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More than one year has passed since President George W. Bush made explanation of the reason forlaunching Iraq War on September 12,2002 at the UN General Assembly. More than 6 months havepassed since the outbreak of that war. And nearly 5 months have already passed since the announcementby Mr. Bush of the ending of major battles in the war. The turn of events was just as expected by mostobservers of international relations, but was to a great extent out of the U. S. decision - makers' anticipa-  相似文献   

More than ten years have passed since the beginning of the Global War on Terror and the consequent launch of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.Today,at the dawn of intemational forces' withdrawal,some substantive improvements are recorded in the field of infrastructure,power,communication,and education.The question is whether this relative progress is sustainable and whether the Afghan population will get the help it will actually need in an unpredictable,but a priori extremely difficult,future.  相似文献   

Five years have passed since the events of 9/11. If one reviews the main developments and the impact on world politics since then, the most prominent area for analysis would be the successful——and unsuccessful——changes in U.S. national security strate…  相似文献   

Five years have passed since September 11. What has been theinfluence of these events on international relations? What has changedin the world since then? The majority of scholars hold that the Sep-tember 11 terrorist attacks were essentially a key event,…  相似文献   

The exchanges between Changsha and Japan have along history. More than 1000 years ago in Tang Dy-nasty, the culture of porcelain was introduced toJapan through the "silk road on the sea" fromTong-guan kiln in Changsha which was the first coloredporcelain workshop in the world. At that time, cul-tural and trade exchanges between Changsha andJapan had alreadybecome veryfrequent.The friendly exchanges between the two have growneven stronger since the establishment of diplomaticrelations betwe…  相似文献   

Five years have passed since the September 11 terrorist attacks occurred. America s counter-terrorism campaign is still on the way. Besides the momentary monumental significance of the fifth anniversa- ry, five years is still too short in regard to the lo…  相似文献   

More than 20 years have elapsed since Japan put forth the slogan of marching toward a "political power" from an economic one in the mid-1980s. People find that not only Japan's economic bubble has burst but its "political power" strategy is also quite feeble. The mettle Japan held in those years to "lead the world together with the United States" has long become grievance at the current state of affair and reminiscence of the good old days.  相似文献   

Five years have passed since the events of 9/11. If one reviews the main developments and the impact on world politics since then,the most prominent area for analysis would be the successful--and unsuccessful--changes in U. S. national security strategy and its major foreign policies, and the relative rise and fall of U. S. global power. There have also been other equally important developments.In particular, international and cross-national politics possess new features and complexities on account of conspicuous terrorist threats and the social/political turbulence in most of the Muslim world.  相似文献   

Five years have passed since the September 11 terrorist attacks occurred. America's counter-terrorism campaign is still on the way.Besides the momentary monumental significance of the fifth anniversary, five years is still too short in regard to the long-term counter-terrorism campaign. Yet, America's president's tenure is eight years at best; most of Bush's presidency time has passed. Five years ago, the U. S. encountered the most serious terrorist attack; the whole nation formed a consensus that counter-terrorism is its utmost priority. President Bush once enjoyed a support rate as high as 90% for over 16 months. But five years later, the trend changes. People can not help but ask: what are the gains and losses of the Republican Party in dealing with national security affairs?  相似文献   

The Evolution of the China-U.S. Relationship after September 11 As far as the Sino-U.S. relations are concerned, two aspects should be mentioned. On the one hand, the China-U.S. ties have never been a plain sailing. In the 26 years since China and the U.S. established diplomatic relations, there have been many twists and turns and ups and downs in the bilateral relations. On the other hand, however, the general trend of the relations has forged ahead.In the 10-odd years afterthe concl…  相似文献   

Germany and Japan are the two chief-culprits for initiating the Second W orld W ar(W W II)and have com-m itted a towering crim e against the peoples of the world.Sixty years have passed since these two countries thatdragged hum anity into a poolofblood,leapt into w orld-class strong powers.They are seeking perm anentseats inthe U N Security Council and intentionally play roles as great world powers.The key to the question is w hetherthey are willing to thoroughly rem ould and reform them …  相似文献   

China-U.S, military relationship, one of the most important and complicated bilateral military relationships, is subjected to more restraining factors than any other military relationships in the current world. It has always been regarded as the "barometer" of the development of the relations between the two countries. Over the past 30 years since the two countries established diplomatic ties, bilateral military relationship has undergone an exceedingly unsmooth course of development. Nevertheless, along with the increase of common interests, China-U.S.  相似文献   

Scientific Outlook on Development and China's Foreign Policy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
More than half a century has passed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. There have been successes as well as failures in China's policies and practices at home and abroad. The failures are stepping stones for success; lessons drawn from errors lead to truth. Chinese leader Hu Jintao recently spoke about "Scientific Outlook on Development, "' a summary of past history and an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development both now and in future. The authors believe that this is a major development in China's strategic thinking following Deng Xiaoping's "Reform and Opening Up" and Jiang Zemin's "Three Representatives" and that it should be upheld and applied to foreign policy decision making.  相似文献   

Five years have passed since September 11. What has been the influence of these events on international relations? What has changed in the world since then? The majority of scholars hold that the September 11 terrorist attacks were essentially a key event, a "turning point" in the international strategy transformation after the Cold War.Yet some others believe that the September 11 terrorist attacks cannot have had so profound an impact on international relations. For example, in America's Foreign Policy, most articles commemorating the fifth anniversary of September 11 fall into the second category. These articles suggest that, five years after September 11, security issues have not slowed down the pace of globalization; potential strategic competition among the big powers has not been weakened due to their cooperation in counter-terrorism and international terrorist organizations, represented by Al Qaeda, still exist. Meanwhile, many proturning-point scholars think that, after September 11, terrorism has become the main threat to international security and that the strategic focuses of major powers have also undergone a big adjustment, valuing cooperation over competition. There is even a saying that "the central content of international relations is to meet challenges from the non-state actors represented by terrorism."  相似文献   

I t has been five years since the founding of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2001 and a decade has passed since its forerunner, the Shanghai Five, was initiated in 1996. However, it is not until 2004 that the SCO’s two standing bodies—th…  相似文献   

During his eight years in office, President Bush waged wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and found himself bogged down there. The financial tsunami and the economic recession have beset America with difficulties both at home and abroad. President Bush has become a lame-duck president in American history. More than 70% of the constituency think America has taken a wrong way, and the American people all want to have a change. Barack Obama made full use of the situation at home and is going to take up the office of presidency when America is deep in trouble.  相似文献   

A New View on Sino-U. S. Relations Sino-U. S. relations seem to have emerged into a more positive light in recent years. China and the United States have sustained a strong relationship since 9/11, for the simple reason that international relations at present require mutual  相似文献   

Eight years ago, Professor John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago argued that a Sino-U.S. confrontation was inevitable in the first 20 years of the 21st century. In the light of the 20 years' development in Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War, however, all scenarios and explanations given in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics are incorrect.  相似文献   

After the U.S.mid-term elections in November 2014,the Obama administration entered a"lame-duck"period.As the Republicans have controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate,public opinion generally holds that the Obama administration is due to face greater difficulties over the next two years.But as the U.S.political system allows the President of the United States to act more independently in the field of foreign affairs than in that of internal affairs,he can still make a difference here without being hindered by political affairs,even during the last two years of his presidency.In recent history,Ronald Reagan was a typical case in point:he achieved significant success in foreign affairs during the last two years of his tenure.Bill Clinton and George W.Bush  相似文献   

At the turn of the century, sharp changes in Sino-Indian relations have drawn wide attention of the international community. Relations between the two countries, improved and developed since they restored exchanges of ambassadors in 1976, suffered heavy setbacks because of India‘ nuclear tests in May 1998. But both sides have proceeded in all cases from the overall public interest and made joint efforts, hence quickly overcoming their temporary difficulties. Ever since June 1999, the two nations have restored and developed ties on the basis of the Five Principles. The past five years have witnessed obvious improvement and rapid development of relations between the two sides. This can be seen from the following respects. ……  相似文献   

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