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The relationship between income and nutrient intake is explored. Nonparametric, panel, and quantile regressions are used. Engle curves for calories, fat, and protein are approximately linear in logs with carbohydrate intakes exhibiting diminishing elasticities as incomes increase. Elasticities range from 0.10 to 0.25, with fat having the highest elasticities. Countries in higher quantiles have lower elasticities than those in lower quantiles. Results predict significant cumulative increases in calorie consumption which are increasingly composed of fats. Though policies aimed at poverty alleviation and economic growth may assuage hunger and malnutrition, they may also exacerbate problems associated with obesity.  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the Esperance Local Enterprise Initiatives Committee, which is at the heart of an archetypal emerging pattern of local economic development distinct both from top-down statist models and from market alternatives. The model is composed of a mixture of state resources (notably finance, information and legitimacy), elements associated with entrepreneurialism, grass-roots orientation, bottom-up implementation, the pursuit of profit, and a network system which interlocks the ELEIC with different government departments and agencies.  相似文献   

This article analyses the construction of imagined identities of Zimbabwean nationhood in two televised documentaries, Nyadzonia Massacre and Colonial Era Atrocities, aired on Zimbabwe national television. Using qualitative semiotic analysis and borrowing from post nationalism, this article analyses how the two documentaries interweave memory and violence with the politics of nationhood and belonging during the Third Chimurenga in Zimbabwe. The paper also analyses how the films were packaged in order to undermine the semiotic resistance and autonomy of the viewer to create oppositional readership of the films.  相似文献   
To address the livelihood problems faced by the poor and vulnerable in Northern Province of Zambia, a novel collective action approach called livelihoods enhancement groups (LEGs) was used as a platform for facilitating research on development initiatives to generate change. Using focus group discussions and key informant interviews, this article assesses the potential of using the LEGs approach in generating change. The livelihood changes observed arose with the LEG as a platform through which different knowledge nodes interacted. Livelihood areas that LEGs affected included crop production, livestock production, nutrition, and access to credit.  相似文献   
The Journal of Technology Transfer - In this paper the relationship between the pursuit of foreign patent rights by inventors or their assignees and economic development in the countries in which...  相似文献   

One of the most effective cultural tools used by the colonial governments in Africa to make their rule acceptable to African indigenous populations was film. In Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) the colonial government created the Central Film Unit whose major aim was to teach Africans new agricultural methods. The response by Africans to this colonial initiative was mixed. Some welcomed and enjoyed the films and made use of the skills that the films popularised, but others were cynical and viewed these films as a tool to consolidate British white settler rule in Rhodesia. This article analyses six colonial films produced in the 1940s and 1950s. The article argues that through the use of colonial films, the Rhodesia government was able to persuade African communal farmers to adopt modern methods of farming. The irony of this is that the use of modern farming methods made it possible for the same colonial authorities to later blame Africans for the ecological disaster in the communal areas.  相似文献   
Really Existing Nationalisms: A Post‐Communist View from Marx and Engels. By ERICA BENNER. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp.ix + 266, biblio, index. £30. ISBN 0–19–827959–0.

Nationalism in Europe Past and Present (2 vols.). Edited by JUSTO G. BERAMENDI, RAMÓN MÁIZ and XOSÉ M. NÚÑEZ. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1994. Pp.751 + 661. NP. ISBN 84–8121–195–8 (vol. 1) and ‐196–6 (vol. 2).

Nationhood and Political Theory. By MARGARET CANOVAN. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1996. Pp.vii + 159, biblio, index. £39.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85278–852–6.

Contemporary Crisis of the Nation State? Edited by JOHN DUNN. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1995. £14.99 (paper). ISBN 0–631–19263–8.

The Future of the Nation State in Europe. Edited by JYRKI IIVONEN. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1993. Pp.ix + 252, index. £39.95 (cloth). ISBN 1–85278–740–6.

Nationalism and Nationalities in the New Europe. Edited by CHARLES A. KUPCHAN. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1995. Pp.xi + 224. £31.50 (cloth); £11.95 (paper). ISBN 0–8014–8276–3.

The God of Modernity: The Development of Nationalism in Western Europe. By JOSEP LLOBERA. Oxford and Providence, RI: Berg, 1994. Pp.xiv + 229, index. £39.95 (cloth); £14.95 (paper). ISBN 0–85496–921–7 and ‐940–3.

Crossfires: Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe. Edited by HELMA LUTZ, ANN PHOENIX and NIRA YUVAL‐DAVIS. London and East Haven, CT: Pluto Press, 1995. Pp. xi + 196, index. £45 (cloth); £14.95 (paper). ISBN 0–7453–0994–1 and ‐0995‐X.

On Nationality. By DAVID MILLER. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp.viii + 210, biblio, index. £19.99. ISBN 0–19–828047–5.

Notions of Nationalism. Edited by SUKUMAR PERIWAL. Budapest, London and New York: Central European University Press, 1995. Pp.x + 247, index. £35 (cloth); £12.99 (paper). ISBN 1–85866–021–1 and ‐022‐X.

Republics, Nations and Tribes. By MARTIN THOM. London and New York: Verso, 1995. Pp.vii + 359, index. £44.95 (cloth); £15.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85984–920–2 and ‐020–5.

For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism. By MAURIZIO VIROLI. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp.206, biblio, index. £22.50 (cloth). ISBN 0–19–827952–3.

Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the Present: A Reader. Edited by STUART WOOLF. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. Pp.215, index. £35 (cloth); £10.99 (paper). ISBN 0–415–12563–4 and ‐12564–2.  相似文献   
The common law rule that requires leases to have a fixed terminus from the outset is one that has been much criticised. In Berrisford v Mexfield Housing Co‐operative Ltd, the Supreme Court managed to blunt its effect by suggesting that most leases of uncertain duration can be transformed into 90‐year tenancies. However, it is suggested that their Lordships have possibly misunderstood and overstretched an ancient common law ‘rule’ and have not fully considered some of the implications of their decision.  相似文献   
Conclusion I have argued that the problems withCrimes of the Powerful are instances of the inherent limitation of a criminology of the powerful and thus are not specific to a particular text, but refer centrally to a particular enterprise. These problems result from the contradictions entailed in the conjunction of criminology and political economy and the formal use of concepts derived from the latter as an explanation of, or gloss on, problems generated by the former. The formal introduction of the concepts of political economy does not, of itself, entail a break with the criminological agenda and, as a result, the analysis produced is inadequate to its object — the powerful. It is the position of this article that if one is to theorize upon either corporate crime or anti-trust law then political economy must assume priority — or else one simply establishes, as does Pearce, the criminality of big business. It is not the case that crime and law are irrelevant areas for political economy and, more especially Marxism, but rather that a proper understanding of the theoretical requirements necessary for an adequate analysis of corporate crime and anti-trust law must, of necessity, be founded in political economy, not criminology. Hitherto these requirements have not been met by criminology. This can be witnessed by the way in which criminology has addressed political economy, ie. in a purely arbitrary fashion in which concepts are simply adopted as if they were given — concepts which are effectively riddled with contradictions. Until these theoretical requirements are met, or built upon, then criminology is doomed to receive into itself a simple multiplication of texts likeCrimes of the Powerful together with all the consequent inadequacies associated with such texts. In such a context the powerful remains an ever elusive object  相似文献   
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