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对于自2006年3月1日起正式实施的《中华人民共和国公证法》(以下简称《公证法》)进行一定的客观评判当属摆在公证人面前一个无可回避的课题。笔者在此试图从基本原则、适用范围、业务范围、举证责任、法定程序、法定公证、公证管理以及公证救济等一些基本制度入手对于该法的立法得失之处加以一定的分析,唯愿同仁给予批评指正。一、关于《公证法》“总则”所确立的基本原则所谓公证制度中的基本原则,是指在整个公证制度中公证机构、公证人员、当事人以及其他利害关系人均需要遵循的基本准则。因此传统观点所认为的一些公证程序制度中的基本原…  相似文献   

李飞 《政法论丛》2006,(2):86-90
在当代,保障人权已日益成为与惩罚犯罪相并行的刑事司法理念.在此背景下,我国刑事司法界采用了"亲情会见"制度,以彰显刑罚之人性化."亲情会见"在实践中带来了意想不到的效果,但其弊端亦不容忽视.故应及早进行规范,使之获得更好的社会效果.  相似文献   

Derrida’s seminar on the death penalty is a deconstructive reading of the debate over the abolition of the death penalty beginning in eighteenth century Europe. The main imperative of the reading is to address the limits of abolitionist discourses, which historically have been based on natural law conceptions of the right to life. Derrida’s interest in undertaking such a reading is to develop an abolitionist argument that would hold up in principle against the death penalty. However, in this paper I take Derrida’s insights into the meaning of the death penalty to explore what they reveal about political sovereignty, and in particular its relation to violence. The paper begins by addressing several relevant moments in Derrida’s reading of texts on both sides of the death penalty debate and shows how the arguments are each limited by some ‘unavowed’ interest that conditions the fundamental principles upon which they are based (Derrida, in Death penalty, Volume I. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, p. 142; 2014). These unavowed interests relate to what Derrida describes as the ‘compromise’ on the question of cruelty in the context of the death penalty. Based on these readings, the paper develops a concept of the death penalty defined as a relation to time, specifically, a relation of mastery over the time of the life of the other. It then connects this concept to Derrida’s analysis of political sovereignty found in Rogues (2005) and ‘Force of Law’ (2002) to make two arguments. First, the conception of the death penalty as a relation to time redefines so-called ‘death penalty alternatives’, such as life imprisonment without the possibility of parole as manifestations of the death penalty through other means; and, second, changes in the appearance of the death penalty reflect changes in the institution of political sovereignty, and in turn the status of the state.  相似文献   

刘明祥 《中国法学》2015,(2):282-303
我国刑法采取不区分正犯与共犯的单一正犯(或单一行为人)体系,不存在共犯从属性说赖以存在的犯罪参与体系之基础。《刑法》总则第29条第2款明文规定处罚教唆未遂;刑法分则将许多教唆行为、帮助行为规定为独立的犯罪,将某些犯罪的教唆行为、帮助行为明文规定为与实行行为同等对待,表明我国刑法没有采取共犯从属性说。实行从属性原则不具有理论上的合理性,它会不适当地缩小教唆犯和帮助犯的处罚范围,有可能放纵一些特别危险的教唆犯罪和帮助犯罪的发生。德、日刑法学中有关要素从属性的几种不同学说是以三阶层的犯罪论体系为基础的,一些观点认为我国传统的通说采取了极端从属性说,肯定了共犯对正犯故意的从属性,显然是忽视了我国传统刑法学与德日刑法学以及我国刑法与德日刑法的重大差异。我国不采取共犯从属性说是一种明智的选择,虽然不采取共犯从属说存在扩大教唆犯和帮助犯处罚范围的风险,但是这种风险可以通过完善立法和司法的途径来有效控制。  相似文献   

医患纠纷是当前较难解决的矛盾纠纷之一,全国每年大约有数十万起医患纠纷诉诸人民法院。医患纠纷很难得到满意的裁决,有时甚至双方均不满意,反复上诉、申诉。因此,换一种思路,能否以另一种方式,即诉讼外解决方式解决医患纠纷,成为人们需要认真探讨的问题之一。一、医患纠纷是影  相似文献   

随着形势的不断发展,新收劳教人员的构成也发生了显著变化,吸毒型劳教人员的大幅度上升,特别是多进宫以及作案流动性等特点更给教育转化工作增加了难度。在这种情况下,如何发挥入所教育的功能作用,解决传统入所教育模式与劳教人员个体需求之间存在的矛盾冲突,成为亟待研究的重要课题。本文试就当前劳教人员接受入所教育的状况开展调查分析,针对现行入所教育实践存在的弊端进行探索和思考,以期建立科学、规范的入所教育新模式。  相似文献   

Sexual assault samples are among the most frequently analyzed in a forensic laboratory. These account for almost half of all samples processed routinely, and a large portion of these cases remain unsolved. These samples often pose problems to traditional analytic methods of identification because they consist most frequently of cell mixtures from at least two contributors: the victim (usually female) and the perpetrator (usually male). In this study, we propose the use of current preliminary testing for sperm detection in order to determine the chances of success when faced with samples which can be good candidates to undergo analysis with the laser microdissection technology. Also, we used laser microdissection technology to capture fluorescently stained cells of interest differentiated by gender. Collected materials were then used for DNA genotyping with commercially available amplification kits such as Minifiler, Identifiler Plus, NGM, and Y‐Filer. Both the methodology and the quality of the results were evaluated to assess the pros and cons of laser microdissection compared with standard methods. Overall, the combination of fluorescent staining combined with the Minifiler amplification kit provided the best results for autosomal markers, whereas the Y‐Filer kit returned the expected results regardless of the used method.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (LWOP) has been transformed from a rare sanction and marginal practice of last resort into a routine punishment in the United States. Two general theses—one depicting LWOP as a direct outgrowth of death penalty abolition; another collapsing LWOP into the tough‐on‐crime sentencing policy of the mass incarceration era—serve as working explanations for this phenomenon. In the absence of in‐depth studies, however, there has been little evidence for carefully evaluating these narratives. This article provides a state‐level historical analytic account of LWOP's rise by looking to Florida—the state that uses LWOP more than any other—to explicate LWOP's specific processes and forms. Recounting LWOP's history in a series of critical junctures, the article identifies a different stimulus, showing how LWOP precipitated as Florida translated major structural upheavals that broke open traditional ways of doing and thinking about punishment. In doing so, the article reveals LWOP to be a multilayered product of incremental change, of many, sometimes disjointed and indirectly conversant, pieces. Presenting LWOP as the product of a variety of penal logics, including those prioritizing fairness and efficiency, the article more generally illustrates how very severe punishments can arise from reforms without primarily punitive purposes and in ways that were not necessarily planned.  相似文献   

陈英 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):83-87
《中华人民共和国物权法》颁行之后,各界对此解读非常之多,相对而言对担保物权赞誉最多,担保物权编中在抵押合同的设定与抵押权的设定关系问题、新型担保方式等方面吸收了先进的立法例,巩固了实践中有关担保的科学的方式方法,规范了《中华人民共和国担保法》及司法解释的相关规定中的不足之处,为司法实践中解决担保问题提供了良好的法律基础,但在部分制度设置上如登记制度仍选择了回避,实属遗憾。  相似文献   

据调查显示,我国监狱在押犯数量呈逐年上升的态势,在押犯的假释率一直处于较低的水平,大量罪犯滞留在监狱内部,然而监狱现有的机构人员设置及经费却无太大改现,监狱的负担在加重。扩大适用假释的关键在于能否对假释罪犯进行有效的监管,我国假释监管体系存在机构设置失当和衔接机制缺失等弊端,必须在尊重刑事执行规律的基础上对其进行重构。  相似文献   

关于减刑假释制度的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减刑和假释是两种不同的行刑制度,在刑罚执行中各有其独特作用。但也应看到,长期以来,我们过多的应用了减刑制度,而很少应用假释制度,不能不说是刑罚执行工作的一大缺憾。本文试图通过对减刑、假释制度的利弊分析,而引起我们在刑罚执行中对假释制度的广泛应用。  相似文献   

假释本质研究——兼论假释权的性质及归属   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柳忠卫 《中国法学》2004,(5):112-119
假释是一项历史悠久的刑罚执行制度,但刑法理论对假释的本质至今尚未形成统一的认识。在当代,假释已从一种国家对个别罪犯的恩惠演变成罪犯普遍享有的一种权利,是罪犯在自由刑执行过程中保持良善行为的结果。因而,在关于假释本质的各种学说中,假释权利说是合理的。假释权利说是以现代刑法思想为指导的对假释本质的全新的诠释,是国家对罪犯刑罚观念和关系的嬗变在假释本质理论上的具体反映。由假释的本质所决定,假释权应是一种行政权而非司法权,假释权应由行政性质的狱政部门或专门的假释委员会行使。  相似文献   

他们可以直视着你的眼睛,赢得你的信任、融化你的心;他们的过去、现在与将来谎话连篇;他们会像我们化妆一样很容易地变换名字与身份.  相似文献   

刑事不起诉制度是刑事诉讼制度的一个组成部分,现行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》对不起诉制度作了重大修改。本文对刑事不起诉制度的产生、发展及其概念、内涵进行了探讨,论述了现行不起诉制度的缺陷并提出了一些看法和完善意见。  相似文献   

Recent scholarship about parole supervision indicates that higher supervision intensity is associated with an increased risk of parole violations. However, parole violations can take many forms—some minor and some serious—and theory suggests that supervision intensity might have differential effects depending upon the type of violation. We use “competing risks” survival models to identify supervision effects on five types of parole violations among 79,082 individuals released from prison in California: absconding, technical violations, drug use, violent offenses, and sexual offenses. We find that supervision effects are strongest for absconding violations. Past sexual offending also triggers significant supervision effects for technical violations, drug use violations, and violent violations. We conclude that parole violation patterns are influenced by parolee behaviors, the amount of attention the state is paying to those behaviors, and official markers of criminal dangerousness that are attached to particular parolees.  相似文献   

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