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在华跨国公司知识产权滥用的反垄断法分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王先林 《知识产权》2005,15(6):21-26
伴随着跨国公司在中国市场上利用知识产权优势加强其竞争地位的过程,一些涉嫌滥用知识产权的行为也不同程度地表现出来了,并且往往与限制竞争或者垄断行为联系在一起.这尤其突出地表现为拒绝许可、搭售、价格歧视、掠夺性定价、过高定价等方面.我国亟需建立和完善以反垄断法为核心的规制包括在华跨国公司在内的知识产权滥用的法律制度.  相似文献   
Defining relevant markets is the foundation of establishing main antimonopoly regimes and the key issue in enforcing antimonopoly law, which often reflects the leniency or strictness of enforcement. In the process of defining relevant product market, the main factors to be considered include physical function and use purpose of product, product price, consumers’ preference and substitutable possibility of product supply. In defining relevant geographic market, the main consideration involves transportation cost and product characteristics, product price, consumers’ preference and barriers to market access. On the occasion of forthcoming enforcement of the Antimonopoly Law of China, the enforcement authorities should draw up a specific rule of the definition of relevant markets. Wang Xianlin got his Ph.D from Law School of Renmin University of China (2001) and is a Fulbright visiting scholar at Law School of George Washington University (2007–2008). Prof. Wang is a director of Economic Law Institute and a doctoral tutor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Law. He was once a member of the advisory committee of antimonopoly legislation of the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council of P.R.C. and is a standing director of the Economic Law Academy affiliated with China Law Society. His research focuses on competition law and intellectual property law. He has ten books published individually or cooperatively, including the monograph, such as the Intellectual Property and Antimonopoly Law—Studies on antimonopoly issues of abuse of intellectual property rights and WTO competition policy and Chinese antimonopoly legislation and abuse of intellectual property rights and its regulation. Moreover, he has released over 100 papers in academic journals. In recent years, his research is focused on China’s antimonopoly legislation and the abuse of IPRs of multinational companies in China.  相似文献   
平台经济是互联网平台发展到比较高级的阶段而形成的一种新型经济形态,我国目前的平台经济在总体上呈现出垄断与竞争并存的局面,在相关细分领域基本呈现出高度集中的市场结构,但涉及垄断行为时则需要做具体分析。平台经济具有网络效应和跨界性等不同于传统经济的特点,反垄断理论和实践需要做出及时的回应和必要的变革,我国在平台经济领域反垄断需要注意竞争与创新的平衡等问题,并予以细化性的规则指引。互联网平台“二选一”和“大数据杀熟”等热点问题有构成垄断行为的可能,因此需要纳入反垄断法的制度框架进行严谨的竞争分析与法律论证。  相似文献   
美国司法部和联邦贸易委员会2007年4月出台了《反托拉斯执法与知识产权:促进创新和竞争》报告。该《报告》在吸收近期经济学理论成果以及广泛听取各方面意见的基础上,提出在反托拉斯法与知识产权保护的交叉领域,将继续以合理原则指导反托拉斯执法,确保在保护竞争的同时,维护知识产权保护对创新的激励,以达到反托拉斯执法与知识产权保护之间的平衡。该《报告》对我国在知识产权领域适用《反垄断法》具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
季羡林先生生前最喜欢介绍自己的说法是:我是北大的一个教员.对外界给他的国学大师的称呼,他执意坚辞,但仍然辞不掉.他说自己连小师也不够,遑论大师?他还说自己是杂家,最多说自己是北京大学教授,东方学者,足够了.但是季先生的谦虚并不能阻止人们尊他为国学大师,新华社的讣告仍然坚称他为国学大师.  相似文献   
Song  Xianlin 《East Asia》2010,27(4):361-379
Historians who share the written Chinese language as a carrier of cultural signification have negotiated the image of female emperor Wu Zetian with the signs of the times designated by the needs of the present. The female writer Zhao Mei's new biography Woman: Wu Zetian deconstructs the historical and cultural representation of Wu Zetian as the 'bad unwoman'; links a woman's private, and subjective experiences with her public and political activities; and demonstrates that how the former influences the latter. This paper examines how the participation of contemporary biographers in knowledge production constructs, legitimises and maintains the image of Wu Zetian as a woman and a ruler. It argues that Zhao Mei's biography of Wu Zetian manages to confront the established dominance of male hierarchy, questions the 'stigmatised identity' of this historical character as being stable and universal and, consequently re-genders an important chapter in Chinese history.  相似文献   
东亚区域能源安全与东亚共同体构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚共同体是未来东亚合作和东亚国家可持续发展的最佳选择。但目前它尚处于理想和现实之间,短期内无法建成。近年来,东亚大多数国家都面临着能源安全困境,它涉及到东亚国家现实的共同利益问题。区域能源安全问题已经成为当今东亚国家普遍关注和需要解决的问题。如果能够以区域能源安全合作为切入点,建立东亚能源合作机制或区域能源安全共同体,那么不仅有助于推动东亚共同体构建的进程,还可以为东亚共同体的构建和运行积累宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
一、<反垄断法>第55条的意义重大 我国<反垄断法>在附则第55条确立了对知识产权行使行为进行反垄断法规制的基本原则,具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   
科学研究自由与知识产权制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛现林 《科技与法律》2004,75(2):11-14,10
科学研究自由是科学技术不断前进的创造力基础,知识产权制度是对科技劳动的保护与激励制度。科学研究自由强调的是科学研究的公开性、公有性和无私利性,知识产权制度强调的是保障技术研究与开发者的独占权与私有利益。在科学研究仅仅停留在追问自然奥秘的时代,科学与技术是相对分离的,知识产权制度通过专利公开与合理使用促进了科学研究者的自由。但是随着科学技术一体化的发展,研究与开发之间的界限已经模糊,二者的区分已经失去意义,【1】在这种背景之下,传统的科学研究自由所强调的公开、公有、无私利性与知识产权强调的保护发明专利利益…  相似文献   
Post‐Mao Chinese new poetry may still be highly controversial in terms of its poetic experiments and the undecidablity of its position in literary history. However, its attempts to destabilise previous concepts and meanings of Chinese language have undoubtedly made a tremendous impact upon Chinese poetry, and indeed contemporary Chinese culture. In so far as the challenges to the stability of meaning are concerned, the poetic experiments of the new poets offer themselves as practical instances which in a way could be said to parallel deconstruction theory in the postmodern West This paper looks at the poetry of the Obscure poets and Third Generation poets from the perspective of the critique of conceptuality as advanced by Jacques Derrida. It examines specifically the intertextual relations which we can discover between a body of postmodern theory and the poetic practices of post‐Mao poets in contemporary China, and in so doing offers an insight into the reading of Chinese new poetry. The paper argues that such a perspective is far from spurious since a certain instability of meaning is at the heart of both movements. Of particular interest for the question of the relative instability introduced by the poetry of the Obscure and Third Generation poets is Derrida's central infra structural tool ‘Differance’. Differance and such other infrastructual devices as metaphoricity, the critique of structure, supplementarity, iterability and pharmakon will be used to support the main argument of the paper.  相似文献   
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