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林建军 《法学杂志》2007,28(5):114-116
我国修改后的《妇女权益保障法》首次明令禁止"性骚扰",但何谓"性骚扰"没有明确,而概念是理论上被抽象认知和实践中被切实遵从的前提,本文结合不同国家、地区的立法例,指出性骚扰行为应主要依据被骚扰者的主观状态、性骚扰行为的性质以及骚扰者的主观状态等加以判断.  相似文献   

性骚扰法律规制的主要问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张新宝  高燕竹 《法学家》2006,1(4):65-76
禁止性骚扰写入<妇女权益保障法>是性骚扰立法迈出的第一步,但对于规制性骚扰显然是不够的,如何构建规制性骚扰的法律体系成为目前迫切需要解决的问题.本文首先明确了性骚扰的概念、基本类型及价值基础.作者认为,性骚扰是一复杂的社会现象,构建全面综合的性骚扰法律规制体系是解决性骚扰问题的关键.文章对如何构建这一体系进行了探讨.  相似文献   

性骚扰法律规制问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外法学界关于以何种法律规制性骚扰的争论,实际上是关于性骚扰本质的争论,而性骚扰在本质上是侵权行为,应利用侵权行为法来规制性骚扰行为,鉴于性骚扰自身的特殊性和复杂性,建议单独制定一部《反性骚扰法》。  相似文献   

法律对性骚扰的回应与一个国家的文化传统、生活方式和固有制度结合在一起,因此,各国的性骚扰法律概念既有一般共识,又有诸多差别.  相似文献   

Sociologists of law have long been concerned with the effectiveness of rights; the emergence of diversity training in the 1990s spurred renewed attention to questions of how laws are enacted in daily life. Much scholarship has constructed the managerialization of civil rights law and popularization of diversity concepts as diluting efforts to redress structural discrimination. In studying diversity and antiharassment trainings in practice, I argue that these are sites where civil rights find expression of their obligations, and I find that much of the "dilution" of content stems from diversity trainers' efforts to negotiate with the resistance of trainees to their new obligations under civil rights law. The trainees evince a variable legal consciousness in relationship to this legality of rights-promotion, to which they are being exposed in these trainings; the findings suggest further research is needed into the legal consciousness of the privileged.  相似文献   

This article analyzes women's legal consciousness in responding to unwanted sexual attention in the workplace. By focusing on a particular social problem, this study is situated in the particular legal domain of sexual harassment laws and in a specific organizational context. Taking the perspective of the intended beneficiaries of sexual harassment policies and procedures—women with complaints about sexual conduct in the workplace—I show that the implementation of grievance procedures creates powerful obstacles to women's efforts to assert those rights. Moreover, the practices implementing the policies can alter the very definition of sexual harassment in that setting. Thus, in enacting grievance procedures, women and supervisors construct a legality in particular workplaces that offers only limited protection for women's rights.  相似文献   

Research shows that exposure to sexual harassment policy sometimes activates traditional gender stereotypes. This article examines whether the sex of the legal messenger moderates reactions to the enforcement of sexual harassment laws. We employ a 2 × 2 experimental design in which we measure the effect of a sexual harassment policy intervention on male participants’ gender beliefs. The design varies whether the person communicating the policy information is male or female. We find that female policy trainers activate implicit gender stereotypes, but explicit gender egalitarian beliefs. Other than improving men's perceptions of women's considerateness, the policy has little effect on beliefs in the conditions with a male trainer. These results suggest that the effect of law on social change is contingent on characteristics of the legal messengers. Findings contribute to our understanding of gender inequality and legitimacy processes and have practical implications for implementing effective policy.  相似文献   

王显勇 《法学》2021,(1):133-154
我国《民法典》第1010条对性骚扰行为和用人单位防治性骚扰行为的规范,确立了工作场所性骚扰双阶段两行为的制度架构,架设了通往其他部门法的桥梁。工作场所性骚扰的法律规制应采用双阶行为理论,这一法律现象中包含着人格侵权和工作利益损害两个阶段,对应着工作场所性骚扰行为和用人单位防治性骚扰行为,形成了多元化、多层次的法律规制。工作场所性骚扰的法律规制经历过原初形态的就业歧视模式、发展变态的结合论模式、趋势定态的分离论模式的演变历程,已从单一行为裂变为工作场所性骚扰行为与用人单位防治性骚扰行为。工作场所性骚扰行为从就业性别歧视发展到人格侵权,受到多元化法律规制,应由行为人承担法律责任。用人单位防治性骚扰行为从工作场所性骚扰行为中独立开来,从依附于性骚扰行为的抗辩事由转变为法定独立义务,受到多层次的法律规制,用人单位从旁观者变成了行动者。  相似文献   

美国性骚扰法律制度及其借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡田野 《河北法学》2004,22(6):123-125
性骚扰是不受欢迎的带有性色彩的言行,是一种非法的性歧视。依美国判例,性骚扰不必源于性的目的,其内容不必是直接的表示;同时,性骚扰行为者在主观上应当是有过错的,受害者在主观上须为不欢迎骚扰行为。构成可诉的性骚扰行为其损害后果须达到严重的程度。依美国最新判例,同性之间也可以构成性骚扰;雇主对员工中的上级职员的性骚扰行为承担民事责任。美国的性骚扰法律制度对我国的立法具有一定的借鉴意义,如公法上的规定并不排除私法的适用,性骚扰的含义应当包含性别歧视,雇主责任应当在立法上得以确立,立法者应当在道德规范和法律规范中寻找平衡点。  相似文献   

This research tests the possibility that the reasonable woman as compared to the reasonable person test of hostile work environment sexual harassment interacts with hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs and under some conditions triggers protectionist attitudes toward women who complain of sexual harassment, We administered to a sample of undergraduates the ambivalent sexism inventory along with the fact patterns in two harassment cases and asked them to make legally relevant decisions under either the reasonable woman or person standard. We found that those high in hostile sexism, and women, found more evidence of harassment. However, those high in benevolent sexism did not exhibit the hostile sexism effects. Although men were less sensitive to the reasonable woman standard than women, under some conditions the reasonable woman standard enabled both genders to find greater evidence of harassment. The results are discussed from the perspectives of law and psychology.  相似文献   

雇主对职场中发生的性骚扰行为承担责任的性质,存在着替代责任说和自己责任说两种相对立的观点.解决职场性骚扰情况下雇主责任的承担有两种路径:侵权责任法和劳动法.通过侵权责任法解决职场性骚扰的责任,雇主承担对自己安全保障义务违反的不作为责任,属于过错责任,自己责任.在劳动社会保障法领域,雇主承担对劳动者保护的法定义务,应该提供给劳动者较好的工作环境,如果雇员违反法定义务致使雇员受到损害,雇主应该承担赔偿责任,是违反劳动法规定的法定义务承担的后果,其实质仍然是一种自己责任.  相似文献   

雇主对职场中发生的性骚扰行为承担责任的性质,存在着替代责任说和自己责任说两种相对立的观点。解决职场性骚扰情况下雇主责任的承担有两种路径:侵权责任法和劳动法。通过侵权责任法解决职场性骚扰的责任,雇主承担对自己安全保障义务违反的不作为责任,属于过错责任,自己责任。在劳动社会保障法领域,雇主承担对劳动者保护的法定义务,应该提供给劳动者较好的工作环境,如果雇员违反法定义务致使雇员受到损害,雇主应该承担赔偿责任,是违反劳动法规定的法定义务承担的后果,其实质仍然是一种自己责任。  相似文献   

James Rocha 《Ratio juris》2015,28(2):204-215
In sexual harassment law scholarship, it is often argued that the reasonable person standard should give way to a reasonable victim (woman) standard. Yet, this latter standard may unintentionally invite homophobic employees to attempt to use a reasonable homophobe standard to charge gay supervisors with harassment merely for being openly gay at work. In response, I argue that we currently act on an unjustifiable distinction whereby we treat sexuality behavior (behavior that indicates one's sexuality) as necessarily sexualized only for GLBTQ behavior. By disallowing this discriminatory treatment, we can preserve the reasonable victim standard and undermine the homophobe's warrantless charges.  相似文献   

性骚扰防治对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性骚扰危害受害人的身心健康,影响婚姻关系的建立与稳定,影响职业发展、造成经济损失,扰乱社会秩序。我国现行法律在不同的立法层面上明确了反对性骚扰的法律原则,妇女权益保障法又将性骚扰纳入了法律范畴,但没有关于性骚扰的专门立法;现行法律规定过于原则、笼统、空泛,缺乏可操作性;法律规定不周全、不延续。应加强立法,填补法律空白,并在刑法典中增设“性骚扰罪”的有关规定;建立起性骚扰的社会预防和防治机制。  相似文献   

Most people in the United States believe that sexual harassment should be illegal and that enforcement is necessary. In spite of such widespread support for antiharassment regulations, sexual harassment policy training provokes backlash and has been shown to activate traditional gender stereotypes. Using in‐depth interviews and participant observations of sexual harassment policy training sessions, this study uncovers the micro‐level mechanisms that underlie ambivalence about the enforcement of sexual harassment law. I find that while the different locations of men and women in the status hierarchy lead to different manifestations of resistance, gender stereotypes are used to buttress perceptions that sexual harassment laws threaten norms of interaction and status positions that men and women have an interest in maintaining. The research has implications for understanding the role of law in social change, legal compliance, and the potential/limits of law for reducing inequality.  相似文献   

性骚扰立法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从比较法的角度对性骚扰立法中的几个问题进行了探讨,重点分析了性骚扰的法律界定,性骚扰的构成要件和法律责任。在文章的最后,作者就我国性骚扰立法和司法中的一些问题提出了独到的建议。  相似文献   

性骚扰民事诉讼特别规制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于日益增多的性骚扰案件,研究如何在民事诉讼方面进行特别的规制是至关重要的.根据性骚扰案件的特点,从证据、审理和救济三大方面作出符合性骚扰案件特性的规定:(1)合理运用证据规则,实现证明责任的特殊配置,并且在取证方式的合法性问题上予以适当的放宽;(2)在性骚扰案件的审理期间要特别注重对诉讼参加人的隐私权进行严格的保密与保护;(3)确立惩罚性赔偿以及用人单位责任,切实保护性骚扰案件的受害者,法院还可以适当运用司法建议的方式来遏止和预防职场性骚扰行为的发生.  相似文献   

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