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In this piece I want to (re)pose the relation of writing to law and politics, by interrogating the sense of a writing which is simultaneously an unwriting or undoing of legal and political discourse through Maurice Blanchot's involvement in the movement against the French colonial war in Algeria and, in particular, his framing of the Declaration of the Right to Insubordination in the Algerian War in 1960. The piece analyses how the sense of the event of the Declaration continues to call us to acknowledge a 'disastrous responsibility' to a non-community beyond the time of law and politics.  相似文献   

敦煌文化是"人类文化珍藏"和世界文化艺术的瑰宝。敦煌法律文献是敦煌文化的重要组成部分,是中古时期我国法律文化传统的集中展示,是极其珍贵的法史资料,至今对于弘扬中华民族文化传统,提升我国文化软实力,推动我国社会主义法治文化建设,仍有重大认识价值和古为今用的现实意义。本文对敦煌法律文献中的国家制定法、契约文书、婚姻家庭制度、经济商贸制度、诉讼法律制度作了一次试探性的整合和解读,以期揭示出敦煌法律文献对我国法律文化传承的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Scottish Law Commission (SLC)'s Report on Similar Fact Evidence and the Moorov Doctrine, which proposes revolutionary changes to the way in which Scots law deals with evidence of the accused's bad character, including his previous convictions. The article sets these proposals in context by explaining the existing Scots law, and comparing it to the English provisions on bad character evidence contained in the Criminal Justice Act 2003. This comparison reveals similarities between the responses of the two jurisdictions. It is remarkable that the SLC did not consider English law to be a viable model for reform, choosing instead to propose legislation which would simply deem certain pieces of bad character evidence relevant in criminal trials. The second part of the paper explains why these proposals should not be implemented.  相似文献   

论环境法的正当性的依据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
判断和论证环境法的正当性有五项依据。科学依据是判断环境法正当性的"钢规铁律",具有正当性的环境法律应该遵循自然生态规律;信仰和伦理道德是为法律提供正当性的基本方式,衡量法律是否正当的最终标准是正义,而正义基本上是一个信仰、伦理道德问题;利益是衡量法律正当性的常衡器,将利益作为判断法律正当性的依据,是指该立法是否增加了正当的、积极的利益,是否限制了不正当的、消极的利益,对增加的和限制的利益的分配是否公平;将合法律性作为论证环境资源法正当性的一个依据,主要指其符合宪法、法统和环境基本法律;衡量制定的法律是否正当、有效,主要取决于该立法过程是否切实遵循了正当程序,判断立法程序正当性的实际标准,是看是否重视立法的民主程序和公众参与。  相似文献   

我国行政审判面临的现实困境是《行政诉讼法》修改的现实背景和动因.本次修法大体遵循了经验主义为主、制度设计为辅的路径,靶标行政诉讼“立案难”、“审理难”和“执行难”,对相应的制度进行了修正或者增补,并且注重与外部救济制度的协调,具有较强的针对性和解释力.然而,立法理念和路径选择的偏好决定了本次修法仍显保守与踟蹰:宏观上回应国家治理现代化诉求乏力,微观上部分制度存在空白或者仍有缺陷,欲达致“理想的行政诉讼法”尚需要更深刻的变革.  相似文献   

反垄断法对产业政策的拾遗补缺作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国<反垄断法>第7条规定:"国有经济占控制地位的关系国民经济命脉和国家安全的行业以及实行专营的行业,国家对其经营者的合法经营活动予以保护,并对经营者的经营行为及其商品和服务的价格依法实施监管和调控,维护消费者利益,促进技术进步.""前款规定行业的经营者应当依法经营,诚实守信,严格自律,接受社会公众的监督,不得利用其控制地位或者专营地位损害消费者利益."第7条所说的行业,也就是我们通常所说的管制行业,如通讯、铁路、石油,等等.对这些行业的管制又代表了我国对这些行业的产业政策.从这一角度上,行业管制与产业政策只是一个问题的不同称谓而已,侧重点不同,但实质一样.因此,<反垄断法>第7条提供了处理产业政策与反垄断法关系的原则.  相似文献   

Abstract. A structured awareness of time lies at the core of the law's distinctive normativity. Melody is offered as a rough model of this mindfulness of time, since some important features of this awareness are also present in a hearer's grasp of melody. The model of melody is used, first, to identify some temporal dimensions of intentional action and then to highlight law's mindfulness of time. Its role in the structure of legal thinking, and especially in precedent‐sensitive legal reasoning, is explored. This article argues further that melody‐modeled mindfulness of time is evident also at a deeper and more pervasive level, giving structure to the distinctive mode of law's normative guidance. The article draws one important theoretical consequence from this exploration, namely, that the normative coherence of momentary legal systems depends conceptually on their coherence over time.  相似文献   

The decision whether to believe an expert witness raises difficult epistemological and ethical questions for a lay juror or judge. This article examines the English courts' approach to these questions in the light of a series of cases which endorse the test of admissibility formulated in the Australian case o/R v. Bonython . It argues that, if interpreted more rigorously than it generally has been to date, Bonython could provide the framework for an approach which avoids the pitfalls of either a 'scientistic' or a 'constructivist' epistemology of expert testimony. Such an approach needs to distinguish between different types of expertise and the differing degrees of deference that they call for on the part of a lay fact-finder.  相似文献   

预算法的理念与中国预算法的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在市场经济国家,作为财政法之重要组成部分的预算法,其对于政府财政行为的有效约束、公共财政职能的充分发挥起到了十分重要的作用。但在我国,因现行预算法存在不少缺陷,导致其作用未得到有效发挥,故预算法的修改已被纳入了全国人大的立法规划。但学术界就如何完善预算法却看法不一。我们认为,只有从预算法的理念出发,才能寻求到预算法修改与完善的整体思路。鉴此,拟从三个方面就预算法的理念与中国预算法的完善进行探讨。  相似文献   

民族法制建设的价值取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨秋华 《河北法学》2004,22(9):123-124
民族法研究的任务之一是民族法制建设问题 ,民族法制建设既面临着市场经济建设的挑战 ,又承担着与民族法制传统相链接的使命。找准民族法制建设的价值取向 ,是民族法制建设立于不败之地的重要保证。从历史的对比出发 ,总结出现代民族法制建设的价值取向  相似文献   

网络社会秩序建构的法律路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络社会同样需要一定程度的一致性、连续性和确定性。要把有序关系引入到网络社会中.需要借助于法律的作用。由于网络社会秩序建构是一项复杂的系统工程,需要法律体系诸部门特别是民法、知识产权法、刑法、行政法等协同作用。要充分发挥法律对网络社会秩序建构的作用.应克服“网络法律虚无主义”和“网络法律万能论”两种错误倾向。  相似文献   

Abstract. Despite some appearances to the contrary, a popular view in jurisprudence is that there is a limited domain which either constitutes the field of enquiry of law or at least delineates the arena from which a particular field of enquiry ought to be selected. This article argues that “law” is comprised of a number of fields of enquiry that may be and are selected subjectively. It is claimed that theories of law may be freed from the perceived need to provide authoritative justification for their field of enquiry, if the role of subjectivity is acknowledged appropriately.  相似文献   

在社会领域,政府行政责任是国家与社会对立统一关系的体征,是国家社会职能法律化的社会义务。行政问责制是社会体制法律化的必然结果,其中,政府社会责任被法律化为必须履行的社会义务,社会体制中主体的权利(力)义务(责任)的运行都成为法律化的结果,为实现这一法律化的要求,行政问责制便成为必然。  相似文献   

赵万一  赵信会 《现代法学》2007,29(3):139-147
股东代表诉讼的诉权基础是共益权,股东代表诉讼的当事人适格必须结合股东代表诉讼判决的对世效力一并予以考虑。在当事人适格方面,决定原告资格的惟一条件是股东的公正性和代表性;被告的适格问题必须与公司的诉讼地位一并考虑,公司在股东代表诉讼中处于共同诉讼的参加人。由于股东代表诉讼涉及到公司的利益,且代表公司行使诉权的管理人员可能与公司有利益上的冲突,因此,在股东代表诉讼中应当适当地限制当事人主义的适用。  相似文献   

侵权责任法的救济法、法益保护法属性及其开放性,使其具有创权功能。法定权利规定的遗漏、法定权利概念边缘模糊、新的利益不断出现,使得侵权责任法的创权功能至关重要。我们在制定侵权责任法时,应该保障其具有创权功能。然而,赋予侵权责任法创权功能,会面临消极风险。我们又必须通过制度构建对此风险加以防范。  相似文献   

Asian victims of Japanese imperialism have filed lawsuits against the Japanese government and corporations since the 1990s, which became prime sites for redress decades after Japan's defeat in World War II. As this ethnography demonstrates, this process paradoxically exposes a legal lacuna within this emergent transnational legal space, with plaintiffs effectively caught between the law, instead of standing before the law. Exploring this absence of law, I map out a post‐imperial legal space, created through the erasure of imperial and colonial subjects in the legal framework after empire. Between the law is an optic that makes visible uneven legal terrains that embody temporal and spatial disjuncture, rupture, and asymmetry. The role of law in post‐imperial transitions remains underexplored in literatures on transnational law, legal imperialism, postcolonialism, and transitional justice. I demonstrate how, at the intersection of law and economy, post‐imperial reckoning is emerging as a new legal frontier, putting at stake law's imperial amnesia.  相似文献   

刘为军 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):87-92
由于研究对象的同质性,证据学和行为科学具有天然的内在联系,行为科学有助于我们正确认识隐藏在证据行为背后的内在推动力和各种影响因素,许多成熟的行为科学理论也能在证据学领域找到适用空间。诸如理性原理、满意性原理、效益原理和激励理论等行为科学理论,都可以用来解释证据学领域的诸多问题,也可以对证据制度的构建和完善提供理论基础。  相似文献   

法律关系客体再探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的把法律关系客体表述为"物、行为结果、精神财富、人身利益标的、环境和国家利益标的"的理论,存在论证理由不够充分、无法很好地实现对其他部门法学的理论指导的问题.在"权利客体"的标准下把法律关系客体抽象为"行为"是较好的选择,主要理由是:行为是法律的调整对象,行为抽象产生权利和义务,行为是权利和义务指向的对象,行为是准确把握权利和义务的内涵和外延的关键.  相似文献   

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