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One week after his election Xi Jinping set off for his first overseas trip as Chinese President, during which he visited Russia, Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo. Back in China he attended the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), expounding China’s diplomatic principles and philosophy on its relationship with other big countries, its neighbors andthe developing world.These activities demonstrated the new leader-ship’s good will and commitment to safeguarding regional and world peace and realizing shared global development.  相似文献   
邢瑞利  郑先武 《东南亚》2015,(2):1-7,108
冷战结束以来,经济全球化的迅速发展以及全球范围内非传统安全威胁的增多,对现有国家行为体的应对能力形成挑战,于是,大批的私人安全公司开始出现。近年来,安全问题私有化也发展到了东南亚地区,大批来自欧美国家的私人安全公司涉足东南亚地区,积极提供海上安全服务。一方面,私人安全公司在应对东南亚海盗及海上恐怖主义威胁,保障海上航行安全方面发挥着越来越重要的作用;另一方面,雇佣私人安全公司不仅会削弱国家对暴力机器的绝对控制,甚至可能会升级、恶化地区冲突。鉴于私人安全公司在东南亚海上安保中的双重作用,东南亚国家也相应地加强了对海上私人安全公司的管控,以趋利避害。  相似文献   
在城市化加速发展及人口老龄化加剧的社会形势下,少数民族地区农村老年人的养老问题呈现出了与非民族地区的城市老年人不同的特征。以贵州省G乡的若干苗族村落为例,通过问卷调查数据对苗族地区农村老年人的养老意愿进行分析,结果表明:少数民族地区农村老年人的养老意愿呈现出家庭养老模式为主、社会养老模式为辅、集体养老模式缺失的特征。通过对该地区的老年人养老问题加以分析,提出适合贵州少数民族地区的养老措施。  相似文献   
我国涉外合同的法律适用尽管采用了国际上先进的意思自治原则和最密切联系原则,但现行立法原则性太强,缺乏可操作性,应加以完善。如在意思自治原则的适用方面,应对当事人选择法律的时间、方式、范围等事项作更为细化的规定;在最密切联系原则的适用方面,对如何确定最密切联系地,我国相关部门应尽快出台相应的立法和司法解释予以明确。  相似文献   
CHINA'S economic boom has been a focus of world attention For more than a decade. Its GDP having increased almost 13-Fold in the past 15 years, economy and development are two of the most Frequently heard buzzwords in the Chinese media. China is also holding its own within the global economy. and in 2004 was the number one contributor to global trade growth. Products "Made in China" are to be seen in every country in the world, as are Chinese investors. The rapidly growing Chinese economy has indisputably brought with it improvements to living standards, but has also engendered social problems. At the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao listed in his 2006 government work report the problems that have emerged in the past five years of economic and social development. They are: an irrational economic structure; lack of motivation to innovate: excessive consumption of energy resources; alarmingly high environmental pollution; uneven regional development and a widening income gap; and sluggish promotion of social welfare. In order to solve these problems, the Chinese government has proposed a new pattern of economic growth whose emphasis is on social development and conserving energy and resources. Within this new development mode, economic growth will depend less on resource consumption and more on technological and human resources. In the past, the government sacrificed rural interests in order to boost industrial development in urban areas. Its current plan is to invest in and channel funds towards stimulating the rural economy, and also to make various public services available throughout China's vast countryside.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop a knowledge representation model forthe innovative intelligent retrieval of legal cases, which provideseffective legal case management. Examples are taken from thedomain of accident compensation. A new set of sub-elements forlegal case representation (sub-issues, pro-claimant, pro-respondentand contextual features) has been developed to extend the traditionalrepresentation elements of issues and factors. In our representationmodel, an issue may need to be further decomposed into sub-issues;factors are categorised into pro-claimant and pro-respondentfactors; and contextual features are also introduced to helpretrieval. These extensions can effectively reveal the factualrelevance between legal cases. Based on the knowledge representationmodel, we propose the IPF scheme for intelligent legal caseretrieval. Experiment and statistical analysis have been conductedto demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed representationmodel and retrieval scheme.  相似文献   
张睿丽 《理论月刊》2008,2(1):49-51
民主理论是中国共产党社会主义理论的重要内容之一.新民主主义革命时期中国共产党关于民主的理论与实践活动主要经历了四个大的发展阶段,理论内容逐渐成熟与完善,不仅丰富和发展了中国社会主义理论,也为中国共产党领导全国各族人民进行社会主义民主探索与建设作出了应有的贡献.  相似文献   
近年来,东南亚海上私人安保公司悄然兴起。其参与东南亚海上安全治理是海上安全环境的变化、海上安全供给与需求的鸿沟、东南亚民主化进程及安全部门改革所共同驱动的结果。海峡和港口是私人安保公司重点参与的治理区域,在马六甲海峡,尽管私人安保公司挑战了国家主权,但其能有效应对海上安全威胁,在短期内已得到国家“默许”;而印尼勿拉湾港口是一种多主体参与治理的安全系统,私人安保公司与其他行为体竞争,反而导致港口不安全。相比较而言,私人安保公司在海峡和港口安全治理中具有隐秘性强、与国家关系复杂、规制难及趋利性等共性;而不同的参与模式与作用则反映了二者的差异性。当前,中国要进一步挖掘海上私人安保的潜力,并做好相应的规制;要重视利用私人安保公司在海峡和港口安全治理中的共性与差异,鼓励中国与东南亚私人安保公司发展战略合作,保护中国海外利益。  相似文献   
死刑是现代刑法文明的硬疣,蕴含着悲剧的深刻意蕴.死刑带来的死亡切入人的共同命运,怜悯和恐惧是基本的死刑情感认识.悲剧意识是生命意识,在终极指向上意味着对悲剧困境进行积极超越,在我国仍然保留死刑制度的现状下,叫停死刑案件的立即执行,而代之以死刑缓期(二年)执行,才能真正实现死刑悲剧意识的消解.  相似文献   
吴宁  马瑞丽 《学习论坛》2008,(12):32-34
人与自然的关系理应是和谐统一的,但是日益严重的生态危机正在威胁着人类的生存和发展。生态价值观的缺失是造成生态危机的主要原因。为此大多数人主张摒弃"人类中心主义",呼吁建立以生态价值为核心的新型价值观。生态价值观肯定自然本身的价值,是对人类中心主义价值观的超越。探求生态价值的可能性旨在为生态价值观的建立提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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