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院系资料室隶属于院系,是高校教育信息资源的重要组成部分,承担着为院系教学、科研提供信息服务的重要职责。由于其与院系教学科研工作的紧密结合,从而形成了在信息资源特色化建设中的历史发展、人才资源、与教学科研的密切关联,以及人文环境等方面的优势。  相似文献   

国外发达国家的研究生教育在相互借鉴与交流中大致形成了学徒式、专业式、合作式与教学式等四种主要的培养模式,在培养目标、培养过程与组织管理上各有特色,其相应的研究型、教学科研结合型、教学科研生产结合型、教学型特征给我们以诸多启示。  相似文献   

加强法律文献检索服务 提高法律教学科研水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
一、法律文献检索效果的评定 法律文献效果的评定是以检索系统对教学科研人员需要满足的程度为标准,通常主要通过查全率和查准率这两个指标来表达。 文献检索的目的是为教学科研人员提供全面准确的所需文献,但迄今为止,文献检索总是存在着一定的误差。这是因为对法学文献检索效果存在着两种判断依据:一个是检索系统对教学科研人员特定需要的响应,凡符合提问特征即匹配检索策略的相关法律文献,会被系统自动输出,这类被检出的法律文献,是检索系  相似文献   

高校图书馆应加强期刊文献资源的科学管理 ,并开发利用期刊文献资源为教学科研服务。  相似文献   

公安实践部门与公安院校之间存在脱节问题,导致教学科研落后于实践,然而公安实践又缺乏行之有效的理论指导。要想解决这个问题,就需要在制度上保证公安教学科研与公安实践相辅相生。由于公安工作的特殊性,要做到理论充分与实践相结合,可以将教师在编制上充实到相应级别的公安机关中去,使教学与公安工作实践不分;民警的职业生涯可以设置成如同技术人员一样评职称,并可以补充到教学岗位上去,不仅可以补充教师队伍,更重要的是改善警察的形象为教育工作者形象,增进了群众对警察的信任,改善了警民关系。  相似文献   

国家法官学院ADR(替代性纠纷解决机制)教学科研实践基地近日在北京市西城区人民法院揭牌。2007年起,西城法院推行“四点一线”纠纷解决新机制,把大量的矛盾化解在诉前,有效地缓解了案件增长的压力。此次双方共建ADR教学科研实践基地,旨在把国家法官学院的强大科研、教学力量与西城法院的丰富实践经验充分结合起来,  相似文献   

正何家弘,1953年出生于北京;1969年之后,下过乡、务过农、当过建筑工人;1979年考取了大学,选择了法学专业,1986年在中国人民大学获得法学硕士学位后留校任教;1993年在美国西北大学获得法学博士(SJD)学位后回国继续从事教学科研工作;2003年获得国家颁发的"留学回国人员成就奖",并享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。何家弘现任中国人民大学法学院教授、刑事法  相似文献   

论党校图书馆信息化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茂强 《法制与社会》2010,(11):211-211
党校是党委的一个重要部门,肩负着培训党员干部的重要任务,同时也是党员干部加强党性锻炼的熔炉。党员干部培训效果如何,需认真抓好党校教学科研两项工作。党校图书馆对于提高党校的教学科研水平起着重要作用,现阶段党校图书馆面对大量丰富迅速变化知识,应根据自身工作性质、服务对象的不同,找准自己的定位,紧跟时代发展的步伐,加强图书馆信息化建设。  相似文献   

陈忠 《法制与社会》2011,(7):225-226
思想政治理论课是大学生系统地接受思想政治教育的主渠道和主阵地,新时期国际国内形势的深刻变化,赋予高校思想政治理论课教师更为重要的职责。在日常的教学和科研活动中,高校思想政治理论课教师要自觉提高自身的业务素养。首先,明确教学目标,深掘学生特点,全面备课;其次,晓之以理,动之以情,积极实施课堂教学活动;最后,发扬长处,克服短处,充分实现教学科研相结合。  相似文献   

2006年5月24日,中央司法警官学院“科学发展观与司法行政工作”学术研讨会暨教学科研实习基地颁牌仪式隆重举行。司法部党组副书记、副部长陈训秋同志出席大会并发表重要讲话。院党委书记王恒勤教授代表学院致欢迎词。中国政法大学诉讼法研究中心主任、博士生导师、著名法学家樊崇义教授发表讲话。开幕式上举行了隆重的颁牌仪式,陈训秋副部长、中国监狱学会金鉴会长等领导同志为31个教学科研实习基地的代表颁牌。实习基地的代表、  相似文献   

In a bid to attract students amidst increasing competition within the sector, many universities claim that their teaching is “research-informed”. However, there is some disagreement amongst academics about what actually counts as research-informed teaching and therefore how it should be developed and delivered. Furthermore, whilst academic reputation is a key factor for prospective university applicants, the primary objective of the majority is to enhance employability. Institutions must therefore be careful to ensure that research-informed teaching is developed in a way that is perceived to help rather than hinder this fundamental objective. This article seeks to define research-informed teaching and then considers whether clinical approaches to both teaching and research can offer more widely applicable strategies for effective integration of the two. Two case studies are considered: first, the writer’s own experience as a solicitor in private practice; and secondly, Hallam Law, Sheffield Hallam University’s pro bono law clinic. It is submitted that by adopting a clinical approach to the research and teaching on more orthodox, academic modules, it may be possible to develop and deliver research-informed teaching in a way that enhances employability and therefore appeals to prospective law students.  相似文献   

In the field of crime-related education, examination of the characteristics of teaching, research, and institutional differences has recently been a concern. This study examines full-time faculty (N=929) and their patterns of entry, including academic degree held, academic major, past academic and agency experience, and type of institution; and the extent to which differing methods of access are associated with attitudes toward research, scholarship, agency practice, academic collegiality, and orientation toward crime-related study. Dual paradigms seem to exist in crime-related education: one centering on teaching, field practice, and professionalism; the other on research, scholarship, and the more traditional values of academe.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project which sought to evaluate and guide ongoing teaching and learning development in Principles of Corporations Law, a semester-long unit of study. Typically, enrolments in this subject area include students from a range of cultural contexts for whom the legislative and administrative concepts of the unit are unfamiliar and who also experience significant difficulties with cultural conventions of communication and business practice. At our university, unit enrolments include a high proportion of distance education as well as non-English speaking background (NESB) students, predominantly from China, who have not studied units formerly considered as prerequisite, and many of whom experience difficulties with basic academic skills. As the development team planned and created teaching features to ensure better learning outcomes for these students, it was clear that some truly contextual thinking as well as some practicable solutions would be required. While we had determined in the redesign planning that scenario- or problem-based learning (PBL) with its emphasis on finding, understanding and using information in context, was best suited to help students acquire the skills that underpin success in the unit, our experience in the project indicated students had a broader range of more basic needs. It emerged that students were struggling with fundamental issues that would need to be addressed before real change could occur.  相似文献   

曲异霞 《行政与法》2010,(11):57-60
研究性教学旨在通过学生主体参与,培养学生理论研究与创新工作的能力。德美法学教育改革中逐步凸显的理论指向与实践指向平衡发展的研究性教学,对我国当前的法学教育深有启迪。借鉴德美研究性教学经验,发展适合我国法学本科研究性教学的具体模式,将为完善我国当前的本科法学教育提供新的思考。  相似文献   


This paper examines the experiences of a select group of faculty (N = 37) from across the country who teach courses related to race and crime. Using survey methodology, the researchers solicited the faculty members' views on the course as well as their experience in teaching the course. The research was also designed to determine the receptivity of students to the course, as well as the nature of the evaluation scores of instructors who teach these courses. Most instructors reported having had a good teaching experience and felt the course should be required. Respondents also indicated that their teaching evaluation scores for race and crime courses were generally in line with their scores for other courses. The research found very minimal differences between the teaching evaluation scores of white and nonwhite race and crime instructors. Students were perceived to be generally enthusiastic about taking this course.  相似文献   

提高《海商法》课程教学效果之路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海商法课程的理论性、实践性和专业性极强。有关该课程的内涵既有广、狭两义之说,又涉及国内立法与国际公约的衔接;既有自身完善与法域拓展,又有民商法的一般性与海商法的特殊性;既有本课程体系的科学性、完整性,又有多学科知识的结合和实体法、程序法与冲突法的兼容。因此,在教学过程中遵循主导性和自觉性、同一性和差异性、理论性和实践性,努力提高教学效果,注重基本理论与专业知识的运用,为适应市场经济发展需要,多出高质量研究成果和多培养高水平专业人才,是设置海商法课程的重要目的之一。  相似文献   

唐英 《行政与法》2013,(8):70-74
法律方法论作为方法性知识、经验性知识和技术性知识,是有效促进法律技能形成和提高的直接知识来源,法律方法论课程的设置有利于职业型和精英型法律人才的培养。法律方法论课程应单独开设并与法理学及部门法学课程的关系进行协调。根据我国当下法律方法论研究的进展和成果,可选取学界基本已达成共识的法律方法类型和体系作为法律方法论课程的教学内容。理论讲授法是法律方法论课程的基础教学方法,案例分析法是法律方法论课程的主导教学方法,实践体验法是法律方法论课程的补充教学方法。  相似文献   

多媒体教学在本科民事诉讼法学课程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体教学及其效果已成为国家评价教学质量的重要指标。具体到法学本科教学,我们应当注重多媒体教学的应用,为保证和提高法学本科课程教学效果与质量建立完善的教学方法体系。我们在总结多媒体在本科民事诉讼法学课程教学中应用的理论和实践经验的基础上,探究多媒体应用于本科民事诉讼法学课程教学的方式以及应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与经济法创新   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2006年,中国经济法学界按照建设和谐社会的总要求,围绕我国经济和社会发展中经济法问题展开研究,在领域的拓展、方法的创新、认识的深化等方面均取得了明显的进步,特别是总论中的理念、权利和研究方法研究,宏观调控法中的所得税法和计划法研究,市场规制法中的反垄断立法、消费者界定、证券业市场规制研究,跨领域制度中的涉农法律问题研究等。2007年经济法学研究有必要在论题的选择、方法的更新和交流的拓展方面作更多的努力。  相似文献   

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