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The plot of the popular movie How to Train Your Dragon includes several features that are paralleled in the efforts of programme designers and treatment providers who work with the highest risk offenders in criminal justice systems. This introduction to the special feature on programmes for high-risk offenders notes that there are important differences in how treatments are provided for offenders with varying levels of risk, need, and responsivity. It asks if what is known about effective offender intervention – much of it derived from moderately risky offenders – applies to those who are thought to be at high risk of new criminal activity. It observes that the relative lack of intervention theory for these offenders provides an important justification for a feature that focuses primarily on describing a range of these interventions and their theoretical underpinnings. The papers that follow are then introduced.  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which English criminal law's conception of responsibility has changed since the eighteenth century, and explores the relationship between changes in legal framework, changes in processes of criminalisation and punishment, and broader social, political and economic changes. It argues that the development of ideas of individual responsibility for crime are responses to problems of co-ordination and legitimation faced by systems of criminal law, and that these problems can be expected to change according to the environment in which the system operates, with important factors including the distribution of political interests and economic power; the prevailing cultural and intellectual environment; the organisation and status of relevant professional groups and the vigour of alternative means of social ordering. Substantively, the paper explores the hypothesis that criminal responsibility has shifted from a conception founded in ideas of character to a capacity-based conception over the relevant period. Methodologically, the aim is to historicise the structure as well as the content of criminal law within a socio-theoretic framework, constructing a dialogue between criminal law theory of a doctrinal and philosophical temper and socio-historical studies of criminal justice.  相似文献   

Online auctions have emerged as one of the popular segments of e-commerce. The popularity of this technology-aided business model is evidenced by the continuous growth of eBay and other e-auction markets. However, this growth of online auctions has also led to a corresponding rise in deception and online criminal activity. This paper presents the findings of an original experiment undertaken to examine the evolving criminality associated with eBay auctions. The article examines eBay’s existing fraud prevention framework and evaluate its effectiveness in mitigating the risk. The research has identified foundation of eBay’s fraud problem - the inability of eBay’s fraud prevention architecture to identify and eliminate rogue traders with obscure identity and questionable reputation. The authors have proposed a proactive and holistic e-fraud prevention typology to enhance trader’s authentication to fight online auction fraud.  相似文献   

从法定解除权的产生条件、行使后果以及消灭三个层面分析中国有关海上保险人法定解除权的现行规定在平衡保险双方利益方面的合理性与不足,并尝试提出完善现行立法的建议。  相似文献   

沈世娟  刘海锋 《知识产权》2012,(2):42-46,89
因文字语言表达的限制,专利权人较难通过权利要求足够好地描述其发明构思,在权利要求公示的基础上,通过引进等同物来扩大专利权的保护范围,充分保护专利权人的发明构思,成为各国的通行做法。在构建等同侵权的要件、确认等同侵权的例外方面,遵循公平原则始终是平衡专利权人与公众利益的标杆。现有技术抗辩中采用"容易推导"代替"新颖性"标准,等同侵权中以"置换容易性"代替"无创造性"要件,法官在评价"容易推导"及"置换容易"时参考所属技术领域技术人员的专家证言,可实现双方利益的平衡。  相似文献   

家务责任法律化的思考与立法建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄宇 《河北法学》2005,23(6):64-67
家务是家庭存续的重要方式,长期以来一直处于由女性承担的不公平状态。家务劳动的繁重性与无偿性严重阻碍女性进入社会生产领域,限制女性的发展,并成为引发家庭矛盾的重要原因。但我国相关法律对此还少有提及。家务责任法律化在我国不仅重要,而且将会具有特别的意义。  相似文献   

朱笑延 《法学家》2022,(1):68-83
降低刑事责任年龄的舆论诉求与刑法回应已然发展成为一对既密切关联、又有所区别,甚至存在矛盾冲突的新力量,深度嵌入未成年人罪错行为治理的复杂格局之中。引入长短期记忆网络(LSTM)对14058条新浪微博相关评论文本进行情感分类,分别统计正向、中性、负向情感的高频词,可以数据化呈现社会舆论的具体诉求与刑法回应的实际效果。面对社会舆论对刑法功能的过度期许、对保护理念的极度排斥、对规范设置的明确否定,刑法采用了分散式功能叙说、不能“一放了之”的话语体系置换、年龄整体下调与多重限制并行的回应策略。然而,这一回应策略导致社会舆论对刑法的功能期许不降反升、保护与惩戒的理念认可度更加失衡、限制性规范存在异化风险。刑法应在理解、尊重社会舆论的演化逻辑与核心诉求的前提下,逐步缩小功能诉求与治理供给的偏差,以惩戒理念的强调带动保护理念的培植,寻找支持个别下调的正当性基础,探索“舆论诉求—刑法引导—社会互动”的“杜鹃—鸳鸯模式”。  相似文献   

This essay and review on criminal network analysis provides an introduction to the special issue “Human Capital and Social Capital in Criminal Networks”. It traces the history of the application of network analysis in the study of organized crime since the early 1970s. It argues that while criminal network analysis has brought a new level of methodological rigor to the study of organized crime, a number of limitations have become apparent. These include the problem of missing data and the challenges encountered in adequately capturing latent structures, individual characteristics of network members and socio-ecological conditions.  相似文献   

法学本科实践教学的反思与深化路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的法学本科教学模式在教学目录中列有实践教学课程,但是,来自于司法实务界和社会实践的反馈表明,法学本科重理论说教、轻实践操作运用的教学模式培养出的法学本科生大多都难以适应国家法治建设和经济建设发展的需要。面对新世纪国家法治建设和经济全球化的现实,本文认为,高等学校法学院应当转变传统的教学模式,进一步深化和完善法学本科实践教学机制,以培养符合时代需求的应用型法律人才。  相似文献   

廖呈钱 《法学家》2022,(1):28-42
税法“总则”是落实税收法定原则、实现税法体系化的基本形态,亦是税收法典化的基础性工程。然而,规制时代下“解法典化”的趋势,使得税收法典化陷入规范封闭性与现实开放性之间矛盾的困境。宪法基本国策条款的客观法秩序性质,使得其在具备规范拘束力的同时能够保持结构的开放性,赋予国家义务的同时通过“反射性利益”及其主观化来保护公民的权利。由此,宪法基本国策条款可以成为破解税收法典化困境的有效路径。具体而言,宪法财政基本国策条款确立的发展导向需要通过税法“总则”的立法目的条款予以具体化。在坚持适度法典化的通则法定位基础上,以量能课税原则、受益原则和国家辅助原则的多元互补重塑税收公平的内涵,并在程序保障之下,通过立法沟通机制,最终形成“规则—责任”相衔接的立法体例。  相似文献   

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