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Does Administrative Corporatism Promote Trust and Deliberation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perola Öberg 《管理》2002,15(4):455-475
How corporatist arrangements actually work has not been empirically demonstrated, despite the theoretical focus on interest intermediation. This article investigates whether corporatism affects trust and deliberation in state activities, using Swedish public administration as a case study. First, it is doubtful that corporatism directly promotes trust among citizens, but it very likely promotes trust within and between the represented organizations. Second, interest–group representation cannot be understood as a process of strict delivering of positions adopted in advance. Preferences are often transformed in discussions where other interests are involved. Furthermore, the case investigated here shows that the decision–making process within a corporatist arrangement resembles deliberation, rather than negotiations between "contesting interests."  相似文献   

解决公共事务的治理危机需要一种合作机制的创新,社团主义理论强调建构一种有合作特征的社会结构,因而对于公共事务治理模式的创新具有借鉴意义。对于中国的现实情况而言,一种可供选择的有效途径是在社团主义所型构的社会结构中合作性地处理公共事务。  相似文献   

Stephen  McBride 《Political studies》1985,33(3):439-456
This article identifies two dimensions which distinguish corporatism, especially as defined by Philippe Schmitter, from pluralism. Noting that most discussions of corporatism have emphasized one dimension and neglected the second, the article seeks to determine, empirically, whether the two dimensions are as closely associated as the concept suggests. The finding, for the cases studied, is that they are inversely rather than positively correlated. The search for an explanation of why this might be the case leads to two conclusions. First, that the management of labour-capital conflict in advanced capitalist countries has relied less on inter-group and group-state interaction than corporatist theory would suggest. Second, that Schmitter's conceptualization of corporatism is seriously flawed and that other corporatist writers avoid these flaws only at the cost of drastically reducing the concept's distinctiveness from pluralism.  相似文献   

陈晋胜 《理论探索》2008,(1):141-142
公共利益是所有社会成员共同拥有的利益.以受益主体为标准,公共利益不是特定的、部分人的利益,具有社会共享性或共益性;以受益内容为标准,公共产品指政府向公众提供的各种物品和服务的总称;以供给主体为标准,公共利益的供给主体只能是政府和非营利性的组织、团体.行政法应在具体事项上完善制度和程序,以确保公共利益及其实践处于均衡状态.要通过行政法规的制定来规范公共利益,行政执法中要认真对待公共利益,司法机关有权对行政执法所涉及的公共利益进行审查.  相似文献   

Path Dependence and Public Sector Innovation in Regulatory Regimes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overarching theme of this article is institutional analysis of modernization and innovation in the regulatory state, and in pursuing this, the concepts of ‘path dependence’ and ‘administrative traditions’ are used throughout. Self‐reinforcing or positive feedback processes in political systems represent a basic framework. The empirical point of departure is the EU public procurement directive linked to OECD data concerning use of outsourcing among Member States. The question is asked: What has caused the Nordic countries, traditionally not belonging to the Anglo‐Saxon market‐centred administrative tradition, to be ranked so high as users of the Market‐Type Mechanism (MTM) of outsourcing in the public sector versus inhouse provision of services? The reason may be complex, but might be found in an innovative Scandinavian regulatory approach rooted in a ‘small is beautiful’, small and medium‐seized businesses, and local and regional development planning tradition.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the notion that the policies and politics of states and nations constitute distinct worlds or clusters. We begin by examining the concept of clustering as it has emerged in the literature on policy regimes and families of nations. We then address a series of empirical questions: whether distinct worlds persist in an era of policy convergence and globalisation, whether policy antecedents cluster in the same ways as policy outcomes and whether the enlargement of the EU has led to an increase in the number of worlds constituting the wider European polity. Our main conclusions are that country clustering is, if anything, more pronounced than in the past, that it is, in large part, structurally determined and that the EU now contains a quite distinct post-Communist family of nations.  相似文献   

论和谐社会与公共行政的精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和谐社会的实现途径则有赖于和谐与公共行政精神的融合,需要关注的是和谐社会的前提即稳定,实现和谐的纽带即利益,对和谐的保障即制度;最终实现和谐社会条件下公共行政的价值追求即实现公平。  相似文献   

执行、行政执行、公共政策执行概念辨析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高建华 《行政论坛》2006,26(5):9-11
执行、行政执行、公共政策执行是相互联系又相互区别的相关概念。其相同点都在于“执行”,即“做”或“行动”,但执行、行政执行和公共政策执行又是互不相同的概念,其区别不仅表现在其执行的内容不同,而且还表现在其执行的主体、客体和执行的方式不同。公共政策执行是公共政策主体、公共政策客体和公共政策“执行”三者的统一。  相似文献   

In the 1970s the level of the distributive conflict increased in most developed capitalist countries. But at the same time it was found that the level of the distributive conflict remained on an unchanged level or even declined in some countries. In this article the role of interest organizations is analysed in explaining both cross-national differences in the level of the distributive conflict and the resurgence of the distributive conflict in the 1970s. Using Mancur Olson's new theory of interest organizations, the author shows on a theoretical level that a pluralist mode of interest intermediation is conducive to a high level of the distributive conflict and that a corporatist mode of interest intermediation is conducive to a low level of the distributive conflict. Empirical analyses in 18 developed capitalist countries are then carried on to test this theory. Empirical analyses strongly support the theory.  相似文献   

公共工程划分为收益性公共工程、共益性公共工程和公益性公共工程,不同类别的公共工程投融资方式不同.西部大开发中,公共工程建设应在加大政府财政投资力度的同时,启动社会资本投资西部公共工程建设.  相似文献   

为了加强法制建设,尊重和保障人权,《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》首次对公安行政收缴以法律的形式予以明确规范。公安行政收缴作为行政强制措施,既具有一般行政强制措施的特征,又具有其自身所独有的特征。理解公安机关在适用公安行政收缴这一法律措施时,应当明确收缴的范围,履行收缴的程序,并确定收缴的法律救济。  相似文献   

This article consolidates the efforts of the Information Systems Research Group for the construction of a reference model for the management of agreements celebrated based on the Brazilian federal government's voluntary funds transfers. It presents the Reference Model for covenants' processes, which is the product of the third phase of this research project. This model will be used as reference in the fourth phase of this project, when it will be applied to a sample of covenants. Experience gained in this step will allow the consolidation of the Reference Model. An important contribution of this work is to facilitate the understanding of proposals, so processes analyzed can be improved and redesigned. Processes information, from organization to details of each activity, can then be disseminated to all interested parties. Results here presented are not final. They will serve as input to the next stage of the project, which is the Assessment of the Reference Model by selected Stadual and municipal governments. Each entity will contribute with its own perspective to improving the idealized model.  相似文献   

新公共管理视野下的行政价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在概述公共管理所经历的统治行政和管理行政两个阶段或模式的基础上,介绍了全球性新公共管理运动的主要理论和内容,探索新公共管理中所蕴含的新的时代精神和文化,并提出了适应这一全新公共行政模式的方向,当代公共行政者必须具备的行政价值观。  相似文献   

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