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Aus der Rsp zur Eigenbedarfskündigung des Vermieters, nach der der Eigenbedarf sowohl zum Zeitpunkt der Kündigung als auch zu jenem des Schlusses der mündlichen Verhandlung erster Instanz im Kündigungsprozess vorliegen muss, kann nicht der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die Kündigung eines nach dem Tod des ursprünglichen Mieters mit der Verlassenschaft fortdauernden Mietverh?ltnisses dadurch rechtswirksam würde, dass der an sich eintrittsberechtigte Angeh?rige im Laufe des Kündigungsverfahrens sein dringendes Wohnbedürfnis an der aufgekündigten Wohnung verliert. Gegenstand des Kündigungsverfahrens ist ausschlie?lich die Berechtigung der vom Vermieter (gerichtlich) ausgesprochenen Kündigung, die jedenfalls das Vorliegen eines Kündigungsgrundes zum Kündigungszeitpunkt voraussetzt. Ein im Todeszeitpunkt des früheren Mieters bestehendes Eintrittsrecht eines Angeh?rigen kann nicht im Nachhinein dadurch wieder wegfallen, dass das zum ma?geblichen Zeitpunkt bestehende Wohnbedürfnis sp?ter auf Grund einer anderen Wohnm?glichkeit wegf?llt. Die Frage des Wohnbedürfnisses des Eintrittswerbers ist nach den Verh?ltnissen im Zeitpunkt des Todes des Hauptmieters zu beurteilen, wogegen nachtr?gliche ?nderungen – wenn überhaupt – nur zu Gunsten des Mieters zu berücksichtigen sind.  相似文献   
The brain distribution of phenothiazine antipsychotics in 22 confirmed schizophrenic and 11 control subjects were collected at autopsy. Specimens were homogenized, extracted with n-butyl chloride, and analyzed via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, using atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization operating in the positive mode. Drug concentrations normalized for those observed in cerebellum showed three distinct patterns of distribution corresponding to different structural features of each type of phenothiazine. Those drugs with high affinity for dopamine receptors were detected in the highest concentrations in regions with high concentrations of such receptors. However, those associated with relatively lower dopaminergic activity were found in the highest concentration in the occipital cortex, a region with a relatively low concentration of dopamine receptors. The regional brain distribution of thioridazine and its metabolites was concentration dependent. These results have implications for determining the role of these drugs in the sudden and unexpected deaths of schizophrenics.  相似文献   
The post-mortem redistribution of a number of psychiatric drugs was investigated. A portion of liver, the gastric contents and blood collected from heart and femoral sites was obtained from 13 cases and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Drugs detected included five selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; venlafaxine, a serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; and risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic. Heart blood concentrations were significantly higher (3.4-fold on average) than those measured in femoral blood when results from all drugs were included together. The range for parent drug concentrations in these two blood specimens was 0.5-6.2. There was no significant correlation of the post-mortem interval, the liver concentration and content of drugs in the gastric contents to the heart:femoral blood concentration ratio. These data serve to demonstrate that variable increases in blood concentration occur post-mortem and limit the interpretative value of such toxicological data.  相似文献   
The incidence of alcohol and drugs in fatally injured drivers were determined in three Australian states; Victoria (VIC), New South Wales (NSW) and Western Australia (WA) for the period of 1990-1999. A total of 3398 driver fatalities were investigated which included 2609 car drivers, 650 motorcyclists and 139 truck drivers. Alcohol at or over 0.05 g/100ml (%) was present in 29.1% of all drivers. The highest prevalence was in car drivers (30.3%) and the lowest in truckers (8.6%). WA had the highest rate of alcohol presence of the three states (35.8%). Almost 10% of the cases involved both alcohol and drugs. Drugs (other than alcohol) were present in 26.7% of cases and psychotropic drugs in 23.5%. These drugs comprised cannabis (13.5%), opioids (4.9%), stimulants (4.1%), benzodiazepines (4.1%) and other psychotropic drugs (2.7%). 8.5% of all drivers tested positive for Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the balance of cannabis positive drivers were positive to only the 11-nor-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (carboxy-THC) metabolite. The range of THC blood concentrations in drivers was 0.1-228 ng/ml, with a median of 9 ng/ml. Opioids consisted mainly of morphine (n=84), codeine (n=89) and methadone (n=33), while stimulants consisted mainly of methamphetamine (n=51), MDMA (n=6), cocaine (n=5), and the ephedrines (n=61). The prevalence of drugs increased over the decade, particularly cannabis and opioids, while alcohol decreased. Cannabis had a larger prevalence in motorcyclists (22.2%), whereas stimulants had a much larger presence in truckers (23%).  相似文献   
Resource poor smallholders in developing countries often lack access to capital goods such as farm machinery. Enabling adequate access through machinery services can thereby significantly contribute to food security and farm incomes. At the core of the service provision model is the lead farmer, who makes the initial investment in agricultural machinery, and provides services to others on a fee-for-service basis. Profiling the lead farmers can thereby provide important lessons and scaling implications. The present paper provides a case study of Bangladesh, using primary data to characterise the lead farmers. General education, credit availability and risk taking attitude play significant roles in whether or not a farm household will be a lead farmer in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
Mit der Umsetzung der Verbrauchsgüterkauf-Richtlinie durch das Gew?hrleistungsrechts-?nderungsgesetz wurde im ?sterr Recht das Einstehenmüssen des übergebers nicht nur für eigene ?ffentliche ?u?erungen, sondern auch für jene Dritter ausdrücklich festgeschrieben. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die einschl?gige Regelung des § 922 ABGB sowohl unter dem Gesichtspunkt gemeinschaftsrechtlicher Vorgaben als auch im Lichte des (nationalen) Privatrechtssystems und stellt dabei in Frage, dass ein Einstehenmüssen für ?ffentliche ?u?erungen jedenfalls deren Einbeziehung in die Parteienvereinbarung voraussetzt.  相似文献   
In einer jüngst in einem Verbandsklageverfahren ergangenen Entscheidung erkl?rte der OGH zahlreiche Klauseln eines Mustermietvertrages, der von einer gro?en ?sterreichischen Hausverwaltung verwendet wurde, für unzul?ssig. Der vorliegende Beitrag er?rtert die Entscheidung des 7. Senats, was angesichts ihres Umfanges nur hinsichtlich einiger ausgew?hlter Aspekte erfolgen kann. Den Schwerpunkt der Analyse bildet dabei die in den meisten Mietvertr?gen wohl ganz zentrale Regelung der Erhaltungspflicht. Ausgehend von den Ausführungen des OGH wird auch versucht, alternative Regelungsm?glichkeiten für Mietvertragsformulare aufzuzeigen.  相似文献   
Research on ethnolinguistic heterogeneity has so far mostly focused on domestic measures, while little attention has been paid to ethnolinguistic relations between nations. In this paper, I propose a way of measuring ethnolinguistic affinity between nations. This index measures the degree of similarity two randomly drawn individuals from two different populations are expected to display. I show that this measure has several attractive theoretical characteristics, which make it particularly useful. Subsequently, I construct the measure for all countries in Africa and use it to show that civil conflict in Africa is likely to spill over between contiguous ethnolinguistically similar countries.  相似文献   
Das BMJ hat vor Kurzem den Begutachtungsentwurf für eine Novelle zum Bautr?gervertragsgesetz vorgelegt. Ein zentrales Regelungsanliegen des Entwurfs ist die Einführung eines zwingenden Haftrücklasses zur Sicherung allf?lliger Gew?hrleistungs- und Schadenersatzansprüche des Erwerbers auf Grund mangelhafter Leistung des Bautr?gers. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich mit diesem Vorschlag kritisch auseinander.  相似文献   
Abstract:  In the present study, the effects of amphetamine-class drugs were examined in cases reported to the Victorian coroner from 2001 to 2005 to determine if death can occur from the use of amphetamine-class drugs alone. A total of 169 cases were reviewed where a forensic autopsy detected amphetamine(s) in the blood. Pathology, toxicology, and police reports were analyzed in all cases to ascertain the involvement of amphetamine-class drugs in these deaths. In Victoria, methamphetamine (MA) is the principal abused amphetamine-class followed by methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). There were six cases in which a cerebral hemorrhage caused death and three cases in which serotonin syndrome was established as being caused by the interaction of MDMA and moclobemide. There were 19 cases in which long-term use of amphetamines was associated with heart disease. There were three cases where amphetamine-class drugs alone were regarded as the cause of death, of which two cases exhibited high levels of MDMA and lesser amounts of MA and/or amphetamine. There were no cases in which significant natural disease was absent and death was regarded as caused by the use of MA. There was no correlation between blood concentration of drug and outcome.  相似文献   
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