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司法鉴定科技需求的分析与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司法鉴定具有科学和法律的双重属性。司法鉴定在保障司法公正、维护社会公平正义、构建社会主义和谐社会中,发挥着重要作用。目前司法鉴定行业科技发展的现状已不能适应司法鉴定行业自身及社会进步的要求,针对司法鉴定科技发展存在的主要问题,对司法鉴定科学技术发展的现状、需求、可行性、目标和意义进行思考并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

A critical analysis is given of the investigation and examination of fatalities for the public prosecution office and for the courts. Rationalistic simplifications in legal quarters, changes in legal procedures and bureaucracy have had negative effects on the field of forensic medicine. It is questionable whether forensic science today can fulfil the scientific demands with regard to a complete and thorough explanation of the cause of death. The reduced interest in expert opinions concerning the pattern of injuries that can help in the reconstruction of the act or in judging the intention and guilt of the perpetrator is a striking and alarming development in criminal justice. Medical examinations in the somatic field are no longer used enough in forensic cases; with regard to the administration of justice, the role of the forensic expert is limited to the postmortem findings and the cause of death. On the other hand, there is increased interest in the expert opinion of psychologists, psychiatrists and specialists in the field of drugs and alcohol. The fact that the number of autopsies and histological as well as toxicological examinations ordered by the public prosecutor is rather small has serious and negative implications for establishing the truth. Such orders are merely dependent on the circumstance of death and the situation in which the body was found. However, the external circumstances can be misleading or they can be manipulated. That is why some crimes are not revealed. In the Federal Republic of Germany, if there is no suspicion of external violence permission is granted for corpses to be buried without the cause of death being clarified by autopsy. However, the fact that the opinions of forensic specialists differ regarding this development in the administration of justice must also be criticized. There is an increasing tendency for investigations to be carried out only if they are ordered by the prosecutor and for questions to be answered only if they are asked officially. Even our colleagues are influenced too much by external circumstances and consider an autopsy unnecessary if the cause of death seems to be clear (for instance in cases of hanging, drowning or bleeding to death). Second autopsies have shown that the thoroughness and the quality of the first autopsy often leave much to be desired. It is, for instance, unforgivable if organs are described without being examined. Special interest is afforded to the necessity for the significance of histological examinations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of studies have demonstrated that forensic examiners can be biased by task-irrelevant contextual information. However, concerns relating to methodological flaws and ecological validity attenuate how much the current body of knowledge can be applied to real-life operational settings. The current review takes a narrative approach to synthesizing the literature across forensic science. Further, the review considers three main issues: (i) primary research on contextual bias within forensic science; (ii) methodological criticisms of this research; (iii) an alternative perspective that task-irrelevant contextual information does not always lead to error. One suggestion for future research is outlined, which is that studies on contextual bias in forensic decisions should be conducted in collaboration between forensic scientists and cognitive psychologists. Only then can rigorous and ecological valid experiments be created that will be able to assess how task-irrelevant contextual information influences forensic analysis and judgments in operationally valid settings.  相似文献   

The introduction of DNA analysis to forensic science brought with it a number of choices for analysis, not all of which were compatible. As laboratories throughout Europe were eager to use the new technology different systems became routine in different laboratories and consequently, there was no basis for the exchange of results. A period of co-operation then started in which a nucleus of forensic scientists agreed on an uniform system. This collaboration spread to incorporate most of the established forensic science laboratories in Europe and continued through two major changes in the technology. At each step agreement was reached on which systems to use. From the beginning it was realised that DNA databases would provide the criminal justice systems with an efficient way of crime solving and consequently some local databases were created. It was not until the introduction of the amplification technology linked to the analysis of short tandem repeats that a sufficiently sensitive and robust system was available for the formation of efficient and effective DNA databases. Comprehensive legislation enacted in the UK in 1995 enabled forensic scientists to set up the first national DNA database which would hold both personal DNA profiles together with results obtained from crime scenes. Other countries quickly followed but in some the legislation has severely restricted the amount and type of data which can be retained and, therefore, effectiveness of the databases is limited. The widespread use of commercially produced multiplex kits has produced a situation in which nearly all European laboratories are using compatible systems and there is, therefore, the potential for the introduction of a pan-European DNA database. However, the exchange of results between countries is hampered by the various legislations which currently exist.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the views presented by the author at 'The Future of Forensic and Crime Scene Science Conference'. Forensic science has become an increasingly prominent area of science within the last 10 years. This increasing prominence together with popularity in the subject has seen the number of undergraduate students studying forensic science related courses at UK Universities increase rapidly in just 5 years and there are no short term signs of this trend reducing. In 2005, there were 450 courses with forensic in the title offered by higher education institutes. Although the forensic community has expressed its concern that job prospects for these students wishing to pursue careers as forensic scientists will be limited numbers of students undertaking science courses have still increased. The increase in students studying forensic science comes in an era of decreasing science numbers in higher education with the potential to produce high calibre science graduates with sought after skills in critical thinking, analysis, interpretation and communication. Technology has continued to advance at a similar pace providing those responsible for managing crime with a need and opportunity to identify and predict new and future applications of science and technology; not just in reducing and detecting crime but also in predicting how technology will be used by criminals in the future. There is therefore a need for forensic science users, providers and educators to identify the knowledge and skills required by forensic scientists and crime investigators of the future to ensure that technology continues to be used and applied to its full advantage. This provides universities an opportunity to contribute to the development of both the practice and practitioners of forensic science. This paper outlines the current issues facing universities in relation to forensic science and identifies their future role in providing high quality relevant courses for future forensic practitioners; developing current forensic practitioners through their participation in applied research, short courses, conferences and qualifications linked to professional practice; and supporting and developing the practice of forensic and crime scene science, through the identification, engagement and dissemination of pure and applied research.  相似文献   

The current status of forensic science laboratory accreditation in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forensic science is gaining some solid ground in the area of effective crime prevention, especially in the areas where more sophisticated use of available technology is prevalent. All it takes is high-level cooperation among nations that can help them deal with criminality that adopts a cross-border nature more and more. It is apparent that cooperation will not be enough on its own and this development will require a network of qualified forensic laboratories spread over Europe. It is argued in this paper that forensic science laboratories play an important role in the fight against crime. Another, complimentary argument is that forensic science laboratories need to be better involved in the fight against crime. For this to be achieved, a good level of cooperation should be established and maintained. It is also noted that harmonization is required for such cooperation and seeking accreditation according to an internationally acceptable standard, such as ISO/IEC 17025, will eventually bring harmonization as an end result. Because, ISO/IEC 17025 as an international standard, has been a tool that helps forensic science laboratories in the current trend towards accreditation that can be observed not only in Europe, but also in the rest of the world of forensic science. In the introduction part, ISO/IEC 17025 states that "the acceptance of testing and calibration results between countries should be facilitated if laboratories comply with this international standard and if they obtain accreditation from bodies which have entered into mutual recognition agreements with equivalent bodies in other countries using this international standard." Furthermore, it is emphasized that the use of this international standard will assist in the harmonization of standards and procedures. The background of forensic science cooperation in Europe will be explained by using an existing European forensic science network, i.e. ENFSI, in order to understand the current status of forensic science in Europe better. The Council of Europe and the European Union approaches to forensic science will also be discussed by looking at the legal instruments and documents published by these two European organizations. Data collected from 52 European forensic science laboratories will be examined and findings will be evaluated from a quality assurance and accreditation point of view. The need for harmonization and accreditation in forensic science will be emphasized. The steps that should be taken at the European level for increasing and strengthening the role of European forensic science laboratories in the fight against crime will be given as recommendations in the conclusion.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(6):678-686
Forensic science is facing a persistent crisis that is often addressed by organizational responses, with a strong focus on the improvement and standardisation of means and processes. However, organisations and processes are highly dependent on the political, economical and legal structures in which they operate. This may explain why most proposed solutions had difficulties in addressing the crisis up to now, as they could hardly be applied transversally to all forensic science models. Moreover, new tools and technologies are continuously developed by a quasi-infinite number of different scientific disciplines, thus leading to further diversity and fragmentation of forensic science. In this paper, it is proposed to shift the focus from means to purpose and consider forensic science current challenges in terms of discipline, before addressing organisations’ specific issues. As a distinct discipline, forensic science can refocus research and development on shared principles and purposes, such as reconstructing, monitoring, and preventing crime and security issues. This focus change will facilitate a better understanding of the trace as the object of study of forensic science and eventually lead to a more impactful and long-lasting effect. This approach will also foster the development of a forensic science culture (instead of a primarily technological culture) unified by purpose rather than means through more relevant education and research.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):9-19
There has been an increased engagement by researchers in understanding the decision-making processes that occur within forensic science. There is a rapidly growing evidence base underpinning our understanding of decision-making and human factors and this body of work is the foundation for achieving truly improved decision-making in forensic science. Such an endeavour is necessary to minimise the misinterpretation of scientific evidence and maximize the effectiveness of crime reconstruction approaches and their application within the criminal justice system. This paper proposes and outlines a novel six phased approach for how a broadening and deepening knowledge of decision-making in forensic science can be articulated and incorporated into the spheres of research, practice, education, and policy making within forensic science specifically, and the criminal justice system more generally. Phases 1 and 2 set out the importance of systematic examination of the decisions which play a role throughout forensic reconstruction and legal processes. Phase 3 focuses on how these decisions can, and should, be studied to understand the underlying mechanisms and contribute to reducing the occurrence of misleading decisions. Phase 4 highlights the ways in which the results and implications of this research should be communicated to the forensic community and wider criminal justice system. Lastly, the way in which the forensic science domain can move forwards in managing the challenges of human decision-making and create and embed a culture of acceptance and transparency in research, practice and education (learning and training) are presented in phases 5 and 6. A consideration of all 6 connected phases offers a pathway for a holistic approach to improving the transparency and reproducibility of decision making within forensic science.  相似文献   

Deng JQ  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):219-222,225
微量模板DNA的分析,一直是法医学特别关注和急需解决的难题之一,近年发展起来的一系列技术为解决这一问题提供了新的可能途径,本文即对微量模板DNA分析技术的进展和目前逐步发展的全基因组扩增技术的法医学应用价值、结果评价进行浅议。  相似文献   

随着法证DNA证据以及它所适用的概率模型日益凸显,反映了传统法证科学的局限性,并使人们对法证科学领域的决策产生了越来越多的质疑,焦点集中在对结论的解读方式和实际运用。分析表明,科学证据的本质不是绝对性或确定性的,而是概率性的;同时,事实审判者需要基于这些概率性的证据对事实作出明确的决定。因此,对于法证科学领域的决策,应当是专家在一系列归纳得出的特定假设基础上,就研究结果的概率进行恰当的报告,由事实审判者承担对概率作出决断的任务。  相似文献   

比较法视野下的司法鉴定制度的反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司法鉴定是依据科学的基础原理由专业的鉴定人员做出结论的实证技术活动。它是科学的产物,但是不一定等于科学。如果不能对错误司法鉴定进行区分、鉴别的话,其结果只能是一个盲人领着一群盲人。司法鉴定制度有其独特的运行规律,也有其异域的可以借鉴之处,这些也是保证司法鉴定科学、合法、准确必须抓住的要素。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学与基因组学的发展,宏基因组学在法医学与法医学鉴定中逐渐扮演着重要的角色。近年来,宏基因组学作为研究环境微生物菌群构成与多样性、各成员之间相互关系及与环境之间相互关系的分支学科,在法医学鉴定相关领域的应用也逐渐兴起,并带来了新的契机。本文对宏基因组学研究策略及其在法医学鉴定中个体识别、案发现场生物斑迹来源鉴定及药物滥用检测等方面的应用现状进行了综述,旨在进一步阐明宏基因组学在法医学中的作用与应用价值。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(1):81-88
New scientific, technological and legal developments, particularly the introduction of national databases for DNA and fingerprints, have led to increased use of forensic science in the investigation of crime. There is an assumption, and in some instances specific assertions, that such developments bring improvements either in broad criminal justice terms or more narrowly in terms of economic or practical efficiencies. The underlying presumption is that the new technological opportunities will be understood and effectively implemented. This research investigates whether such increases in activity have also been accompanied by improvements in the effective use of forensic science. A systematic review of thirty-six reports published (predominantly in England and Wales) since the 1980s, which have considered the use of forensic science in the investigation of volume crimes, was carried out. These reports have identified a number of recurrent themes that influenced how effectively forensic science was used in investigations. The themes identified included forensic knowledge and training of investigators, communication and information exchange between specialists and investigators, timeliness of forensic results, interagency relationships and deployment of crime scene examiner resources. The research findings suggest that these factors continue to hinder the effective use of forensic science despite technological advances and this paper considers their potential causes.  相似文献   

We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the forensic comparison sciences. The new paradigm can be characterised as quantitative data-based implementation of the likelihood-ratio framework with quantitative evaluation of the reliability of results. The new paradigm was widely adopted for DNA profile comparison in the 1990s, and is gradually spreading to other branches of forensic science, including forensic voice comparison. The present paper first describes the new paradigm, then describes the history of its adoption for forensic voice comparison over approximately the last decade. The paradigm shift is incomplete and those working in the new paradigm still represent a minority within the forensic–voice-comparison community.  相似文献   

Use of DNA in forensic science will be significantly influenced by new technology in coming years. Massively parallel sequencing and forensic genomics will hasten the broadening of forensic DNA analysis beyond short tandem repeats for identity towards a wider array of genetic markers, in applications as diverse as predictive phenotyping, ancestry assignment, and full mitochondrial genome analysis. With these new applications come a range of legal and policy implications, as forensic science touches on areas as diverse as ‘big data’, privacy and protected health information. Although these applications have the potential to make a more immediate and decisive forensic intelligence contribution to criminal investigations, they raise policy issues that will require detailed consideration if this potential is to be realised. The purpose of this paper is to identify the scope of the issues that will confront forensic and user communities.  相似文献   

Forensic biomechanics gradually has become a significant component of forensic science. Forensic biomechanics is evidence-based science that applies biomechanical principles and methods to forensic practice, which has constituted one of the most potential research areas. In this review, we introduce how finite element techniques can be used to simulate forensic cases, how injury criteria and injury scales can be used to describe injury severity, and how tests of postmortem human subjects and dummy can be used to provide essential validation data. This review also describes research progress and new applications of forensic biomechanics in China.

Key points

  • The review shows the main research progress and new applications of forensic biomechanics in China.
  • The review introduces eight cases about the application of forensic biomechanics, including the multiple rigid body reconstruction, the finite element applications, study of mechanical properties, traffic crash reconstruction based on multiple techniques and analysis of morphomechanical mechanism about blood dispersal.
  • Though forensic biomechanics has a great advantage for the evaluation of injury mechanisms, it still has some uncertainties owing to the uniqueness of the human anatomy, the complexity of biological materials, and the uncertainty of injury-causing circumstances.

法医学是当前司法鉴定中的重要组成部分,其研究内容广泛,具有高度的专业性。随着网络技术的发展、信息资源的增加以及人们法律意识的增强,法医学必然会面临许多新问题,对诉讼证据的要求标准也越来越高。鉴于此,在法医学领域应建立起循证的理念,通过循证的方式在法医学以及相关领域内寻求最合适的解决法医学实务中具体问题的证据,循证不但能够及时解决法医学领域的现行问题,其对于法医学的进步与发展也将具有重大的推动作用。本文综述了循证的基本理论及其在法医学领域的作用,以及循证的途径、方法、证据的评价,并探讨网络环境下法医学循证的应用价值。  相似文献   

杨敏  李昌钰 《政法学刊》2013,(2):96-106
"法庭科学"萌芽于古代中国,兴盛于近现代西方国家,最终发展成为具备完整科学体系的现代意义上的法庭科学学科。法庭科学证据的应用与发展显然与法庭科学的发展与应用密切相关,它们相互制约,相互促进。美国司法制度中关于法庭科学证据的证明力、可信度、可采性的分立质疑对法庭科学本身的发展无疑起到鞭策与促进作用。美国法庭科学证据的司法制度以及常用的一些传统与高技术法庭科学证据的使用过程中存在的许多问题,理解法庭科学证据标准,对我国法庭科学及其证据的研究与应用有所启迪。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the views expressed by UK forensic science users and providers during the Centre for Forensic Investigation's 1 day conference 'The Future of Forensic and Crime Scene Science' and is set in the context of the changing national agenda and likely advances in current and future technology. It begins by examining the success of the Home Office DNA Expansion Programme and future demands of the Criminal Justice System, highlighting the changing use of forensic science both at the crime scene and within the forensic process itself. In particular, the use of forensic science at the early stages of an investigation to provide intelligence and support the decision making process is discussed together with the need to adopt a partnership approach to tackling crime and its causes. Key system and technological drivers for performance improvement and change are identified and the likely timescales and implications of their introduction are discussed. Finally, the Home Office plans to build on the success of the DNA Expansion Programme, through the introduction of the proposed Home Office Forensic Integration Strategy, are explored and the paper concludes by highlighting the benefits, implications and issues arising from the changing and developing use of forensic science.  相似文献   

Zhang DY  Zhang DM  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):457-459
孢粉学是研究植物孢子和花粉(简称孢粉)的科学,是一门新兴的边缘学科。由于孢粉具有个体小、质量轻、数量多,不容易被发现等特征,给法医工作者留下证据,为破案提供有利线索,因此孢粉学在法医学实践应用中具有良好的应用前景。此文通过阐述孢粉学的概况、分类、形态特征及传播的规律,分析孢粉学在法医学上应用的优点和局限性,旨在为进一步完善孢粉学在法医学中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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