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Crime prevention is an activity that, sooner or later, requires the concourse of science. But the dictates of science may not mesh well with the social, institutional and political considerations that are persistent and powerful determinants of collective action. To the extent that they are ignored, crime prevention is less scientific and more pragmatic. Using a marketing metaphor, this paper examines selected aspects of the supply of and demand for scientific crime prevention in Canada and Venezuela from 1949 to the present. In both countries, academic entrepreneurs are revealed to be a necessary factor in the sale of crime prevention to government. On the demand side, governments adopt and adapt crime prevention policies in relation to their broader perspective on social problems and social change. However, rising crime rates and climates of urgency reduce the attractiveness of crime prevention. Scientific crime prevention is easier to sell when crime rates are stable or declining.  相似文献   

Conflict has a carbon footprint. Crime is a subtype of conflict. Citizen on citizen predation by force or fraud, and responses to it, have carbon costs. The paper reviews relevant literatures and notes the absence of recognition of the nexus between crime and carbon-profligate lifestyles. The writers contend that looking at crime and disorder through a carbon costing 'lens' would profoundly influence social and criminal justice policy. The precise quantification of the carbon costs of crime is beyond the scope of this paper. The preliminary estimates contained herein suggest that the direct carbon costs of crime are substantial and the consequential costs more so, to the point where it is difficult to envisage a high crime society being a low carbon society. Recognition of this would lead to a major shift in policy favouring primary crime prevention through the design, implementation and maintenance of products and services less prone to crime. The costs of crime, both fiscal and carbon, would be a matter for regret rather than action were it not for the demonstrable success of schemes to design out crime, for example from residential environments. These are briefly discussed. The scope for further improvement in designing out crime seems considerable, and an intensive programme of research to explore avenues for advance is advocated.  相似文献   

There are two fundamental ways to reduce crime: fix crime prevention weaknesses or build on crime prevention strengths. Three crime prevention strengths that have delivered most Asian societies comparatively low and falling levels of violence are considered: (1) war reduction as a path to reduction of common criminal violence; (2) comparatively low levels of inequality; (3) comparatively low ratios of stigmatizing to reintegrative social control that respects human dignity. Transformative justice that addresses the root causes of wars, reduces inequalities of wealth and power, and empowers communities to do their own restorative justice are paths considered for building a nonviolent Asian future.  相似文献   

在校大学生犯罪的原因与预防   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
魏丽  吕娜  王金兰 《河北法学》2005,23(7):154-157
近年来,大学生犯罪率呈上升趋势。纠其原因,和大学生的生理特点、心理特点以及大学生所处的社会环境有着密切的关系。鉴于大学生犯罪原因的复杂性,对大学生犯罪应实施预防的系统工程。在这一系统工程中,包括预测系统、预防系统与控制系统。具体的措施为:从心理咨询工作的开展到校园文化的净化,从关注高校管理体制到增强大学生的法制教育,从深化高校的全面改革到治理高校的周边环境。  相似文献   

As with much else in Britain, the 1980s marked a watershed in the politics of crime control. This article traces the role of criminological research, developed and articulated by governmental social scientists, in the evolution of penal policy around the (then) innovative idea of engaging the community in the prevention of crime. Its central theme is that although the raison d'être for crime prevention policy and practice, then as now, can be found in a concern about the deficiencies of the statutory police in addressing crime, shifting the locus of social control towards the institutions of civil society was, and remains, a contested project.  相似文献   

犯罪成型是一个发展过程,控制城市犯罪泛滥的预防措施也必须是一个发展过程。必须控制社区解体的速度以及社会成员特别是贫困群体等弱势主体对经济社会变迁的承受度。公民、城市公共场所的管理者、公司、企业、事业单位都有义务根据能力采取适当的情境型犯罪预防措施控制特色的犯罪行为。发展型、社区型、情境型犯罪预防战略措施优化升级的内在要求促使犯罪预防理论与实践思考控制犯罪的全新分析视角。  相似文献   

论视频监控的犯罪预防功能及犯罪侦查价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各国的犯罪预防理论发展至今,已经形成了比较完善的犯罪预防体系,主要包括司法预防、社会预防和情景预防三种模式。在我国的犯罪预防体系中,向来重视司法预防和社会预防,而对情景预防关注不够,情景预防措施尚不完善。作为一种对犯罪的干预,视频监控是一种对情境犯罪的干预,研究发掘其在犯罪预防中的作用对完善犯罪预防体系具有重要意义。同时,视频监控系统在犯罪侦查方面也具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Urban neighborhoods are frequently associated with high rates of crime, unemployment, poor educational systems, poor housing conditions, and health related problems. Theories of social disorganization, social isolation, and broken windows all explain how and why social problems develop and persist within urban settings. Drawing on these theories, this study examines how residents perceive local community problems in an East Baltimore neighborhood. Eight focus groups were conducted with participants who live and/or work in the area to identify common neighborhood issues. Problems commonly identified were: the presence of physical disorder, issues related to crime and law enforcement, lack of employment opportunities, and limited youth activities. Embedded under many of these themes was the recognition that the neighborhood lacks collective efficacy to fix community problems and maintain social control. Implications for improving neighborhood disadvantage will be discussed.  相似文献   

新冠疫情背景下妨害传染病防治罪的解释扩张及其回归   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中的法律规范适用带来新视角与新问题,在超越可容忍的社会相当性且有刑事可罚追究必要的场合,我国刑法中妨害传染病防治罪的规范适用值得关注。该罪的对象被限定为"甲类传染病",本次新冠肺炎被列为"乙类传染病",从而该罪存在适用上的瓶颈。司法解释的渐进扩张具有唤醒妨害传染病防治罪和注重公共卫生安全法益保护的一面,但是选取的方式难以与刑事法治相契合。为了更好地实现刑法参与社会治理的功能需求,应当对妨害传染病防治罪采取"立法类型化调整、司法解释适度限制"的组合路径,使刑法规范的社会适应性与刑罚处罚的有限性相融合。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and why the poor are more exposed to property crime than are the non‐poor, despite the reasonable assumption that poor people lack or have little valuable property that can be stolen. If poor people are more exposed to property crime than those who are not poor, there are needs for explanations. The paper investigates two plausible reasons: the significance of the neighbourhood character and routine activities. The results in the paper indicates that poor people are more exposed to property crimes related to the residence, independent of neighbourhood character and routine activities, while exposure to property crimes related to vehicles depends more on the family situation and age than on poverty per se. When it comes to other kinds of property crime, poor people do not seem to be more exposed than do the nonpoor. That poor people are more exposed to property crime related to their residence, and that there are problem areas explaining why, is worrisome. Those who are poor are often vulnerable to other social problems that tend to exclude them from ordinary living patterns. To find out the relation between poverty and exposure to property crimes related to residence is of importance for crime prevention and probably an important step to prevent those who are poor from being further excluded from society.  相似文献   

当研究者以旁观者的姿态来看待凸显的青少年犯罪问题,试着以规则对抗、矛盾学说建立极性心理和行为机制来处理同样具有极性特征的犯罪问题时,青少年在犯罪问题上的易感性,在社会化过程中的弱势地位也许就开始清晰化了。  相似文献   

Situational crime prevention has been met with considerable scepticism from academic criminologists primarily for its indifference to social welfare. It has been seen as contributing to a law-and-order agenda with its focus on making public places secure for business and as supplanting social welfare policies as means of responding to crime. But situational crime prevention contributes more to social welfare than sceptics allow and its advocates (may) believe. Situational crime prevention has enjoyed its fullest and robust expression, not in the free-market, neo-liberal environment of America, but within the leading welfare states of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This essay considers the politics of the situational approach, the alleged benefits of social crime prevention, criminalisation of social policy, unplanned social welfare benefits, assumptions about the role of business, and concerns about privacy, surveillance and control. The discussion centres on the European experience: the UK, France, The Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
Paul KnepperEmail:

抗制国有资产流失犯罪对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘守芬  申柳华 《河北法学》2006,24(10):50-54
国有资产流失犯罪给我国国民经济的发展造成了巨大的损失,成为我国经济、政治安全的巨大障碍.从对我国国有资产流失犯罪的原因分析人手,提出双层国有资产流失犯罪抗制模式的构想,强调从国有资产监管体系的完善和国有资产法律体系的完善两个层次构建我国国有资产流失犯罪的预防控制体系.  相似文献   

This paper asks what crime prevention looks like for residents in informal settlements in Khayelitsha, a black township on the outskirts of Cape Town. It engages with the idea of vigilantism and hybrid policing formations, analyzing the overlaps and intersections between legal community‐based crime prevention initiatives, and local ‘punitive practices’. The focus is not on the intensely violent spectacle of ‘mob justice’, where suspects are killed, but on the more ubiquitous, hybrid formations that also fall on the vigilantism continuum. These include coercive practices such as banishment, corporal punishment, retrieval of stolen goods by local policing formations and, trials conducted by street committees. The core argument I make is that, at times, particularly in poor areas where the state is absent and encourages citizens to take responsibility for their own crime prevention, the boundary between legality and coercive illegality collapses in on itself. Thus, the notion of voluntarism, that is so important to official discourse on crime, is particularly problematic when applied in poor communities with high rates of unemployment and high crime rates. As such, the state's encouraging of citizens to take responsibility for their own safety, alongside a punitive state discourse on crime and criminality, creates the space for illegal vigilante style actions to emerge in the shadow of legal crime prevention initiatives.  相似文献   

在中国,犯罪学与刑法学彼此分离各自为“家”,导致了中国社会过于看重严刑峻法而忽视犯罪原因,使得犯罪虽受到严惩但犯罪情势依然十分严重。如何扭转这一现象,尽快使刑法学惩罚犯罪的研究与犯罪学预防犯罪的研究相互结合,构筑刑法学与犯罪学整体相互联动的格局,是中国社会实现社会稳定的现实政治需要,也是中国社会经济发展的自然要求,更是中国社会通过历史反思对历史的经验与教训进行总结的必然趋势,从而实现使中国的刑事政策从刑事惩罚为主到刑事预防为主的战略转移,刑事法理论对犯罪构成和刑事责任的重点研究为主要转移到对犯罪原因和犯罪预防为主的研究重点上来,以此迎接一个国家繁荣昌盛但犯罪并不猖獗疯狂的时代的到来。  相似文献   


Prior research on the fear of crime among the elderly has shown that elders are more afraid of being a victim of crime than are younger persons and that such fears may vary depending upon where people reside. This study compares the level of fear of criminal victimization of elders living in three adjacent southwestern communities. White elders live in an age-restricted community within two of the studied communities. The third community is not age-restricted, and the elders who reside there are primarily of Mexican heritage. This study found that Mexican heritage elders expressed more fears associated with crime and victimization than did white elders. In studying gender differences, this study found no significant differences between the expressed level of fear of crime between male and female respondents. Nonetheless, most elders will undertake a variety of reasonable measures to protect themselves when they are home or go out, a finding that is consistent with previous research that studied white elders.  相似文献   

This article examines some social scientific issues relating to the operation and evaluation of crime prevention through mass media programs. It is argued that the efficacy of such programs is dependent upon the successful application of several empirically based communication principles. In addition, the attempt is made to analyze several general problems concerning the meaning and measurement of program success. Issues relating to both the operation and the evaluation of crime prevention through mass media programs are discussed in terms of their practical implications for public policy.  相似文献   

刘星 《河北法学》2007,25(8):99-102
抢劫犯罪是当前影响社会治安的突出问题,而农民在抢劫犯罪中占的比例最大,社会影响也最严重,其中很多人既是害人者又是受害者.因此研究农民抢劫犯罪的特点、成因、对策,对于从根本上预防、遏制抢劫犯罪,构建和谐社会具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

非法占用农用地罪是国家土地政策在《刑法》上的直接体现,它表达了特定历史阶段和社会环境下国家意志对农用地使用最有力的指引和控制,能够最直接和真实地反映出作为第一产业的农业和依附于土地之上的农民的生存状况。就法律适用而言,本罪在犯罪数额、共同犯罪、追诉时效等方面的争议亟待厘清;就农用地保护而言,需对涉案群体的利益诉求做进一步关注,对社会发展及其造就的法治环境做深入的分析研究,破解非法占用农用地罪的立法困境,有效解决农村土地问题。  相似文献   

爆炸物犯罪的法律规定存在漏洞,刑法理论界对有关爆炸物犯罪的研究欠深、广,导致了司法实践中处理爆炸物犯罪时对犯罪对象、行为、罪数认定及刑罚裁量等出现争议和疑难。认真探讨这些问题,对丰富爆炸物犯罪理论和解决爆炸物犯罪量刑失衡具有重大意义。立法和司法解释对爆炸物的外延不周延,应从社会危害性角度考虑予以解决;对爆炸物犯罪行为认定的疑难,应从各种犯罪行为的本质特点予以认定;对罪数形态认定的疑难,应从把握事后不可罚行为和想象竞合犯等刑法理论的基础上具体分析认定;对于刑罚裁量上的失衡,应从正确认定处罚情节和正确适用司法解释来解决。  相似文献   

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