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Im Jahr 2005 wurde das Gentechnikgesetz grundlegend novelliert. Damit kam der deutsche Gesetzgeber seinen europarechtlichen Verpflichtungen zur Anpassung des Rechts der Grünen Gentechnik – also der Nutzung gentechnischer Methoden durch Unternehmen der Agro-Industrie und der Saatgutbranche – nach. Neben einer Versch?rfung der Sicherheitsma?nahmen, der Einrichtung eines besonderen Ausschusses für Freisetzung und Inverkehrbringen sowie umfangreicher Regelungen zur Sicherstellung der Koexistenz konventioneller/?kologischer und gentechnischer Anbaumethoden enthielt die Novelle auch die Aufnahme des § 34a in das Bundesnaturschutzgesetzes4. Der neue § 34a BNatSchG soll Fragen des Einsatzes gentechnisch ver?nderter Organismen (GVO) in Europ?ischen Naturschutzgebieten des Netzwerks „Natura 2000“ regeln. Die ersten Praxiserfahrungen mit dieser Vorschrift sind ernüchternd. Den erhofften Schub in Richtung Schutz ?kologisch sensibler Gebiete brachte sie bislang nicht.  相似文献   
Do parties change their platform in anticipation of electoral losses? Or do parties respond to experienced losses at the previous election? These questions relate to two mechanisms to align public opinion with party platforms: (1) rational anticipation, and (2) electoral performance. While extant work empirically tested, and found support for, the latter mechanism, the effect of rational anticipation has not been put to an empirical test yet. We contribute to the literature on party platform change by theorizing and assessing how party performance motivates parties to change their platform in-between elections. We built a new and unique dataset of >20,000 press releases issued by 15 Dutch national political parties that were in parliament between 1997 and 2014. Utilizing automated text analysis (topic modeling) to measure parties’ platform change, we show that electoral defeat motivates party platform change in-between elections. In line with existing findings, we demonstrate that parties are backward-looking.  相似文献   
This article analyses the role of narratives in European Union (EU) external relations in the revised European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and systematically explores how they operate in practice in the context of the EU's border management practices vis-à-vis the “southern borderlands”, in particular with respect to their inclusionary and exclusionary potential. Key EU documents and statements by EU agents, released throughout the first three years of Arab uprisings and pertaining to the revised ENP, will be subjected to a thorough examination which highlights four observations: first, in spite of the fact that the revised ENP is rooted in several narratives, some nevertheless dominate over others; second, the simultaneous presence of and recourse to different narratives contribute to an increase, rather than a decrease, of uncertainty in the EU's southern borderlands; third, despite a multitude of narratives which serve to legitimize EU action in the framework of the revised ENP, the latter perpetuates the logics of its predecessor by generating benefits mainly for the EU itself; fourth, that the first three years of the revised ENP have in practice demonstrated that an imbalance exists between on the one hand the original acceptance of the narratives by EU stakeholders and on the other hand their willingness to abide by them and fill them with life.  相似文献   
School can be regarded as an important factor in the development of children’s values and attitudes. Given this great importance of justice experiences for students’ development, this study aimed at examining the influence of perceived injustice in school on students’ emotions, well-being, and behavior with an experimental longitudinal design. In total, 196 students participated in this study and came to the university with their classes to receive extra teaching once a week for six consecutive weeks. To manipulate justice perceptions, a scenario of arbitrary privilege was chosen to lead students of the experimental group to experience injustice from a beneficiary perspective. We found that students in the experimental group reported higher well-being and a higher appreciation of the opportunity to learn than the control group did. Additionally, they showed an increase in justice-related negative emotions over time; that is, they expressed more of a bad conscience and stronger feelings of anger the more they became aware of their privilege. This study shows that even subtle experiences of injustice in school can have an impact on students’ outcomes. These results are discussed with regard to practical implications.  相似文献   
Differences in the intra-party balance of power explain variation in social democratic responses to the economic crisis of the late 1970s. This article evidences this claim by analysing the case of welfare state retrenchment by social democratic parties. Welfare state retrenchment is electorally risky for social democrats and often contrary to their principles. Therefore cases of welfare state retrenchment by social democrats provide an excellent case study of the difficult trade-offs parties have to make between office, policy and vote pay-offs. The article claims that leadership-dominated parties advance office-seeking strategies and are therefore responsive to economic conditions and public opinion. Conversely, activist-dominated parties advance policy-seeking strategies and therefore support traditional social democratic policy platforms or seek more radical solutions. By comparing seven social democratic parties (Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK) between 1980 and 2005, this article explains variation in when social democrats introduced welfare state retrenchment.  相似文献   
Die Prozesspartei muss sich (schwerwiegende) Fehler ihres Rechtsanwalts bei der Prozessführung zurechnen lassen. Den Rechtsanwalt trifft normalerweise keine Verpflichtung, die Richtigkeit der ihm von seinem Mandanten erteilten Information in Zweifel zu ziehen, solange er nicht für ihre Unrichtigkeit erhebliche Anhaltspunkte hat. Missbr?uchlichkeit eines vom Gl?ubiger gestellten Konkurser?ffnungsantrags ist anzunehmen, wenn der Schuldner oder eine andere Person mit dem Konkursantrag ungerechtfertigt unter Druck gesetzt werden oder ein verfahrensfremder Zweck erreicht werden soll.  相似文献   
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