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SI JINQUAN 《人权》2013,(4):20-25
The development and application of modern computer information and network technology is a doubleedged sword.On the one hand,thanks to the rapid and convenient spread and exchange of computerized information and the compressed time and space on the Internet,computerized information plays a positive role in many areas like the economy,culture,education,science and technology,and politics.  相似文献   

Functions of Herbal Medicines According to traditional Chinese medicine, all diseases are the result of imbalances between yin and yang and dysfunctions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.The basic functions of herbal medicines are to dispel pathogenic factors, regulate yin and yang, and restore normal functions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.  相似文献   

Clean and scale the fish, and cut out gills and guts. Cut off the fish head and halve. Cut open the fish along the length of its backbone, leaving the tail on. Cut out the backbone and ribs. Make diagonal cuts on the surface of the fish. Marinate the fish flesh and head in cooking wine and salt. Dice onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and carrots, and scald them. Heat oil in wok. Coat the fish head and meat in flour and egg yolk. Deep fry until  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

HE met China’Premier Zhou Enlai,chatted with prestigious Chinese writer Guo Moruo and sat in Beijing with Norodom Sihanouk,the late king of Cambodia.He witnessed the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States and between China and Australia.He studied with Henry Kissinger and John King Fairbank and is committed to studying the stability and harmony of East and West.He was a research associate at Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and taught government and international affairs at Harvard.However,he is most well-known for  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

The city of Qingyang in Gansu Province is distinguished by its extensive history of folk customs and culture, and was, some believe, the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Over long stretches of time, Qingyang preserved its folk arts and crafts including sachet-making, embroidery, paper-cutting, and shadow puppetry, and continued other traditions such as Longdong[] yangko, Daoqing (Longdong Opera), traditional shehuo, ground pit and cave-house, and marriage and funeral rituals.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

LI MINGSHUN 《人权》2008,(4):24-30
The year 2007 witnessed "the new progress in the construction of democracy and legal system, the reliable development of administration by law, and the strengthened guarantee of people's rights and interests as well as the safeguard of social equity and justice" in China. In this year, both the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee as well as local People's Congresses at levels and their standing committees were active in performing their duties, constituting and promulgating a series of laws and regulations. These laws and regulations have directly or indirectly concerned the fights and interests of women. This article is going to briefly sum up and analyze the provisions in the pertinent legislation in China in 2007 that directly involve the fights and interests of women,  相似文献   

The China-Japan Exhibition of Coins, Epigraphs, Calligraphy and Seal Engraving, jointly sponsored by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Kitaeda Seal Cutting Association of Japan, was held in the Beijing Ancient Coins Museum on August 22, 2009, to promote cultural exchange between China and Japan. The exhibition mainly focused on coins and epigraphs, but also showed more than 200 works of calligraphy and seal engraving, rubbings from coins and coin moulds, and photographs, all of them by Chinese and Japanese numismatists, scholars and calligraphers.  相似文献   

LOCATED on the North China Plain, Taocheng District comes under Hengshui City jurisdiction. It's also the city's political, economic and cultural center, and is just 250 kilometers south of Beijing and Tianjin, north China's major trading port. To its south lie Xingtai and Handan, huge coal, iron and steel production bases, and 100 kilometers west is Shijiazhuang International Airport. Taocheng is 180 kilometers to the west of Huanghua and Binzhou ports on the Bohai Bay and a major transportation hub in the regions surrounding  相似文献   

Cool Gadgets     
Hugging Salt & Pepper Shakers This sleek shaker set its perfectly together to resemble a couple in a loving embrace. From above, they resemble Yin and Yang, representing the balance of opposites:black and white, sky and earth,masculine and feminine, and, in this case,salt and pepper.Super-practical 4occhi Eyewear  相似文献   

Pengjia Village is rustic, and peacefully surrounded by mountains and rivers, a natural haven for humans since we tend to settle near water.
Here, near the Youshui River, Bachu culture and the culture of Qin and Han mixed in ancient times. Wending its way through western Hubei, eastern Sichuan and western Hunan provinces, the waterway connects regions and nourishing the eternal bloodline of several ethnic minorities, including Tujia and Miao.  相似文献   

正IN 2013 we filed and investigated1,393 cases of bribery and corruption involving 1,646 people,107 of whom were officials at Division Chief level or above.We approved the arrest of 114 suspects on charges of producing and selling poisonous and harmful foods and bogus medicines,and prosecuted 891 people embroiled in 464 cases of economic crimes involving mass participation,  相似文献   

Family Ties     
PARENT-CHILD relationships be very similar the world over In general, young children are playful and mischievous andadmire and love their parents; teenagers are angsty and rebellious and think their parents can't possibly understand them; and, when these children grow into adults and have children of their own, they begin to see things from their parents' perspective.  相似文献   

DANG DUNG CHI 《人权》2007,6(1):19-20
Peace, security, harmonious development and human rights are closely related. Firstly, peace and security are premise and precondition for the insur-ance of human rights. It is obvious that when human beings continue to be threat-ening by wars, conflicts and chaos, their right to life is faint and insecure, and other human rights would not be fully respected or protected. On the other hand, peace and security are foundation for everyone to pursue his or her own objectives. In other words, in a society where peace and secu-rity are maitained, people will have oppor-tunity to enjoy their human rights and to affirm their own ego.  相似文献   

MO WENXIU 《人权》2007,6(2):2-4
At the present stage in China, land is rural women's most basic means of production and life and most important material guarantee. Land contracting and related rights and interests have a direct bearing on the interests of rural women. Guaranteeing rural women's land contracting right and related economic rights and interests is of immediate significance for safeguarding their rights and interests and mobilizing them in active participation in the construction of a new socialist countryside. It will also have a far-reaching significance for promoting social fairness and justice and building a socialist harmonious society.  相似文献   

THOUGH bricks and tiles are ordinary building materials judged by today's standards,centuries ago commoners mostly built their houses with sun-dried adobes and thatch. Back then, bricks and tiles implied wealth and dignity, in much the same way as marble, steel and glass do today. This was particularly true of bricks and tiles featuring ornamental designs for imperial use. The most representative of these aristocratic building blocks were the bricks and tiles of the Qin and Hart dynasties. These were later followed by other ornamental brick carving techniques.  相似文献   

Yunnan’s color and culture dazzles and delights a Beijing audience.T HEY came to sing their sorrows and joys to a Bei- jing audience at the Tian- qiao Theater in the Chinese capital. Southern stunners and strapping sons sang with gusto, all dolled up in the garb that featured – and still features – among their ethnic groups in Yunnan. Superbly choreographed by Zhou peiwu, Tao Chun and Wang Jiamin, and presented by Naxi, Yi, Hani and Ti- betan people, Melodious Yunnan served up to Be…  相似文献   

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