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This article estimates the impact of informality on profits using a new survey administered to 1,200 firms with less than 50 employees in four cities in Ecuador. The article proposes a novel definition of informality which explicitly recognises that most firms comply with some regulations but not others. Accounting for firm selection and controlling for a large set of firm, owner and location characteristics, the article finds that more formal firms tend to be more profitable and have higher output per worker. This impact operates, inter alia, through improved access to credit and higher sales through issuance of tax receipts.  相似文献   
Sommaire: L'objectif de cette recherche est d'identifier les facteurs de diffusion d'une innovation ‐ la réutilisation des hémodialyseurs (rh) ‐ ainsi que de son plafonncment marqué par la controverse, à travers les motivations et stratégies des groupes d'acteurs clés. Plus particulièrement, cette étude vise à situer le rôle de la “ médecine fondée sur des données probantes ”dans la dynamique de la diffusion de cette innovation. Nous partons du constat que la rh est une pratique reconnue pour les économies qu'elle génère tout en étant perçue par certains comme risquée pour la santé des usagers et du personnel. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que la diffusion de la rh au Québec, loin d'avoir pris son assise sur des données empiriques solides, a plutôt résulté de comportements sociaux d'imitation à la faveur de contacts directs entre des centres de dialyse voisins qui subissaient alors de fortes pressions de leurs autorités afin de réduire leurs dépenses. Cependant, l'ampleur des investissements nécessaires à l'introduction de cette pratique, la perspective de devoir négocicr I'achat de matériel dédiéà la rh auprès d'un monopole, ainsi que les stratégies commerciales de fournisseurs peu motivés à promouvoir la vente de matériel de rh au détriment de celle, plus lucrative, d'hémodialyseurs en grande quantité (lorsque non réutilisés), ont grandement réduit l'attrait économique dc la rh aux yeux des dirigeants de centres de dialyse. L'incapacité des données empiriques à endiguer les craintes soulevées par les risques associés à la rh a eu la double conséquence (1) dc mener au plafonnement de cette activité et (2) d'induire des centres de dialysc qui effectuaient déjà la rh à se doter d'une gestion envers les patients basée sur la non transparence et la contrainte. Sur le plan conceptuel, les résultats de cette étude montrent que ce n'est que dans la mesure où les facteurs sociaux et d'intérêts (dynamiquc institutionnelle) sont pris en compte et qu'ils convergent avec les critères de rationalité technique, qu'une innovation améliore ses chances de se diffuser et de s'enraciner dans une organisation. Considérant ces conclusions, quelques propositions sont énonées dans le but d'améliorer le potentiel d'implantation de la rh en facilitant la prise en compte des données empiriques dans les centres de dialyse, tout en leur procurant un meilleur rapport de force vis‐à‐vis leurs fournisseurs et afin que les patients et le personnel clinique y trouvent davantage leur intérêt. Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the factors in the diffusion of an innovation ‐ hemodialyzer re‐use ‐ and the controversy surrounding the levelling off of its use, by looking at the motivations and strategies of key actors. More particularly, this study focuses on the role of “evidence‐based medicine” in the diffusion of this innovation. Starting with the observation that hemodialyzer re‐use is recognized for its cost‐savings while being perceived by some to be a health risk for both users and staff, our findings show that diffusion of this practice in Quebec, far from being based on solid empirical data, was instead influenced by the social phenomenon of imitation that resulted from direct contact with local dialysis centres that were at the time under great pressure from their management to reduce expenditures. The cost‐savings of hemodialyzer re‐use for the people managing the dialysis centres was, however, greatly reduced by several factors: the considerable investments needed to introduce this practice; the prospects of having to negotiate with a monopoly to purchase the hemodialyzer‐dedicated equipment; and the commercial strategies of suppliers who have little interest in promoting the sale of equipment for hemodialyzer re‐use over the more lucrative sale of large quantities of hemodialyzers (when not re‐used). The ineffectiveness of empirical data in allaying fears of the risks associated with the practice of hemodialyzer re‐use has had the dual effect of 1) causing this activity to level off, and 2) causing dialysis centres already involved in hemodialyzer re‐use to adopt an approach to patient management that is based on non‐transparency and constraint. On the conceptual level, our findings show that the likelihood of an organization adopting an innovation increases when social factors and interest factors (such as the institutional dynamic) are taken into account and align with criteria of technical rationality. Given these conclusions, we put forward some proposals for improving the potential of hemodialyzer re‐use by facilitating the dialysis centres' consideration of empirical data. As well, our proposals are aimed at obtaining a stronger position for the centres with regard to their suppliers and at ensuring that both patients and clinic staff benefit more from the practice of hemodialyzer re‐use.  相似文献   
<正>It’s easy in China,especially Beijing,to go through the motions each day and become just one of 1.3 billion experiencing ordinary daily routines.In a country going through one of the biggest industrial revolutions known to man,things happen so quickly that the ones who just watch it go by get lost along the wayside.One thing I have learnt during my four-and-ahalf years in China is to get involved,no matter  相似文献   
Despite the imposition of temporary safeguard measures on Chineseexports by both the United States and the European Union in2005, few countries other than China and India have increasedtheir clothing exports in markets where Multi-Fiber Arrangementquotas had been removed, e.g. the European Union, the UnitesStates, and Canada. This article argues that the eliminationof import quotas has exposed the vulnerability of fragmentedsupply chains and favoured countries able to display an integratedsupply chain, i.e. domestic production of high quality textileand clothing products. In terms of trade policy implications,the elimination of quotas has reduced the attractiveness ofoutward processing programmes and, conversely, increased theattractiveness of other preferential trade arrangements, suchas regional trade arrangements and the Generalized System ofPreferences. The July 2006 postponement of the Doha Round negotiationsrepresents a setback for WTO Members and, with respect to thetextile and clothing issues, widespread anxiety among supplyingcountries due to the competitive strength of China acts againsta package of significant tariff reduction applied on a most-favoured-nationbasis. To move the Doha negotiations forward, political willis required in agricultural negotiations, including a development-friendlyresolution of the problem of cotton subsidies.  相似文献   
This article discusses the role of private health insurance (PHI) in developing countries. Three broad regional clusters are identified that share similar characteristics and policy challenges for the effective integration of private insurance into national health care systems: (1) Latin America and Eastern Europe, where there are already developed insurance industries facing important market and policy failures; (2) the Middle East/North Africa region and East Asia, where there is a projected strong growth of PHI that needs to be accompanied by efficient regulation; and finally, (3) South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, where PHI will only play a marginal role in the foreseeable future while the scaling up of small-scale, nonprofit insurance schemes appears to be of critical importance. Overall, this survey shows that the role of private insurance varies depending on the economic, social, and institutional settings in a country or region. Private health insurance schemes can be valuable tools to complement existing health-financing options only if they are carefully managed and adapted to local needs and preferences.  相似文献   
Performing a digital forensic investigation (DFI) requires a standardized and formalized process. There is currently neither an international standard nor does a global, harmonized DFI process (DFIP) exist. The authors studied existing state-of-the-art DFIP models and concluded that there are significant disparities pertaining to the number of processes, the scope, the hierarchical levels, and concepts applied. This paper proposes a comprehensive model that harmonizes existing models. An effort was made to incorporate all types of processes proposed by the existing models, including those aimed at achieving digital forensic readiness. The authors introduce a novel class of processes called concurrent processes. This is a novel contribution that should, together with the rest of the model, enable more efficient and effective DFI, while ensuring admissibility of digital evidence. Ultimately, the proposed model is intended to be used for different types of DFI and should lead to standardization.  相似文献   
Al J. Venter 《中东政策》1999,6(4):104-117
Chemical (and biological weapons) work. They are undergoing revolutionary developments which make them practical and very lethal participants in those human affairs which are ultimately resolved with blood and iron. Be ignorant and be damned, and condemn your children as well.
- James A.F. Compton, September 1987  相似文献   
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