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于宁杰 《中国律师》2006,(11):41-44
“为权利而斗争”对于中国律师而言具有双重意义,一方面是维护当事人的合法权益,另一方面是为改变执业中的不公正境遇而进行自我维权。律师的职业权利是实现律师职能和维护律师自身生存发展的基本资源,决定并标志着我国律师业发展的水平,是律师立法的核心内容。对于律师执业权利的立法保护的意义在于保障公民权利,保障其在寻求法律救济的过程中得到律师提供的充分的法律帮助,并对法律的正确实施起到重要的保障作用。而对律师职业权利性质的界定则是设定和维护律师职业权利的一项基础工作。本文试图结合律师的职业属性等问题,从不同侧面对律师职业权利的性质及其对律师立法的影响作出分析。  相似文献   

曹婧 《中国律师》2013,(11):42-44
夏日逝去,金秋到来。在这个令人陶醉的季节,“首都女律师向日葵发展计划”迎来了丰收时刻。播种、耕耘、灌溉、收获,捧着沉甸甸的果实,首都女律师们笑逐颜开,内心充满了希望。“首都女律师向日葵发展计划”是北京市律协女律师联谊会为了实现首都女律师的职业梦想,结合女律师的自身特点、针对成长中的首都女律师进行全方位培训.全面提升首都女律师的执业水准,打造女律师的精致人生.  相似文献   

“律师在执业活动中往往要时一些法律现象进行观察和思索,这是一个感受和认知的过程,并且时常还产生情绪体验,这是一个引起法律情感的过程,同时,在此基础上对其进行排列和选择,其实这又是一个法律评价的过程。如果说法律文化给予了律师以理念,执业规范和职业修养为内容的实质性影响的话,那么,法律文化的要素就是通过结构,手段以方法论的形式对之筛选和组合,这样便使法律文化的要素涵盖了律师执业的全部过程,无疑这样使律师职业的个性得到了充分的彰显。”  相似文献   

论律师的职业属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于律师的职业属性问题,各国《律师法》有不同的表述。我国对律师性质的立法界定,经历了从“国家的法律工作者”到“依法取得执业证书,为社会提供法律服务的执业人员”的认识过程。在《律师法》中准确界定律师的职业属性,是科学安排律师制度、合理设计律师行业发展的前提。值此《律师法》修改之际,本刊特邀请几位专家学者就律师的职业属性问题进行了一次笔谈:  相似文献   

一、关于“律师事务所”在《律师法》中不再规定律师的执业组织形式。律师的执业组织形式应由律师自己决定。律师事务所的形式可由其他法律调整,如公司制的事务所,应由公司法调整,合伙制的律师事务所应由合伙法调整。《律师法》可以在执业资格一章中规定开业资格,真正把住执业和开业的“入门”关,将执业组织形式交给律协去管理和指导,以执业责任为核心,而不是以执业组织为核心,搞好律师的行业管理。二、关于“律师执业条件”考虑这一章增加开业条件的内容,成为“律师执业条件和开业条件”。将律师执业条件和在不同形式的执业组织即…  相似文献   

律师语言是指律师在从事诉讼和非诉讼法律事务中使用的书面语言和口语。律师作为法律活动的重要参与者,律师语言在法律活动中有着重要的作用。但在实践中很多律师忽视了对律师语言的要求,影响了律师的执业水平和形象,甚至影响了当事人对法律的信仰。律师语言的养成和训练,应是律师执业的基本要求。◇律师语言的规范性◇律师语言的规范性主要是指律师在法律活动中使用的专门法律语词,即通常所说的“法言法语”,它显示了法律的专业性和法律的职业特点。首先,律师必须深刻理解相关的法律术语。在法律活动中作到准确的运用法律术语和清晰理解同…  相似文献   

由田 《中国律师》2012,(8):50-50
根据《中华人民共和国律师法》(下称《律师法》)第2条的规定:"本法所称律师,是指依法取得律师执业证书,接受委托或者指定,为当事人提供法律服务的执业人员"。该条所指律师即执业律师。所谓职业律师,笔者的定义是:为当事人提供某一方面专业法律服务并以此专业方面的法律事务为毕生事业的执业律师。  相似文献   

律师职业境界是律师执业活动的理想状态.是对律师执业活动进行审美思考后得出的结论。保持和打造“律师职业境界”,既是律师管理的方向,又是律师文化建设的主要终极目标。它赋予了律师独特的职业趣味、职业思维、职业人格与其它相关的职业感觉,具有明显的职业印记。必须着眼于积极改变律师的执业现状,强化律师的职业修炼,努力打造律师的职业境界。  相似文献   

建立政府及企事业单位律师制度的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行《中华人民共和国律师法》(下文简称“律师法”)将律师定义为“取得律师执业证书,为社会提供法律服务的执业人员”,将律师执业机构定位于律  相似文献   

陈虹 《广东法学》2002,(5):79-84
改革开放二十多年来,我国的律师队伍不断发展壮大,迄今为止,全国已有十多万的执业律师。在律师业蓬勃发展的同时,我们发现,中国律师的处境却是戴着“财富光环”下的无奈和困惑。现在律师行业尴尬的局面每每使那些怀有远大抱负的欲从事律师职业的人望而却步,不敢迈进律师行业的门槛;而许多已经执业的律师也不得不放弃心爱的事业,其中原因不外乎是律师活得太辛苦、活得没有骨气、律师无权无势、受歧视等等,甚至有的人悲观地认为律师职业对个人的发展没有前途。但笔者认为,中国律师的困境是暂时的,前途是光明的。  相似文献   

具有中国特色的社会主义律师文化,是律师行业的精神支柱,而律师执业精神是律师文化的核心。加强律师文化建设,必须形成符合社会主义法治理念要求和律师职业特征的律师执业精神,并以此作为整个律师行业的价值追求取向。本文提出了律师应注意培养的十种执业精神,希望对律师文化建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

This article examines the history of the Chilean Legal Aid Service (Servicio de Asistencia Judicial) from the 1920s until the 1960s. It argues that with the emergence of the “social question”—the concern for improving the lower classes' working and living conditions to promote the nation's modernization and prevent political radicalization—the Chilean legal profession committed to legal aid reform to escape a professional identity crisis. Legal aid allowed lawyers to claim they had a new “social function” advocating on behalf of the poor. However, within legal aid offices, lawyers interacted with female social workers who acted as gatekeepers, mediators, and translators between the lawyers and the poor. This gendered professional complementarity in legal aid offices helped lawyers to put limits on their new “social function”: it allowed them to maintain legal aid as a part‐time activity that did not challenge the structure of the legal system as a whole.  相似文献   

This article uses the case of Chinese migrant lawyers to examine how the spatial mobility of individual practitioners shapes the social structure of the profession. Drawing on data from 261 interviews conducted in twelve Chinese provinces during 2004–2010, the 2009 Chinese Legal Environment Survey, lawyer yearbooks, and other public sources, the authors examine the patterns, causes, outcomes, and structural consequences of Chinese lawyers' internal migration. The empirical analysis shows that the spatial mobility of Chinese lawyers has not only increased the stratification and inequality of law practice in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but it has also aggravated the shortage of legal service and intensified interprofessional competition in western and rural China. Based on findings from the Chinese case, the article connects the sociology of law and migration studies and moves toward a new processual theory for understanding the relationship between microlevel mobility and macrolevel stratification in the legal profession.  相似文献   

The relatively greater numbers of young, female, and salaried lawyers are said to have diminished the legal profession's control of the market for its services, and hence of its income and status. This article examines the effects on lawyers' real earnings attributable to the rapid change in size and composition of the legal profession in Canada during the 1970s. An analysis of the components of inter-temporal earnings differences, which takes account of changes in composition and in the remuneration or pay structure, shows that the unprecedented growth in lawyer supply was responsible for most of the decline in lawyers' real earnings. But lawyers who were young, female, salaried, or in government service avoided this negative market effect, while lawyers who were male, self-employed, or outside the major financial centers, bore most of the negative economic impact of the rapid supply growth.  相似文献   


THIS PAPER examines the wellbeing and satisfaction levels of lawyers in the workplace. It argues that research suggesting a crisis in the legal profession in the United States is comparable with research on wellbeing and levels of satisfaction for lawyers in Australasia. Some reports in both jurisdictions are critical of conventional legal education and practical legal training programs, which do not encourage students to develop personal and interpersonal skills that can improve self‐awareness, communication skills and the capacity to manage stress and anxiety. Consequently, law students are allowed to assume that these “soft skills” are less important for lawyers compared with cognitive skills such as “knowing the law” and “thinking like a lawyer”.

The paper describes the preliminary results of research conducted with graduates of the School of Law at the University of Newcastle Australia. The results confirm existing research to show that clinical legal education programs that expose law students under supervision to clients with real cases may promote the development of interpersonal skills, which in turn may help them cope with stressors in legal practice, especially in the first few years post‐admission.  相似文献   

贾志强 《法学研究》2022,44(1):120-134
目前我国刑事值班律师制度规范背后折射出有权机关抑制辩方权利的倾向。根据法律规范意旨,只要被追诉人没有辩护人,国家就应“强制指派”值班律师介入案件。将“约见”解读为国家指派值班律师需以被追诉人申请为前提,这混淆了律师会见与介入案件的关系,且将国家责任转嫁给个人,弱化了对被追诉人获得最低限度法律援助权利的保障。相关规范性文件将值班律师阅卷权能限定为“查阅”,但基于法律援助法第37条的文义、控辩平等之程序公正底线要求等因素,值班律师阅卷权能还应包括“摘抄”“复制”。《法律援助值班律师工作办法》第10条第2款规定,值班律师有量刑异议时,只要其认可犯罪嫌疑人认罪认罚的自愿性,就应在具结书上签字。这是对值班律师功能“见证化”的公开宣示,与2018年刑事诉讼法第201条的意旨以及值班律师实质性参与量刑协商的改革要求相矛盾。值班律师应被赋予拒绝签字的权利。“实质性参与”应是目前完善值班律师制度的基本方向。  相似文献   


Since 2015 the populist government of the Law and Justice Party in Poland has spearheaded a highly effective campaign against the country’s lawyers, encountering relatively muted social opposition. Using Bourdieuan lenses, the article traces the roots of that remarkable institutional weakness of the Polish legal profession to the highly formalist approach to law and legal thinking that Poland’s lawyers espoused. Prior to the fall of communism, and in democratic Poland, the role of lawyers in society was to act as guardians of “neatness” of the legal system – or that system’s internal clarity, cohesion, and completeness. Such a sterile approach to legal practice was initially attractive, among other reasons, because it protected the legal profession from difficult legitimacy challenges stemming from that profession’s pre-1989 coexistence with the communist regime. With time, however, the refuge that formalism offered became a trap that undermined lawyers’ political and economic power.  相似文献   

龚汝富  余洋 《法学论坛》2020,(2):99-107
民国时期江西地区是一个富有多样性的司法实践场域,而司法制度变革成效有赖于法律职业群体的努力推进,其中以法官和律师的作用最为关键。由于狭隘的地域人际圈子,造成具有共同专业背景的法官与律师之间固结勾兑的利益联盟。而日益困窘的生活状况又加剧了司法人员权力寻租的恶习,加上司法人员岗位轮换频繁的体制影响,使得家祠化的司法机关成为任用私人和贪赃枉法的渊薮。备受社会舆论和当事人抨击的法官和律师,同时也频频受到体制内的检控惩戒,寄望于如此消极低效的法律职业群体来推进司法制度变革前行,无异于痴人说梦。腐败不堪的江西地方司法预示着基层民众对法律信仰的彻底丧失,而这些旧法统的操持者注定要为旧法统和旧政权殉葬。  相似文献   

传统与转型:坚守正义、守护良知和维护荣誉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
律师是法律职业共同体中的一员,既要代表和维护委托人的利益,又要看重正义和司法公正。律师应当成为社会的一个阶层,构成一个重要的社会群体,构成公民社会一个最成熟的层面,成为反对专制和建设民主的重要社会力量。新世纪初,中国律师随社会政治转型再次面临新的转型,律师将从传统职业角色中走出来.部分地转向社会公共事务和政治生活。律师职业转型应当适度保持传统本色,以实现社会正义为根本使命,以守护社会良知为职业本分,以维护共同体的荣誉为最高利益。  相似文献   

The number of women in the legal profession has grown tremendously over the last 40 years, with women now representing about half of all law school graduates. Despite the decades‐long pipeline of women into the profession, women's representation among law firm partnerships remains dismally low. One key reason identified for women's minority presence among law firm partners is the high level of attrition of women associates from law firms. This high rate of female attrition undermines efforts to achieve gender equality in the legal profession. Using a survey of 1,270 law graduates, we employ piecewise constant exponential hazard regression models to explore gendered career paths from private law practice. Our analysis reveals that, for both men and women, the time leading up to partnership decisions sees many lawyers exit private practice, but women continue to leave private practice long after partnership decisions are made. Gender differences in leaving private practice also surface with reference to cohorts, areas of law, billable hours, firm sizes, and career gaps. Notably, working in criminal law augmented women's risk of leaving private practice, but not for men, while taking time away from practice for reasons other than parental leaves, hastens both men's and women's exits from private practice.  相似文献   

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