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采用主观幸福感量表和最后通牒范式对21名大学生的决策行为进行了研究,探讨主观幸福感与不公平分配下决策行为的关系。结果发现:当分得金额为总金额的20%或以下,幸福感高的被试接受率显著高于幸福感低的被试。幸福感高的被试在不公平分配方案下愿意接受的金额显著低于幸福感较低的被试;在反应时上,无论接受或拒绝,幸福感高的被试显著快与幸福感低的被试。当接受不公平方案,幸福感及其各维度与接受金额、反应时相关显著。最后通牒博弈中,接受反应和拒绝反应可能产生于不同的心理机制。  相似文献   

The relationship between socioeconomic resources and political participation has been the subject of considerable normative-empirical debate. The present article addresses the problem on the basis of Norwegian survey data (N = 1,170) with the intent of testing both the resource-involvement relationship and the possible consequences of value over-representation among the most active citizens. The analysis of resource-involvement dependency in relation to Robert Dahl's norm-set for ‘non-cumulative resource distributions' shows only two resources to be of potential difficulty for pluralist expectations: education and gender. Other expectations as to resource-involvement inequality prove to be nonfounded for Norway. A further test of the consequences of pedagarchal and patriarchal over-representation shows the former to imply a general ‘progressive’ bias in political values, while the latter has no clear-cut ideological implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to develop an integrated normative-empirical approach for an analysis of decision-making involvement in Norway. The analysis will be based on a national sample survey carried out in early 1981 (N = 1,650). After briefly defending the choice of ‘the social-democratic state’ as a context-specifying term, the discussion turns to problematizations of two central concepts: the political and participation. The result of this exercise is an ‘operational typology of decision-making involvement’ which stipulates eight zdifferent modes of involvement in terms of survey-operational measures. It is argued that the typology covers the entire spectrum of decision-making involvement in Norway; that it is unique in doing so; and that the conceptual differences involved have important normative empirical consequences. These latter are then developed in relation to three dominant perspectives in participation research; the expressivist, the instrumentalist, and the developmentalist points of view. Each of these perspectives is illustrated by a specific research strategy, and concluding remarks are made on the necessary integration of all three for a fuller comprehension of decision-making involvement in the social-democratic state.  相似文献   

Decision-making is usually studied in the context of a particular choice or institution. This article proposes an alternative, cross-cutting approach. It argues that federal policy-making involves three forms of rationality — technical, economic and political. Standard operating procedures develop around each. This simplifies much decisionmaking but may also produce narrowness of outlook and a failure to see other dimensions to a policy problem.  相似文献   

This article is an introduction to a new and promising alternative to dominant reductionistic, utilitarian and instrumental political theories. ‘Cultural Theory’, or ‘Grid-Group’ analysis has been developed by the British anthropologist Mary Douglas and transferred to political science by the American political scientist Aaron Wildavsky. Starting from two dimensions - ‘group’ (group strength) and ‘grid’ (the number of rules that influence the individual space of action), there exist four main forms of human interaction or ways of life - individualism (markets), sectarianism (egalitarism). collectivism (hierarchy) and fatalism (slavery) which can be applied to all kinds of societies, organizations and individuals. These cultures are then used to predict political action (politics), institutions (polity) and results (policies). The article shows how the theory is built up and where it comes from, and then concentrates on important logical and empirical problems that so far remain unsolved.  相似文献   

农地非农化管理的分权取向改革及其情景模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现行农地非农化“转一征一供”三位一体的中央集权制管理模式的基本规定性及可能的内在矛盾进行了制度分析,揭示了中央集权制管理框架虽然具有阶段必要性,但随着中国社会转型发展的不断进展,今后势必要引入基于地方利益独立性的分权取向改革因素。在此基础上,提出“管住总量,放开市场”和“配额管理,市场调剂”两个可能的分权取向改革方案,对这两个方案与现行中央集权制管理框架进行社会福利差异比较分析和情景模拟,结果显示这两个改革方案都能实现高于现行中央集权制模式的社会总福利水平。“配额管理,市场调剂”方案能够更好地与现行中央集权制管理框架相衔接,可能成为今后中国农地非农化管理的分权取向改革的首选方案。在改革的逻辑路径设计上,提出应当紧紧抓住新增建设用地指标的分配机制这个枢纽,并沿着可转让配额管理这一方向推进现行中央集权制管理模式的改革,以取得“牵一发而动全身”的体制改革创新的连锁效果。  相似文献   

The decision of a committee is determined jointly by the votingprocess it adopts and the composition of its membership. The paper analyses the process through which committee members emerge from the eligiblepopulation and traces the consequences of this for the decisions ofthe committee. It is shown that the equilibrium committee will becomposed of representatives from the extremes of the tastedistribution. These extremes balance each other and the committeereaches a moderate decision. However, this mutual negation by theextremes is a socially wasteful use of time. Data from the UK Houseof Lords is used to illustrate these results.  相似文献   

The UNHCR asylum regime, implemented in the 1950s in response to the displacement of people in Europe, must now respond to asylum as a global and ongoing phenomenon. A new paradigm is emerging within the European Union that seeks to define the right of asylum within broader economic and security objectives. Within this paradigm, EU asylum policies contain their own contradiction, seeking both to expand the forms of persecution to account for changing global contexts and limit those deserving asylum by defining groups of clear cases of persecution, in effect removing discretion on an individual basis. In the balance, asylum-seekers are increasingly viewed as criminal, to be kept off of the territory and outside of the “public space.” Through an analysis of the legal and judicial developments of asylum in the EU and the UK, as a member state, this study seeks to understand the right to asylum as embedded within a cosmopolitics of layered legal authority that supports the broader neo-liberal economic order.  相似文献   

At the turn of the century, it seemed inevitable that regional integration in Latin America would occur under the rubric of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and US hegemony. But 2005—the year the FTAA was to have been launched—has come and gone, and the whole FTAA project is in tatters. This article will examine two regional integration initiatives, which have emerged in its wake—the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA). Both represent a challenge to US-led integration. However, the Venezuelan-centered ALBA is potentially a much more radical challenge to neoliberalism than the Brazilian-centered UNASUR.  相似文献   

In this article, I make the claim that the notion of rational mastery in the work of Cornelius Castoriadis is of outmost importance for fully understanding his philosophy. Yet, this notion has largely been ignored by the literature thus far. For this reason, I intend to highlight here the importance it assumes in Castoriadis’ philosophy. To this end, I argue that the notion of rational mastery in Castoriadis’ philosophy consists in an imaginary signification of progress that develops from modernity onwards in the form of unlimited expansion of technology and economy. I continue by presenting Castoriadis’ criticism of rational mastery. I then expand his criticism into the broader context of what I claim to be the social-historical perspectivism of Castoriadis’ logic-ontology of Magmas. Finally, I conclude with the demonstration of Castoriadis’ project of individual and collective autonomy as the counterweight to rational mastery of unlimited expansion of technology and economy against nature and society.  相似文献   

Grogan  Colleen M. 《Publius》1999,29(3):1-30
This article focuses on the influence of federal Medicaid mandateson state AFDC and Medicaid policy decision-making. The resultsconfirm certain concerns about federal mandates: the benefitsof federal Medicaid mandates (eligibility expansions to pregnantwomen and infants) appear to be offset by state reductions inAFDC and other Medicaid policy areas. In particular, federalMedicaid mandates had a negative effect on AFDC and MedicallyNeedy financial eligibility levels and Medicaid optional benefitcoverage—areas where states maintained discretionary power.A political-economic theory is used to test the impact of federalMedicaid mandates where a different political process is postulatedfor each policy dimension. The model is estimated using paneldata and a heteroskedastic, timewise autoregressive model.  相似文献   

British Conservatism embodies certain basic, though not always compatible, tenets of belief. They have underpinned the Conservative Party, which has been the most successful political party in the history of western Europe. The party was the ‘in’ party in British politics in the 20th Century; the reasons for that success shifted in the 21st century to it principal opponent party. Attempts by Conservative leaders in the first two parliaments of opposition constituted quick‐fix and ultimately doomed approaches to restoring electoral dominance. The party under David Cameron has shifted to a long‐term, grounded approach, learning the lessons of earlier periods of opposition. Though the process remains incomplete, the Conservative Party is placed for the first time in the 21st century to return to being a party of governance.  相似文献   

公共服务外包决策的影响因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前,公共服务外包已成为市场化改革的重要制度安排。国内外针对公共服务外包的研究已经很多,但是国内大多数的研究为定性的分析探讨,少有通过实证分析探讨影响公共服务外包决策因素的研究。在对相关文献梳理的基础上,对公共服务外包的概念从宏观和微观两个角度进行了区别,根据文献的理论支撑和实地走访调研,本研究创新性地构建了公共服务外包决策影响因素概念模型,并作出了针对性的理论假设。针对假设,运用结构方程验证了服务特性、环境因素以及政府能力对公共服务外包决策的影响作用。研究发现,任务复杂性及市场成熟性对公共服务外包决策有显著影响;政治因素对公共服务外包决策都有显著影响,财政资源与外包决策的关系不显著;政府间的竞争和领导支持与政府的外包管理能力之间存在正相关关系,同时,政府外包管理能力越强,越可能做出外包决策。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to argue the importance of combining several approaches in studies of communist parties: socio-economic structures, competitive relations to other left wing parties, organizational implantation, and the role of political tradition. The present ecological analysis will particularly emphasize the organizational approach and the importance of political tradition. In keeping with Allardt's and Lipset's theories, socio-economic structure seemed to a great extent to be a necessary condition for communist strength in this period. Both significant employment in industry and/or forestry and a strong social democratic party turned out to be necessary conditions for communist strength, but only when we analysed the ‘historical’ and organizational dimensions in more detail were we able to determine more accurately the areas of strong electoral support of the Norwegian Communist Party.  相似文献   

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