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The EU has regulated chemicals since the late 1960s using both general and sectoral legislation, and exposure-based, hazard-based and risk-based decisions. A new proposal from the European Commission – on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) – will build on the experiences of the existing legislation and introduce some new concepts in the management of chemicals. This article is aimed at assessing the current chemical control mechanisms in the EU and those put forward in REACH to demonstrate how REACH is a new paradigm in chemicals management. REACH will carry forward today's experience and approach to the management of chemicals in the EU and introduces some novel aspects, such as utilizing market-based mechanisms and putting into operation the 'substitution principle'.  相似文献   
In 1970, the Congress enacted the Organized Crime Control Act. Title IX of the 1970 Act is the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act or RICO. This Act had its origins in legislation going back as far as 1934, but coming forward to 1961. The 1970 Act borrowed ideas from this earlier legislation, principally “enterprise,” but also the use predicate statutes to define “racketeering activity.” The ideas are not new, but their combination affects how prosecutors and law enforcement agents investigate, try, and sanction violations of the Act. RICO’s drafting also reflects organizational theory and economic analysis. The investigation and prosecution of a single crime committed by an individual on a single day and in a single place maybe done using one set of procedural and evidentiary rules. Nevertheless, the investigation and prosecution of patterns of diverse offenses committed by, through, and against licit and illicit enterprises require sophisticated procedures, evidentiary rules, and criminal sanctions. In addition, antisocial conduct is more than a challenge to the administration of criminal justice; it also requires the full panoply of civil sanctions, including public injunctions as well private enforcement of injunctive relief and treble damages. RICO has had a profound effect on the prosecution of organized crime, white-collar crime, and other forms of similar criminal behavior. William J. & Dorothy K. O’Neill Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School; A.B. 1957, University of Notre Dame; J.D. 1960, Notre Dame Law School. Professor Blakey was the Chief Counsel of the Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1969-70 when the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, Pub. L. No. 91-542, 84 Stat. 922 (1970) was processed, Title IX of which is the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act or RICO. For a general treatment of the statute from a variety of perceptive, see the collection of law review literature in G. Robert Blakey & Kevin Roddy, “Reflections on Reves v. Ernst & Young: Its Meaning an Impact on Substantive, Accessory, Aiding, Abetting and Conspiracy Liability under RICO,” 33 Amer. Crim. L. Rev. 1345, 1348 n. 3(1996).  相似文献   
经济社会的发展推动了自然垄断合理性理论及实践的革命,传统模式下,自然垄断企业的过去与现实已不能满足我国市场经济的发展需求。文章从法律的角度思考自然垄断的相关问题,结合发达国家理论创新、产业改革的经验,并引入部分经济学概念论证自然垄断企业反垄断的法律监管问题。  相似文献   
广东省群体性事件多发的态势与防范对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东省群体性事件的高发是广东省处于社会转型时期的必然产物。社会发展的断裂、利益表达机制的缺乏、群体利益冲突的增加是群体性事件多发的根本原因。建立健全社会保障机制、利益表达机制、社会危机应对机制、全面的社会治安防控机制是解决群体性事件的有效措施。  相似文献   
论宪政意识及宪法权威的树立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制定宪法并使之成为一国法律体系的核心,是指导各国法制建设的共同理念。但有宪法并不等于有宪政。依法治国、建设法治国家必须依宪法治国,提高宪政意识和树立宪法权威。而要提高宪政意识及树立宪法权威,不能只停留在口头或书面,应当切实建立必要的相关制度。  相似文献   
举世瞩目的党的十六大胜利闭幕了。这是一次团结的大会、胜利的大会、奋进的大会。是在我党历史上、中华民族复兴史上必将产生深远意义的一次大会。这次大会,我们党在新时期新阶段的指导思想和奋斗目标进一步确立;我们党承前启后、继往开来的新的党中央领导集体已经产生;党团结和带领全国各族人民全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业的历史航船已经扬帆起航。忆往昔,岁月峥嵘鼓人心;看未来,前程似锦添力量。这次大会,鼓舞人心、振奋人心、凝聚人心。江泽民同志的报告以“以高举邓小平理论伟大  相似文献   
上海特大城市卫星城发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国西部大开发的关键是城市化,而特大型城市正需要发展卫星城。卫星城在社会主义市场经济中是一个新生事物,所以在向发达市场经济国家借鉴的同时,需要建立与市场经济相适应的卫星城概念;充分考虑“三转”并存的现实状况;保持建设规划的连续性,防止卫星城建设半途而废;建设与国际大都市目标相适应的卫星城;打破地方分割;用优惠政策吸引居民迁入;利用级差地租;引进高等学校;发展轨道交通;加大建城力度;扩大卫星城建设资金来源;为国际大都市建设置换空间。  相似文献   
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