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云南省中小学毒品预防教育调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学校毒品预防教育是一项十分重要的禁毒基础工作。目前云南省中小学校虽已开展了不同形式的毒品预防教育工作 ,但是 ,部分学校迫于升学压力 ,加之在校学生吸毒情况不突出等原因 ,并未将毒品预防教育列入学校的重要工作之一 ,不注重毒品预防教育效果。  相似文献   
苏联解体后 ,国内外很多企业家赴俄开拓新市场。由于转轨中的俄罗斯政局动荡 ,经济滑坡、法规不健全等原因 ,企业经营风险很大 ,为此绝大多数企业难以为继并先后离俄回国。中国华富公司却独辟蹊径闯出了一条成功之路 ,成为中国开拓俄罗斯建筑市场的一面旗帜。该公司成功的奥秘是根据俄国国情 ,审时度势 ,适时打好五张牌 :质量牌、信誉牌、经营牌、本土牌和远见牌  相似文献   
The State Department of the United States released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008 on February 25, 2009. As in previous years, the reports are full of accusations of the human rights situation in more than 190 countries and regions including China, but mentioned nothing of the widespread human rights abuses on its own territory. The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2008 is prepared to help people around the world understand the real situation of human rights in the United States, and as a reminder for the United States to reflect upon its own issues.  相似文献   
Climate change is projected to dramatically disrupt rainfall patterns and agricultural yields in sub-Saharan Africa. These shocks to food production can mire farming households in poverty traps. This study investigates whether unconditional cash transfers can help households cope with agricultural production and price shocks. We find that cash empowers poor, rural households facing these negative shocks to employ coping strategies typically used by the non-poor and enables them to substantially increase their food consumption and overall food security. Extending relatively small cash payments unconditionally to the rural poor is a powerful policy option for fostering climate-resilient development.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: REALIGNMENT OF WORLD POWER: The Russo-Chinese Schism Under the Impact of Mao-Tse-tung's Last Revolution. By Oton Ambroz. SAMUEL TERRY: The Botany Bay Rothschild. By Gwyneth M. Dow. RURAL INDUSTRY IN THE PORT PHILLIP REGION 1835–1880. By Lynnette J. Peel. NOT A WHITE WOMAN SAFE: Sexual Anxiety and Politics in Port Moresby 1920–1934. By Amirah Inglis. SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT. Edited by E. de Kadt and Gavin Williams. POLITICAL CHANGE: Collected Essays. By David E. Apter. RICH NATIONS AND POOR IN PEACE AND WAR: Continuity and Change in the Development Hierarchy of Seventy Nations from 1913 through 1952. By Henry Barbera. ECONOMIC REALITIES IN POOR COUNTRIES. By Leslie Stein. G.D.H. COLE: An Intellectual Biography. By L.P. Carpenter. HISTORY AND WILL: Philosophical Perspectives of Mao-Tse-Tung's Thought. By F. Wakeman Jr. TO PHOENIX SEAT: An Introductory Study of Maoism and the Chinese Communist Quest for a Paradise on Earth. By L.R. Marchant. THE COUNTER REFORMATION. By G.W. Searle. ON THE MEDIEVAL ORIGINS OF THE MODERN STATE. By Joseph R. Strayer. IMPERIAL ECONOMIC POLICY, 1917–1939: Studies in Expansion and Protection. By Ian M. Drum-mond. TAMATE — A KING: James Chalmers in New Guinea. 1877–1901. By Diane Langmore. THE BASES OF INTERNATIONAL ORDER. Essays in Honour of C.A.W. Manning. Edited by Alan James. SMALL STATES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Nobel Symposium 17. Edited by August Schou and Arne Olav Brundtland. THE MAJOR INTERNATIONAL TREATIES 1914–1973. A History and Guide With Texts. By J.A.S. Grenville. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND NATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: A Behavioral Interpretation of Contemporary International Law and Politics. By A. Sheikh. FULL CIRCLE. By S.F. Rowell. THE NUREMBERG FALLACY: Wars and War Crimes Since World War II. By Eugene Davidson. THE AUSTRALIAN COLONISTS: An Exploration of Social History 1788–1870. By K.S. Inglis. JEREMY BENTHAM: Ten Critical Essays. Edited by Bhikhu Parekh. THE DAMNED INHERITANCE: The Soviet Union and the Manchurian Crises, 1924–35. By G.A. Lensen. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS AND THE RISE OF SWEDEN. By Michael Roberts. SOCIALISM AND THE CHALLENGE OF WAR: Ideas and Politics in Britain 1912–18. By J.M. Winter. ACCUMULATION ON A WORLD SCALE: A critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment. Vols. 1 and 2. By Samir Amin. Translated by Brian Pearce. GERMANY CONFRONTS MODERNISATION: German Culture and Society, 1790–1890. By Robert Anchor. WORKERS AND PROTEST: The European Labor Movement, The Working Classes and the Origins of Social Democracy, 1890–1914. By Harvey Mitchell and Peter N. Steams. MAJOR IDEOLOGIES: An Interpretative Survey of Democracy. Socialism, and Nationalism. By Alexander Groth. CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT AND POLITICS. By Ernest Gellner. Edited with a preface by I.C. Jarvie and Joseph Agassi. MODERN DEMOCRACIES: Economic Power versus Political Power. By Maurice Duverger. DICK DETERRED: A Play in Two Acts. By David Edgar. THE IMAGE OF AUSTRALIA. British Perception of the Australian Economy from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, By Craufurd D.W. Goodwin. CONFIDENTIAL DISPATCHES: Analyses of America by the British Ambassador, 1939–1945. Edited by Thomas E. Hachey. THE STATE'S SERVANTS: The Civil Service of the English Republic 1649–1660. By G.E. Aylmer. NORMAN LINDSAY, The Embattled Olympian. By John Hetherington. MARKETING BOARDS AND MINISTERS: A Study of Agricultural Marketing Boards as Political and Administrative Instruments. By P.J. Giddings. ELITES IN THE POLICY PROCESS. By Robert Presthus. LAW, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy. Vol. I Rules and Order. By F.A. Hayek. DEPRESSION AND RECOVERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1928'29–1938'39: A Study in Cyctical and Structural Change. By G.D. Snooks. INDIA'S SECOND LIBERATION. By Pran Chopra. NORMALIZATION OF JAPANESE-SOVIET RELATIONS 1945–1970. By S. Vishwanathan. MAOISM IN ACTION: The Cultural Revolution. By C.L. Chiou. THE PLANS OF WAR: The General Staff and British Military Strategy c. 1900–1916. By John Gooch. REVUE INTERNATIONALE d'HISTOIRE MILITAIRE. A NEW HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by F.K. Crowley. AUSTRALIAN CULTURAL ELITES: Intellectual Traditions in Sydney and Melbourne. By John Docker. SUEZ 1956. By Robert R. Bowie. LABOR IN POLITICS: The State Labor Parties in Australia 1880–1920. Edited by D.J. Murphy. J.H. SCULLIN: A Political Biography. By John Robertson.  相似文献   
社会管理创新、共青团职能和角色的转换以及绍兴市社会经济的发展等对共青团提升青年群众工作提出了新的要求。文章采用定性和定量研究相结合的分析方法,阐述共青团绍兴市委青年群众工作的现状、存在问题,认为提升青年群众工作能力要在组织方式、工作模式、活动主题、动员方式上进行持续不断的创新。  相似文献   
The word "harmonious", an adjective, can be defined as "friendly". Its synonyms include peaceful, rhythmical, unison, compatible and con-cordant. It can also be described as the art of using chords in music.  相似文献   
越南失地农民存在的问题与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,越南工业化和城市化的快速推进极大地推动了越南经济的发展和社会进步,但同时也导致了大量农户的土地被征用,相当数量的农民失去土地后处于待业、无业状况,生活得不到保障,利益严重受损等情况。本文提出应借鉴世界其他国家解决失地农民利益补偿问题的做法,建立科学合理的失地农民补偿机制,确定符合实际的土地征用补偿费,同时采取其他措施提高失地农民的就业能力,扩宽就业渠道,逐步完善失地农民的社会保障机制。  相似文献   
The new element in governance is social media. Inexorably, its fertile networks of shared information shift power from authorities to citizens and amateurs, including to the “unknown” experts in the “dorm rooms and edges of society” who drive innovation. Tweets may bust trust and undermine authority, but can social media also be a tool for building consensus through deliberation and negotiation among interests? When it comes to governance, is crowd‐sourcing any better than populism at generating collective intelligence instead of disruptive “dumb mobs?” Can networks aid the self‐administration of society, or does that take institutions with governing authority? In this section, leading Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, technologists and network theorists from Google, Microsoft and the MIT Media Lab join with political scientist Francis Fukuyama and top thinkers from Asia to address these issues.  相似文献   
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