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This paper examines Jamaica's efforts to implement of the conservation and management provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), bearing in mind that prior to 1982 there was an existing legal framework that sought to address issues relating to fisheries management. More specifically, the paper looks at the issues related to the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks under UNCLOS and subsequent agreements negotiated under the auspices of UNCLOS. It also addresses the problems Jamaica faces with the conservation and management of Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas), in particular, the UNCLOS provisions regarding access to such resource, taking into account the limitations to such access as regulated by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).  相似文献   

The new Millennium heralded a promise of change. For refugeesand other displaced persons, the start of the new Millenniumwas mixed; not much changed on the ground, but the fiftiethanniversary of the 1951 Convention brought Declaration of Statesparties reaffirming their commitments and the Agenda for Protection.Five years on, has the reaffirmation of States' commitment tothe international protection regime, and their endorsement ofthe Agenda for Protection, made a difference to refugees? Havewords been matched with actions to ensure access to asylum forthose who need it and a greater sharing of international responsibilityin this regard? This article looks at the major refugee protectionchallenges that confront us at the beginning of the 21st centuryon both sides of the development divide. It also addresses whymany of these problems have developed and examines some of theemerging opportunities, which, if seized in good faith, couldprovide more robust protection for refugees, while respondingto the security, sovereignty and economic concerns of States.  相似文献   

This article examines Costa Rica’s implementation of the Agenda 21 sustainable development policies formulated at the Earth Summits in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and Johannesburg in 2002. Arguably, the potential threat to sustainable development policies in Costa Rica can be identified in the phenomenon of postmodern capitalism. Nevertheless, in attempting to minimize this threat, Costa Rica, through public and non‐profit organizations, has implemented participative democratic models promoting civil discourse and a sense of national ownership and pride in its sustainable development policies.  相似文献   


Twenty years after its adoption, the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) remains unique among fisheries agreements in its declared commitment to considering the impact of existing or proposed fisheries on the entire ecosystem, rather than on just the harvested species. However, the recent picture of fisheries activities within the Convention area suggests a substantial ‐ and perhaps widening ‐ gap between theory and practice. The fishery that has most clearly proven beyond CCAMLR's capacity, and which has resulted in the most significant damage to the Antarctic environment in modern times is that for Patagonian Toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides. That fishery is discussed in more detail below. The roots of that problem in conjunction with structural problems that have contributed to CCAMLR's inability to deal with the toothfish challenge threaten to be repeated in the second‐generation krill fishery that is rapidly developing in Antarctic waters. The authors provide suggestions for structural and procedural changes within CCAMLR to permit it to effectively manage the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Beginning with the 1972 Stockholm Declaration, there have been a number of international proclamations of a human right to a clean environment, both implicit and explicit. The highpoint of this movement towards an internationally recognized substantive right to a clean environment came with the 1992 Rio Declaration. This movement has continued forward in regional and specialized regimes – for example with respect to water and indigenous rights. There has also been a parallel move towards recognition of what can be considered procedural rights, which require public access to information, participation in decision making, and access to justice in environmental matters. This article argues that further development and use of these procedural rights will not only provide opportunities to protect environmental rights, but can also further the development of a substantive right to a clean environment.  相似文献   


The GATT‐WTO system has been attacked for being at best indifferent to the environment and at worst hostile to it. However, rather than being an environmental foe, the GATT‐WTO system is environmentally‐friendly in many respects. Several World Trade Organization agreements — the Agreement on Agriculture, the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures — not only permit but encourage WTO member‐countries to implement national programs and laws to protect the environment free from WTO interference. Multilateral initiatives through organizations such as the WTO, as opposed to unilateral bullying, are the surest way of securing robust legal protections for the environment.  相似文献   


This article provides a new conceptual framework based on the Strategy Tripod to understand challenges and orientation that affect performance evaluation in the organizations of cultural and creative industries (CCI). The analysis is built on a quantitative study carried out in Estonia. Multinomial logistic regression was performed to assess the ability of different variables to predict performance evaluation. The new conceptual framework provides a holistic understanding of the uncertain environment and its impact on strategic management in “evaluation-friendly” organizations in CCIs. It adds new insight into theoretical and managerial discussions on how and why strategic management in CCIs is practiced.  相似文献   


Thirty‐nine species of cetaceans have been officially recorded in Brazil. Therefore, policies aimed at their conservation and management are highly important. This article examines Brazilian legislation, approved between 1986 and 1998, related to the conservation of cetaceans. On December 21, 1986, the first legislation specifically directed at cetaceans, Regulation N‐011, was approved. However, it only addressed small cetaceans. On December 18, 1987, the legislation was extended through Federal Law No 7643 to all cetacean species. From this date onward, the commercial taking of whales was banned from Brazilian waters. Presendy, Brazil has two Federal Laws, two Federal Decrees, one State Decree and nine Regulations related to cetacean conservation. However, although Brazilian cetacean species are now protected by law, they still face numerous threats. This article also proffers suggestions on how to improve the conservation prospects of cetaceans in Brazilian waters.  相似文献   

Fossil fuel subsidies, like subsidies to the fishing sector, lead to trade-distorting and ecologically harmful practices. The US$35 billion in subsidies provided by countries every year to the fishing sector leads to more and more boats being built, even as 90% of fish stocks are either fully exploited or overfished. An estimated US$444 billion in subsidies are provided annually for the production of fossil fuels by G20 countries, even as evidence emerges that oil, gas and coal reserves must remain unexploited to limit global warming increases to 2 °C. Of course, each country has its own development priorities, livelihood concerns and need for food and energy security. Agreeing upon subsidy reform is a complex undertaking that requires the assessment of social, political and historical considerations, as well as the involvement of international and transnational legal regimes that govern climate change, energy, fisheries and trade. This article reviews proposals for reform within the World Trade Organization and regional trade agreements, including the new disciplines on fisheries subsidies that were endorsed in the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Although the latter agreement is unlikely to enter into force, consensus is emerging on the need to prohibit subsidies that contribute to overfishing or that are linked to illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing. The article shows how these legal developments might inform attempts to limit fossil fuel production and consumption subsidies. It highlights the need for learning and open deliberation about subsidy reform by affected stakeholders, including representatives from international organizations and civil society. It also points to new arrangements that link compliance with subsidy rules to standards and benchmarks from fisheries regimes, and demonstrates how such inter-regime connections are legitimate in the context of the fragmentation of international law. While reform to fisheries subsidies is still preliminary and fraught, there are useful lessons for the equally important project of energy transitions.  相似文献   

Southern Africa is at a pivotal point in time for transboundary water cooperation. The number and extent of coverage of existing international water agreements and joint management institutions merits cautious optimism about future water management in the region. Yet, taken alone, a numerical account of water treaties reveals little about the context in which the agreements were negotiated, the nature of the rules and regulations adopted, or the influence of the agreements in addressing problems or enhancing joint governance. Drawing on a database containing all the international freshwater agreements entered into between South Africa and its neighbours since 1910, this article examines trends in the articulation of these treaties and discusses the implications of the rules and regulations they embody. Specific consideration is given to issues of information sharing, water allocation and organizations. This analysis is a first step towards understanding the impact of existing agreements, identifying opportunities for the negotiation of new treaties and enhancing existing systems.
A. R. TurtonEmail:

Legal context This paper explains the changing landscape ofinternational intellectual property. Since the Uruguay Roundnegotiations that led to the TRIPs Agreement, developing countriesand certain groups within industrialised nations have arguedthat the rules needed reform. Economic arguments based on theneed to enhance global welfare are used to justify their demands.Examples of the results they obtained in the last 24 monthsinclude the 2003 WTO Declaration on TRIPs and Public Healthand WIPO's Development Agenda. Key points This paper puts this change of landscape in perspective,explains its foundations and looks at the more important recenteconomic surveys and outlines their main conclusions. It alsodiscusses recent efforts in international organisations andacademic circles to consider intellectual property as part ofa broader picture and the need for countries to develop a morecomprehensive innovation strategy. Practical significance The article will be useful for anyonefollowing developments in multilateral intellectual propertynorm-setting by providing a deeper understanding of the issuesand new levels of discussion.  相似文献   


Strategy implementation is the most challenging aspect of strategic management. In the case of police organizations, failure to effectively carry out a strategy results in loss of organizational resources and employee commitment. The present study is an attempt to explore the reasons behind failure of new strategies by drawing upon qualitative survey responses from 353 police officers and civilian employees from seven agencies across Canada. The results reflect mostly negative sentiments towards strategy implementation efforts, with failure attributed to issues ranging from leadership incompetence to lack of organizational resources. These concerns must be taken into account by police leaders in order to address challenges associated with strategy implementation in their organizations.  相似文献   

This paper extends recent discussions about copyright and the public domain by looking at attempts in post‐war Britain to promote access to scientific information. More specifically, it concentrates on the Royal Society's Fair Copy Declaration (1950) and the related library copying provisions introduced in the Copyright Act 1956, which were designed to protect access to information. While the UK library copying provisions were presented as an expanded version of the Fair Copy Declaration recast in a statutory format, we show that the library copying provisions reflected a specific way of thinking about creation, production and distribution that differed markedly from those that underpinned the Fair Copy Declaration. We also argue that the logic of creation reflected in the library copying provisions shaped copyright law over the course of the twentieth century and beyond.  相似文献   


Deinstitutionalisation movements of the mid-1900s led to changes in policy and practice in the management of people with special needs (defined for this article as people with severe and persistent mental illness, intellectual disabilities and high levels of personality factors that interfere with treatment participation). Although the majority of clients with special needs receive care in community settings and interact more with family, friends and others in the community, some such clients require more rigorous case management. For clients who have offended, especially sexually, community-based services are scarce, and concerns regarding reoffence potential often supersede traditional understandings of diminished capacity. Recent reports suggest that jails and prisons have replaced hospitals as the institutions-of-choice for clients with special needs who engage in inappropriate conduct. This paper examines policies and practices regarding community risk management of people with special needs who have sexually offended. Vignettes are provided to illustrate how some clients and agencies have been affected, and suggestions are made to ensure best practices in risk management and public safety.  相似文献   

After the Agreement on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) came into operation in 1995 developing countries have found themselves in a process of continual negotiation over intellectual property rights and access to medicines. These negotiations have taken place in the World Trade Organization and in the context of free trade agreements. The paper suggests that the only real win for developing countries has been the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health in 2001. What have been the lessons for developing countries in a decade of negotiations over access to medicines? Drawing on themes of rule complexity and regulatory ritualism the paper discusses four key lessons for developing countries. It concludes by arguing that developing countries will do better if they adopt a networked governance approach to negotiation rather than continuing to rely on traditional coalition formation.  相似文献   

Legal context: In recent years, the prices at which medicines are soldin, and to, developing countries has become a hot politicalsubject affecting the international pharmaceutical industry.Specific legislative measures have followed the political debate,including (1) the EU Regulation 816/2006 on ‘compulsorylicensing of patents relating to the manufacture of pharmaceuticalproducts for export to countries with public health problems’and (2) the The Doha Declaration adopted by the Fourth MinisterialConference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001, andthe subsequent Decisions by the WTO General Council to implementthe Declaration in August 2003 and to amend the TRIPs (Trade-RelatedAspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement in December2005. Universities are increasingly considering whether to includeterms in their licence agreements with pharmaceutical companiesthat address this issue. Key points and practical significance: Universities may wish to consider whether it is part of theirmission to negotiate special terms in licence agreements tobenefit the developing world. Where universities decide that,in principle, they wish to include ‘humanitarian-licensing’clauses in their licence agreements, they need to find a formof words that is likely to achieve their objectives and be acceptableto pharmaceutical industry licensees. This article considerssome of the options and suggests some specimen wording.  相似文献   


The right to development (RTD) is contested in international law, politics and practice. This remains the case, despite the 30-year existence of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development (UNDRTD), the many substantive leads that current international law provides, and the renewed inspiration that can be drawn from Agenda 2030 and its sustainable development goals. This article explores whether there is a possible new momentum for the RTD in international law. Deep substantive and political divisions about the exact content and implications of the RTD prevail between—and within—the North and the South. Up to now these divisions have stood in the way of achieving greater normative clarity, follow-up and implementation action. This state of affairs has directed us to adopt a pragmatic approach, by which we consider the scope for revitalizing the RTD through existing provisions of international law, rather than by creating additional normative frameworks. Thus, after a short sketch of the historical evolution of the RTD, we examine the nature, substance and implications of this right as conceived in the UNDRTD. Then, we pursue the question of how existing provisions of international law could be mobilized more explicitly for the sake of revitalizing the RTD and more in particular for its actual realization in the future. Three concrete means of implementation provide at least some prospect for positive change: international cooperation for development, accountability and monitoring mechanisms, and regional and inter-regional instruments and procedures.



This paper explores Canadian family law cases involving claims of parental alienation and of family violence from 2014–2018, reporting the data on these claims, their resolution, and their impacts upon custody and access. A close reading of those cases where both alienation and intimate partner violence claims are made reveals troubling patterns in how intimate partner violence is discounted in this context. We suggest that the rise of shared parenting as a dominant norm assists in understanding why alienation has achieved such unquestioned status, and call for greater focus on safety and women’s and children’s voices.  相似文献   

Same‐sex marriage is a contentious, politically charged issue full of diverse, complicated considerations. In 2003, Massachusetts joined the list of jurisdictions to legalize same‐sex marriage, the first in the U.S. Now that same‐sex couples can marry in particular international jurisdictions, governments must address how to sensitively allow these couples to divorce. Same‐sex couples have a unique set of needs and issues, most clearly demonstrated if children are involved in the marriage. This Note argues for the creation of mediation programs in American jurisdictions with same‐sex marriage, to specifically determine child custody agreements upon divorce.  相似文献   

The cost of civil litigation is a key factor in determining the extent of access to justice. Following cuts in legal aid attention has focused upon finding alternative methods of assisting litigants without producing costs which are out of proportion to the damages obtained. The recent report by Lord Justice Jackson attempts to deal with concerns about increasing and disproportionate costs said to arise in part because of the encouragement of conditional fee agreements. This article considers the proposals made in the report, and argues that too little attention has been paid to before‐the‐event insurance as a means of securing access to justice for the great majority of claimants who suffer personal injury.  相似文献   

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