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Critical Criminology - In Colombia, Law 1787 of 2016 legalized marijuana for medicinal and scientific purposes. The law promotes social inclusion in two ways: (1) establishing mechanisms to...  相似文献   

Utilization of free‐living populations of endangered wildlife species is usually strictly prohibited or restricted. Farming of endangered species can provide products that are in demand as a countermeasure. A novel forensic issue arises because it becomes necessary to discriminate the origin of given wildlife products. We tested the effectiveness of five measurements and four indexes of femur bone using farmed minks (= 40) and escapees (= 32). Results showed all measurements, namely body mass (Lf), body length (Mf), femur mass (Vf), femur length (Mb), and femur volume (Lb), were highly discriminatory. However, they are susceptible to the influence of nutrition level and sex. Femur length index (Ifl), femur linear density (Dl), and femur volume density (Dv) eliminated the influence of level of nutrition and were highly effective. However, Ifl and Dl were influenced by sex (= 0.000). Because Dv was not influenced by sex (= 0.683) and was highly effective, it was the preferred index.  相似文献   

中国警察武力法规定了警察使用武器的主体要件、客体要件、主观要件和客观要件,且每一要件均包涵一些特定规则。人民警察只有全面、准确、深刻地理解这些要件和规则,才能把握使用武器的特定内涵,才能严格做到依法使用武器。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between legal consciousness and legal mobilization in the context of constitutional rights in Colombia. Citizens report extremely low confidence in the state and the judiciary, yet hundreds of thousands of Colombians make constitutional rights claims through the acción de tutela procedure each year. Why does profound skepticism of the ability of the judiciary to provide justice and fair treatment seem to coexist with high levels of use of the legal system? How do perspectives on rights and the legal system relate to observed mobilization of the law? Drawing on 74 interviews and an original 310‐person survey, this article develops legal consciousness theory, identifying the specific beliefs that encourage or discourage individuals to turn to the courts to make claims to their rights. In the Colombian case, understandings of law and the state encourage the use of the tutela procedure, not due to the realizable promise of the state to protect rights or the majestic power of the law, but because the tutela is understood to be the only mechanism through which citizens can access their rights. In other words, citizens turn to the courts because there is no other alternative.  相似文献   

警察武力法的正义价值标准由标示正义价值方向的基本理念和标示正义价值尺度的基本原则两项基本要件分级承担并贯彻。中国警察武力法有:社会正义与法律正义有机统一、保权与控权有机统一和价值、规范、事实有机统一三个居位"法上之法"的基本理念和危害行为与武力行为法定、危害行为与武力行为相当、武力行为克减和多样化和正当程序四个居位"法上之法"的基本原则。上述基本理念和基本原则,对系统理解、把握中国警察使用武力的基本原则和构成要件、各种规范的内在关连性,以及构思未来的、"应然"的中国警察武力立法具有不可或缺的重要意义。  相似文献   

介绍制定《船舶油污损害赔偿基金征收和使用管理办法》(征求意见稿)的背景及其主要内容。结合有关国际公约和国外立法,重点分析该办法存在的问题,并从征收的油类、基金的来源、基金的免责、诉讼时效、索赔程序、基金主管部门的权力与义务等多方面提出对该办法的修改完善建议。  相似文献   

Across Europe, around one in four adults experience a mental health problem in any 1 year. It is estimated that 2–6% of children and adolescents suffer from depression and suicide is now the third leading cause of death in 10–19 year olds. Despite traditional Freudian teachings that children rarely suffer from clinically diagnosed depression, treatment figures for juvenile depression have soared in recent years. For adults, the current treatment trend, as advocated by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), is the use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac. For children, efficacy of such treatment remains difficult to judge as all SSRI use in paediatric care remains ‘off-label’ or unlicensed. Notwithstanding this, in 2006 the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) advocated the use of Prozac within the EU for children from the age of eight, a position that reinforced the stance adopted by NICE in 2005. These recommendations have been made despite growing concern that many SSRIs have some serious side effects. In new legislation for paediatric medicines, that came into effect on 26th January 2007, the European Union (EU) has attempted to address several unresolved issues relating to children’s needs for medicines in Europe. This paper considers the position of off-label drug-therapy for juvenile depression, and assesses the effectiveness of available legal mechanisms that can protect juveniles from harm when involved in clinical drug trials, most notably the Clinical Trial Regulations 2004. It further reviews the new EU legislation and evaluates its likely impact.
Nicola Glover-ThomasEmail:

行政恶法对行政法治具有极大的破坏作用,它对抗法治大系统、违反宪法精神、侵害公众利益。然而,只要行政法的制定存在于特定的社会阶层中,只要行政法的适用存在于社会大系统中,行政恶法就不可避免。为此,就存在一个对行政恶法怎么处置的问题。在我国实在法中应当确立行政恶法的概念,并附有立法机关尤其是最高立法机关对行政恶法进行处置的权力;行政系统应当建立自我纠错机制,自行对行政恶法进行处置,这样的处置机制必须与相应的行政问责结合起来;社会公众可以对为恶的行政法规范提起诉讼。  相似文献   

营业规制在商法中的地位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在商事法律规范编纂的讨论中,营业规制已受到普遍关注.营业制度具有独立意义,营业制度又连接着商人制度和商行为制度,因而它在商法中居重要地位.营业资格、营业活动、营业自由、营业变动,都应该成为营业规制的主要内容.商法的规制是私法的规制,应成为其他营业规制的基础.鉴于营业规制的一般规则性质,应规定在学者正在讨论的商事通则之中.  相似文献   

行政垄断是行政机关滥用行政权力实施的一种非法垄断行为。行政垄断的成因主要在于追逐经济利益、片面追求业绩和不合理地行使行政权利。预防和制止行政垄断行为的主要路径包括:落实《反垄断法》和《反不正当竞争法》规定,明确行政职责权限并加强行政效能,建立规范性法律文件的审查制度,全面实现"收支两条线"体制,建立行政垄断国家赔偿制度,完善公务员考核制度。  相似文献   

The Armed Forces of Colombia andMexico have characteristics thatdifferentiate them from the rest of theirLatin American counterparts. They areatypical armed forces that are shaped bythe realities of their contemporarypolitical history. The failure of lawenforcement institutions has forced bothmilitaries to take on the mission ofcombating drug trafficking andinternational criminal cartels. In orderfor these militaries to successfullyaccomplish this mission, they must besubordinated to civilian rule, cooperatewith other countries and internationalorganizations, and be accountable to therule of law.  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条为了保障公民、法人和其他组织依法获取政腑信息,提高政府工作的透明度,促进依法行政,充分发挥政府信息对人民群众生产、生活和经济社会活动的服务作用,制定本条例。  相似文献   

再论中国古代民间规约——以工商业规约为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘笃才 《北方法学》2009,3(2):139-144
民间规约是中国古代民间社会的自治规范,是古代法律秩序的组成部分。在中国古代法律秩序的生成过程中,民间自治规则始终是社会法律秩序的建构基础。民间规约和官方法律之间存在着一定的互补互动关系。要全面科学地认识和评价民间规约,工商业行会规约的地位和作用绝对不容忽视。  相似文献   

WTO<服务贸易总协定>仅为原则性的精神,它必须由具体的可操作性内容或立法机构赋予的强制执行力组成.尽管我国政府或立法机构已经在法律的改革、制订、修正等方面已经作出巨大努力和工作,并对原有的或现有的商事规范作出了相应的调整或修正,但我国各界还应在理念方面需要更新,需要引进合理的法律机制,需要将这些合理的机制与我国国情相结合,构建一个既符合国际社会,也符合中国社会的市场秩序和法制.  相似文献   

管育鹰 《北方法学》2010,4(4):25-30
现有知识产权制度中与民间文艺保护紧密相关的是著作权法律制度。我国《著作权法》在调整民间文艺相关利益关系方面存在缺漏。首先最关键的一点是按现有著作权法理论,民间文艺被归入公有领域,民间文艺的改编人往往忽视其保有人的利益。其次是现有著作权法律制度没有准确定义并区分民间文艺领域中改编、整理、翻译、收集、编辑、记录、传承等行为的含义,更谈不上对相关人员与民间文艺保有人之间的权利义务关系作出规定,不利于民间文艺的传承、利用和发展。  相似文献   

坚持依规治党,事关党长期执政和国家长治久安。在新时代中国特色社会主义战略布局中,依规治党是党的领导与党的建设、管党治党与制度建设、治理与法治、党内法规与国家法律等若干重大主题的交汇点,一通百顺、一堵百塞。坚持依规治党,要学习贯彻习近平依规治党思想,治党必依党规、党规必成体系、立规必重质量、执规必动真格,全方位推进党内法规制度建设。  相似文献   

紧急状态下人权克减的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈聪 《北方法学》2009,3(6):29-36
紧急状态制度是人类应对最严重危机保持和平秩序的一种法治上的努力,通过克减公民人权以集中紧急权力的方式应对危机,消除危险。然而,紧急状态下的人权克减不可能是任意的、无限制的,紧急状态下人权克减的限制及底线,某种程度上决定了人权克减是否正当。紧急状态下的人权克减应当受到以下限制:比例原则的限制;基本人权不得克减的限制;宪政原理的限制;国际公约的限制。  相似文献   

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