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Environmental offences often have rather obscure victims. At the same time, we know that those crimes commonly regarded as the most serious have clearly visible victims. It is difficult for people to relate to environmental offences in the same way as many traditional crimes, and this makes it easier to commit breaches of the environmental regulations. One element in a control strategy ought therefore to be continuous attempts to discover really serious environmental crimes that are easily communicated to the public. Regulations are followed if we believe that others also do so. If we have a sense that cheating is widespread then group solidarity is weakened, and with it the inclination to abide by the rules. How then do individuals and businessmen develop the perception that control measures are working? This happens primarily by means of a perception that observance of the regulations is being monitored. Broadly based control measures and contacts are therefore of considerable importance. By means of risk assessment procedures, interventions can then be concentrated where they are judged to be most necessary. A broad arsenal of measures is needed to persuade companies to observe the regulations; an arsenal from big stick to little stick, from self-regulation and service to administrative sanction charges and criminal offences.  相似文献   

目前我国有关故意杀人罪中死刑裁量因素的审查难有真切、统一的基准,而在司法实践中对相关刑法条文含义的理解和阐释较为草率;最高人民法院的指导性案例体现的裁判趣旨未得到充分领会;各量刑因素的作用莫衷一是、标准不一,“估堆”量刑的困境萦绕其间,因而须探索故意杀人罪中相对合理的死刑裁量基准。具体而言,须区分各量刑因素的轻重、位阶,建构以责任刑为主、预防刑为辅的死刑裁量基准。至于是否入围死刑圈主要是仰仗责任刑阶段的判断。若责任刑阶段均是从严因素,基本会入围死刑圈的审查。死刑圈内的三种准刑种如何抉择,取决于对行为人的人身危险性判断。在预防刑阶段若均是从宽因素,一般死缓的判决即可满足要求;若从宽因素和从严因素交错,死缓限制减刑的判决基本可满足要求;若只有从严因素,则有判决死刑立即执行的可能。  相似文献   

Neither the literature on offending nor that on desistance adequately explains the short-term nature of youth offending, young people’s propensity to desist from offending as they reach early adulthood and the importance of youth transitions in helping or hindering young people’s access to legitimate and conventional opportunities and responsibilities. It is suggested in this article that the three phases of offending—onset, maintenance and desistance—run parallel courses with the three phases of youth transitions—childhood, youth and adulthood and that both these processes are influenced by discrepancies in levels of capital for young people at each stage. In a recent Scottish study of desistance, Bourdieu’s concepts of capital are used to demonstrate the commonalities between youth offending and youth transitions and to better understand young people’s search for integration and recognition—whether this be through offending or conventionality. The article concludes that the concepts of capital and youth transitions could both be employed more usefully in the field of criminology to explain the transient nature of offending in youth and the greater likelihood of desistance once legitimate and sustainable opportunities are found to spend as well as to accumulate capital in early adulthood.
Monica BarryEmail:

在解决环境外部性的问题上,经济手段会比行政手段产生更大的利益激励机制和效率弹性。经济手段的作用在于通过对环境资源予以定价,将同环境污染与利用等相关的外部成本全部反映到企业的生产成本中,促使企业基于利益最大化的考虑,作出最有利于环境的经济决策。因此,在环境政策的执行中加大运用收费、补贴、押金、排污权交易、环境税、环境责任保险等经济手段的力度是大势所趋。对环境问题的调节,在法律层面上,要求的是既具有私法的建立在意思自治基础上的内在激励机制,又有公法从整体利益出发保障国家介入经济活动的干预机制。  相似文献   

黑社会性质犯罪的特征及打防对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究黑社会性质犯罪的特征 ,不能仅仅依据新刑法第 2 94条 ,而应该把视野放得更宽一些。黑社会性质犯罪具有组织上的严密性 ,经济上的贪婪性 ,政治上的对抗性 ,文化上的腐朽性 ,手段上的兼备性五个特征。从大量情况看 ,我国黑社会性质犯罪正在向更完备的形态发展 ,因此 ,必须对其采取有效的打防对策 ,否则后果不堪设想  相似文献   


This study analyses the significance of the 1977 BT Kemi scandal in Teckomatorp, Sweden for the establishment of the concept of 'environmental crime', first in the public debate and then later in legislation. The BT Kemi scandal is analysed as a 'focusing event' that placed the relationship between environmental pollution, responsibility, legislation and penal sanctions firmly on the political agenda. Several commissions of inquiry were established as a consequence, and in 1981 the Environmental Protection Act was revised and environmental crimes were included in the penal code. This tightening of the legislation had very little effect in practice, however, and this study examines why these legislative changes had so little practical impact. Attention is focused on the historical and societal contexts in which Swedish environmental legislation during the 1960s, as an explanation of why environmental crime has been and remains such a marginalized phenomenon. Shared mentalities in the area of environmental protection, which have evolved over time within public sector agencies and the private sector, coupled with an unequal emerged distribution of power and diffuse legislation, have obstructed the establishment of environmental crime. The BT Kemi scandal was a decisive factor in the coming of age of environmental offending, but it nonetheless takes time before a new form of crime becomes 'self-evident' and accepted as such in the wider society.  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行表外业务发展缓慢的主要原因有:银行业分业管理的体制约束,经营环境的约束,银行体制改革滞后,经营理念陈旧以及专业人才和技术缺乏。为促进我国国有商业银行表外业务健康和快速的发展,应加快完善产权结构,实行适度混业经营,树立现代多元化经营理念,做好整体发展规划,提高整体营销水平,健全风险防范机制,加大人才培养与技术支持力度。  相似文献   

Many dependent variables of criminological interest have censored distributions. Investigations that use such variables increasingly have turned to the Tobit model, a censored regression technique that is specified based on a latent dependent variable. When used under suitable circumstances, this model provides appropriate estimates. This paper discusses key assumptions of the Tobit model. It then highlights the risk of violating these assumptions and reviews alternative flexible parametric and semiparametric modeling techniques, currently used sparingly in criminology, which researchers may find helpful when assumptions regarding the error terms are untenable. By using an empirical example focused on sentencing outcomes and comparing estimates across analytic methods, this study illustrates the potential utility of simultaneously estimating the Tobit model along with some alternatives.
Christopher J. SullivanEmail:

Domestic violence cuts across all demographic groups. The factors related to why police officers arrest in some domestic violence situations but not others have been often studied. Little research, however, has been conducted on the arrest views of rural police officers. One hundred seventy line officers in six rural Midwestern counties were surveyed to determine the impact of officer personal characteristics and agency type on arrest decisions in various hypothetical domestic violence scenarios. First, the same situational factors appeared to be important in shaping the arrest decision in domestic violence calls of rural officers as have previously been found with urban officers. Second, the characteristics of officers and the type of agency had some impact on the likelihood of arrest, particularly if there was evidence of a physical assault. Third, the presence of evidence of a physical assault helped shape the arrest decisions of rural officers. Fourth, situational factors were more important than officer characteristics and the type of agency. Nancy Hogan and Shannon Barton contributed equally to the paper. The authors thank Janet Lambert for editing and proofreading the paper. The authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

In Western countries today, security is seen predominantly as a problem of public places. This has given rise to a growing demand for new strategies of governing public places, the most popular of which are crime prevention, community policing (e.g., zero tolerance) and partnership. Their aim is to encourage the public sector, voluntary organizations and market actors to work more closely with the police in a local effort to create and maintain a safe living environment. This article looks at what kind of reception the new methods of governing public places have received in three Finnish cities (Helsinki, Lappeenranta, and Tampere) by reviewing their newly formulated security plans and programmes. The analysis of this document material makes use of the concept of moral regulation. The analysis focuses on the kind of local security problems that are identified in these security plans as targets of moral regulation; what kinds of techniques they propose for addressing and resolving these problems; and in what kind of crime prevention role they position the subjects of moral regulation (police officers and police partners) and the objects of moral regulation. The analysis shows that Helsinki aims to regulate the problems occurring in public places by emphasizing a neo­liberal ethos. Lappeenranta, on the other hand, walks a tight­rope in its security plan between communitarian and welfare state ambitions. Tampere, for its part, responds to the security threat in public places by adopting a neo­leftist stance (cf. the Third Way).  相似文献   

招生政策的调整与法律硕士教育面临的新挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于种种原因,教育部2009年初出台的大规模开展全日制专业学位的招生政策,迅速形成了全日制法学本科背景、非法学本科背景和在职攻读法律硕士三种类型并存的局面。取消法学本科毕业生报考法律硕士的限制性规定,不仅无助于解决法律硕士乃至整个法律教育中的固有问题,而且在法律人才培养的概念逻辑上和实践操作方面使应用型法律人才培养模式更趋复杂。由于主管部门缺乏整体的改革思路和决策的被动、局限,专门培养方案的颁布以及相关的各种努力都只能是竭力阻止情况进一步恶化的补救性措施。  相似文献   

随着互联网经济的飞速发展,抖音、快手等短视频平台的用户不断壮大,具有身份识别意义的抖音靓号逐渐被用户所青睐,一些不法分子瞅准了上述"商机",采用技术手段修改抖音号,获取抖音靓号进行销售牟利。为准确区分利用不同技术手段修改抖音号的罪与非罪界限,精准打击此类新型互联网犯罪,本刊遴选浙江省义乌市检察院办理的一起行为人利用技术手段、系统漏洞修改抖音号,获取抖音靓号并出售牟利的犯罪案件,邀请4位嘉宾对有关焦点、难点问题进行研讨。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼专家辅助人的倾向性,指专家辅助人帮助委托方参与刑事诉讼鉴定意见的质证、提出专家意见所体现的一种职业上的偏向。新《刑事诉讼法》及其司法解释并未明确专家辅助人的倾向性,不利于其属性的完整。因此,应当比较外国为平衡专家制度属性所进行的相关制度设计,定位我国刑事诉讼专家辅助人的"相对二元化倾向性"及其法律界限、科学界限、道德界限,以及这些界限的制度保障。  相似文献   

政策性银行的金融服务作为准公益物品,具有公与私物品的两种特性,这决定了政策性银行的运作模式必须是政府与市场的有机结合.由于经营理念、运作模式等方面的差别,经过多年的发展,我国政策性银行之间出现了较大的绩效差异.为提升我国政策性银行的运作绩效,我们须从制度完善、政银分离、治理网络和竞争合作四个方面探索有效的改革路径.  相似文献   

50多年来,我国学术界部分学者认为,东京审判的《判决书》对南京大屠杀遇难人数虽作出了"20万人以上"的总体估计,但连同文件中所称被毁尸灭迹者及其他因素,对中国法庭关于"30万人以上"的判定本质认可或并不排斥.2005年出版的《南京大屠杀史料集·东京审判》对《判决书》作了新译,进一步明确了其认定人数,连同毁尸灭迹的数字为"超过20万".因此,学术界有必要实事求是地重新解读东京审判的判词.对《判决书》判定屠杀人数作出新的解读,并不影响我们对南京大屠杀死难人数继续坚持既往的认识与判断,也并不影响对东京审判的总体评价;但是,不宜再过份强调东京法庭与南京法庭在判定南京大屠杀遇难人数上的一致性,应当如实地承认这两者之间事实上存在的差别.  相似文献   

高校职务犯罪的原因及预防探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
才常权 《河北法学》2008,26(7):103-107
随着高等教育的改革与发展,高校管理上出现了新的问题,高校职务犯罪率正呈上升之势。权力监督制约机制松懈、制度流于形式,给职务犯罪以可趁之机。要有效预防高校职务犯罪,教育是基础,制度是保证,监督是关键,领导是重点。  相似文献   

This article presents data from a study in which national bureaucrats working in the fields of taxation and food law in Sweden and Denmark are asked which legal sources and methods of interpretation they use when implementing EU law. The purpose is to contribute to the discussion about European legal method by using social science methodology. National agencies and authorities in the fields of taxation and food law face a ‘multilayered’ or ‘multiprincipal’ reality in which there is room for policy choices. The answers given by the interviewees speak of a plurality of legal sources, a situation where bureaucrats are becoming reluctant lawmakers instructing others on how EU law is to be applied and where bureaucrats find it necessary to found their decisions on what colleagues within the authority or from other Member States have said about how EU law should be applied.  相似文献   

随着认罪认罚从宽制度的广泛适用,检察机关不断加大量刑建议精准化改革力度。量刑建议精准化改革在理论与实践两个维度备受争议,其原因在于控辩双方具结活动的形式化、“明显不当”标准的模糊化、检察机关工作内容的复杂化,以及控审机关沟通关系的紧张化。对此,破解之道在于科学地把握量刑建议精准化改革背后的公诉权力变化,以此为前提统筹采取应对策略,包括划定精准刑量刑建议的适用范围、明确精准刑量刑建议的主要标准、推进审前具结活动的实质改造、提升精准刑量刑建议的质量水平、健全量刑建议的调整方案等方面,由此才能真正提升量刑建议精准化改革的实务成效。  相似文献   

张美榕 《时代法学》2006,4(1):109-113
至今为止,在内地与香港民商事判决的承认与执行方面,尚无相互执行判决的安排。近日以来,内地与香港特别行政区政府正对《香港特别行政区与内地相互执行商事判决》建议安排进行进一步的研讨,以期推动内地与香港两地之间相互承认与执行商事判决的法律机制的构建。根据2005年9月内地与香港就此一事项举行的会议,内地与香港已经就建议安排中的绝大部分议题达成了共识,由此可以预见该建议安排将在不久的将来在内地与香港得以落实。  相似文献   

我国涉外民商事审判中实体私法条约的适用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
田晓云 《河北法学》2005,23(1):39-42
实体私法条约在我国涉外民商事审判中作用越来越重要,我国宪法及法律中没有一个总体性的规定。只在具体的部门立法中有所规定,但是相对比较简单。因此具体的适用情况可能不同,应作具体分析。  相似文献   

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