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Zusammenfassung In der Diskussion über die Entwicklung westlicher Wohlfahrtsstaaten spielte zuletzt eine wachsende Rolle, wie und mit welchen Auswirkungen sich deren Steuerungssysteme ver?ndern. Als ein wesentliches Merkmal des Wandels gilt die Aufwertung nicht-staatlicher Instanzen und marktf?rmiger Koordinationsmechanismen. Bezüglich der Interpretation der Ver?nderungsdynamik stehen sich allerdings verschiedene Diagnosen gegenüber. Ausgehend von einem ganzheitlichen Konzept der „governance of welfare” und mit einem Fokus auf die Praxis nicht-staatlicher Tr?ger der Wohlfahrtsproduktion wird untersucht, inwieweit diese Diagnosen den Wandel zutreffend charakterisieren. Die Analyse nimmt zwei Organisationsfelder aus drei verschiedenen L?ndern in den Blick, um zu prüfen, ob l?nderübergreifende Transformationstendenzen auszumachen sind. Sie zeigt, dass sich überall eine Konstellation abzeichnet, in der soziale Wohlfahrtsproduktion einer spezifischen Vermarktlichung sowie neuartigen Formen der sozialstaatlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Moderation unterliegt. Auf diese Weise entsteht „Desorganisation mit System”, d.h. eine Neuordnung, in der es durchg?ngig mehr Kreativit?t und ebenso durchg?ngig mehr Output-Heterogenit?t gibt — was systematisch zu mehr, aber unübersichtlicherer Ungleichheit führt.
Summary Recent debates on the evolution of Western welfare states have paid increasing attention to the recasting of governance systems and its consequences. An increasing importance of non-public agencies and market-based coordination mechanisms are deemed to be key elements of this change. However, there are varying approaches to the interpretation of this transformation. Drawing on a holistic understanding of the governance of welfare and setting the focus on the activity of nonpublic providers, this article explores whether these approaches do adequately grasp the dynamics of change. Two organisational fields from three different countries are considered in order to examine if cross-country tendencies of transformation can be singled out. It is shown that, by and large, a new constellation takes shape, with the provision of welfare becoming subject to a specific type of marketization and to new patterns of statutory and civic mediation. The result is systemic disorganization, i.e., a new regime producing, as a principle, more creativity but also more output heterogeneity, the consequence being increasing albeit opaque inequality.

Résumé Les mutations des systèmes de protection sociale et les effets qui en découlent ont pris récemment une place de plus en plus centrale dans le débat sur l’évolution des Etats providence occidentaux. La montée en puissance des instances non-étatiques et des mécanismes de coordination par le marché est considérée comme une caractéristique essentielle des mutations en cours. Cette dynamique de changement fait l’objet d’interprétations divergentes. Cet article se propose de vérifier la pertinence de ces interprétations en partant du concept général de„gouvernance de la protection sociale“ (governance of welfare) et en se focalisant sur la pratique des acteurs nonétatiques de la protection sociale. Notre analyse porte sur deux champs organisationnels dans trois pays différents afin de déterminer si des tendances internationales se font jour. Elle démontre qu’une conjoncture se dessine partout dans laquelle la protection sociale est soumise à des modes spécifiques de commercialisationainsi qu’à de nouvelles formes de médiation étatique et sociale. Nous assistons ainsi à une „désorganisation méthodique“ de la protection sociale, c’est-à-dire à l’émergence d’un nouvel ordre social générant, dans l’ensemble, plus de créativité mais aussi plus d’hétérogénéité, ce qui conduit automatiquement à une croissance des inégalités, mais aussi à un effacement de leurs contours.
The purpose of this paper is to define the criteria for the differential diagnosis of trauma following resuscitation and road accidents. To this end, 311 cases of thoracic and epigastric trauma were selected from the 2893 medico-legal autopsies carried out between 1979 and 1982 at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Heidelberg. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation had to be considered as the cause of trauma in 140 of these, but 45 of this group were excluded from further evaluation as they had been the victims of blunt trauma and no clear-cut distinction was possible between trauma resulting from an accident and trauma resulting from resuscitation. Thus, we were left with 95 cases of internal injury that presented as emergencies and in whom death followed resuscitation, as a group for comparison with 171 road accident victims who had not received cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Rib fractures, predominantly on the left side, were established in half the cases resuscitated, sternal fractures also being found in one-third of these victims. Bleeding at various sites, including hemato-thorax, was rare, with an incidence of 15%, thus making it highly unlikely that serious traumas caused by resuscitation were a major factor in the cause of death. This paper encompasses an extensive discussion on serious injuries, such as aortic and gastric ruptures, in this connection.  相似文献   
Welfare state moderated social interventions into private life are faced with high expectations, which are often unrealistic, as this article shows for the case of child endangerment. A multidimensional analysis of this field, in which the diagnosis of institutional malfunction was put forward recently, shows considerable problems of contingency for such interventions. This results from field specific institutional regulations and organizational arrangements as well as peculiarities of the private sphere, at which the interventions are aiming. Due to those problems of contingency, optimal intervention trajectories cannot be taken for granted. The article develops this hypothesis on the basis of a scattered (and only marginally sociologically reasoned) technical literature and preliminary findings of an empirical field research currently undertaken. It highlights the restrictions, tensions and contradictions which render the interventional dynamic as a process remarkably governed by chance.  相似文献   
The influence of hypnotics (barbital and carbromal) on the development of the early wound reactions in mechanically injured skin of guinea pigs was investigated: 1) The cellular reactions in incised wounds were retarded after moderate intoxication by hypnotics (300 mg/kg barbital; 3 g/kg carbromal). The histomorphological changes in wounds were inhibited by carbromal twice as much as by barbital. The hitherto published investigations had not shown any retardation of the early cellular inflammation by weakening influences such as loss of blood or alcohol without symptoms of shock (Berg et al., 1977) or local disturbances by acids and bases (Kampmann et al., 1978). 2). A moderate delay of the activity of structure bound enzymes was found in barbital intoxication, a stronger restriction under the influence of carbromal. 3) After barbital intoxication significant elevation of histamine or serotonin in wounds was not seen. Under the influence of carbromal there was also no increase of histamine but an increase of serotonin. Thus, although the cellular reactions seem to be the most reliable indicator among the methods for the determinations of wound age under devitalizing influences, their value is reduced in cases of intoxications by hypnotics needing treatment. Possible pathophysiological connections of the alterations of morphological and biochemical wound reaction with shock are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examines the validity of the Juror Bias Scale scores in relation to the mock juror decisions reached in two real life homicide cases before and after the deliberation process. The judicial cases used varied in terms of the ambiguity of the evidence presented at both trials. The WLS methodology for statistical modelling of categorical data was used to analyse data. The findings indicated that the Juror Bias Scale scores successfully predict the verdicts and other related questions before and after deliberations in the case with ambiguous evidence. Furthermore, deliberations caused a generalisation effect on the pretrial juror bias in such a case, and enhanced the differences between defense-biased and prosecution-biased jurors in the verdicts delivered after deliberations. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the use of pretrial juror bias questionnaires in jury selection.  相似文献   
Law and Critique - Today, capitalism functions as a very complex tool of colonisation capturing our desires, dreams, and putting life itself at risk. Its effects lead us all to times of extreme...  相似文献   
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