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公司立法理念的选择——以中西法律传统比较为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“法律是什么?”这一问题曾被反反复复地提出,又由严肃的思想家们以形形色色、奇特的甚至反论的方式予以回答。〔1〕然而由于中西社会文明、文化传统、历史发展的不同,法的概念似乎难成定论,法律所内涵的精神也各有不同。在中西公司立法中,法律条文更多地或强调国家强制,或彰显私法自治,不同法律理念的选择正是不同法律文化传统的必然产物。一、中国的礼法文化与公司立法中的国家强制(一)追溯中国法律传统中的礼法文化礼主宰着中国传统文化的命脉。尽管礼源自古老的祭祀仪式,但是在长期的封建统治中,礼成为维系国家秩序的工具。从法的角度说…  相似文献   
社会工作在20世纪80年代后期才重新传入我国。处于起步发展阶段的中国社会工作,面临着一系列的现实问题,但中国社会工作的教育及其发展有着自己独具的优势,有中国特色的本土化的社会工作大有可为,有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
生态危机是生命教育的基本背景,人类若要避免各种危机,必须从青年生命教育做起。青年生命教育以生态文明未来建设者的青年为教育对象,是生态文明对教育的需求,也是生态文明建设的重要内容和途径。在我国,近年来努力开展青年生命教育,取得了一定成效,但在对生命的认识、生命观的认识上与生态文明的要求等方面,与预期还存在一定差距,现状还不容乐观。生命教育中应树立"生态人"教育目的观、"天人合一"的生命观、生态道德观、可持续发展观和生态幸福观,学校、家庭、社会各方面应为生命教育创造生态教育环境。  相似文献   
Rather than exhibiting bias or open‐minded reasoning at baseline, we argue that information processing is motivated by whatever goals a context makes salient. Thus, if politics feels like debate, people will be motivated to argue for their side. If politics feels like deliberation, they will be motivated to seek consensus through open‐minded processing. Results from three experiments demonstrate: (1) Politics evokes thoughts similar to conflictual contexts and dissimilar from deliberative contexts. (2) Consequently, information labeled “political” primes the motivation to counterargue, leading to opinion polarization. Absent such labeling, no such motivation is evident, explaining why bias is common but not inherent to politics. (3) Despite this capacity for bias, people can be motivated to actively process and accept counterattitudinal information by simply making the value of open‐mindedness salient. This suggests open‐minded discourse is possible even absent motivation to evaluate information accurately. We conclude by discussing the implications of our research for political discourse.  相似文献   
自杀是一个不容忽视的社会问题,自杀不仅给个人和家庭带来伤害,对社会也造成严重的影响.而人民警察自杀对整个社会的影响程度更为严重.因此,深入了解和分析警察自杀现状及社会学原因,建立相应的对策进行干预极为重要.  相似文献   
派出所的功能不是一成不变的,随着社会治安背景由静态到动态的发展变化,其功能由原来的以户籍管理为中心发展为基层综合战斗实体,这也不是其发展变化的终结。在社会治安防控体系建设的背景中,派出所将成为治安防控体系的阵地,为社会治安防控体系中的其他子系统提供服务,与其他防控子系统进行有效的协同。  相似文献   
群众路线是一个包括主客体在内的诸多要素的有机统一体,它们统一的基础是实践。一切为了群众强调人民群众历史主体地位的至上性,彰显的是其价值主体;一切依靠群众指人民群众创造力的不可替代性,强调的是其实践主体;从群众中来,到群众中去说明人民群众既是认识主体,又是实践主体。党的群众路线理论充分体现了世界观、认识论和方法论的有机统一;主客体的绝对性和相对性的辩证统一;批判继承与创新发展的统一;政治要求原则性与领导方法灵活性的统一;行政行为的权威性与利益表达的民主性的统一等等。深入分析、正确理解上述一系列矛盾,从理论上理清矛盾双方内在逻辑关系,发现规律以及解决问题之道,化解矛盾,融洽党群干群关系,有利于团结带领全国各族人民完成党在不同历史时期重大任务,朝着社会主义现代化强国和中华民族伟大复兴的目标奋勇前进。  相似文献   
Negative ads dominate campaign communication, but scholars continue to disagree over the effects of negativity on voter turnout. While some studies show that negativity leads to a lower likelihood of turnout, others find precisely the opposite. In this article, I leverage the role of timing to unify findings that were heretofore perceived as largely conflicting. I use the same data to show that at a certain time exposure to negativity can be mobilizing, but at other points in time exposure can be demobilizing. A combination of observational data and experimental results highlight these crucial conditions.  相似文献   
This article examines the impact of candidate race and campaign negativity on candidate evaluations and turnout. Unlike previous research, we argue that candidate race and campaign negativity should be considered simultaneously. In order to test this argument, we conduct a survey experiment of a nationally representative sample of White adults and a replication study. While we find, consistent with previous research, that respondents unfavorably evaluate candidates who decide to sponsor a negative ad, there are two important exceptions to this pattern: When the ad sponsor is Black, among White respondents who view Blacks negatively, the penalty for going negative is disproportionately large, while among White respondents who view Blacks positively, the penalty for going negative is disproportionately small. More generally, our findings suggest that the effects of candidate attributes and campaign strategy on voter behavior should not be considered in isolation, as they are mutually reinforcing.  相似文献   
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