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The late diplomat grew with the CPC and the People’s Republic it founded, playing a key role in historic events such as Edgar Snow’s interview with Mao Zedong and Kissinger’s ice-breaking visit to China in 1971.  相似文献   

正ON March 28,at the invitation of the German Krber Foundation in Berlin,President Xi Jinping delivered a speech on China’s foreign policy.Special mention was given to German winemaker Norbert Gorres."Norbert Gorres is a wine expert who,together with his assistant Hans Beu,made 17 trips to Zaozhuang City in east China’s Shandong Province between 2000and 2009 to share his knowledge of viticulture and grafting technology with local farmers.He also authorized the local winery to make world-class wine under his family business label.In those nine years,Gorres and Beu jointly subsidized eight impoverished students in Zaozhuang to fi nance their studies.In 2007,when Beu’s health deteriorated,he asked Gorres to personally deliver one final donation of  相似文献   

China’s close links with Cuba were vividly recalled in May with the visit of Rodriguez Choy,one of three famous generals of Chinese descent whose exploits contributed much to the Caribbean island’s independent advancement.Now nearly 80,it was his first visit to his ancestral homeland having lost contact for three decades and the occasion was a deeply emotional one.  相似文献   

Henry Kissinger on China Again
On June 26, former U,S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger visited the Temple of Heaven with his daughter-in-law and grandson. It was his 15th visit to the temple out of 80 or more trips to Beijing.  相似文献   

In recent years, putonghua has become a feature of Hong Kong life. When I called Lai Wai Shing to arrange an interview, he insisted that he could not speak putonghua well. During the interview, however, it was clear that he was being modest; his putonghua was both clear and fluent. Wallace Yeung, a Hong Kong native whom I met at Mei Foo Sun Chuen, where I interviewed putonghua-ignorant Tsui Chee, volunteered to be his interpreter, albeit with a strong Cantonese accent. LAI Wai Shing's work experience is straightforward. He was employed by the Ta Kung Po in 1972, and became an economic journalist in 1980. He and his family migrated to Canada in 1995. Lai Wai Shing returned to Hong Kong in 1999 and joined the Hantec Group. He began to work as financial commentator at Hong Kong NOW TV in 2006.Lai Wai Shing has witnessed Hong Kong's huge growth and immense changes. He tells me, "I was born in 1952. At that time Hong Kong was very poor. I remember as a child living with my whole family in a small room with seven or eight people sharing one bed." Lai Wai Shing thinks of this period as the "epoch of poverty in a small fishing port." In the 1960s Hong Kong entered an era of processing industry, and in the 1970s its economy took off. In the 1980s Hong Kong's financial and service trade began to burgeon. After more than 20 years' development, Hong Kong is now a cosmopolis and an international financial center. "There are those that believe Hong Kong is at a crossroads, and that it runs the risk of being marginalized and supplanted as an international financial center by Shanghai," says Lai Wai Shing. Quite a number of people worry volubly about the future role of Hong Kong. To Lai Wai Shing, "It's a problem that isn't a problem."  相似文献   

<正>U.S.president’s visit to New delhi reignites the Indian media’s love affair with the United StatesU.S.President Barack Obama paid a three day visit to India at the end of January and attended the country’s Republic Day cel ebrations,becoming the first U.S.state leader to attend the Indian national event.In the mean time,as Indian media outlets have pointed out  相似文献   

正As the French president makes his first official visit to China,work begins on a more unified Eurasia On January 10,French President Emmanuel Macron wrapped up his first state visit to China,which began three days earlier in Xi’an,an ancient capital and a city rich in history and culture,in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.Choosing Xi’an as the first stop of his trip was not merely a show of the French peo-  相似文献   

Sarkozy's visit to China deepens all-round cooperation between the two countriesThree days,three cities from west to east,more than 2,200 years of civi- lization and development—this was what French President Nicholas Sarkozy covered during his November 25-27 visit to China.Besides his discussions with Chinese leaders and a speech at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Sarkozy visited some of the capital's Olympic venues and traveled to Xi'an to see the histor- ical terracotta army.In Shanghai,he felt the pulse of a modernized China,and promoted bilateral economic cooperation.  相似文献   

THE day Premier Wen took office he stated.““Leaders should be closer to the masses.““ His visit to comfort and talk with everyday workers in Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province on January 1, 2005, where a few weeks previously a gas blast in the Chenjiashan Coalmine had killed 166 workers, was by no means his first. But it was the first time he publicly shed tears. In one household that had lost its breadwinner, Wen Jiabao embraced the victim‘s son and shared his grief. He later had a simple lunch of steamed bread and tea in a tunnel 1,300 meters belowg round as he chatted with workers at another mine in the city.  相似文献   

正In the early decades of the People's Republic of China founded in 1949,due to the underdeveloped transportation and communication system,it was hard for people living and working far away from their hometown to visit their families or stay in touch regularly.So to enable people to get together with their near and dear ones at least once a year,the family leave was introduced.  相似文献   

State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan Meeting with Seiji Ozawa On the afternoon of January6, 2005, State Councillor TangJiaxuan met with Seiji Ozawa andhis party in Zhongnanhai.CPAFFC Vice President ChenYongchang was present at themeeting. Tang expressed his welcometo Ozawa’s visit to China at thebeginning of the New Year, andspoke highly of the contributionshe had made in the past years topromoting cultural exchanges be-tween Japan and China, the train-ing of Chinese mu…  相似文献   

Holding high the banner of economic prosperity,pragmatic politics and dynamic culture as three pillars in managing the country,Hassan Rouhani emerged victorious in Iran’s most recent presidential election as a large turnout of voters expressed belief in his vision for changing the future of the Islamic republic In his inaugural speech to parliament Rouhani vowed to deal earnestly with the country’s social and economic problems and to launch "constructive interactions"with the world to mend Iran’s global image and to seek a  相似文献   

Turning the Tide     
<正>Builder of new mega dam prioritizes people and the environment.It came as a bolt from the blue for Liao Chao’an when he was told he would have to relocate with his family since his plot of land was required to build a hydropower station.It was the Baihetan Power Station,part of a  相似文献   

Beijing Review: How do you remember the international situation at the time of the Shanghai Communiqué? Stapleton Roy: I was serving in Moscow when Dr. Henry Kissinger showed up in Beijing in July 1971. The Kissinger visit was the first manifestation that there had been a breakthrough in China-U.S. relations. The culmination of that breakthrough, of course, was the president's visit to Beijing in February 1972. It was really the turning point in the Cold War.  相似文献   

HENRY Kissinger’s latest book, On China, an ambitious combination of his memoirs as a professional diplomat and his understanding of Chinese politics, culture and history, attempts to f it Chinese leaders’ strategic intentions and diplomatic approaches into a historical and cultural framework. Opening with a look into the deep past, the book discusses the important in uence of Confu  相似文献   

EVERY lifetime has its unforgettable moments. My visit to Zhang Boju (1898-1982) in 1981 was among them.Although just one of many interviews during my career as a professional photographer, it was special. Zhang was one of the few celebrities that I truly looked up to, respected and admired. He was, and remains, the greatest art collector of modem China. His dedication to protecting China's historical and cultural relics and artifacts transcended not only the value he placed on family property, but also his life.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, Latvian member of the European Parliament Rihards Piks and three others paid a visit to Beijing, Lhasa and Shanghai from July 19 to 26, 2005. Piks, a senior Latvian states- man, has served as cultural min- ister, foreign minister and deputy speaker of the Latvian Parlia- ment. Last year after Latvia joined the EU, he was elected member of the European Parliament. The aim of Piks and his party’s visit to China was to obtain know- ledge about the socia…  相似文献   

<正>Premier Li Keqiang’s trip to four Latin American countries wraps up with fruit borne and expectations high Involving the lengthiest duration,the farthest distance travelled,and the greatest number of cities visited during any diplomatic tour of his tenure thus far,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s first official visit to Latin America since his inauguration in2013 garnered much attention both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

The People’s Republic of Chi- na’s President Hu Jintao’s recent visit to Canada, coincided with the 35th anniversary of the Testablishment of diplomatic rela- tion between Canada and China. We are optimistic that his visit will further enhance the friend-ship and cooperation between these two countries. The future holds tremendous opportunities for both Canada and China and itis with open optimism with which we observe and support President Hu’s visit. As an active and very inter- es…  相似文献   

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