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In many OECD member countries, quality awards have become an important benchmarking instrument for public and especially private sector organizations. Quality awards pursue two main goals: one is to introduce elements of competition in areas of the public and the private sectors that lack of market competition; the other is to encourage organizational learning. The problem is that in a public sector context these aims seem to be mutually exclusive. The aim of the article is to show quality award organizers how to realize the full potential of quality awards by making the appropriate choices in the design of a public sector quality award. The conclusion is that the stage of public sector quality management and the degree of ‘publicness’ of the public sector in a given country will influence the competition‐inducing and learning effect of a national quality award in an adverse way. Nevertheless, the negative effects on one or the other element of quality awards can be counterbalanced by the appropriate choice of the scope of the quality award, the area to be evaluated, the evaluation criteria as well as the benchmarking concept. Last but not least, quality award organizers should keep in mind that quality awards are not a benchmarking instrument for all seasons. Copyright © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Der Beitrag besch?ftigt sich mit der schadenersatzrechtlichen Problematik der alternativen Verursachungskonkurrenz von Haftungsgrund und Zufall und dabei insb mit der Probleml?sung über eine Teilhaftung für blo? m?gliche Kausalit?t. Neben einer Erl?uterung der einer Teilhaftungsl?sung zugrunde liegenden Gedanken und der anerkennenden Stimmen in Lehre und Judikatur erfolgt eine Darstellung und Würdigung der dazu ergangenen kritischen Stellungsnahmen.  相似文献   
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - The important role of parenting is widely acknowledged, but as most studies have understood and examined it as a stable attribute (e.g., parenting style), the...  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to provide a broad frameworkfor situating social movements in post-apartheid South Africa.The discussion begins with a brief review of approaches to thestudy of social movements and then turns to the challenges presentedby globalization. South African democratization coincided withits increasing economic, social and political engagement withthe rest of the world. One of the key effects of this has beenmassive job losses and resultant increases in poverty and inequality.Finally, the article reviews key features of movements in postapartheidSouth Africa. Overwhelmingly, these movements are driven byworsening poverty, with struggles addressing both labour issuesand consumption issues. In addition, some movements confrontquestions of social exclusion in terms of gender, sexualityand citizenship which sit at the intersection of recognitionand redistribution. Given the failure of the post-apartheidparty political system to generate opposition to the left ofthe African National Congress (ANC), social movements providea vital counterbalance to promote the needs of the poor in politicalagendas.  相似文献   
Das OVG Schleswig hatte sich in den o. g. Urteilen im Rahmen von zwei Normenkontrollantr?gen mit der Frage zu besch?ftigen, inwieweit der Landesverordnungsgeber im Rahmen des § 22 Abs. 1 S. 3 Hs. 1 Bundesjagdgesetz (BJagdG) befugt ist, die in der Bundesjagdzeitenverordnung angegebenen Jagdzeiten abzukürzen bzw. aufzuheben. Die Entscheidungen beruhen im Wesentlichen zum einen auf einer Interpretation des Begriffes „Landeskultur“, die nicht in übereinstimmung mit der bisher durch die Rechtsprechung und Literatur definierten Bedeutung zu bringen ist. Zum anderen werden die Entscheidungen auf Grundlage einer Auslegung des § 22 Abs. 1 S. 3 Hs. 1 BJagdG getragen, die hinsichtlich der grundgesetzlichen Kompetenzverteilung als nicht verfassungskonform erscheint.  相似文献   
Immer mehr Bundesl?nder erlassen sog. Kormoranverordnungen bzw. erweitern die durch solche Verordnungen zuerkannten Abschussbefugnisse. Im Anschluss an den Beitrag von Thum werden im Folgenden weitere darin enthaltene rechtlich bedenkliche Regelungen aufgezeigt. Abgesehen von der meist im Vordergrund stehenden Frage, ob die Voraussetzungen des § 43 Abs. 8 S. 1 Nr. 1 Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG) im Geltungsbereich der Verordnungen tats?chlich gegeben sind, er?ffnen sich auch Problematiken der eigentumsrechtlichen Zuordnung wild lebender Fische, des Waffenrechts sowie von T?tungen w?hrend der Brutzeit.  相似文献   
The end of the Cold War has not only witnessed the rise of new transnational threats such as terrorism, crime, proliferation and civil war; it has also seen the growing role of non-state actors in the provision of security in Europe and North America. Two concepts in particular have been used to describe these transformations: security governance and networks. However, the differences and potential theoretical utility of these two concepts for the study of contemporary security have so far been under-examined. This article seeks to address this gap. It proposes that security governance can help to explain the transformation of Cold War security structures, whereas network analysis is particularly useful for understanding the relations and interactions between public and private actors in the making and implementation of national and international security policies.  相似文献   
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in forensic inpatient beds are both complex and understudied. Previous studies have been limited and largely based on smaller clinical samples. We used data from a population-based cohort of Ontario adults with IDD (H-CARDD cohort, n?=?66,000) to describe their prevalence in forensic inpatient beds during 2005–2015 and compare their demographic and clinical profiles with non-IDD forensic patients. Results show that forensic patients with IDD and without IDD have similar profiles, with the exception that patients with IDD are more likely to have a psychiatric disorder and to be younger, rural, and have high or very high morbidity. Strong support was found for disproportionate admission: individuals with IDD are 12.2% of forensic inpatients but only 0.8% of the general population (d?=?1.57). Support for disproportionate utilization was less dramatic and mixed. Little difference was found in terms of the per cent of longer-stay (treatment) admissions or multiple forensic admissions; however, patients with IDD did have longer number of bed days over 10 years (averaging 220.6 days more, d?=?0.28). A better understanding of the barriers to discharge for individuals with IDD will support implementation of appropriate pathways out of the hospital.  相似文献   
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