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Although the relation between family relationships and the timing of sexual debut has been the focus of many studies, research on mediating factors is scarce. This study examines whether low levels of family cohesion result in an earlier onset of romantic and sexual experiences, and whether the link between family cohesion and an early sexual debut is mediated by early romantic initiation. A longitudinal sample of 314 adolescent girls and 222 boys, aged 12–17 at Wave 1, completed questionnaires at three measurement points with three year intervals. The results showed that sexual debut followed romantic initiation for 77% of the participants. For early adolescent females (aged 12–14), high levels of family cohesion resulted in a later sexual debut and this association was fully mediated by a delay of romantic initiation. Among boys and older girls, timing of romantic initiation did not mediate the link between family cohesion and timing of sexual initiation. Early adolescent girls who have negative relationships with their parents turn to romantic relationships for intimacy and support, which subsequently provide the opportunity for an early sexual debut. Low levels of family cohesion thus primarily precipitate romantic initiation and sexual initiation appears to be secondary to this process among girls in this age group.  相似文献   
On the market several systems exist for collecting spent ammunition data for forensic investigation. These databases store images of cartridge cases and the marks on them. Image matching is used to create hit lists that show which marks on a cartridge case are most similar to another cartridge case. The research in this paper is focused on the different methods of feature selection and pattern recognition that can be used for optimizing the results of image matching.The images are acquired by side light images for the breech face marks and by ring light for the firing pin impression. For these images a standard way of digitizing the images used. For the side light images and ring light images this means that the user has to position the cartridge case in the same position according to a protocol. The positioning is important for the sidelight, since the image that is obtained of a striation mark depends heavily on the angle of incidence of the light. In practice, it appears that the user positions the cartridge case with +/-10 degrees accuracy.We tested our algorithms using 49 cartridge cases of 19 different firearms, where the examiner determined that they were shot with the same firearm. For testing, these images were mixed with a database consisting of approximately 4900 images that were available from the Drugfire database of different calibers.In cases where the registration and the light conditions among those matching pairs was good, a simple computation of the standard deviation of the subtracted gray levels, delivered the best-matched images. For images that were rotated and shifted, we have implemented a "brute force" way of registration. The images are translated and rotated until the minimum of the standard deviation of the difference is found. This method did not result in all relevant matches in the top position. This is caused by the effect that shadows and highlights are compared in intensity. Since the angle of incidence of the light will give a different intensity profile, this method is not optimal.For this reason a preprocessing of the images was required. It appeared that the third scale of the "à trous" wavelet transform gives the best results in combination with brute force. Matching the contents of the images is less sensitive to the variation of the lighting.The problem with the brute force method is however that the time for calculation for 49 cartridge cases to compare between them, takes over 1 month of computing time on a Pentium II-computer with 333MHz. For this reason a faster approach is implemented: correlation in log polar coordinates. This gave similar results as the brute force calculation, however it was computed in 24h for a complete database with 4900 images.A fast pre-selection method based on signatures is carried out that is based on the Kanade Lucas Tomasi (KLT) equation. The positions of the points computed with this method are compared. In this way, 11 of the 49 images were in the top position in combination with the third scale of the à trous equation. It depends however on the light conditions and the prominence of the marks if correct matches are found in the top ranked position. All images were retrieved in the top 5% of the database. This method takes only a few minutes for the complete database if, and can be optimized for comparison in seconds if the location of points are stored in files.For further improvement, it is useful to have the refinement in which the user selects the areas that are relevant on the cartridge case for their marks. This is necessary if this cartridge case is damaged and other marks that are not from the firearm appear on it.  相似文献   
The case study shows the complex reality with respect to processes of meaning construction. Ruiters framework provides a more sophisticated instrument to analyse these complex processes. Unlike the classic models of legal communication, based upon a linear causality between norm and action, and unlike the dual model of interplay between legal institutions and institutional legal facts developed by MacCormick and Weinbergers Institutional Legal Theory (ILT), the tripartite model of interplay between rule, application, and social practices, stemming from Ruiters analysis of ILT, can contribute to a more refined model of legal communication.  相似文献   
Research has argued that adolescents are at risk for harmful effects of sexual media, but little is known about the role of parents and friends on adolescents’ media use in regard of these effects. The present two-wave study investigated whether prior parental and friends’ influences on adolescents’ use of sexual media shape their sexual attitudes and behaviors, and vice versa if prior sexual attitudes and behaviors predict parental and friends’ media mediation. At two measurement points 18 months apart, 528 adolescents (12–17 years; 51.3 % girls) reported on permissive sexual attitudes, sexual experience, perceived parental and friends’ mediation of sexual media use, and communication with parents and friends about sex. Structural Equation Modeling shows that parents’ mediation activities on adolescents’ media use were not followed by less sexual experience and less permissive attitudes. On the contrary, parental restrictive mediation of girls’ media use unexpectedly was followed by somewhat more sexual experience. Friends’ interventions with media use did not predict adolescents’ sexual experience and attitudes neither. Inverse relationships showed that prior sexual experience was followed by less restrictive parental mediation among boys, and both among boys and girls that permissive sexual attitudes were followed by less restrictive and less active parental mediation. At the same time, sexually more experienced and more permissive boys and girls did report more media pressure from and sexual communication with their friends later on. Our study thus indicates that the opposite agent roles of parents and friends for adolescents also applies to their usage of sexual media.  相似文献   
This study investigated age- and gender-specific associations between parental support and parental knowledge of the child’s whereabouts, on the one hand, and sexual experience and sexual health (the ability to have safe and pleasurable sexual experiences) on the other hand. A representative Dutch sample of 1,263 males and 1,353 females (aged 12–25 years), who had previously engaged in sexual intercourse, completed a questionnaire that included measures of these constructs. Both parental support and knowledge were positively associated with contraceptive use, social skills in sexual interactions, sexual satisfaction, and delay of sexual debut. Findings also revealed that the majority of correlations between parental support and sexual experience and sexual health are attributable to the relationship between a supportive family environment and parental knowledge of the child’s whereabouts. Parental knowledge thus appeared to be more important for healthy sexual development than parental support.  相似文献   
Models of communication,frequently used in legal semiotics, offer ananalytic framework for the relationship betweenlegal rules on the one hand and correspondingsocial behaviour on the other. Semiotic modelsseek to clarify (un)successful legalcommunication; they try to reveal the processesof interpretation and sense construction. Inthis paper, these processes are described,taking Article 96 of the Dutch Constitution asan example. Although the text of Article 96 hasremained nearly unchanged, its substantivemeaning has changed fundamentally. Thebackground and development of the `declarationof war', as laid down in Article 96, areanalysed and fully elaborated. It is concludedthat the classical models of communication,largely based upon the idea of the existence ofa linear relationship between rule and conduct,hardly correspond with the complex processes asdescribed in the analysis of Article96 Communication between rule and practice isobviously more than a one-waycausality, in which rule information `flows'from sender (legislator) to receiver (citizen).The institutional model of communication,developed by Ruiter, offers a different approach.The institutional model is based on the notionof law as `institutional landscaping';realisation depends on common beliefs andgeneral acceptance. The influence of the socialpractice on the meaning of legal rules becomesan important factor. The institutional theoryseems to offer a more adequate model for thecomplex reality of legal communication.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the radiation levels resulting from leakage and scatter encountered by the forensic dental personnel using the Nomad at St. Gabriel, LA, following Hurricane Katrina. Using a Keithley Radiation Survey Meter and Lucite head phantom, radiation levels were measured at various distances and angles from the Nomad corresponding to the positions occupied by the dental personnel at St. Gabriel. The measurements were used to approximate the maximum total radiation dose from the Nomad to each team member for a 2- and a 4-week deployment. The results show that the maximum scatter radiation dose to any team member was 4.4 microR per X-ray or 0.253 millisieverts (mSv) for a 2-week deployment and 0.506 mSv for a 4-week deployment. Therefore, the leakage and scatter radiation dose from the Nomad was insignificant compared with established radiation safety guidelines of 50 mSv per year for all team members.  相似文献   
Models of communication,frequently used in legal semiotics, offeran analytic framework for the relationshipbetween legal rules on the one hand andcorresponding behaviour on the other.Semiotic models seek to clarify(un)successful legal communication; theytry to reveal the processes ofinterpretation and sense construction. Theessence of these models is that thesubstantive meaning of a rule can (orcannot) be transmitted in a `flow model'of information. The models are based upona linear causality of ruleinformation. In this paper, the processesof sense construction are described,taking the freedom of expression, as laiddown in Article 7 of the DutchConstitution, as an example. Although thetext of Article 7 remained unalteredsince its first drafting in 1815, itssubstantive meaning has changedfundamentally. The transformation wascaused by complex processes that tookplace in social practice. These complexprocesses with respect to Article 7 arecompared with the transformation processesanalysed with respect to Article 96 of theDutch Constitution, published in anearlier paper. A comparison between bothArticles leads to the question: `Do weneed to construct an analytical model forlegal communication in whichreciprocal relations between legislatorand citizens are highlighted?' On thebasis of the two case studies, whichdescribe the influence of social practiceon the substantive meaning of the(textually unaltered) Articles, we have toanswer the question in the affirmative.  相似文献   

The static character of pictures often contrasts sharply with the dynamic nature of the message they are meant to convey. Suggesting motion in static pictures is particularly important in communicative contexts in which vital messages and instructions need to be transmitted, for example in the context of health-intervention programmes. Pictures are often the main carriers of health-related messages, for instance when oral or video transmission is not available, or when written information is not accessible because the target group lacks the necessary reading skills. The present study investigates the effect of different design strategies used to suggest motion in static pictures. It compares the suggestive manipulation of iconic pictorial elements (i.e. the suggestive depiction of body parts, bodily expressions and postures) with the use of extra-pictorial (noniconic) devices (such as movement lines or arrows). In study 1, two groups of respondents were presented with one of two versions of the same motion-suggesting pictures: pictures with hands only, and pictures with hands and arrows added. In study 2, an extra group of respondents was exposed to a third version of the same pictures: pictures with arrows only. The results of study 1 reveal that the use of arrows results in a somewhat better recognition of motion and intended motion. However, this effect is small and applies mainly to respondents with relatively higher literacy levels. The results of study 2 show that arrows alone are far less efficient as motion cues than the other two variants. Furthermore, the comments of respondents reveal that arrows are noticed and mentioned far less often as motion cues than body parts or objects involved in the action.  相似文献   
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