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Abstract. The significance of administrative culture in the study of administrative development in Canada is axiomatic. However, an appraisal and analysis of the nature and contents of administrative culture in Canada is not easy. The difficulty of defining and delineating the boundaries of administrative culture from the general contextual culture and of analysing the major factors that produce an administrative culture conducive to full administrative development is considerable. Due to insufficient knowledge of the public about the oerations of the government, incomplete application of the merit system of staffing, and inadequate prestige value for public service employment, the bureaucracy is yet to receive a respectable level of public acceptance for its ability to act as an impartial agent on its behalf. Similarly, the behavioural patterns, values, attitudes, and orientations internalized in the bureaucratic system continue to be inadequate to ensure an effective and fully functional administrative culture. Furthermore, the exact nature and implications of the sub-cultural cleavages suspected within the Canadian administrative system are yet to be ascertained. To conceptualize the administrative culture in Canada, we require a great deal of empirical data on different aspects of the Canadian administrative system including the knowledge of the Canadian public about the operations of their public service, the nature and degree of public support for its programs, the public's orientations toward their administrators, and above all, the perceptions and evaluations of the administrators themselves regarding their own performance and role within the administrative system. But, unfortunately, there is a serious shortage of data regarding almost all significant variables of administrative culture in Canada. Sommaire. L'importance de la culture administrative dans l'étude du développe-ment de l'administration au Canada est évidente. Il n'est pas facile, cependant, d'évaluer et d'analyser la nature et la teneur de la culture administrative au Canada. Il y a toutes sortes de difficultés à définir et délimiter la culture administrative dam le contexte cdturel général et à analyser les principaux facteurs qui produisent une culture administrative favorable à un plein développement de l'administration. Parce que le public ne connait pas suffisamment la façon dont le gouvernement fonctionne, parce que I'avancement ne se fait pas com-plètement sur la base du mérite, parce que la f onction publique, du point de vue de I'emploi, ne jouit pas d'un prestige suffisant, Ie public ne reconnaît pas à cette demière la capacité d'agir comme agent impartial, en son nom. De même les modalités de comportement, les valeurs, les attitudes et les orientations incor-porées au système bureaucratique continuent àêtre insuffisantes pour assurer l'existence d'une culture administrative réelle et entièrement fonctionnelle. De plus, la vraie nature et les implications des fissures sous-culturelles dont on suppose I'existence au sein du système administratif canadien restent à védier. Pour mncetualiser la culture administrative au Canada, nous avons besoin d'une abonLce de données empiriques sur les différents aspects du système administratif canadien: sur la connaissance qu'a le public canadien du fonc-tionnement de la fonction publique, sur la nature et le degré de l'appui accordé par le public aux programmes de celle-ci et avant tout, sur les perceptions et les évaluations des administrateurs eux-mêmes quant à leurs propres performances ei à leur rôle dans le cadre du système administratif. Il existe malheureusement une sérieuse carence de données concernant presque toutes les variables im-portantes de la culture administrative au Canada.  相似文献   
The hope that policy-making is a rational process lies at the heart of policy science and democratic practice. However, what constitutes rationality is not clear. In policy deliberations, scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological concerns are often at odds. Harold Lasswell, in instituting the contemporary policy sciences, found that John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy provided an integrative foundation that took into account all these considerations. As the policy sciences developed with a predominantly empirical focus on discrete aspects of policy-making, this holistic perspective was lost for a while. Contemporary theorists are reclaiming pragmatist philosophy as a framework for public policy and administration. In this article, key postulates of pragmatist philosophy are transposed to policy science by developing a new theoretical model of transactive rationality. This model is developed in light of current policy analyses, and against the backdrop of three classical policy science theories of rationality: linear and bounded rationalism; incrementalism; and mixed-scanning. Transactive rationality is a “fourth approach” that, by integrating scientific, democratic, moral, and ecological considerations, serves as a more holistic, explanatory, and normative guide for public policy and democratic practice.  相似文献   
In twenty-first-century warfare, satellites have become indispensable for gaining dominance in battlespace. This highlights the need to protect space assets while countering the qualitative edge that space can provide to adversarial actions. Hence, “counterspace operations” continue to gain the attention of military planners and researchers around the globe. Although it is the major space powers that have developed requisite capability and are showing more concerns for space security, these concerns are global in nature. As such, there is a need to develop a framework that can be utilized by nascent space powers to ensure protection of their space assets. This research work is intended to draw the attention of policymakers, space-technology protagonists, and military personnel, particularly of nascent space powers, to these global concerns. It gives an overview of counterspace operations and explores the doctrinal view-point of major military space powers for safeguarding their own space programs and negating the advantage of space to the enemy. Based upon this, a step-by-step approach is proposed for nascent space powers for embodying of elements of counterspace operations to remain protected during peace, crisis, or war.  相似文献   
Legal process outsourcing (LPO) refers to the contracting of legal work from regions where it is costly to perform, such as the US to areas where it can be performed at a significantly decreased cost. LPO has been made possible by the disaggregation of the legal processes into discrete units, each of which can then outsourced to cheaper service providers. Anecdotal evidence suggests a variety of benefits such as financial gains, opportunities to perform “global” work in a corporate atmosphere and acquisition of important skills and training that enhances the prestige of the host country lawyers. In India, which has played a significant role, LPO firms are viewed as important catalysts in the transformation of the country’s highly stratified legal profession based on social identities. This qualitative study, based on 38 interviews, concludes that the corporate culture was an attractive proposition for lawyers from non-elite backgrounds; however, the commodification of offshored work led to a deprofessionalisation of lawyers, reducing them to “glorified clerks.” As a result, LPO firms only provided parallel avenues for career mobility but did not destabilise the local legal market which at its core remains socially networked.  相似文献   

Outer space, as the ultimate high ground, offers potential for contributing towards maritime domain awareness, which is dependent on Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). This research discusses several utilizations and limitations of space technologies in the realm of maritime ISR through use of electronic intelligence, and electro-optical and radar imagery payload sensors. Technological and financial options for nascent and smaller space powers through dual-purpose commercial and civilian space technologies towards sea surveillance are elaborated as well. Finally, from an operational perspective of ISR, the methodology of frame-by-frame mosaicking of satellite images utilizing commercial remote sensing satellites towards space-based maritime ISR is explained using hypothetical scenarios.  相似文献   
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