特点和实质  相似文献   

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