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As a consequence of the reorganization of the soviets in accordance with the production principle, many small towns have been detached from rural districts, and the soviets of these towns have been subordinated to those of larger cities that are directly subordinate to territories and regions. In individual cases, the soviets of the small towns have been placed under district soviets of cities which have district subdivisions. At present some 300 towns have thus been subordinated to others, including 230 in the RSFSR.  相似文献   

The question of the subject of Soviet criminology remains in dispute to this day. The authors of the present article, who initially considered criminology a component of criminal law, (1) have now arrived at a different conclusion. Reviews of the textbook Soviet Criminology [Sovetskaia kriminologiia] noted, as one of its shortcomings, a vague solution of the question of the subject of this science. (2) Considering this, as well as the fact that the subject of a science is among the most important questions, we have decided to offer certain of our thoughts on this subject.  相似文献   

This article addresses the radical changes in Russian foreign policy that took place in 2014. By the end of 2013, Moscow had exhausted the potential for progressively raising its international status by evolutionary means. As 2014 approached, Russia started to define its own habitat. The trigger was a clash between comprehensive and mutually exclusive integration projects.  相似文献   

苏维埃是布尔什维克党创立的新型的劳动人民的政权,但是在苏联社会主义实践中发生了变异,苏维埃的地位和作用严重降低,选举和监督形式化,难以充分表达和实现人民的利益。由此可鉴,无产阶级政权的命运与人民的支持密切相关,无产阶级政权建设必须走适合本国国情的发展道路,坚定不移地走民主发展道路,建立健全人民代表的选举、履责、监督和罢免制度,并从根本上改革党政不分、以党代政的政治体制,建构党在政治、思想和组织等各方面的领导、苏维埃决策、政府执行各司其职、一体运行的政治体制。  相似文献   

In the decisions of the Central Committee of the Party on the work of local government authorities at various levels, attention has repeatedly been called to the need to make the groups of Party members in the Soviets more active and to assure that they will influence in every way the work of the bodies of representative government. This was also emphasized in the 1971 decree of the CPSU Central Committee, "On Measures to Further Improve the Work of the District and City Soviets of Working People's Deputies."  相似文献   


I have been teaching Ethnic Minorities and the Law at undergraduate and Masters level for some eight years now. It is my conviction that the subject has achieved a certain maturity and that it is high time that serious notice was taken of it in legal education circles at all levels. This article presents some reflections on approaches adopted and experiences of being involved in teaching this field. In the next section some of the reactions that are likely to be encountered when working in this area are discussed briefly. In the following section the nature and extent of ethnic diversity in the UK are outlined, and some of the limits in academic and policy conceptualisations of this diversity are highlighted. There follows a critical discussion of the various paradigms within which legal knowledge has framed discussion relating to ethnic minorities in the UK. This forms a prelude to the introduction of legal‐pluralist perspectives which, it is argued, offer the most positive approach in the area of ethnic minority legal studies. Lastly, some of the practical issues that arise in teaching about ethnic minorities in law are discussed.  相似文献   

Protection of the rights of citizens is the task not only of the Soviet national state but of a number of social organizations. The collegium of defense attorneys is a social organization set up and functioning specifically to conduct comprehensive defense of citizens' rights by juridical means. Defense of the individual's rights against any infringements, the struggle for legality, and assistance to socialist administration of justice make the rewarding and humane work of the attorney of major state significance. Its role increases as democratic institutions are broadened and the guarantees of the rights and freedoms of Soviet citizens are strengthened.  相似文献   

The changeover to new methods of management has caused significant changes in the realm of finances and the budget, in Soviet budgetary law, and in the practices of its implementation. These changes can be categorized essentially in four groups.  相似文献   

Crime, Law and Social Change - China’s famed growth has created a paradox of huge proportions that is associated with how this development could happen despite the well documented issue of...  相似文献   

Legal context This paper explains the changing landscape ofinternational intellectual property. Since the Uruguay Roundnegotiations that led to the TRIPs Agreement, developing countriesand certain groups within industrialised nations have arguedthat the rules needed reform. Economic arguments based on theneed to enhance global welfare are used to justify their demands.Examples of the results they obtained in the last 24 monthsinclude the 2003 WTO Declaration on TRIPs and Public Healthand WIPO's Development Agenda. Key points This paper puts this change of landscape in perspective,explains its foundations and looks at the more important recenteconomic surveys and outlines their main conclusions. It alsodiscusses recent efforts in international organisations andacademic circles to consider intellectual property as part ofa broader picture and the need for countries to develop a morecomprehensive innovation strategy. Practical significance The article will be useful for anyonefollowing developments in multilateral intellectual propertynorm-setting by providing a deeper understanding of the issuesand new levels of discussion.  相似文献   

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