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“刑事政策”应当是什么?——刑事政策概念解析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自刑事政策概念提出以来,关于刑事政策的定义五花八门、七说不一.或者分为狭义、广义说,或者试图在五花八门的刑事政策定义中提取"最大公约数",总之,是在抽离历史与文化因素、忽视价值取向的前提下对刑事政策一词做纯粹的语义分析和诠释.从根本上说,上述方法是有所偏误的,它没能切重刑事政策定义之争的本质和要害.本文认为,必须结合刑事政策概念提出、演化的历史与文化背景,以及关于刑事政策的价值取向去厘清刑事政策的本义.本文的核心观点是刑事政策的定义问题,与其说是一个理论问题、学术问题,不如说是一个实践问题、价值取向问题更为准确;刑事政策的定义之辩,本质上不是语词或表达技巧之辩,也不是一个已然的刑事政策究为何物之辩,而是我们应当坚持怎样的刑事政策观念之辩;狭义刑事政策与广义刑事政策之分,在理论和实践上是无价值的;应当坚持科学的刑事政策观,这种科学的刑事政策观,与古典派的强调刑罚运用技巧和策略的刑事政策观大相径庭.  相似文献   
Forensic identification of human remains is composed of anthropological study of race, sex, age, etc. By using these traditional methods, inconclusive or nonidentified cases could be subjected to DNA analysis. However, in spite of advances in human identification techniques, especially by PCR-amplified DNA, some limitations that affect the ability of obtaining DNA from human remains still persist. Light microscope sections of postmortem compact bones from human remains are presented here for the purpose of increasing a forensic examiner's prediction of successful nuclear DNA typing. Femoral compact bones were obtained from 7 human remains found on the ground, in different degrees of decomposition, and were cleaned by boiling to remove soft tissues, 8 collections of bones having undergone natural decomposition, not boiled (as no soft tissue was adhered), and 5 cadavers 12 to 16 hours postmortem. The histologic sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, the loci CSF1PO, TPOX, TH01, F13A01, FESFPS, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, and amelogenin were amplified by PCR, and the polyacrylamide gel was stained with silver. The results presented here clarify questions concerning the viability of DNA for identification analysis, and they also may help to establish better strategies for optimization of DNA extraction and analysis in compact bones of human remains.  相似文献   
Morphometric methods and transmission electron microscopy were used to quantify modifications occurring in the mitochondria of dog myocardium during the first four hours of autolysis. Myocardial fragments were obtained from the outer free wall of the left ventricle, during anesthesia (control-zero) and at 15, 45, 120, and 240 min after cardiac arrest, maintaining the heart "in situ" at 22 degrees C. During the 240 min of autolysis, the main parameters evaluated showed: (a) a decrease in the number of mitochondria from 0.31 to 0.12 per micron 3 of cytoplasm. The decrease over the first 45 min reached 50% of the initial value; (b) an increase in mitochondrial volume, three times greater after the first 45 min (from 0.92 to 2.68 micron 3) and four times greater after 240 min (from 0.92 to 3.79 micron 3); (c) an increase in mitochondrial outer membrane surface area from 5.51 to 12.54 micron 2; (d) an increase in the surface area of individual mitochondria inner membrane and cristae from 27.60 to 56.96 micron 2. The progressive nature of the alterations and the difference in the numerically expressed values allow correlation with the time of somatic death. The authors emphasize the need for further studies in order to complement the present study.  相似文献   
真君子、假君子、真小人、假小人这四种人之间的犯罪博弈,表现为表里皆同、表同里不同、表不同里同、表里皆不同等4种博弈对阵场合和16种博弈方式。认识他们之间进行的犯罪博弈的规律有益于对国家机关、社会组织、公众个体进行犯罪防控时采取相应策略。  相似文献   
本文从法国移民政策共和同化模式的基本理念出发,梳理法国移民历史,探讨治理现状;同时基于现代族群理论,分析其局限性及原因;继而,进一步阐释新形势下马克龙政府对共和同化模式的两大基础“世俗化”与“平等”原则的重新解读;最后,文章将分析2018年至今法国《移民法》改革中共和同化模式的变化与发展趋势。通过观察和研究,我们发现法国移民政策逐渐从原来的单向统一模式转变成带有倾向性的开放性模式,法国政府对共和同化模式的态度是坚持、加强、改革和完善,在秉承法兰西传统价值观的前提下,建立一个全面与个性化相结合的移民政策体系。  相似文献   
英国非法证据的处理规则与我国非法证据取舍的理性思考   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在英国,证据本身的非法性对证据的可承认性不存在必然和直接的影响,法官所关注的是证据本身的证明价值和它对诉讼的正面意义,故对非法证据的处理实际倾向于适用或总体上适用为原则。而在这一总的原则之下,又通过设置非法证据应具有真实性和其适用不损害实质意义的程序正义的两个限制性条件,确保非法证据适用的安全性、英国这一非法证据的处理规则对我国具有重要的借鉴和参考价值:一方面其符合我国司法运作的低水平现状,具有较强的实用性和可操作性;另一方面也具有科学性和合理性。因此,我国应在坚持非法证据总体适用的原则下,确立排除非法证据的标准。  相似文献   
The Second Step® violence prevention curriculum was implemented in a large urban school district as part of a comprehensive three-year initiative to impact students at-risk for violence and substance abuse. An outcome evaluation was conducted to assess the intervention's effectiveness on students’ attitudes and on behaviors important for accountability. Results indicated improvements in students’ prosocial attitudes and behaviors that were consistent across two large cohorts of students. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
This article considers the influential work of Ana Mendieta. Focusing on her siluetas series, Muñoz describes Mendieta's art as performing a modality of brownness that leaves resonant indentions on the world, what he calls vital materialist after-burns. Mendieta's after-burns are read alongside the poet's of Négritude and their investment in a critical élan vital that speaks to the historical precariousness of dispossessed people. The artist's work is explained as a meditation on a critical brownness that is theorized as the sharing out of the unshareable, the invaluable and the incalculable.?Mendieta's intervention is ultimately described as the work of offering a brown sense of the world in which singularities flow into a politically enabling common.  相似文献   
一门学科的发展离不开优秀专家学者的倾力支持,在公共行政学的形成和发展过程中,同样有一批优秀的公共行政学者推动了公共行政不同分支领域的衍生与发展。运用作者共被引和信息可视化方法,对权威期刊《公共行政评论》(Public Administration Review)于1975--2008年间发表的论文引文中被引频次前50名的学者进行分析。研究结果展现了公共行政领域的主要学术流派,并验证了公共行政研究确实是在沿着范式转移的轨迹更迭交替着。而这种变迁是相对的,大部分时间内,不同范式之间以及和其他学术流派之间是共存、互动甚至交融的。研究还发现,网络化治理正凭借其多中心和网络化的组织基础以及服务治理的先进理念迅速崛起,它将成为公共行政新的研究范式,而基于网络理论的公共行政理论大整合也将很有可能成为公共行政未来的研究热点。此外,实证结果与公共行政范式分类的高度相似性也充分表明了作者共被引和信息可视化方法的科学和有效,它的确为学科范式研究提供了一条定量研究的新思路和一个宏观分析的新视角。  相似文献   
王牧  赵宝成 《中国法学》2007,1(2):183-192
构建社会主义和谐社会是中国犯罪学当代发展的宏观社会背景和历史性机遇。进入2006年,我国犯罪学发展已经显现出一种进行知识整理和提速成熟的态势。构建和谐社会、犯罪学研究范式、发展犯罪学、宽严相济刑事政策、少年司法、恢复性司法、刑事和解、社区矫正等,是2006年度我国犯罪学发展中的主旋律、关键词或新概念,它们共同组成了本年度我国犯罪学发展基本脉络中的显著标识点。  相似文献   
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