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The Achang
The Achang are a trans-border ethnic minority with a population of more than 33,000, living mainly in Yunnan's Longchuan and Lianghe counties in Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefectures while some live in Luxi and Yingjiang counties. There are also a few concentrations in Tengchong and Longling counties of Baoshan City as well as in Yunlong County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prelecture. In Myanmar, there are more than 40,000 Achangs, locally called Malntha.  相似文献   

On the snow land of Tibet, morning comes a bit late. Facing the sun that has just risen from the east, Kristin, a young American woman, opens the door of her restaurant in Lhasa, capital of Tibet. Nunya Restaurant, which serves Western food, has begun another busy day. Kristin and her husband, Rene, who is Dutch, are co-owners of the restaurant located in Beijing Road, a thoroughfare of the city. Another couple, Jannett and Fred, both of Dutch nationality, are the other co-owners. The four bosses have had likewise expe-  相似文献   

ON the map, Yulin resembles a nibbled leaf. L ocated in southeastern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yulin comprises one city, two districts and four counties.  相似文献   

<正>Soldiers help residents in a village in Tingri County,Xigaze,southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region,by setting up tents on April 28 after an 8.1-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal,also affecting Tibet,three days earlier.By April 28,the death toll in Tibet had reached 25,with four people missing and 383 injured.The earthquake affected nearly half of Xigaze’s 700,000 residents.Gyirong,Nyalam and Tingri,which lie along the China-Nepal border,were the worst hit.Relief efforts are underway in quake-stricken areas.By that day,the Ministry of Civil Affairs had sent20,000 tents,50,000 quilts,50,000 cotton-padded coats,15,000 folding beds and 15,000 sleeping bags to the affected areas.  相似文献   

Tibet on the roof of the world is covered with snow for a greater part of the year, when a freezing cold holds sway. There is less oxygen in the atmosphere there than in areas on lower altitudes. Living in such hostile conditions, Tibetans have a craving for rite. A Tibetan folk song sings prayers of ci ren, or longevity. Tibetan herdsmen accost each other with greetings of ci ren. Countless numbers of Tibetans are called Ci ren. Folk drawings and dances staged at  相似文献   

YOU sit by a heap of burning cow dung,bored and listless.It’s normal to feel despondent.You are sta-tioned at the highest,most isolated post in Tibet.There is nothing to look at but snow by day and stars by night.The ground is shaggy with withered weeds?and the sun,shedding hot ultraviolet rays,rises above and sets below the distant horizon like clockwork to mark each empty  相似文献   

Tibet Museum     
THE Tibet Museum,located in the southeastern corner of NorbuLingka, Lhasa, is thefod of its kind in Tibet to be pro-vided with the latest in equipmentand facilities. One of 62 aid-Tibetprojects, it was completed andopened in October 1999.The Tibet Museum has a hugecollection of art treasures. Itsexhibits include prehistoric cultural relics, Buddhist,statues Carvedin various materials and in different postures, and Tibetan sutrashand written in powdered gold,silver and coral. There are al…  相似文献   

There are numer-ous Buddhist monasteries in Tibetan areas. Among the bestknown are Labrang and Langmu monasteries in Gan-nan Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Tar (Kumbum) Monastery in Qinghai Province and Tashil-hunpo in Tibet Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of Tibet Autonomous Region. China Today has closely followed Tibet's development, from peaceful liberation to its currently prospering economy, since 1952 when the magazine was established. Israel Epstein, late editor-in-chief emeritus of China Today, made four trips to Tibet and wrote his work Tibet Transformed - the first objec- tive account by a Western writer published in China of the dramatic changes that have taken place in Tibet …  相似文献   

T is a common view of traditional Chinese art that poem, calligraphy, painting and seal cutting are intrinsically connected. Yet today only a few Chinese artists are considered to be experts in all four fields. Mr. Jin Yi'an's creations of poems, calligraphy, paintings and seals place him as one of the few remaining experts. Although capable in all four fields, this Jilin resident in Northeast China, is especially strong in calligraphy. Born in 1915 in Beijing, Mr. Jin (originally named …  相似文献   

Herders from Shuanghu County,Nagchu City,Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China,are on a migration trip on December 23,2019.A total of 2,900 residents from three villages of Shuanghu have recently left their villages at an average altitude of 5,000 meters above the sea level and traveled nearly 1,000km to resettle in Konggar County,Shannan City,which is at a relatively low altitude.Their new homes are located on the southern bank of the Yarlung Zangbo River in south Tibet.  相似文献   

<正>Specialty industries in counties promote both urban and rural development Jujube trees are invaluable for the residents of Zhanhua,a county in Shandong Province.Some jujube buds are processed into tea.When the jujube trees are in full blossom,bees will produce honey,bringing income for the locals.The fruit is sold across the country.Even the jujube wood is made into stools,walking sticks and handicrafts.  相似文献   

China has 56 separate ethnic groups,and the Hui is the second only in size to the majority Han. With a population of 9.82 million (2000 census figure), Hui people are widely scattered and can be found in most counties and cities throughout China. However,most of them live in northwestern autonomous regions and provinces such as Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu. There are also many Hui communities in Shanxi, Hebei, Tianjin,Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu,  相似文献   

Green Gains     
It's March and the temperature is rising in Shannan,Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China.Its time for planting trees.Farmers are busy leveling their fields,mulching,digging holes and planting saplings.Tashi Palden and his men are among them.The 27-year-old is president of Axinglang Seedling Nursery in Gonggar County,Shannan,a city 151 km to the southeast of the regional capital Lhasa.  相似文献   

正Born in Naqu City, Tibet in 1938, Redi was formerly a Standing Committee vice chair. He was a deputy for Tibet to three National Congress meetings and has been in key Party positions in Tibet for almost 30 years. His sacrifice for the well-being of people in Tibet won him love and respect from ethnic people.  相似文献   

DURING the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods 2,000 years ago, Chinese distinguished the size and power of the numerous vassal states by the number of horse-drawn military chariots (each drawn by four horses) they owned. The "thousand- chariot" states were large ones, while the "hundred-chariots" states were medium-sized to small ones. This reflects the thinking in ancient China that "the affairs of a state are determined by its military,  相似文献   

Rising Stars     
Clear differences as well as common ground exist among the BRIC countries The BRIC-Brazil,Russia,India and China-are the four most vigorous economies in today's world. They are playing a more and more important role in the global economy.Common traits The four economies  相似文献   

Guarding Wuyi     
This site in the Peal River Delta abounds in unusual towers built for defense and as a refuge from natural disasters Jiangmen, in the Pearl River Delta in south China, is an enchanting city. Under its jurisdiction are Xinhui District and Taishan, Kaiping, Enping and Heshan cities, historically known as Wuyi (five counties) because of their shared popular customs.  相似文献   

A Song ofHope     
正The humbling story of four visually impaired Tibetan children hits the big screen Thupten is a 10-year-old boy living in Lhasa,southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region,partially sighted in one eye and blind in the other.His doctor says that there is a chance he could completely lose his sight,but that there is an operation that  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of stability, development, ecological conservation and border security in Tibet Autonomous Region.Xi, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Tibet from July 21 to 23 for the 70th anniversary of its peaceful liberation. This is the first time for a top Chinese leader to take part in such a celebration in the history of the Party and the country. The following are edited excerpts of a Xinhua News Agency report on Xi’s visit:  相似文献   

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