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Structural Realist theory on the operation of the international system has often been likened to theory one might find in physics to describe the motions of the balls in a game of billiards. While this metaphor is usually used in jest, or as critique of Realist theory, the use of such games can effectively convey our understanding of international systemic dynamics from a number of theoretical perspectives. Games involve more than physics-like laws of interaction between similar entities or actors. They also involve social aspects of interaction; they assume the contextual laws involving the premise of the game, accepted and unaccepted behavior, and the dispositions of the actors controlling the balls to their competitive environment.
This paper gives an account of the use of croquet as an instructional exercise in an Introduction to International Relations class. Croquet's ability to convey to students a variety of theoretical perspectives is discussed, as are the "lessons" the students took from the exercise, as described in their post-game reflections.  相似文献   

An analysis of the ways in which different composite monarchies conducted international relations in the eighteenth century reveals the interplay of structure and contingency in shaping change and the discussion of change. Hanover-Britain is compared with Saxony-Poland. Considering Britain as an example of a polity created and shaped by a dynastic personal union redresses teleological tendencies in the treatment of international relations and offers an important perspective.  相似文献   

东北亚是世界重要经济区之一。日本、韩国的资金、技术 ,俄罗斯的资源 ,对我国的经济建设 ,尤其对东北老工业基地振兴 ,是不可缺少的。东北亚是大国利益交汇处 ,是世界热点之一 ,但不会发生战争。要树立外交新思维 ,采取灵活的外交政策 ,维护东北亚的和平稳定 ,积极推进以中、日、韩合作为核心的东北亚经济合作 ,实现地区繁荣 ,为我国全面建设小康社会创造良好的国际环境。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that many of the samples we use for statistical analysis in international politics are the result of some selection process. Not surprisingly, selection models are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, the role of strategic interaction has begun to play a more important role in statistical analyses. However, it has not been clear how statistical strategic models and selection models relate to each other, or what the effects are of employing one when the other is the more appropriate model. In this article, I 1) clarify why international relations scholars cannot shield themselves from selection bias simply by assuming their results are limited to a given sample; 2) show how recent statistical strategic models relate to traditional selection models and generalize the two sets of models by deriving a correlated strategic model; and 3) examine the effects of misspecifying either correlated errors or strategic interaction. My results indicate that failure to model the strategic interaction produces worse specification error than failure to account for correlated disturbances. In fact, traditional bivariate probit models appear to be superior only when states are almost completely uncertain about each others' preferences.  相似文献   

近年来,我国学术界日益重视澳大利亚的外交政策和对外关系方面的研究,对澳大利亚与日本关系的研究也取得了较为丰富的研究成果,但也存在研究起步晚、层次低、研究领域狭窄、科研队伍不强等问题。本文通过对近年来我国学术界关于澳大利亚与日本关系的研究进行回顾和评析,并提出了加强相关研究的建议。  相似文献   

This article reflects some experiences in teaching International Relations (IR) by using films to supplement the use of simulations and role play scenarios. The authors have used simulations and role play scenarios in order to teach complex issues and theories, and to engage the interest of students. By using films to supplement the use of simulations in classrooms, it is suggested that students become more active in their own learning. A number of ways in which simulations and role play can be used in teaching are established here alongside an array of films that can be shown to students to complement such teaching approaches. The use of films to teach IR theory is also listed. It is concluded that the use of simulations, role play, and films in teaching IR can aid student learning especially in terms of IR theory.  相似文献   

Nontraditional undergraduates (NTUs), undergraduates who typically are older than average, work full-time, and/or are entrusted with substantial family responsibilities, pose a special challenge to international relations educators. Severe constraints on time and access to library facilities both impede progress and may give an erroneous impression that NTUs are not as committed to their education as more conventional college undergraduates. The lack of continuity in education that typifies the NTU experience often manifests itself in anxiety, frustration, and gaps in fundamental knowledge. At the same time, the maturity and sophistication that come with life experience often far exceed that of the more conventional college student. Furthermore, typical requirements of international relations and international studies majors, such as second and third language proficiency, internships with international organizations, and overseas study are often not feasible for the working student with family responsibilities. Possibilities for meeting the challenges of teaching NTUs include greater use of open-book examinations, research proposals, case studies, simulations, problem-based learning (PBL), use of the Internet, and the development of short-term intensive overseas study opportunities that accommodate the working student's schedule.  相似文献   

达莎 《国际观察》2007,(1):17-21
近十多年来,在国内国际关系学研究走向多元化的总体趋势下,女性主义国际关系研究的成果不断涌现,作为女性主义一个核心概念的社会性别与国际关系究竟存在怎样的联系的问题不能不引起学者的思考.在上海外国语大学国际关系与外交事务研究院召开的"社会性别与国际关系"小型研讨会上,从事国际关系理论和全球化研究的学者围绕着社会性别与国际关系研究在国际关系学中的定位、其学术渊源、基本议题和关注热点以及在国内外发展的现状和国内学者的评价等议题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

In this essay, we argue that race has yet to be integrated as an analytical category shaping the study and teaching of international relations. We suggest that although the issues of race and gender are systematically coded into central concepts in the discipline, they are made invisible through a "series of ontological and epistemological maneuvers." Focusing on two concepts central to the discipline—sovereignty and the nation-state—we suggest that race can be better integrated into the teaching of international relations by focusing on the ways in which these maneuvers structure the geographies and politics of exclusion and inclusion in international relations. We conclude that raising questions about the ways in which race is taught in the academy is in itself critical—what we teach, how we teach, and who teaches are all questions that need repeated airing for achieving interpretative autonomy as well as a transformative politics.  相似文献   

This essay expands upon a teaching approach that I used in my introductory international relations (IR) course for three semesters prior to September 11, 2001. The vast majority of the curriculum of the course is read through Independence Day , a 1996 blockbuster Hollywood film. Beginning with the film and the concept of world order it arguably provides through a fictional moment of world peace (or hegemony, depending how one interprets the leading role of the U.S. in the film and the significance of the Fourth of July holiday as the world's Independence Day, hence ID4 ) students are able to understand several key concepts in IR theory, as well as the major paradigms of IR thought that I present to them. ID4 presents the viewer with the IR field's two great mythological narratives, realism and idealism, and preserves the notion of the nation-state as the predominant actor and unit of analysis for understanding world history and key events in that history.  相似文献   

李丽 《东南亚》2011,(2):31-37
国际政治经济学为我们理解国际贸易提供了一个清晰简易的视角,通过这一视角,我们能够更好地理解国际贸易理论,并在此指导下更好地分析国际社会上的贸易行为。中国和印度的贸易额迅速增长,是对方增长速度最快的贸易伙伴之一。两国的产业结构既存在互补的方面,也存在竞争的一面。本文试通过国际政治经济学视角下的国际贸易理论,从影响两国贸易关系的经济和政治两方面的因素对中印贸易关系进行分析。  相似文献   

刘中伟 《西亚非洲》2012,(5):144-160
发展援助是德国外交政策的一极,既是推动和实现德国对非洲外交目标的重要工具,也强烈地塑造了德国的对非洲政策。作为世界最不发达国家之一,卢旺达在德国对非洲发展援助中占据了特殊的位置。20世纪60年代以来,德国对卢旺达发展援助主要经历了4个发展阶段,目前呈现出快速发展的势头。德国主要通过财政援助和技术援助促进卢旺达在医疗卫生、种族和解、政治发展以及经济改革等领域的建设。德国对卢旺达的援助,既有其显著的特点和优势,也存在明显的缺陷。中、德两国对卢旺达的援助存在很大差异。  相似文献   

The role and representation of female filmmakers globally have been topics of discussion but have not been researched in depth to help garner significant change, especially in the South African film industry. The role of film festivals like the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) and Encounters help female filmmakers by giving them the platform to showcase their work as well as gain more recognition. However, the number of female filmmakers, and black female filmmakers in particular, are not recognised substantially at these festivals. South African box office reports also indicate that the film industry is dominated by white male directors and that not enough films are produced locally to meet up with the amount of international films that are screened at local cinemas, which is further indication that a gender and race discrepancy is prevalent. There is also the issue of female filmmakers being limited in the fiction film genre and as a result the film industry in South Africa and globally have more female filmmakers making non-fiction films than fiction films. This article will explore the issue of gender and race in the South African film industry, by focusing on the two biggest film festivals: DIFF and Encounters.  相似文献   

从长远来说,中俄战略协作伙伴关系的稳定、健康、和谐发展,必须要妥善解决好进一步加强双方之间的相互理解与信任问题。中俄两国高层之间已经建立起了比较良好的友谊与互信,而在普通民众之间,现有社会调查和研究结果表明,目前还存在着一些相互了解与理解不足、缺乏相互认同与包容,因而也就缺乏相互欣赏与信任的问题。在这项长期的系统工程上面,中俄双方的有关方面都还需要做出大量而艰辛的工作。  相似文献   

本文以影响新加坡和马来西亚关系的重要变量之一的淡水资源分配问题为例,为诠释资源的争夺和分配是促使国家之间加强合作或进行对抗和冲突的主要因素之一这一命题提供一个实证分析。在新马关系中,水因素作为影响两国关系的一个联系变量和双方其他争端交织在一起,从而影响着双边关系的发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the ongoing shift in IR and beyond, where critical perspectives are increasingly adopting more affirmative dispositions. The starting point is that some successors to critical theories and deconstruction are becoming more appreciative of how entanglements of human and nonhuman populations have creative potential. That is, today critique ceases to be about contesting the inner contradictions or limits of a given order and instead embraces existing multiple assemblages and feedback loops as enabling forces. The article serves as an introduction to the Special Issue ‘Critique and Affirmation in IR’, in which authors reflect on the unforeseen trajectory of critiques and problematise the risks and shadows of affirmation.  相似文献   

中日关系:相互依赖与博弈   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
相互依赖理论和博弈论是第三次国际关系理论大论战中引人注目的理论。把这两种理论结合起来分析中日关系是非常有效的分析方法。近年来,有中国学者提出对日外交新思维,但作者认为,无论从相互依赖理论还是博弈论出发,中国都无法放弃对日外交的现实主义态度。  相似文献   

针对吉林省城镇劳动力市场中男性和女性劳动力的行业分布和工资水平差异,应用微观经济计量方法对性别工资差异进行分解分析的研究结果表明,吉林省城镇劳动力市场中存在着明显的性别工资差异,行业内部性别工资歧视是造成性别工资差异的主要原因,而性别行业分割是造成性别工资差异的次要原因。  相似文献   

越共“十一大”:坚持社会主义与发展对华关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年初召开的越共十一大,明确规定了越南今后一个时期的总体发展方向。此次大会坚持越共既定的革新开放路线和政治取向,继续总结越南社会主义的基本特征,维持和发展对华睦邻友好关系。越共十一大关于越南社会主义的个别具体提法有所调整,但原则上仍延续了越共十大的理论总结,再次确认该国正在实行的走向现代化发展模式。  相似文献   

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